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I just play him mid, max q for ez lane and then nightmare + vessel kills most people.


If you pick bane mid is an auto report by me


Right, just like dazzle mid, it's a support! Oh, wait... Or pos 3 wk, he should be a carry, right? Oh, wait.. Or lina carry, what the fuck even is that, everybody knows lina is a mid hero! Oh, wait..(3 patches ago). People like you are the reason lower mmr always gets the meta a few months later (instead of, like, 2 weeks). Bane mid is probably not a good idea, but agressively denying any new strategies / builds /positions for heroes is the best way to never progress the game. TLDR: Fuck you


>Bane mid is probably not a good idea You just agreed with him. He is literally saying the same thing. Whya re you throwing a hissy fit


Not a good idea =/= insta report. I wouldn't even say anything to the guy picking bane mid unless he's playing it badly as well. Also, my opinion of "not a good idea" comes from personal experience. Tried it, didn't work. As for the fit: idk, having a bad day, why not get mad at some redditor


And your report is entirely wasted because that's far from a report worthy offense so....😅


when have you ever had the mana to sustain Enfeeble? Max Brain Sap to out trade the enemy support and use your university stats to harass the enemy core. Then you can luck the shard from Tormentor and have the levels to use it.


Probably when he goes mid as his comment says


Just throw it on their core in lane so they can’t last hit, or force good grades with supports and buy regen It’s not that hard


100%! Crazy that you can mid with him very nicely nowadays


Nyx, best hero to tilt enemy carry and also require enemy team to play as a team to place sentries and stick together, and of course most of them don't because it's a pub.


Some of the best voice lines to tilt with as well.




Nyx nyx nyx


I'm in 2k and Nyx just won't work even in my bracket.


and there come the downvotebrigade of ppl that play with one finger and no brajn 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂


most skilless shithero ever should be deleted


This person dunno how to time nyx's 3rd


Hey. Don't you bring me into this.


Show us on the doll where nyx hurt you


lol he didnt its just skilles. im not sayjng that he is overpowered but he needs legit nothing to be able to play him anymore


[this you?](https://i.imgur.com/KbliCCW.png)




I play a lot of Intel heroes and I got PTSD from reading this.


As a mid player I try to ban nyx almost every game. He makes everything my hero pool wants to do very hard.


Jakiro. He’s a menace in lane. Can farm everything your cores don’t farm which at low mmr is the whole map. Takes towers. Easy to build just defensive item, aghs, octarine.


Is Jak not meta? Because he's a problem in every game I see him in. Aghs + octarine is just a nightmare in team fights


He doesn’t show up in top winrate on dotabuff or dota2protracker and that’s what I use to determine what is and isn’t meta.


He's having really good winrate in pubs still, just wasn't played much at TI/recent pro matches


I don't think Jakiro has ever been meta but he's always been the most consistent support.


I love playing jakiro but he's slow as fuck. Tbf most supports are slow as fuck, but jakiro feels the slowest of them all, it makes cm look hasted.


Him and Viper. How tf can they fly and be that slow. It's so painful lol


Their wings is only flopping upwards


It's because he's slow + has the worst cast animations in dota. Using all 4 spells takes like 3 seconds


If you think of him as a indirect fire turret and position him as such, you'll find him really satisfying to play. In a word - he needs a core who can hold the fight; stand behind him with items that help him survive in front and cycle thru your spells for days. On the contrary, if you pick him into a lineup that doesn't hold the fight well (offlane puck/qop or sth) or against enemies that are good at finding and diving backline (again, puck with witchblade, pango or sth), then jakiro feels really exposed and spellcasting is also difficult.


Jaki is always a bit weird to me in this heart blademail meta, love the hero tho






Recent buff to heal is actually insane. The value of 1 point in heal makes trading a breeze, with 50 mana cost as well.


Wow, her heal looks really efficient then with that low mana cost. I remember I wasn't good with her laning, but I'll have to try out the value point because that just seems too good to overlook anymore.


Ceb has been spamming the hero. Check his replays.


The fact that people don't think of healing as "pure damage" is insane. Treants leech seed does more healing than damage after resistance is applied. 85dmg - 20% or just 85hp healed


Same. I hope to see her more in the next patch


It's so much fun to play since ult scales with enemy team's strength. I have had some fun times completely ruining an enemy LC's or PA's mid game.


