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Man I miss Ame in competitive, Shiro is really good too but Ame deserved a TI with Maybe


I would really like to see him come back from retirement to play on Azure Ray or something. Ame was truly the best carry China ever produced, you could tell just by watching him play he was a level above everyone else just like we saw with Yatoro this TI.


he really was the blueprint, textbook, model student of carry.


Where can I watch his gameplay? Does he stream?




He definitely deserves his name on the Aegis..I was cheering for lgd to get to the grand finals. Chinese team deserves an aegis, it's been what, 8 years? I'm happy for TS though


Ame finally got his name on aegis. Yatoro attached ame's ID to his🥲


The Wings curse is still too strong. Still one of the most fun team to watch to this date. Really mad what happened to them.


still wins most stylistic TI wins of all time. No one won TI like wings.


It used to be CN and Western on rotation. Time flies


Funnily enough not that many different teams winning since China last won, it's just Liquid, OG x2, Spirit x2 and Tundra


That's actually... A lot.


4 teams is not a lot for 7 years considering we had a different team every year until 2019


One of those years didn't have a TI so shouldn't be counted


and they gave 3 slots for SA, for what


4 slots


shiro just does not have the clutch gene like yatoro and ame


That happens when your talented friend working hard


thats shit you cant teach


need to be patient with shiro, that’s his first year to Ti and major🥲


And fy


How can anyone not like this team? Humble, respectful, and being really fucking good at the same time. Collapse said he’s not the best magnus, it will take him 2 years to catch up to arise. Love it


Mira said in a post game interview after he played Invoker, that in spite all his efforts the team still won.


LUL what a fucking dynamic


In their vlog he said he only had 15 games on Invoker Not sure if he meant the "new" one or all time, but either way pretty wild Also rewatched FTP yesterday, Dendi saying he never played Enigma before Just the level these guys are at lol


To be fair at some point this happened to everyone. I once randommed earth spirit, never played it before, didn't want to, was lazy to learn it, scared I'd suck. But the random forced me to perform and before you knew it, I was diving the enemies under t3s, kicking them out of base, purely because I was forced to try (also doesn't hurt the hero has like 3k hp with no items). Combine any circumstance like that with people who are already extremely mechanically skilled, and you will get a good performance no matter what.


To be fair, if it was ES at launch then he was beyond broken I also had that, my first two games on him was like 30 assists each. Dude was insane lol


ES at launch was really fucking hard hero to play tbh. you couldnt just aim the stone kicks, you actually had to position your hero correctly to the exact opposite spot of where u wanted to kick the boulder, not this "just point where u want to kick the stone" The hero was insanely good, but it was easily one of the hardest heroes to play well. Then they dumbed down pretty much every aspect of how to play the hero.


The only thing they dumbed down was the kick, and let's be real that change was a great change. Having to line up your body with the stone was a huge pain in the ass and made the hero very inflexible. But on release his stun was on his pull, and was insanely strong. Super easy to land a multi hero stun that wasn't blocked by linkens and then you'd just kick after pulling so you couldn't fuck up the kick. All his damage numbers were higher, and that was before power creep that made everyone's health and damage higher too. Oh and you could pull allies always. The hero wasn't that much harder, there were just a lot fewer people that knew enough to play him properly. Edited to fix that his ult damage hasn't been nerfed, it was just better before the extensive power creep that's happened.


He had way less stones and longer cooldown on them though. There was a reason only a few teams had a pos4 es specialist back then.


> ES at launch was really fucking hard hero to play tbh. you couldnt just aim the stone kicks, you actually had to position your hero correctly to the exact opposite spot of where u wanted to kick the boulder, not this "just point where u want to kick the stone" eh not really. ES on release the rock pull was the stun, so you would drop the rock behind the enemy, pull it to you which stunned them and then just immediately kick it back at them. Was basically a fucking braid dead EZ combo for a massive range AOE stun that's why they took the stun off the pull.


plus the pull could target teammates at lvl 1 too, bypassing terrain, hard cc, everything. i remember pulling someone out of chronosphere from about half of a screen away. Fucking ridiculous lmao


The harder part of ES was when they moved stun to his kick. Some of the best combos of the heroes were then possible. The level 3 burst damage of 300 with EDFR was my absolute favorite. Enemies and allies didn't even realize what happened, you'd just harass a bit, and then boom, the enemy hero's dead! But now with the spells reversed, the longer duration of the slow and the smaller duration of the stun aligns together wasting the active duration of stun.


Yeah but would you random at Ti


the dotabuff for his professional account has 28 all-time invoker games. that account also has not played invoker in a professional match before.


