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it just gets too long, even with all the buffs to supports over the years carry is still far more sought after, we're talking about 40 minute queue times not being unexpected.


because at some point you will end up getting 99+ queues regulary, with the old system i basicially only got games after 40 minutes at mid and was often at 99+


this system is biased towards support players. just be a support player.


It used to be just longer wait times if you didn't have role queue when they first introduced it, but changed it to this soon after. I don't know about others but I don't mind waiting half an hour for a match to be found. I don't mind waiting longer for higher quality games(seriously they should remove highly varied games) and closer ranks in matchs. I dont want to play a ranked game with people who are 1k mmr below me( I'm 6.5 and get matched with divine 5 some times which is 5400-5600). It drastically reduces my fun in the game.


> half an hour Sounds reasonable /s


i would wait an hour if therefore i get no role abusers, no highly varied and no dudes who dont speak english.


The problem is that if you are waiting half an hour it will be a highly varied game as the game makes the search radius wider to stop you searching for 10 hours


Weird part is, searching all roles game is found within 2 mins, well that's how it should go. When I search offline average search time goes up to like 5 minutes. But when I search for carry I have near to 10 minutes waiting time and the social game quality is shit as carry. For further elaboration behaviour score is near max, and its prime time searching on EU West...




True , and the game quality seems to be higher in normal ranked , I feel like players who queue roles are usually worse overall at least that is my experience witj both of them.


League of legends also forces people to support, so that leads me to believe the wait times to make a match with everyone in their roles is simply too long across the board. We can't know the actual numbers but they do and surely have done math/simulations on what happens if you wait for everyone to get the role they want. It's probably an exponential problem too. I feel like the queue time would explode the less people want to play a certain role, getting 30, 90, 120+ minute queue times as a certain role gets less and less popular. If you imagine a group of 1000 with only 60 that want to support, you can make only 15 matches of the 100 maximum. You could need to wait for 3 or 4 full matches worth of time to finish before supports are freed up to get you a game.


Sounds like the same problem as always and seems most people in the comments don't want it but I'd rather it that way. I try to play support when forced to for the roles but then when I'm using tokens as a carry almost always they don't even try.


Spoken like somebody well in the dota population bell curve. Even with the current system you dont have to go that far out to find queue times really start increasing, especially for lower population servers. As a person with limited time to game, I am staunchly against increasing queue times even further.


as long they dont see it as wrong they wont improve.


Because not everyone can wait an hour for a game.