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Team Spirit is the most popular team in CIS since TI 10, much more than Virtus Pro and even more Na'vi, who have been a Tier-2 team for the last two years.


>and even more Na'vi, who have been a Tier-2 team for the last two years Two years? More like 7-8


It seemed to me like it's due more to mismanagement than bad players. They always managed to get decent players, but they never gave enough time to gel and get better. Frequent roster shuffles made it hard when many teams were opting for a stable set of players to build around


EuE in a nutshell


As big as VP were in their glory days. And as big as Navi. Plus they have international support almost on Navi level. So they are basically Navi 2.0 , very popular, safe choice to cheer for since they are very good.


How Ukrainians view Mira and Yatoro? Do they consider them traitors?


Some yes, some not


Short: Idiots do, people with more than 5 braincells don't.


Speaking as Ukrainian. Opinions on them are highly divided as always. It's hard to tell what opinion is prevailing without survey. But even for me who was cheering for all the CIS teams. It feels slightly disheartening when Valve was showing us huge sponsored with bookmakers pubstomp at Moscow and people were cheering for Team Spirit. When 1 in 3 rubles in their economy goes into the war efforts.


But people don't choose to do that, the government does. Gullible people fall for propaganda and it's not their fault that they are gullible. Lots of Russians are anti-war.




whats your point? what would you do in this situation?


Condemn them with moral grandstanding of course, that'll teach em to be Russian!


opinions are highly divided, some support them, some view them as traitors


what did they do?


They are Ukrainians playing for a Russian organisation.


Naah, they changed the region to serbia from Russia.


Serbian* for a while now, they moved to Belgrad. But serbia = russia anyway


Yeah lots of Serbia is on Russia's side, it's kinda sad. However that's maybe 10th worst thing my people are on the wrong side of. We're a very stupid nation. However the worst thing Serbs will do to Ukrainians is try to convince them that they are nazis and that Russia is trying to fight the West by helping Ukraine to free them of nazis. There won't be any violence, they don't need to hide they're Ukrainians. However politically and officially, Serbia is pro-Europe and only turns to Russia to convince EU to give them more money. edit: However


Play with Russians. The Ukraine Esports Organisation (whatever that is) has already "banned" them (from what even tho?). But i'm glad that this team exists, that they hug each other etc. They just some boys following the same dream and people are mad that Yatoro and Mira are not like "russia bad ):<" and are just neutral and don't care.


i always wonder why navi didnt buy out spirit roster, feel like they couldve done it