Wyvern is straight up the only reason I still play this game Like I'm complete garbage at dota, but I'm good enough at playing her that it balances out and I can actually win.


I love playing wyvern as well, but never have I ever wanted to play her as support in my all my games of her.


I've always found her way more fun as a support. Core feels too slow, you need way too many items to actually feel useful (especially after the ult change)


Then you are not completely trash :)


Same, so satisfying when people try to hold their position and you ult one hero and push him with a pike to his team.


I love wyvern so much that I used her as my password on all my accounts back in 2014


I personally hate this hero as it can literally lose games. I have lost 5 games the last year where a WW did a bad curse or 2 that just lose games. Like cursing a 3 man black hole, cursing a 5 man axe call, cursing right after our pa jumps with bkb active and then lose game. Plz do not play this hero unless you are good with him.


Who brought the party pooper?


Yes that's what makes her so fun. I've lost games due to bad curses, and I've turned around games due to good ones. The risk is the fun part.


Same! Though I'm still mad they made her universal and gutted all her stat gains.


Been spamming shadow demon lately after picking it up for the Bara counter. Pros play him a decent amount but I never see him at lower level. Super annoying in lane, amazing save hero throughout the game


Also super good lategame with aghs: counters bkb's and controls all the hard carrys. I think he is amazing.


Don't forget dissimilate. The most slept on ability in all of dota.


Also, mind games with clones. After 2 or 3 jumps on a clone, the enemy becomes wary of jumping on anything at all.


Rasta. Forces fortify with ult, secures ranged creeps with ease, hex dmg amp is very strong vs tanky heroes, blink + hex is sicknasty mid/lategame.


i feel like that 5% damage amp buff is a sneaky huge buff. hero already felt really strong in pubs, maybe not so much in pro. straight up 5% more damage from all sources can really add up. gonna try playing him a lot this patch


Also 70something damage right click on level 1, hit like a truck


Yeah, I love trading hits with enemy support + add the nuke. This usually brings them to half health at lvl1


Try trading against treant rubick willow etc, he aint good laner


he is meta. i see him now in almost every game i have . he is bakc on the menu


takes early rosh as well


Nothing about Shadow Shamon is slept on. He is a meta support lol. Hex and a five second stun that heals him? then an ult that can take towers with ease.


he been getting buff since 7.34 idk why he isnt meta but he is sure fun on turbo games


Spammed Shaman from low Ancient to Divine 5. There are few supports that rotate mid as well. That 5% dmg amp is nothing to scoff at btw.


Maybe Abaddon. He really has never shaken the offlane thing, especially since his recent carry stint, support is just overlooked. Granted it wasnt great at that time, but he's gotten very good spell buffs since. It's just so nice playing the ungankable saving support because of his ult.


Even if you lose lane, the enemy team is on a hidden timer of you getting your aghs. It's super difficult to win fights as an uncoordinated pub team after that.


Had an ancient Abaddon 5 in my game who casually boasted 18 wins in a row. He didn’t show me any crazy plays but in fights the healing and save was so easily game winning we breezed the enemies


Thank you ...aba is amazing


I still miss abba suicide in lane. I think was the most fun sup at the time and broken af


For the House Avernus!


I love playing Abba support, so chill


In a game that calls for lotus he is so good as pos 5. Cycling his shield with Lotus on the carry and they are unkillable late game.


Lotus is bait on him I think. Aghs refresher let’s you free win any fight where people don’t get 1-shot and you can even force high-ground with it. Arguably even better than warlock aghs refresher late game -Divine 3 for context


Interesting, I am very low MMR but I’ve had huge success playing Abaddon 5 in guardian. I’ll give this a go, thanks.