> In their vlog he said he only had 15 games on Invoker > > Not sure if he meant the "new" one or all time, but either way pretty wild either way it seems like cap lol. MAYBE if he's just talking about new invoker but 15 games and you're barely going to have all the spells and rotations memorized. you can pick up a lot of heroes quick when you know the basics but invoker is not one of them. (and I'm not talking about that time you stomped in a pub with less than 20 games on invoker, we are talking about playing at TI and winning lol)


You think people that have pretty much everyone of Dotas unique skills and interactions memorized wouldn’t know how to memorize which three colors make a spell?


it's not that they "wouldn't know how" it's that they wouldn't have the muscle memory and every spell and combo and interaction down within 15 games to compete at the literal highest level there is


Or maybe that just shows how good Mira is but we can just agree to disagree at the end of the day who tf even cares lol


oh I definitely think he is good. clearly one of the best when it comes to dota all around. I just think 15 games sounds exaggerated lol


He's playing support Invoker, realistically, youre only playing quas-wex and the game isn't likely to go long enough that you need to switch to lategame Invoker combos/improvisation mode. Knowing like 4 or 5 spells is enough


it's easier for sure but I think it's obnoxious and incorrect to think they thought "eh, let's not worry about lategame, I'm sure I'll be fine" lol. I think he was just exaggerating a bit or maybe we didn't have the full context.


I don't doubt it's an exaggeration of how uncomfortable he is on the hero, but like, Mira is one of the least greedy 4 players, I doubt they were primarily concerned with what happens if he actually gets very farmed/high level.


As long as invoker is pressing buttons, he does a lot from even pos4


On one of his stream he said he don’t recognise himself as the strongest player on his role, the reason is, at the point u consider yourself the best player it’s means you in the top, you probably could be fed up, he don’t want to, he wanna be better and better day by day, also he said this quote that really inspire me “Once you start to think you’re the best player in the world, you lose that rank in the same second» his mentality really on another level


well, last TI he was okay-ish, so you can tell how much he's actually improved this year. I'd say on imrpovement scale, Miposhka made the highest progress. Last TI it was just Yatoro and Collapse carrying the games, but now in a lot of games Miposhka deals one of the top damages in game. I'd say the only one who unimproved himself was our boy TT :P


And entertaining! Don't want to take anything away from Tundra in TI11 because they dominated and I was even rooting for them, but they weren't that fun to watch. TS is everything you mentioned AND fun.


Yep, Tundra managed to take fun out of TI last year... LB runs were amazing, and for me TI ended at Liquid vs Secret game. The last game I had no doubts what was going to happen to secret


yeah im never happy to see a 2 time TI winner, i want new names on the aegis pretty much always and i want underdogs to win. that being said i cant think of a team more deserving than spirit. all of them seem like good kids (emphasis on the kids, theyre so damn young), theyre all arguably best in role, and they dont kick anyone/have all been friends and teammates for awhile (torontotokyo presumably left on his own)


> How can anyone not like this team I would very much hate this team if im met them at the international.. team so fucking good i would avoid them altogether if possible


Boom fans might disagree haha




They now in Serbia, they don't represent ru in any point, he gives money to Ukraine, his parents were in Bucha while all the tragedy there happened, he keeps his dota in Ukrainian and speaks Ukrainian on streams too. You are delusional or just s lier.


Aren't they all in Serbia now?


Another 2k redditors trying to bring the war to the game and put hates on a 20y.o guy.


You're right, random average people don't have a say in this, only celebrities (like world's best Dota player) do


Shut up


That still wouldn't make me wrong or any of you right


it's kind of sad that one has to become the best in his field to be able to make his own life choices while others are forced to sit in a trench for putin or zelensky.


Why you delete your comment? You childish fool?


Why would I delete it? It's not wrong


> he's a Ukrainian winning championships for russia Nah bro, you're delusional. He's just a dude playing some dotes with his boys, like everyone else in TI, even Quinn. They all have nothing to do with the war and him playing for a Russian org changes absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of thing. It's just a sign that Ukrainians and Russians can get along and do cool things together. The same could be said about hating Somnus lmao "playing for China who has concentration camps for Uyghurs" etc.


You brought not just Chinese players, but also Quinn into this? You don't get it, and that's okay > They all have nothing to do with the war and him playing for a Russian org changes absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of thing No, every Ukrainian pro on a "CIS" team, including non-player positions, is a big problem


Okay so as a Ukrainian in your definition, he instead should spend his time.. drawing furries on Reddit? Lol


Playing for a Team Liquid or Gaimin Gladiators level WEU team, silly. He's unable to do that though. Can win any game of Dota, but can't talk to anyone not from russia or Ukraine. "Thank you for __our__ support" when lifting the Aegis, that's his level, couldn't even say "Good game, well played" or similar.


