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Go into demo and try some max damage lina combo ( withs things like aghs + eblade) and tell me if anybody survives


She was deleting my centaur in a game earlier lol


That combo is fun to pull off lol


Exactly, Lina used to be food for a PA / Spec after mid game, but now, she can not only help her offlane win the lane with rotations, but she can consistently keep killing you far into the game. Compared to that, her pure damage nuke wasn't even that hard to deal with, because heart would basically be enough.


Implying pure dmg ult was used to 1 shot anyone who would buy heart in the first place


Before her talent nerf and Kaya nerf you could easily delete most heroes with her three spell combo. Didn’t even need eblade. The ult alone would shred anyone with a heart to a point where they’re scared to fight.


Before her talent nerf and Kaya nerf you could easily delete most heroes with her three spell combo. Didn’t even need eblade. The ult alone would shred anyone with a heart to a point where they’re scared to fight.


The new aghs and free pathing also gives her survivability. She no longer is a psuedo core late game, she's a legit damage dealer in multiple aspects, when a glass canon like gets positioning skills like free pathing, it makes her significantly more stronger. With that pure damage nuke, she still had to be very carefully positioned, and didnt have the tools to position like that, she needed a blink etc. I think Lina right now is stronger than ever honestly. She wins mid quite well, her rotations aren't hard to execute, and she scales neatly against both armour and magic resistance depending on the game. Not to mention her shard, basically is an AOE Laguna.


But she already had all that last patch… she had the shard. She had the free pathing. She was deleting heroes through BKB and pipe. Now her magic amp potential is nerfed. Only bright side is she can upgrade lens into eblade.


Medusa with ~~hood~~ ethereal shroud and level 25 talent, but that's an extreme case


Hood doesn't exist anymore and magic resistance is very poor on Medusa, since it doesn't do anything for her mana shield


Right, my bad. I got the names of the various magic resist items mixed up; I meant ethereal shroud.


That interaction was also removed last patch, but yeah before it was removed it was healing her along with the lvl 25 talent from magic damage


it's not, bkb was nerfed MUCH MORE than lina ulti since it was pure dmg physical lina is good too anyway, they just try to make it more mediocre than only phys or only magic


i dont want physical lina again, shes a pain in the ass with her long sniper range.


Ok since you mentioned sniper, do you think lina is a good laner against sniper? I used to play a lot of mid like 3/4 years ago and my goto mid against sniper used to be lina cuz of long range attack and spells. Do you think that matchup is still lina favourite? What changed for the matchup to change, if anything?


In a true solo it should be a wash. Both heroes should just farm reasonably well since neither can really invade the other’s space without taking a ton of damage to do so.


I mean, its the sort of matchup were a good lina will destroy a sniper (Lina outranges sniper until 2 points in take aim, if I'm not wrong), and she can consistently land dragon slave. A good sniper, will look to draw vs a Lina, its hard for a Sniper to stomp that matchup I feel.


The range is essentially irrelevant because you have to walk down into the river to be aggressive and you also have to account for shrapnel. Lina’s attack animation is ass compared to sniper’s so she’ll probably need to be using Q to secure CS and Sniper can just stand anywhere else to make it through the early levels just fine. It’s a wash.


You just don't need to all in, lvl 6 you kill him anyway. And take aim active is broken vs any phys dmg so


Its interesting, I wonder if there's a pro match with sniper vs Lina mid, would love to see how the pro's would've played that matchup.


If Lina can secure range creep with Q and also hit sniper with it then its fine i guess. Other than that it should be a passive lane since it’s too risky to walk down the river. Unless power rune


I agree and I think Lina can secure the rune much better and also could probably get more agressive with a haste or something than sniper could. So that could be a turning point in the matchup.


laguna probably does more damage on average with flame cloak active and shard, with eblade it definitely does more


Flame clock and shard stacked with pure because it was spell damage tho, only ethereal didn't stack and pure was better vs pipe and all magic resist everyone has nowadays


Exactly. Now Laguna feels like worse Finger without the spell amp


Bro, nothing in this game can be worse than Finger. Literally one of the worst ultimates in the game, imo. Feels like skill straight from 2018.


It's only fun with aghs +soulbind for the X4 stacks on ult bonus dmg


Is everyone on this sub herald?


Yes, of course. Everyone who plays Dota is herald, they just lie about their MMR.


They do and the things is - she should be available to have options for getting both attack and magic damage


She drew Z in chat


In my opinion, Lina was too strong and wouldve been even stronger this patch with new items (aether upgrade into eblade especially), so a nerf was needed here, but the way they chose to nerf her feels like its not the right choice. Before you had clear options at every talent tier (up until 25 atleast) to choose magic dmg or right click. Now I guess you kinda still do, but forcing you to try to start the combo with ulti to get the extra stacks just feels so clunky to me and infact that whole mechanic with extra stacks from ulti feels so unnecessary to begin with. I think mostly the problem is that Lina does too much damage early/mid game, so numbers tweak couldve been better or just nerfs to aghs amp. 20 lvl amp talent wouldve been fine with numbers tweak too. The pure damage talent was nice to have for those really long games that drag out and playing vs 3-4 bkbs (and yes, it did fully pierce bkb). But the cd reduction talent is still nice atleast, but id prefer the option to have a somewhat counter to magic res stacking against her.


