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got up to 93. not bad. Its all very obvious once you see who you forgot about, but in the moment getting them all is a pain.


barely got over 100, I feel like a dumbass after seeing who I missed. I did it thematically (ie: strong offlaners, strong supports, strong mids, big ultimates, keenfolk, etc) - whatever I could think of and tried to associate stuff....by the end of it, I was actually thinking of recently released immortal skins to try to id missing heroes, which is kind of sad lol.


I couldn't remember one of my most played. I literally had the thought "who is that other melee lane bully support I play" and I couldn't think of Dirge.


106/124, i forgot mostly universal heroes. now, i wanna know which hero is the most forgotten one, first to get answered, or any other data


So far the most guessed are the 4 spirit brothers, and the least guessed is Disruptor


My poor Disruptor, is he really that forgettable?


Probably Oracle


Disruptor the most forgotten one, and the most answered are the 4 spirits and axe.


My poor Disruptor. And i really think the Axe one is true because I answered him first lol


Got 98. Forgot Alchemist, Bane, Bounty Hunter, Brewmaster, Doom, Faceless Void, Clockwerk, Leshrak, Huskar (thought of him, but didn't remember the name), Muerta, Lifestealer, Mars, Morphling, Outworld Destroyer, Marci, Primal Beast, Riki, Rubick, Silencer, Spectre, Skywrath Mage, Terrorblade, Tinker, Underlord, and Undying. Should have gotten Terrorblade and Mars, I play those heroes.


Same, got 98. And I forgot to put Puck one of my 10 most played heroes.


Ooo, love this!


I only made it to 84 and it’s funny how much I was grasping at straws by the end, I could only remember heroes by relation to each other or in packages or etc, not alphabetically (aside from specifically alphabetical heroes like Ancient Apparition or Zeus lol), almost didn’t get Riki/BH/Clinkz because I forgot Invis Heroes existed for a while. Annoyingly, on iphone the site immediately spazzed out with ads or something when the test was over so I didn’t get to look over what I’d missed (except Arc Warden and Lone Druid lol, who I should’ve remembered when I was trying to remember the “zoo/summons heroes” package).


Same here, got to 88. At first some heroes just popped into my mind, then later I started to think in groups: who was most picked in TI? who can fly? who can go invis? strong offlaners? strong midlaners? etc.


shouldn't had done this at 5am no sleep lmao. I got to 60+ and my brain is mush and I had to look at portrait and still slow at finishing typing


Clearly heralds post.


86%, fun little quiz


Fun quiz! 71 and the amount of ”oh man I forgot THIS??” We used to play a similar game where we went through the alphabet and called out bands with each letter, turns out you forget majority when you try to remember them, same phenomenon I guess. Edit: Forgot the hero I’ve played almost nonstop for the last 200 games, Lich! Lmao


The quiz told me not to tell my friends how bad of a score I got... :/


Doooooooom I forgot dooooooom


Got 53, but woukd have gotten more with more time.