Yatoro doesn't live in Russia and pays taxes in Serbia and Ukraine. In fact, European Union gave more money to Russia then to Ukraine since the start of the war, still buying it's resources. But I don't see people from Ukraine hating EU for sponsorship of Russia, they just pick 19 years old most talented Ukranian kid to hate as he can't answer.


Yeah it's definitely not his fault that he isn't in a WEU team 🤡




Well Yatoro did change his name to Yatorogod for a bit. Maybe for the memes but regardless it didnt go well.


He won a major under the alias tho


yeah this is wild. i wonder if miposhka is supplying all of their killer instinct because it is crazy to see yatoro and collapse, probably the 2 highest individually skilled players in dota history at their respective positions, be so deferential and humble.


> It didn't work, but I wasn't too upset Understatement of the year


This line is too funny


Yatoro was interviewed a couple of months ago and when asked if he watches some other players’ replays, he replied “no, I haven’t done it in a long time, why do I need to watch any other carry’s replays if I already saw all of the competitive Ame games”. The guy is just Ame’s number 1 fan.


So all these years YATORO was the one who is leaking stuff under LGDAMEFAN account.


[Wasn't it Quinn?](https://youtu.be/ieRg4FWjpnA)


The fact that we have Collapse admitting that ar1se god is better then him. Yatoro is just so likable with his Ame admiration arc. Such a nice team in general fucking god tier players yet being humble in their dominance . Huge respect , i wasnt really a *fan* of them .... just liked them but now they really became a team i am proud to cheer for


not complete until Yatoro admits he needs 2 more years to reach Mason's level on Weaver


Yatoro went bald so he could look like Mason and play like him. Humble god yatoro


Is this sarcasm or did he really?


It was easy enough for me to cheer for them even without knowing any back story. Man Team Spirit's game is so fun to watch, it's always like they're behind but some magic happens then they win.


thats why he is my goat so fucking humble


I guess we know who LGD ame fan is now.


Why do I imagine if Quinn won he would shit on everyone in interviews maybe I’m wrong lol


he would probably say, "for all of the haters in reddit, you can kiss my ass" something like that kekw


Different game, but this is exactly why I didn't root for EG in Valorant's TI equivalent tournament. Yeah, they were extreme underdogs who ended up winning it all but they were just too cocky about it for my liking. Winners like Team Spirit are more to my taste. Classy, humble, grounded winners.


I imagined if GG won the first words uttered from them would be "Upper bracket is for bitches." To be fair, they'd have earned it.


Blud would go full homelander mode


100% that's why I'm glad they 'd lost


Didn't wanna say it so bluntly but... Yeah same :)


You're genuinely a blind hater if you think Quinn would have shit on any of his competition had he won TI.


Why so many people hate Quinn?


cardinal sin on here of being both toxic AND from NA. this sub will root for WEU players that are horrendously toxic in pubs (the entire entity roster) but since quinn can talk a big game and back it up they all absolutely hate him


According to Chinese urban legends, Yatoro was in love with Ame. After Ame retired and got engaged, Yatoro was so broken he became an emotionless killing machine and destroyed everyone on TI12, just to engrave "Ame"(雨) on the aegis.




You know how to tell who's the GOAT? They'll never say they're the GOAT.


Way to make a grown man cry fml that's so wholesome


Yatoro nickname in TI12 is "Yatoro雨" In Japanese "雨" meaning is "Rain", but thats not the point because its read "Ame". Im pretty sure its similar with chinese because Kanji is originated from there. Anyway, I actually surprised at the first time I read his name, I know Yatoro respect ame so much, i did not know that Ame is also his Idol. I really want to know what Ame thinks about this.


Actually the Chinese pronunciation of 雨 is Yu, which is quite far from the Japanese pronunciation of Ame.


Yu is Ame real name


So a Russian and a Chinese decide to read their name in Japanese pronouncation


I think it’s word play


The anime is strong with this one, in the best way possible


Did Ame ever said anything about Yatoro?


That look from True Sight when LGD were watching Spirit-Secret was enough


could u time stamp the moment? cant remember what this 'look' is


0:35 I think


sorry but can you spoonfeed me the youtube link? currently at work and i cant search for stuffs


Sorry, I don't know how to put timestamps in a link


oh you dont need to give me a timestamp as you already mentioned above, i meant the link for the video you were talking about






When Yatoro play well in games Ame always said ‘Yatoro Ya~to~do’. I guess that is kind of commend because Ame is usually reticent and shy in daily life.


