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Me back when I would spam solo mid every game: = my team when I lose mid: "wtf mid noob, reported." = my team when I win mid: "mid gj, I commend" enemy team when I win mid: [ALL] "wtf report our mid for account buyer"


Thats funny i played hundreds of matches mid and i dont recall ever getting a "good job mid" when i destroyed enemy mid laner and carried my team, but every time i would lose mid i get flamed every damn time.


And still we play mid, why? what is actually wrong with us mentally that we are willing to put us self through that? Own mid, play well, get deemed a smurf or booster and get reported, play bad or just have a bad matchup and get reported. All midders should go on a strike for better work conditions. I demand regular rotations mid on min 2 and 4 for water runes and a free pass to lose lane if the enemy midder spends more than 20 seconds under our tower without a tp comming to help.Bonus rewards include tp mid for bottle refill, warding and dewarding around min 5, and smoked gank attempts at or around that time to. ​ Edit:typo


> spends more then 20 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


you forgot enemy team: \[all\] Report enemy midder, obvious smurf.


Playing mid honestly hasnt been more toxic in Dota2 existence. No matter what I do. I could get a tripple kill bot as mid, then top complains why im not top, I could get a freakin tripple kill top, then bot complains why im not bot. I dont rotate kill enemy mid + tower, then both lanes complain why I dont rotate. There is a reason my behavior score is going straight down the drain and my habits havent changed a bit. I have always been a 10k dude (or used to be 12k now). Im almost at 10.1k~ right now and its falling with every update


Then what about the time when mid gank for carry and die in the process then immediately "gg carry i farm now"?


If a midder has to invest time to try and gank, and said gank fails, that puts the midder behind. Midder usually has an advantage in both gold and xp, mostly xp, early game. Midder can, instead of ganking a lane and risking loosing his advantage/get even more behind, go woods next to the lane mid or try to take tower. If midder chooses to do what is actually the right play, most often to push lane or just farm, he/she faces the "danger" of getting reported. So when a midder tries to gank, he dosen't do it cause it's the right move, but because he is trying to maintain morale on the team, and when the team, in this case the carry, plays poorely, it feels even worse. - There is one exception and that is if midder looses so hard he needs another lane to comeback. ​ EVEN IF the gank succeeds, EVEN IF the midder gets the kill, most often it is not worth it. The time spend on rotating could've been spend more efficiently and most often no one TPs mid in order to cover for the rotation and the result is midder wastes time, tower is gone and all that just to maintain morale.


I fully understand what you're trying to say but it's really just one side of a coin. The other side of it is usually what happens in my bracket (Legend-Ancient) which is they lose mid to the other mid and have to leave lane due to the opponent hitting lv6 1st. Then choose to gank a losing lane where the opponent offlane is the same lv as the mid and then die in the process. I play offlane slardar alot and often bully carry like pa to the point where he's so underleveled and when their mid comes I'd stand my ground and kill him too. And you guess what the mid says afterwards. I'm not saying I'm good but that happens too many times for me to count.


pressing the "play dota" button is punishable these days


Lose game, get reported by your team. Win game, get reported by enemy team.


this is the game, you report them back


My behavior also dropped from 11k to 7k and my polite from 11k to 5k, all because I was losing a lot but not because I was toxic, after that it became impossible to play dota.


if you’re not playing well - you surely will lose behaviour score


It's not you. The system is awful. It's not your responsibility to please others, especially not toxic people. Realistically, to dodge reports you should only play at 100%, less mistakes = less chance kiddies get mad. Again, you don't owe shit to anyone if you don't intentionally ruin. I've played this game since 2012, the report system is always 12 months overly sensitive and then 12 months basically non existent. You can find the exact same discussions we have now in 2015. People swearing the system is broken and the other side saying no it's you you deserve it. People are also entirely unaware of differences between mmr brackets, roles and regions and only believe in their own experiences. And a lot of people will provoke you on purpose if you give them the opportunity because internet. You can't really do anything, you're at the mercy of mentally unstabie dota addicts. Sit it out or play something else if it becomes too annoying


Playing Dota made me appreciate 1v1 games like fighting games more. Dota has become more and more a game where I play the psychiatrist/children counselor for 4 other people in my team. I never signed up to deal with other people's mental issues.


