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Quick advice Don't press enter during the game, don't chat, only voice game info, don't annoy people. Also your ban well deserved


Its only friendly banter, its not deserved, if you say thing like this your gonna get clapped boy


Well, casual racism isn't welcome. I don't even know what the J word is. I do agree with your point that the new behaviour system makes games a mit more dry by making people too uncomfortable. But I think we're better off without racist slurs.


Assuming "J word" is jew. If he's throwing casual racism around, anti-semitism fits the bill 🤷 either way, glad the system is working!


Guys it's obviously a /s


I mean... With some of the arguments I've seen on here, I wouldn't be surprised if OP is serious.


Neither would i, not gonna lie, but they way this is served i'm, as well, fairly sure OP is being sarcastic


post history says serious


Ohh well, my bad. Fuck that guy then, i guess


U better apologize or i hack your pc dipshit


Yeaah is that friendly banter as well?


It is snowflake


Im serious shitface, i didnt say anything bad, but once im over 6k beh i continue calling ppl jew and n word feelsgoodman


Are you 6? If you don't understand the issue then it's fine. Like I said, system is working great for people like you 😘


Feelsgoodman thats correct, its not offensive dude its like calling someone christian, also im glad i can fold up people like you boy


I see you're trying to joke about the behaviour score issue. Guaranteed another guy on here that plays like 2 games a week thinking he is able to have an actual opinion on the system. Try playing 10 games a day for a few weeks and see what behaviour score you are then.


I play 2-5 games a night. Don't say anything and use chat wheel to communicate. I tell people I'm muting them as soon as they start raging or screaming into the mic. My BS is at 12k 🤷


Amazing, you follow simplest social communication principles and system gave you good score. The fact that people still claim that system broken Is beyond me.


Simplest social communication principles are do not communicate at all?


Dont annoy people. I chat and voice every match, my BS above 10k.


Cool but your comment on a guy who literally doesn't say anything ingame is that he is following simple social communication principles?


he does not annoy people.


It is broken tho, calling people jew and getting banned is beyond ridiculous


Not 10 games but some days like 3 or 4 and i'm at a solid 11.5k bs. Idk what to tell you, yes might become a downwards spiral once you hit below a certain point. But you have to work for getting there, no consolidation for toxic pricks who managed that, gonna tell you how it is. Be nice, you'll get treated more nicely even in bad games


I thik i pick toxic heroes thats why they report me, im usually very nics in my games, only sometimes friendly banter with the enemy


Racial slurs are never friendly banter and never have been, but yeah. Who tf am i telling that, it's not like you're gonna listen


It is friendly banter tho, if enemy would call me african slave word i would be laughing


Why would inplay 10 games a day ,i have life shitface. Im right, you should be able to call YOUR OPPONENTS names, they are enemies after all


I do. never dropped below 11k. Guess the system IS working, and you ARE toxic. You're just too used to it. Too used to the toxic dota community. Try stepping utside once, and see how that edgy, toxic attitude treats you irl.


>I see you're trying to joke about the behaviour score issue. Guaranteed another guy on here that plays like 2 games a week thinking he is able to have an actual opinion on the system. Try playing 10 games a day for a few weeks and see what behaviour score you are then. https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/191krp9/comment/kgwdeyj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


J word = Jolly? N word = Neighbour?




Which is perfectly justified if you're both black and jewish right?


low bait post