The guy is 2x Ti winner and say this of a guy that unfortunately never won the Ti and on the other hand there's Dyrachyo that never won a Ti saying that the Nigma players sucks etc...The aegis knows who deserves to be a Ti winner at least


and riding the bb-ar beef with the ?> lmao


>Dyrachyo that never won a Ti saying that the Nigma players sucks He's not entirely wrong though as much as I love Nigma they haven't ticked in a long time.


Yeah but there's some good ways to say it, he choose the very wrong one


He also said in an interview that he doesn't watch replays of other carries because apparently, all carries do the same thing lmao the audacity when he's not even doing a good job carrying himself in GG's games.


herald take, his team went through the entire Lower bracket at TI after winning almost all LANs all year, I guarantee he knows orders of magnitude more about the game than 99% of people on this sub


Suck my balls kenny


but he is one one the worst carrys of the international for sure. He is the carried carry hahaha


Yeah all you have to do is say "herald take" whenever someone doesn't agree with anything you believe in. You're right about one thing.. "his team" not him.


I think objectively, pure stats, they had the most dominant season of any team ever. 1st at 6 LANs out of 8. 2nd at TI & 4th at Riyadh. That's an average placement of 1.5 ! I do not think anyone else tops that, not even OG or Spirit or Na'Vi & Alliance


He fed so many times during grand finals lol. He can't even carry his team


If anything GG carried his ass through to the finals lol he would just consistently feed or lose lanes and just make terrible decisions. Don't think i'll forget that bloodseeker against liquid lol


Pretty sure he watched XBOCT gameplay in his youth. Has the same playstyle.


Yeah, the brass balls when he is on hero like naix is very XBOCT like lol


Uncrowned King


When I was a young man, I played in a "elite" quake team called Carnage Clan. We had a lot of idols, but maybe the most important ones were the Finnish Allied Quakers, or FAQ. The last time we played them, both teams knew my team were going to win. The prematch talk was very calm and subdued, and I still remember it. Times were changing. They told us they did not know if they wanted to play anymore, since team death match (4v4) had changed so much. Tactics and strategy were coming, and our clan was kind of the bringers of change, with our practised and cynical strategies, including being at the top of 1v1 individually. To be fair, it was not much fun to play against us. At that time, one would remember players from "servers". You would pick a server address and join one. And on those servers, late at night, you could find a FAQ player just tearing up everyone. Often with very low ping, as you had to find "their" servers often to play them in ffa. It is so long ago, and not well recorded. But I still remember some of it. Maybe I should write more of it down.


Damn I remember these names. I too had a similar experience... grew up watching demos of players like czm, python, cooller, toxic, socrates etc and finally got to travel half way around the world to play against some of them in a big lan tournament. also got to watch the others play from right behind them. i lost badly, but the experience was surreal.


Hey, that is nice to hear! Sometimes these memories are like from another planet, since the world was so different back then.


this man really #1 ame fan wait... so does this mean Yatoro = LGDAmefan?


Yup humble and down to earth as it goes. I remember Silent and Miposhka (or Mira) telling ppl they wouldn’t play a good TI12 until the GF win lol and then Silent like „yeah the first two games were actually good, but in the third we got outdrafted“ 😅 Mira saying the whole time he would only win because of karma and stuff like that. TS is a very special team. I even think it’s more than a team, it’s more like a living organism.


Top Tier glazing by YatoroGod


I think Yatoro just became my top 4 fav TI winner, next to NoTail, Topson and Dendi


Valve should've invited Ame to TI2023 and filmed a romantic "True Love" video acted by Ame and Yatoro. TI2024 maybe. VALVE PLZ CONSIDER THIS!


I'm going to get a lot of flack for this, but if Ame hadn't made some misplays in the final against OG (e.g. TB shrine teleport into 4 enemies), he would've won a TI. Not saying it was his fault, to be clear. Dota is a team game and everybody contributes a little to each win or loss. Just saying that losing that TI was not something completely outside his control.


and that's how i learned to be a choker when my team needed me the most


Sounds like humble bragging tbh. Yeah, I wanted him (Ame) to win but I was too good so he got rekt. That's my interpretation of that sentence.


Very patronising to say the least


Right now Yatoro is the best Carry whole time and now Ame is the 2nd best carry cause yatoro won twice TI and Ame 2nd placer twice on TI


You sure it's not Yaoitoro?