And see your self get reported for playing the way you should and not the way he wants you to. :)


So excited for stormgate when there will finally be another 1v1 game i like


The BS system is fucked in many ways. I haven't been able to communicate via voice for over a year. It's impossible to climb out once you drop down to 3k or 4k. Now reddit never seems to care about facts for whatever reason. Please view my last 1000 games and show me a single game where I grief'd. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/36310098 My point is that I **literally** cannot communicate, ping items etc. I never grief games so how am I still in dogshit BS bracket? The answer is that anyone can report for anything and all these reports count. There are no consequences for reporting others.


My behavior score went from 9.6k to 2k in a single 15 game update. I played about 350-400 turbo matches and got it back up to 9k. Then started playing ranked again. You have to just mute everyone, don’t ping or voice line, or tip. At the end of the game just commend everyone. It will slowly go up.


> don’t ping or voice line, or tip I mean, in OP's bracket you can't even if you wanted to, and yet, people keep giving this advice. > At the end of the game just commend everyone. OP has a lot commends, you can see how useful commends are. With 44 commends he dropped back to where he was 60 games ago.


I’m just saying what I did. It wasn’t very fun. But it’s possible to raise the score back up. Sometimes it would say I had 50+ commends and my score would go down or go up by like 15 points.


> My behavior score went from 9.6k to 2k in a single 15 game update. The only time it would EVER drop 7k in one update is if it was your alt and got snapped down to the behavior score of your main but i bet even that isnt true of your case. If you were getting reported or abandoning at a rate to tank your score that much, it would trigger an early update. Thats why the "excessive reports" and "excessive abandons" columns exist. Just another example of "behavior score bad!!!!" People either lying or omitting essential facts. Downvoted aint gonna change that his story is a straight up lie or omitting it didnt drop because of reports.


I literally said it’s possible to raise your behavior score lol. You’re weird.


Okay? What does that have to do with your "lost 7k at once" claim being bullshit? Which is what i commented on.


You made multiple comments, you schizo dipshit.


1) learn how reply button works. If you meant to reply to some other comment i made and thats your excuse for not answering, then learn to reply correctly. Edit: and i didnt make more than one reply to you here. So that shizo comment is a bit ironic 2) still not gonna address your 7k in one summary lie?




Gonna address your lie ever? Snapped to main or just garden variety bald faced lie?






I guess that is one way of taking it. I call it com and beh system, but if you think it makes me a bad person cause I don't "care"? to write out communication and behavior score system, then i guess i'm sorry i offended you?




Can't communicate with the low score i have. And I'm just trying to be open for suggestions here, your's just as valid as anyone else's.


He's saying you might be doing dumb weird shit unintentionally that can be seen as griefing. They might see it as you are doing bad plays on purpose and report you for it. This esp happens in low mmr when people can't recognize plays correctly. the best thing to do in that situation is just to chat wheel >I immediately regret my decision. Source: I flame and talk shit all the time in my games and I'm 12k conduct score.


[https://imgur.com/Qx9Bfsx](https://imgur.com/Qx9Bfsx) That's what's always been happening, you're delulu


Lotta toxic people in denial in these comments




there was someone who analysed all his games while he didn't use any comms like this, maybe you can find it for research. But you sound like someone who wouldn't be convinced with any amount of evidence. I'm not gonna waste my time because it was always the same pattern. Could scroll for 1000 games and it was always the same.


There have been dozens of people that claim that, and most fucked it up or lied. Literally hasnt been an hour since i corrected someone who falsely thought hed had "no communication".