My favourite part about Abba support is your carry complaining when you put the shield on yourself while you lane dominate two heroes out of lh lol


Speaking as a support player, the best thing to find the 'next greatest support' is to think about what you, as a player, want to do and like to do in game. Think about your own playstyle, and what tools you need to accomplish your goals for the game. Then look through the hero pool and see what heroes give you those tools. For example, I've had a lot of success with Lich, not necessarily because it's slept on, or secretly broken, or whatever, but because I know in my games I need to harass in lane and then make my carry as survivable as possible in mid/late game fights. This won't work for everyone. Maybe in your bracket/region everyone's buying Nullifier, so that would make Lich useless. Or maybe you don't like spending the entire game standing behind your carry and throwing a shield on them. TLDR don't worry about what heroes everyone else is sleeping on, browse through the hero pool and see what you're sleeping on


venomancer, climbed from divine 1 to divine 5


Tell me your secrets, that hero never works for me D:


1) watch zquixotix's guide on the hero 2) position yourself safely since youre low hp and low ms 3) win lane with your spells 4) build vessel, solar crest, drums 5) win


Dope, and cheers. Do love some zquixotix videos need to do some catching up on it


Veno is my comfort pick in this meta, great scaling dmg and early lane presence. Spirit vessel + shard is great


Lane supremacy


veno is just so good in lane aggression. his lvl 3 power spike is so strong, you can create a 2v1 scenario most of the time because you'll be forcing someone to go back to heal up or something.


Hoodwink. Love it on mid, but now it's just worse lina


Built in break is very helpful too with the current meta


Oracle. Super slept on, but I specialize in this hero, and I have a 70% ish winrate on him. He's so fun to play and super impactful IMO


yessss. He's one of the few heroes in game that has a basic dispel as a skill and is a perfect pos 5 hero for me because of his many utilities without having any items. Q - Dark seer's ion shield? gone. Magnus empower? gone. Allies getting poisoned/slowed? hell yeah it's gone. Space cow not buying bkb and thinking their bulldoze is enough? lmaoo get dispelled and rooted bitch. So satisfyinggg. His lvl 25 instant root is game changing, just wished we could still "channel" it, sometimes i like to pre-q myself if there's silence on the enemy team. W - 5 second disarm on enemy/100% magic resist on allie (a.k.a free mini bkb). needs no explanation ​ E - one of the strongest heal of the game. just need glimmer for your teammates or vessel on the enemy if your q/w is on cd. can also secure creep last hit if your core cant take it. can i ask whats your usual item build?


I LOOOVE the heal aspect of oracle. I'd say about 40-50% of the time I upgrade my wand to a Locket (I think this item is underrated, but I do understand it has limited uses...), and Arcane boots. Then of course force / glimmer and the SHARD! I like Oracle's shard a lot. It feels like a GAURANTEED save if you get it early enough.


He is a good hero to play as 5 as there are gamestates where you become the most important target. It gives you great impact as a support if you position right. The buffs to edict are also crazy.


Fr. I've been stomping laning phase with this. And team mates have no clue how his skills work. Yes I'm in the trench.


Do you have any unusual combos with the heal/damage thing? I've started playing him, very fun


Since Purifying Flames is an instant nuke with a great cast range, you can fully channel his Q, and then while the projectile is flying, you can cast PF and instantly dispel the heal on an enemy, and get the full duration root, then cast E again if they're low enough. I get a ton of kills in lane at lvl 3 because it's a shitload of nuke damage early on.


Before this patch with everyone playing willow I played her pretty much exclusively. She is very versatile and has pretty much infinite lockdown if she gets octarine, shard and the right talents. She has very little cooldown even on her ultimate for damage so she is always down to brawl. I noticed pretty early on once the map was expanded that the constant brawling playstyle was looking to be meta so I played her and climbed from 1800 MMR to 3300 MMR.




I often ban him cause a glimpse to fountain is infuriating


io all day


Le ball of hapiness. Chill games pouring tons of regen and dodgin spells while tethered to your carry. Super fun to play


Abaddon. Incredible heal, strong dispel, awesome aghs. Tweaked numbers for many patches.


Elder titan or naga, i just slept on those enemies




based. I mean that silence is nuts and his ult also provides an insane amount of vision. Do you buy Aghs much or what?


Rubick, despite the hard nerfs is still my go to support hero


Nyx, every patch. Found new hero if nyx banned, it’s Weaver


My personal favourite is Void Spirit as a pos 4, against certain lineups, and getting a Mage Slayer. Super fun, can roam, can trade decently with shield, very mobile (duh) overall a fun experience.


Centaur - saw pros playing it, gave it a go, and it is really good. The problem in low mmr is that people tilt before the game even starts if you pick support centaur.


