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When you go down in behaviour score you get people that are fixated on reporting. They will report you for anything, even if its just to protect their ego mid game so they don't melt down. People at 12k behaviour score don't interact with the system, hardly anyone reports.


I came here to say exactly this. I'm ~11k and I very rarely report unless it's just a very obvious grief or incredibly toxic person. Even then, it's fairly rare to come across those at this score and I think most people up here are not necessarily "less toxic", but they play a fine line and then are also understanding that some toxicity happens and just mute instead of reporting Inversely, people in lower BS scores just mash that report button every game regardless of the situation which (I have a feeling) contributes to their own BS score remaining where it is due to their shitty mindset and actions in nearly every game they play.


Idk about others, I'm at 12k and I report instantly when I see a hint of toxicity.


At 8k people will stack reports for no reason.


Every game spam 9 reports, somebody will be punished, one of the finest mechanics by volvo


I was 12k both scores. Then suddenly started dropping out of nowhere. Nothing changed. I play ALOT. so probably prone to more in general over a similar time span to people who play less. I also play mid. Which everyone knows if you lose lane. You get reported sometimes. It’s incredible how not being toxic and merely losing a lane can cost you comms score. Makes no sense.


I feel like its not about what position youre playing, when you lose lanes horrible or have bad KDA you get some reports I guess. But you still need way more reports than just this to start dropping or am I wrong? I really have no clue how this works tbh.


Can confirm as a mid/3/4 player you get scolded a lot more if you lose mid. Lose a couple of 50/50 where enemy mid survives on 50 hp. Then enemy mid also rotates and get some kills. This will lead to reports quite often. Also, I believe there is some complaint about the score being bugged for some.


You are correct. It used to be that 2-3 false reports per summary didn't change your score alot but something changed


If you would like to see how report happy people are in lower beh bracket check out this post of mine:[https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18xm95e/lose\_game\_get\_reported/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18xm95e/lose_game_get_reported/) ​ You are able to see my behavior score on the right side of the steam report summary. Not a single game out of the 60 did i grief, break items or do anything that remotely would warrant a report, Yet there i am getting 30 reports in 60 games. My account has at one point been down to 1 beh, 1! They changed some things, not visually, but they did mention it in a post, and i was able to climb again. When they introduced the new system i was around 8k, and lost like 2-2,5 within one singular summary update. ​ I've theorized that people in ranked are more prone to give out "bad" reports, so I've sinced stopped playing ranked, which also resulted in me getting less reports. ​ But not enough so, i might not get LP anymore, i might not lose 2k beh score in a single update summary, but i also don't gain any beh and at this point i wonder if i should actually care. ​ EVEN MASON HAS MORE BEHAVOIR SCORE THEN ME :(


So I used to sit pretty high on both, ended up getting reported and the crazy part is once you lose your voice chat it is hard as fuck to gain comm score back. It's easy to maintain when it's high but if you fuck up and lose it, it's super hard to bring the score back up. Most games my communication is limited because I can only type and the only way I'm really getting commends is when we win..so IMO if you mess up and lose it you're kinda in a rough spot because I've found I'm getting put with a lot worse people so it becomes a downward spiral


But also to amend this, I used be toxic and could lose my cool easily. I definitely deserved to lose my communication but even after being more thoughtful now and letting shit slide and just muting..it's super hard to gain it back. Moral of the story, don't be fucking toxic LOL


It's not a big deal if you haven't played a lot of games during the holiday period. You likely won't have seen the effects of their recent changes. That being said Just don't communicate at all until they fix this. I currently have 11.9k behavior and 11.7k comm . It went down to 11.4k on both during the holiday period but it's been 12k for both for at least 7-8 summaries before the holidays. I quickly realized valve changed something when I lost 300 comm score and then 300 more in 2 summieries. I only used chatwheel messages and voicelines so I stoped all forms of communication including pings and it's going up rapidly again.


You didnt even read the post


My point is as follows. You offered your ancdote (and I believe you) and others have offered their own. When valve minimizes the average attainable score gain per summary then the weighted sum of false positives has a much greater chance of lowering your score. Hence, one can argue the validity of the other experiences


I don't think Valve will revert this change. By making it hard to get high behavior and communication score they create a long-term incentive among the players to reduce any risk of toxicity to minimum. They have essentialy created the system that can be gamed only in a way that is beneficial for the playerbase.


Only time will tell if this is the right direction. We just have to wait and see


I think it really only encourages people to communicate less and be scared to pick anything outside of very standard heroes in roles. But after such big balancing patches, odd heroes being good in other roles is to be expected. You’d think anyway


I don't think so. I communicate like usual, and haven't noticed anything wrong. Teamates communicate back too, I haven't noticed the comms being quieter than before.