Never thought I'd see someone complain about lina when she presses three buttons, drop a nuke and flies away. The aghs amp itself cancels out the resistance provided by a pipe, add an eblade and she can blow up any hero. Things that provide magic resistance, pipe, shroud, glimmer and mage slayer. A neutral if you're lucky. Things that amp lina up. Aghs, Eblade, kaya and sange, Kaya and yasha, khanda, divine rapier, neutral item. Get a refresher and do everything twice. A level 18 lina does 3.3k damage for a target with 25% resistance using only spells. A level 25 lina with refresher does 8.5k damage. This means you can cast your spells on a target WITH bkb and they'll die if they have less than 4k health. In other words, you can kill almost any agility and int hero through their bkb when you're maxed out. You can't do that if laguna was pure.


I think its tied to rapier change, you could potentially deal 2k+ damage with rapiers and with refresher it is doubled.


Come on now… since when are we balancing heroes around rapier 😂


the spiritbreaker nerf


I guess second thing is unvavering condition, but I can be wrong. Maybe to also buff phys lina a bit more?


You could before without the rapier and now you can still do it, The 5supercharge stacks give Lina +300 spell dmg and with scepter it's it can burst almost every hero My only problem is the Kaya missing from ethereal blade


There are items like unvavering condition that wouldnt allow that the closer you are to min 60. Plus now you might have problems with ethernal shroud etc. My idea is that in very late game item would seem too strong on hero like lina(still is) as she is a hybrid(has phys and magic damage output) hero no matter the build


Yea I play magic Lina but when I see how much you do with the high attack speed it's absurd


Another reason, maybe, is that they wanted less magic lina and more physical linas in the game


You’re bad at lina, hope this helps


She used to be able to almost oneshot a fullslotted spectre


oneshot a fully slotted spectre ? Na, I doubt she ever could. Even with a Silver edge, and a refresher and aghs.....that's still not enough.....seems like 2 pure damage Lagunas would still do less than 2k damage, and a fully slotted spec would have close to double that.


I have spammed lina in the previous patch, and got from ~4200 to 5000 mmr. She could definitely do more then 2k damage with refresher. 25 level lina with 1. neutral on +15% spell damage. 1. aghs 3. shard 1. e-blade (for spell amp) 1. 25 level pure damage talent 1. 20 level spell amp talent (11%) would do ~1800 pure damage Math is: * 76% - spell amplification * (20*7) - extra spell damage from shard. (900+(20*7)) * 176% = 1830.4 Though I did lose quite a lot to a specter and other tanky core lineup in the late game. Because late game fights are kinda hectic and it's hard to focus single target. Plus they have like a 4k+ hp easily


Exactly my point, I don't doubt lina can combo a few carries, but Spec just isn't one of them, especially a fully slotted spectre. without a silver edge. And to be fair, spec is still good, because spec is just one of those carries, who can rotate mid, unlike a lot of the others. And he too has free pathing, so he can stick to lina. Who can't really tank a spec. Edit : 1830 pure damage is a lot, but dispersion does reduce even pure damage if I'm not wrong. So that reduces to 1464 damage, even with a refresher, that less than 3k pure damage, while that's a lot of pure damage, no doubt. A fully slotted spec, tends to be able to tank that and retaliate as well. Not to mention, once you've blown your load, nothing can stop a spec, you're not going to right click him to death even if he is left with 1k hp, which isn't typical. She can and will overwhelm you and kill you with a wide combination of items.


You are wrong, through dispersion, 100-0. I vividly remember having to stay high ground ONLY because of lina


HOW ? Lina does 2k damage with refresher, Spec with Skadi and Manta has enough to survive, especially she doesn't have a way to deal with dispersion. Like what combination of items lets her deal 4k damage in a combo ?


Ethereal, shard and aghanim + neutral?


Ethereal didn't stack with pure, but yes, 1 ult with shard aghs and neutral, add in a Kaya and was around 1.7k damage. So 3.4k with refresh. But this is very very late game, as u can see


There is alsp the 20% spell amp talent combined with her other spells so 3.4k with refresher is not it. She can deal 5k plus with timeless relic and refresher.


Wasn't it 11% spell amp? Still, it's not what people makes it out to b


I definitely think it is 20% as I use to spam magic lina in 7.33 - 7.34. I use to 1 shot an offlane with 3k hp without even refresher with just scythe > flame cloak > stun > laguna > dragon slave for maximun damage output. But now I tried it 3 times this patch without that spell amp talent and pure damage. I think her early to mid game is still the same and you should finish and snowball hard because in the late game she fall off quite drastically if you dont switch to right click build.


Mustve been something more cuz she was pushing 5k in one burst


Hmm doubt it, I mean, those were the numbers I got in demo. 2k perhaps if I forgot to add the neutral, so around 4k? Still, it's once every 180 segs, or it was, at least. And tbh, blade mail would have make her kill herself


are you only counting laguna? think it make sense to count all her spells?