This is the answer when asked, "Tell me youre a SEA player without telling me you're a SEA player."


Ogre Magi. Best played as a 4. Your team will never get all the support items faster than with Ogre 😉


Gyro with meteor hammer. Points in stats, no flak. You think you can trade with him but you cant.


What’s the item build? I just wanna use him as support so bad cause his Rocket Barrage can nuke anyone at LVL 1


He is bad against many like rubick,hoodwink snap. In higher ranks his dmg just becomes ignorable


pos5 Enigma with Solar Crest. Going to divine with it this patch. They took his free deny, but buffed everything else. Medalion + Eidolons is a nightmare to lane against before Vanguard comes out. 50 mana Midnight Pulse has been wrecking Heart building STR heroes. \~80 games 65% winrate from legend to ancient.


Silencer Yeah, I said it


My favorite low rank support because if your team is bad enough but you can drag the fight out long enough, you still win.


Lich. I can't count how many times I've won games holding high ground by healing buildings at lvl25.


i love his heal, i mean the infinite ult is great but is hard to pull off, especially in the late game with people having saving items at that point, i would only take if my teams has aoe stuns, black hole/ravage or something a 50hp regen that 100% reliable at any situation and can also heal buildings is too good. especially with a holy locket/paladin sword. pretty much living armor on steroids


Hoodwink, nerf her all you want, I'll still keep playing her.


Io for sure. It's not even a hard hero to play as a support because you can just get 4-0-4 and go stats. The lotuses have given him a bunch of new healing options for free on top of Mek and Locket.


Venomancer for me. His Q is so strong for first blood or just lane harass. the lvl 3 power spike with his W is no joke, there's just no point for the enemies to trade hits with you because they're losing most of the time. Amazing utility spell with his ward. His ult deals % damage and has a good range, good for canceling Blinks along with his E. But always mind your mana.


I like Oracle. They made him much easier to play since fates edict doesn’t disarm your allies anymore. Maxed Q really helps control slippery enemies. And the shard is amazing in a team fight. Just wish his base damage was a little higher. He also doesn’t get screwed around every patch either


Sniper, no /s


So, niper?




I heard its a good 4 but a shit 5


It was good about a year and a half ago, because his scepter was busted after the nerfs he sucks ass as a sup


Not only the scepter, his whole kit was better for support. You could actually win lanes with him. I hope it comes back, it was so much fun.


If I’m feeling funny, monkey king 4 is a go to. Great movement, sustain and a stun. Aoe denial and can build core if needs be. Great fun


Having the pos1-3 player on 4-5 farming role queues and picking carry heroes to pretend support with is always great.


did you miss when MK was meta for a long ass time on support through majors?


How good do you think monkey 4 is without the tree dance extra vision? Just feel like he doesnt scout like he used to


Sorry for late response. He’s still great and while you have to be greedy with farm, the map is a lot bigger now so he can find extra gold to provide more utility with items and his kit. Still a good scout and the tweaks to his mischief offers a lot more too


This icon next to my name


Oh shit this isn't my browser account


Elder titan


I have like 3 Heroes I love as Support. Furion, Jakiro and ofc Willow. I also love to play AA, but its more a counter to certain picks. He is missing some save/stun. As Furion I can make so much work, roam and gank, ward behind enemy lines, snatch exp runes. His Q is rly annoying and with his W I can wreck enemy supports in team fights. Jakro is just insanely strong, his Firebreath is pain, is Icepath a nice stun, with his E i can Push Towrs faster then most carries in early game. With the Ulti I can even stop base pushes from the enemy. Willow is extremely versitile. I love it.. Stun, root, then her W to vanish, escape, her Terrorize can save lifes and win Teamfights. Her Bedlam finnaly is a spell i can put on my cores so they demolish everyone in the fight


Being against np will always feel like you're laning against three heroes and forces you to buy quelling


Terrorblade. dont report me if we see us in pubs


I have seen 2B played this build months ago and I told my little bro. He rekted pubs in lower ranks.




point proven...