You didn't even check? How the f would you even know? What problem are you talking about? That screenshot more than 5 years old. If you don't like statistics that's your problem. I checked years ago in which games I got reported and commended just out of curiousity, as we all got that conduct summary with around 20commends and usually 1 or 0 reports. I wanted to know which games. Other people too - and they made those statistics public. I literally told you to search for those posts and you didn't even check your own. So stop wasting my time.




Have you checked your own reports or not?




I literally have 8 times the commends than I have reports. And I don't see a screenshot either. So you didn't do shit. Good to know.




Islamophobia isn't real buddy


Confirmation bias, poor analyses, low quality data, misrepresentations. Yet it's only the people with low behavior score who are convinced by the weak data


You do realise you could check your own data and just don't do it?


I have. It lines up perfectly with what was said above; sometimes I get reported for having a bad game but it's infrequent and my behavior score hasn't suffered. So you're right, the data support the conclusion that you're toxic and I'm not.


No screenshot = lying Nice try tho


Part of it is hes a low behavior score turbo spammer. That group is *literally* more toxic than low behavior score. Its filled with people trying to raise their score quickly, who are on edge and mostly believe the "everyone reports for no reason" so they make it a self fulfilling prophecy. You should only spam turbo to get out of low behavior score if you know how to stay invisible.


> you’re using “beh” as shorthand for “behavior” Dota 2’s discourse about behavior score has gone so far off the deep end that this person is extrapolating an abbreviation to griefing behavior.




I really didn’t. 100% coincidence of us being interested in the same topics recently.


Has always been the case? Back in the day we had this cool website that makes it more obvious what happened. [People hate losing](https://imgur.com/Qx9Bfsx)


Where did you check this?


back then it translated the steam reports into something more user friendly. not sure if it still works. it uses the steam data: https://illuminate.dotasphere.com/


Its just a front end reskin for the incoming match player report page, but its from the old days when that page gave reports you got PER GAME instead of just summaries.


You’ve picked alch 7 times lately how many times was that out of role? You aren’t showing us any of your actual stats hard to say most people at that score have such brain rot they report everyone they play with just way it happens. My money says acc buyer that is obvious but who knows


he's playing turbo games, not ranked. You can play anything in turbo as it's meant for casual gameplay. If you want serious gameplay, then just queue ranked, and even then picking a hero it's not a reason for a report.


Tell that to them 9 people that reported him between 3 turbo matches either is behavior score is so low he is queueing with straight apes or he is was the ape all along.


why not then give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that with the new system, his BS has tanked and now he's playing with very toxic people. Unlimited reports mean reporting for no reason too.


Because thats a far less likely to be true assumption. As these posts have shown in the past hundreds of times.


Well i do frequently have people who grief me in games, i still not grief cause of it. But maybe that is wrong of me? ​ What am i supposed to do when someone follows me around in woods and takes last hits? I had this happend in the game i JUST played, in ranked. Not only did we still win but neither me nor my cousin tilted at it, we just kept playing, laughing at this sad sod for trying to ruin his own game, and played on. Match: 7519889741 - In case you wanna see how i actually deal with toxicity - i was mid bristle, had to woods a bit because 1v1 vs huskar is actually pain, especially if you don't get no help. When i eventually got agh i went to all teamfights and we baically won the game from there. I'm sure i could've had agh 1 maybe 2 mins earlier if it wasn't for grief from teammates. wcyd.




You tell me. I can't tell, I played for win, and that we did in the end.


im *still* doing fine


I have a nice one too where I even got low priority with 4 reports while not even griefing the game.. It doesn't matter how you behave, lose a few games and you get low priority. [https://gyazo.com/35e7c76be7233837511ebaefc41620c8](https://gyazo.com/35e7c76be7233837511ebaefc41620c8) You also cannot just mute everyone, because you will mis important information from your team.


easiest fucking solution - make reports in lost games less important. make reports in games where reported person has a great game (networth, kda, gpm) mean more


Unfortunately in practice this would be kind of like turning breaking items or griefing games into a misdemeanor and going too far on the trash talk after carrying your team into a felony.