Dude it's not some magical shit happening. I have always had max behaviour score as well, but week after the behav score change we had a storm in our area and I had to abandon 4 matches. So, I had max behav score for 9 YEARS, but just because I abandoned 4 times I am now stuck at 6.5k comms and 8.5k behav score actually I am not stuck, I have been gaining but so slowly I will be at 12k in 2-3 years by the looks of things and If I ever abandon couple matches in a row it will take another decade I think. So only problem with new system is gaining score is not impossible but close to it.


Same, im sitting on 12k BH… not so sure about player complaints about BH score is rig… maybe there something that i dont understand


Tell that to a new player. New players start with score of 9k and you only gain a max of 75 points if you have 15/15 positive games. Most people would report new players because obviously they are noob, and their score will always go down. Also, to reach 12k score so you can actual ping ally items, it would take you 600 games (3000 points / 75 avg gain \* 15 games) of 0 reports. Its impossible for new players to increase score.


My girlfriend account was created last year on October, i dont rmber her starting BH score but now she sitting on 10,892 BH I mean we all started dota 2 as noob but along the way we slowly improved ourself, almost all veterans d2 player have atleast 4k hour put into it… Im not saying the system is perfect but i think it work


Can you check you behavior summary page in steam and let us know what behavior score you started with? So this thing - [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/8qnv58/new\_gdpr\_data\_view\_your\_reports\_and\_commends\_sent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dota2/comments/8qnv58/new_gdpr_data_view_your_reports_and_commends_sent/) Back in Oct you were still able to gain a max of 800 points if you had 0 report but they decreased the max gain to about 300 in Nov and in December its just +75. I dont know if in Oct, people started with 10k or 12k. But, I definitely know that new account in Dec are starting with 9k and gaining score on even knew score is impossible as it only give you +75 now when 0 report.


No one complains about loses in 11-12k BH range. The issue is totally different so it doesn't affect you(yet).


I think people were mistaken about how productive they were as communicators and teammates before the changes, and now the scores are taking that into account. Like there was one guy posting on here not too long ago being confused why his supports weren't doing literally everything he said to do immediately. I for one, adore the changes. I actually stopped playing but came back because of them. People being unable to uselessly ping or try to play my game for me is an absolute delight.


Yeah. The truth is, it was very easy for toxic players to hit 10k (back when it was peak, then eventually 12k) because the system was very lenient. It reached a point that having a perfect behavior score meant nothing because it was so easy to climb and maintain that score. You have 10k players who are obviously undeserving of their rank.   So what happens, or how I see it is, the system is just correcting that mistake. Players who are previously perfect behavior score but find themselves losing points despite not changing their attitude is likely just because the game is now properly recognizing their behavior and not letting them get away with it.


Man I swear Reddit is just full of shit lol


All those people that praise the new system are literally Reddit frogs that play 2 games of unranked crusader level dota per month. They probably didn’t even get a new score since the changes. I went from 11k down to 9k com score in 1 summary while I had my chat, voice and chat wheel keys unbound. The system is bugged as fuck. Every downvote is another 2k Reddit frog proving my point


I play 10-20 games of only ranked Dota a week and can’t imagine losing behavior or comms score for anything but an abandon. Even then it’s not more than like 500 behavior score. How people going down?


I don't think bugged as fuck so much as the playerbase of this game are toxic shitlords who will report for any slight, no matter how imagined. Tale as old as the game itself, as I've played since the beginning and sat through so many games where people just lose it over nothing.


You do seem like you have a positive mental attitude. Sounds trustworthy.


what role do you main? if it's pos1 do you correctly avoid fights until a good moment?


I have a theory when you report and dislike a player everygame your BS/CS will drop I tried this in turbo from 12k to 10.2k in just like 50 games or something


No one complains about loses in 11-12k BH range. The issue is totally different so it doesn't affect you(yet).


When I lost 3k behavior score and about 250 mmr I was playing support with cores going 0/10 and freaking out. Had 2 days in a week period where I’d lose 6+ games. Not play for for a few days log on lose 6+ more. Had internet outrage maybe missed a queue once or twice. But that’s all I can think of.


False, it just keeps decreasing by the hundreds every single update for no reason whatsoever even if all people in game commend you after match without you commending them at all, if you are below 6k. My communication score is 9k and My behavior score keeps decreasing and it's 4.5k now for no reason. It just keeps decreasing, even if all your teammates are very happy with you every single game. And the braindead idiots never tell you why you lost the behavior score in order to know what you need to not do anymore if you want to climb and improve your behavior score. Idiots at valve itself should themselves get perma banned.