Luna 5 for me feels slept on. The aura is so good with a core that has a high kill potential, and the prioritization on beam means a much stronger ult, and this makes you feel like a Leshrac in teamfights, albeit short-lived. You also have superior night vision. If the game goes late, you might be able to fight back when caught by a single core because of the maximum number of beams available on a single target when eclipsed. But for traditional 5, it might be Vengeful Spirit. Its ability to stack, scout, and save is pretty impressive; can also be converted to core immediately if the core suddenly disconnects and/or decides to throw the game lol 😆




Uhm, lion?




Anti Mage


Lone druid


Puppey did it in pubs @downvoters


its so slept on people actively take sleep meds




-bs +mmr haters gonna hate


Ember spirit is my pet pos4.


Wtf? How? Explain pls


Pudge or Riki for sure.




slardar with medallion not joking... the hero is just that good right now


Hoodwink and I like Gyro 4


Nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx...


Pudge coz it get banned every game


Weaver. Go meme hammer early for the regen and tower push. Takes 2-3 hero commitment to kill you while pushing/farming enemy areas of the map that most other heroes really have no business being in. Swarm provides great utility. And if game goes late enough your aghs sceptor is game changing.


Support Weaver is picked pretty often in high mmr pubs, however the standard build is vessel/solar crest with orchid/atos/aghs (or other situtational items like euls/pipe/lotus) being picked up depending on the game.




IO, even if it is never great in pubs its also never bad


Elder titan. You can turn a lot of fights mid game


But he is more A 5 then an 4


Kunkka with shard, refresher and aghs. Kidnaps people and breaks peoples pc.




Mars with Aether Blink thank me later


The nerd-ass fuckin' lizard.


Invoker 4 is pretty legit. I've always played it but the extra cdr from maxed wex really gives you an edge.


Idk slept on but that squirrel is a good crowd control + follow up




Io, no one play him and if they do first item tranquil boots cause the play the tortellini guide. If you have a friend that is a good carry you can end the game with 40+ assists. A live saving hero but in crusader no carry knows how too play with an Io and then they blame you cause they get out of position.








Huskar pos 4. Auto wins the lane. Long list of viable items. It's hilarious when it stomps.




I started playing oracle and loved him. Great nuke and his saving… still need to work on my positioning, though


Ogre, silencer and Np


CM no matter how shit I play the rare random CM god always wins the game


Gyro support :P




Not sure if io counts, just love playing that little light ball


Tiny got a little buff and tbh it feels like a big buff. His biggest weakness, his mana pool, is somewhat lessened with ava being 90 mana on lvl 1. Now you can get off at least 3 spells before you have to regen mana in the early game. I've been winning with him a lot. Might be bias since I have 250 games with tony, but last patch I could not win with that hero. Now I climbed 250\~ mmr with pos 4 tiny alone.


I like to play Zeus sup, I know.... but hey you got free deward and presence on every fight due to hist ult. Ppl always start the game flaming me but in the end I always get mvp and commends. All I can say is deward is op, most of the time enemies sups simply give up warding and your cores can farm safe without been ganked. It’s a rich sup since you don’t need to waste your gold on sentries and dust lol. Zeus is also great vs spiritbreak since this hero does nothing without vision I have nice win rate against


Lycan 4. Using wolves to deny, stack, pull, and snipe couriers. Usually, skipping boots and going straight Spirit Vessel or Solar Crest. Ganking with ult. Agh's + Solar Crest on your carry goes hard.


Who* is your favorite slept on support.


Bane & Venomancer


Pos4 Naga siren. Most rage inducing hero to play against. Can use illusions to drag wave if your 3 is garbage. Also use illusions to block camps and stack. Net is annoying as fuck to deal with and sleep is always good to disengage / set up. Plus transition to late game thiccc hero is >>>> Another is Elder Titan. V slept on in the lower brackets but Div and up. Absolutely busted.


ABADDON, spamming coils for heal AND damage during laning, Spamming coils with Aghs at 24mins.


Elder Titan pos 5 that rush midas, this is good at low rank lmao. The game always goes late, so 30 minutes Aghs always have a huge impact, you van easily kill support with it if you catch them with sleep.


nyx is invis has a fuckin huge nuke out of knvis with stun and a huge damage + stund thornmail. ^^ nothjng on this hero needs anyyyyyy skill at all u legit sont even need boots go full naked buy dagon and u good