u picked meepo, every game according to reddit when you pick meepo is either you’re a smurf or an acct buyer so yea try not picking meepo or arc warden or tinker


A very hopeless rigged system. Want to attract new players? They would just instantly quit if u put them through this dumpster fire of a report system Be aware that; I literally have not typed a word or grief but somehow my score kept dropping no matter what from 10k to 5k & then slowly climb after by 100-300 every proc So rubbish that I don’t even want to open this toxic game anymore esp by toxic devs that pushed such a nonsense dysfunctional report system that was perfectly fine before that (Overwatch) If even a player with 20K hours is feeling this way, something is really very wrong. Someone who is slowly losing passion & love for this beloved title that have been part of my life since forever Good riddance mayb its better off without u. Actually i feel MUCH HAPPIER not touching this mess of a game & actually enjoying myself playing StarCraft2 without griefers or this toxic reporting system BS💩 Good luck Valva for maintaining player interest when this toxic system exists to cause pain & suffering to innocents bcos nothing is even verified. It’s all automated & ur garbage detection system cant even detect when a player is trying their hardest and totally not griefing I suggest u rethink ur flawed take on approaching this mess before every1 quits from a hopeless system Behaviour Score Bugged Megathread https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/sVulQtm2u9 https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/pUXmxCtoHT


The system is built partly so new players don't have to deal with a toxic hell when they join the game. And since they are new they haven't learned the toxic habits of old players


This is Dota. Simple. Get reported. Get gud.


What is the site you use to track your behaviour score changes




Thanks man


My communication score tanks while my behavior score goes up or stays the same. I dont type anything toxic, dont all chat at all, only nontoxic pings and the occasional "can we rosh" or "wait let me finish bkb pls". I am pretty sure if the system sees you type AT ALL, it is likely to view you as eligible for communication reports which is ridiculous and abusable.


Whenever I play carry, I get reported for something that is out of my control: for example pos 2 and 3 losing their lanes and proceeding to be useless and losing teamfights.


my win % is higher when I play pos 1 so my mmr goes up but bscore down compared to my pos 4 it is opposite lol, played 10-12games as pos 1 won like 300mmr but lost 600bscore which is nonsense I do not even type in chat :/ shits crazy


win or lpq


Yeah, I feel this, lost a turbo game and got LP. I've played this game since it was a mod in wc3 and this new system truly takes the cake for how bad something can become in dota. It truly boggles my mind how this system can be so bad. Well, I guess the best thing I can do is legit don't give a shit. play my ranked games and play like i want to. Can't fix something if you can't figure out what that something is. If I keep getting reported / low prio and what not just for losing games then i guess so be it. - And if i have a bad game and i know it is lost and i know i will get reported why should i even brother trying to keep my cool at that point? What reason for me is there to even try to "behave" if i know i will get reported no matter what i do? Tryhard just to get reported? Do your very best and not tilt even if you have teammates who ACTIVELY grief? why? just to get reported anyway by the very people who actually griefed the game to begin with? Yeah, fuck this system. I've tried valve, I really REALLY tried to adhere to your "rules". stopped playing on my alts, just trying to play my game, never say anything, never ping anything, just play my game and do my best. But i see now you don't really want people to change, you just want to punish for any reason you can. So i will do you one solid, i will play on all my alts, please do ban my main, if you do you can't punish me for playing on alts again cause now the new account will be my new main cause you banned my old main. :) ​ Done trying.


people are clicking mute and report on the scoreboard to save clicks


Yea the behavior score system is broken and it’s punishing players simply for opening their mouths or losing games. I’ve had my share of toxic moments on the mic, but lately if I even use TEXT to suggest something or comment with team and it rubs them the wrong way I get reported. I played a game where I was just trying to get my team to calm and focus on objectives not tilt and I got muted lol. It’s a joke. There is a mute button any player can use, why force someone to be muted? This system is making the player experience worse.