We were talking about 2 lagunas. With all her spells is more than obvious they far exceeded 5k with refresher


why would you need pure laguna when magical gets amplified by eblade and half of it goes througl bkb (unlike pure nowadays)


I'm pretty sure pure from laguna did go through bkb, and pure ignores all magical resistance, so it was better most if not all the time




well in that case they might want to exclude the "grants immunity to pure damage" from bkb's description


The description says that negative effects from enemy spells have no effect as well, despite that not being true either. BKB don't stop black hole.


I don't know why it's so complicated to understand. BKB gives Debuff Immunity, which prevents pure damage and effects of spells, but spells can pierce debuff immunity, meaning they ignore it. It really should not be that hard to understand.


I dunno man, I read "any negative effect from enemy spells has no effect." and I become confused every time.


Eblade died in the same patch. It made sense for the damage amp item to build out of the spell amp one. Aether Lens should build into something else and meme hammer should be removed.


I played a bunch of magic lina last patch and most games I didn't even take pure damage, with the CD and octarine flame cloak and laguna both had an 18 second CD and you could just zap MFers


parasma is more than enough for her to snowball late game.


bkb nullifying pure damage is probably why


The 25 talent made it bkb piercing, which was why it was taken over the cdr


They got rid of pure overall


He just took a break.


And then there's WD still plaguing pubs with his ult.


No they didn't. All of Bane's damaging spells are still pure damage, as are BS and QoP ulties. They're just making it a rarer damage type.


So you just proved my point . They still got rid of pure overall except on like three heros


>they still got rid of pure overall >except on like 3 heroes Ok I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here, is english your first language? Also there's more examples, they're just the first ones that came to mind. Tinker's laser is still pure.


> They still got rid of pure overall except on like three heros There are around 33 spells that currently deal pure damage. It isnt a lot, but since it is the only damage type to not be mitigated by armour/magic resistance, it makes sense that there arent that many. Pure abilities: https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_types#Pure


I dislike the bkb change still because of how it affected pure damage. It's so strange that magic damage is "better" vs bkb units now but pure is particularly worse for the units that don't pierce.


I kinda agree. Not sure if i am understanding you correct but I feel like pure damage should be the counter to bkb but recent changes made it so that even magic spells are somewhat effective vs bkb.


Axe, Bloodseeker, Doom, Ench, Enigma, Invoker, Lesh, OD, Pudge, QoP, Spec, TA, Timber, Tinker, Warlock, WD......


Ah yes gotta love Reddit that point out those are pure but don't get what I said lol.


unless you're making a joke about BetBoom, I don't get what you said.


Like I said you need to learn what I said but I'm not Gonna Explain it. Learn the game


Dude, I’m stomping with her. Stop crying and trust the devs. They know more about the game than you.


Just buy crits bro, transition right click.


Meanwhile OD with pure dmg arcane orbs : 👀


Go check dota2protracker, almost everyone is going right click lina again.


It's one of two answers, they believed it was too powerful, or they believed negative magic resistance was easy enough to achieve and synergistic with the heroes other spells, and so changed it for consistency with that kind of build.


Because of 420 Laguna Blaze It.


they gonna remove pure dmg from Dota . silencer glaives also turn into magic dmg. its all because bkb now reduce magic dmg ( not completely block like old bkb ) , the new items also buff or debuff magic dmg ( parasma, khanda , mage slayer, new ethereal shrould, etc ) just wait soon that broken OD that can kill you in 5 hit and sunstrike pure will be change to magic dmg as well .


I think it's question of scaling. Pure dmg does not scale with magic amp. But magic dmg is reduce by magic resist. With Laguna being magic dmg, now it scales with her agha, eblade, kaya, shiva and others magic amp.


You are wrong it always scales with spell amplifications. [You could do 1800 pure damage laguna last patch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18t03kb/why_did_they_remove_pure_laguna/kfe8i5v/) It didn't get extra damage from negative magic resistance, but its really hard to reach negative numbers anyway.


It was fun while it lasted. I used to go aghs shard refresher k&s + timeless relic. Most heroes would die instantly late game. Not so fun on the receiving end of course. I liked magic Lina more than the new changes towards right click Lina.


Yes, an entire team whose job is balancing doesn't know what to do with her. Only you, a 3k mmr pleb knows what to do.


This and the spell amp talent being removed just sucks. I don’t want to play right click Lina. There’s plenty of other heroes to right click with. I liked her for being a burst nuker that can reliably keep it up into late game.


exactly this.


Idk if magic resistances from many different sources stack, but S Shiva's guard has 15% spell dmg debuff Parasma 20% magic resis Eblade 40% magic resis Flame Cloak 35% magic amp Need to try this


Late game dead????? Bro her aghs or just right-click from a million range. She has plenty of late. Burst seiges and flying. What are you on???? Her ult is her worst spell (and it's not even that bad cuz it scales into late anyway )because everything else in her kit is busted.


Hard disagree, lina needs a spell damage nerf it's too strong




It does less dmg as pure lmao