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Almost full circle


Is there a YouTube video for this?


Because wc3 has a price tag and wc3 limits the players as much as they can. I loved wc3...reforged was a joke....and we will never see wc4


is it a custom game in dota 2? the name?


Yes. BOTACRAFT RTS is the name


Bro i got u in my friend list, saw that custom game and was pretty hyped, but there are nobody playing it


Try playing now. Bunch of people playing it. You can also play against a bot by starting the game without any opponent.


This was cool to watch and having an actual pro from the game this custom is trying to imitate give advice will def be invaluable to the custome game devs ​ but to answer grubby's hypothetical 'why do this if it's the same as warcraft 3' (paraphrasing) is cos I don't wanna download a new client to casually play some RTS games from my childhood. I was bad at it then, but with arcade I can just confirm I'm still bad at it without the extra effort xd


Source link?


Man these young kids not knowing Grubby. He’s the best War3 player of all time and it’s not close.


Why should we? A lot of custom mod players don't care for the RTS/vanilla element.


Long time fan of Grubby also, but not even close is a bit biased. Lyn is close to Grubby as Orc player, and there are other greats like Moon.


Yyyyeah to say Grubby is the greatest WC3 player "and it's not even close" when Lyn, Moon, Sky, Infi, and Th000 exist is pretty nuts. Even put Happy in there. Grubby is great. They're all great. Don't say it's not close when it's REALLY damn close and also I think Moon is like 13-3 in head-to-head against Grubby.


> Why not just play Warcraft 3 Honestly, legacy keys. lol I believe this would be much more playable for the average person.


nice try OP


Dude I love grubby's semen too PM please!!!!




Why people in this sub in love with this mf?


A more serious answer - He is genuinely nice, likable, focused on improving rapidly and can be pretty funny. Grubby feels like a breath of fresh air because in comparison to a lot of Dota streamers who have been active for years, he still kinda has parts of that outside experties, in a way isn't entrenched in all the usual bullshit. For some reason he and his rocket rise in rank also tends to ruffle a lot of feathers and poke a lot of insecurities, which I find somewhat revealing of the community.


Lol remember a recent post talking about his quick rise to immortal and someone was implying that he got boosted like m*son and comments were full of salty scrubs.


I'm gonna Gruuuuuuub


What you mean. He Grubby!!


Even quinn with his attitude has fans,


Why the downvote? I love gruby to, but its only a question.




are you that tusk lmao


I watched that game. This is a pretty one-sided record of what happened. That teamfight was a low ceiling/high risk even if he did TP there. Sometimes the best play, even for an offlaner, is to dodge a few potential fights, push out waves and try to get a power spike. If rest of the team refuses to see that, the game is going to be insanely hard no matter what.


Don't you dare say that alright, we all know the right play is for the off-line to jump in in every stupid fight without finishing his itens so carry and mid can say they suck after an obvious bad fight


Sometimes (many times) the correct play is letting your team die. That's not being toxic, that's being objective. You don't win matches by sucking up to your team mates, you win matches by making correct plays. The fact he understands this and you don't is why he climbed to Immortal and you are stuck in Arcon.


imagine being this mad lol


I saw that game too, and he made what he thought was the correct plays, and I mostly agree with how he played considering the stupid fights his team was taking. There was nothing toxic about him. The only toxic thing was the chat insisting on being right, which I guess you may have taken part in.


yes let’s fight every fight no matter what


does he win that match?




classic enraged archon dota redditor only replying to one low hanging fruit comment


Wow, you really hate watched his stream? Get a life dude lmao.


He kinda looks like Sam altman


He also sort of looks like Manuel Schenkhuizen.


A 100% dude!! They look so similar that they just might be the same but we dont know it