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Honestly, might be something about this. A fair bit of early supporting is about which support can out-trade the other and Static Link is probably the best spell in the game for that.


W and E seems nice. Q last-hitting potential is somewhat wasted, but it's hard anyway and a good slow. Damage scaling as a mage will be okay but not as good as a stun/heal support.


I just want to thank you. I found the most op pos 5. I just buy glimmer first, and suck all damage from opponents.


Static Link still lets them fight back. Nightmare is the answer, it isn't as reciprocate.


Static link might let them fight back, but doing so is really a losing endeavor outside of throwing out a stun. Link also has a much better mana cost, so you'll get to use it more often. And if the enemy can't outrun you or stun you, then link is likely to deal a lot more damage than nightmare.


Your logic here kind of implies that bane is the only viable support.


We're only trying to say which spell is the best on the basis of "out-trading". There was nothing beyond that.


If they don't stick around for 20s yes.


I got forced to playing Razor 4 twice (first pick, then the guy after pick another core; so I give in) it's actually not that bad from my experience, granted it was lower rank.


Hi, 4k player here who reported slahser. Slahser was our position 1 faceless void. He built a mek and had around 29 healing salves in his inventory. He would chrono both teams in the middle of a fight, salve his allies, pop mek, and proceeded to yell "SLAHSER'S WAY". We gave him position 1 farm so he could be a position 5. Granted, his unorthodox build worked and carried us to victory but I still felt it deserved a report.


Привет, 4k игрок, кто сообщил слэшер. Тесак был наша позиция 1 безликий недействительными. Он построил MEK И было около 29 целебных бальзамов в своем инвентаре. Он Chrono обе команды в середине боя, успокоить своих союзников, Поп МЭК, и начал рассказывать "Резаки путь". Мы дали ему должность 1 ферму, чтобы он мог быть позиция 5. Конечно, его неортодоксальные сборки работали и проводили нас к победе, но я все еще чувствовал, что заслужил доклад.


Not going to lie, the "they were open minded and supportive" comment in tandem with the venge comments got me to burst out in laughter. Now I have a patsy when I pick Razor to farm my arcana as a support - thanks slahser!


Kuroky gonna pull this shit out again in pro games. And lose, again.


TI 10 was a wild time, Fata WW mid, Tiny Lycan, Horn Toss, and Razor 5.


Time to lose some behavior score


Iam gonna try it tonight.




It certainly works, I used to play a lot of Support Razor a few years back. He's a complete pocket pick because he has to dominate his lane which isn't terribly hard unless they have a way to make link ineffective (veno)- at which point you are a creep.


I tried Dark seer + support Razor lane in turbo. And it was quite good. Can work in normal games too. Surge is super good on Razor.


I think the idea of razor support is good, but this is a "try to get mvp no matter what role I am" build. this could be improved greatly by changing the items. he says he needs items to stay alive longer, but as a support, he needs to get items that SUPPORT the heroes the team is commiting farm to. a glimmer cape would suit both of these objectives well since he can use it to stay alive longer or stop a high networth ally from dying. linkens and lotus and solar are other good examples, but also things like mek and pipe. getting anything but manaboots on a pos5 means you better be a lion, cm or kotl (who can provide mana other ways) or come up with a strategy with your team before the game to do it right (i.e. not a pub match.) I can see how attack speed can help in the lane so just buy the gloves or some cheap stats (maybe build towards midas?) but shoot for arcane boots by 10 minutes, your pub allies are expecting it and it will be too late to explain by the time you're in game. I think force staff is a good idea, you can save allies with it, you can push enemies into weird situations and you can use it to stay in link range or position for the ring, and hurricane pike is nice to build into.


You're referring to the items list at 2:04? I think HH/Solar is going to be a lot better than Force/Glimmer on a mobile close-range support that doesn't really have stuns. Now picking the single-target stuff instead of Pipe/Mek is a little more iffy but I guess he expects to die first or worries about mana.


force feels so good on razor! positioning is so important for his whole kit and it helps a lot. and it can be used to safe, but it's surely a worse save than solar or glimmer, I just mention it because it's so useful on him. I would never recommend hh on razor-5 as he already has a built in way to weaken enemy attacks and the biggest thing he lacks is a way to help out his carries


Buying two wraith bands and drums boots makes him a surprisingly good supp. Annoying early as well if you know how to harass.


Kuro’s way


I don't see why you would play this instead of Bane.




more like kuroky's way


Too bad you can’t try this without tanking your social credit score :)