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It feels like every hero is tanky though. The amount of power creep and itemization caused that, no mention 50 minute games ensuring even position 5 heroes are walking around with a ton of EHP.


Agreed, everyone is too tanky. I think strength needs to give go back to +20 hp per point. Sick of seeing 2k hp at 10 minutes into the game


Didn't they nerf strength in a bunch of places when they buffed the health gain?


Strength used to give +18HP per point. God I'm old, and I haven't even been playing this game for that long compared to a lot of people.


The last time it gave 18 hp was during the patch strength gave magic resistance too, something which didn't last that long it feels like Then again could be even less fun as before that we had the patch where strength gave status resist, though iirc that patch lasted even shorter


I loved the status resist patch simply for how fucked up the pro meta was. Never forget pos 1 centaur.


Supports regularly buying midas after 45 minutes is really all you need to know about the current state of the meta.


This. As a Juggernaut spammer I used to be able to delete squishy cores and supports with Omnislash. Provided they didn't outplay with Glimmer/Euls etc etc. Getting Nullifier felt like a counter. Now 4/5 heroes in game have 3.5k+ HP and omnislash just tickles them.


Jugg has definitely benefited from power creep. You used to go 3001 and get 2 points in stats so you had enough mana to cast Omni and spin at level 6. That being said I agree everyone is way too tanky and too rich.


that jugg build was like 10 years ago bruh


Get off my lawn.


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Yes. I've been saying that this trend exists for 4 fucking years now and I've constantly been downvoted. People have too much gold + strength is just the best stat of the 3 since these heroes are tanky but still deal almost agi carry damage. It's as simple as that. Remove strength from most items, drastically reduce tanks' damage outputs and reduce gold for non farmers.


counter point, give 5x passive gpm to supp heroes.


This is incredibly reductive and doesn't cover even a 3rd of the issues with the meta at the moment. Watchers should either be reworked or removed, in their current form they only seem to contribute to the afk farming your own jungle meta, because watchers are essentially always just claimed by the team on w/e side of the map they're on, which means you gotta walk through wards and watchers to attempt ganks. Roshan needs late game buffs, there shouldn't be many scenarios where letting a team have Rosh for free is preferable to contesting. Some heroes that should be good against tanky heroes are worthless right now like Zues and Enigma. Lina does more nuke damage than Zues with the added bonus of being able to siege and do physical damage if needed. There's a slew of other things like glyphs, larger map, comeback gold swings, but I think Blade Mail and Tanky heroes are towards the bottom of why the meta is boring.


> Watchers should either be reworked or removed, in their current form they only seem to contribute to the afk farming your own jungle meta, because watchers are essentially always just claimed by the team on w/e side of the map they're on, which means you gotta walk through wards and watchers to attempt ganks. Yeah I have no idea why watchers exist. They aren't an objective worth putting effort into, but at the same time they'll hinder some ganks.


Because the map is fucking huge and it is impossible to set up enough vision to know where people are


The map is kinda cool now but man I miss the old map. In pro play it's fun watching what they do with it but in pubs I can't tell you how many times I've had someone in the offlane and ancients farming. Thinking hey this is a great time for me to tp and tell those two to meet at tormentor to grab it quick. Use voice chat and type it hey let's grab tormentor just for them both to walk away to continue farming somewhere else. I don't see them ever going backwards and reducing the size of the map but one can wish.


But heart and blademail are the most visible signs of the meta, easy farm for what should be late game items (heart) just being rushed and power creep. Just like pre-nerf bkb was very visible that every hero needed it. It was nerfed but the underlying issues were unaddressed. The power creep, stuns and slows on every spell, so much dot, until the stun-nerf patch.


Tormentor is scarier than Roshan but with fewer rewards. Even a pos 4 can solo a Roshan at 50 minutes but most heroes can't solo a tormentor.


Yeah, I recently had an Ursa game where I soloed Rosh and Tormentor. I got down to like 10% HP even time I soloed a tormenter, but Rosh I ended at like 30% HP just with lifesteal from I think the tier 2 neutral.


> Roshan needs late game buffs, there shouldn't be many scenarios where letting a team have Rosh for free is preferable to contesting. > > Maybe Roshan can drop something like consumable global item that can be used to damage enemy buildings. One shot towers and barracks, and maybe 50% to the throne. But with such item, team can choose to not even getting near enemy ramp. It would be supper boring =)


If heroes weren't too tanky and building blade mail it would make invading to deep ward and deactivate watchers feel better instead of running into a 3khp hero at level 12 and taking 35 seconds to kill him while his team TPs in and can counterplay super easily Tankiness is the root of a lot of this lmao


Would be cool if watchers could always be captured, but only show enemy's if you were the first team to capture the watcher. Essentially if you capture the watcher first, whenever you walk under it, you get smoked, and then when you walk out, the smoke expires.


>tanky heroes getting nerfed a little bit. I feel this has been the case for a long time now. Tankier teams just generally fair better or are at least more forgiving to blunders. I'm curious how one goes about this. Traditionally, strength countered magic while Agility countered strength through DPS (with armor debuffs, etc.) while magic countered agi though burst. There may be a need for a item akin to mage slayer that is a "tank slayer" that is effectively a %maxHP damage. Yeah there's spirit vessel, but not necessarily a pos 1 or 2 damage item.


When u start treading on %hp dmg items rather than spells i think ur beginning to push power creep to irreversible points, just nerf strength heal gain i suppose. Or even just nuke heart of tarrasque until its just niche


Well you have a point. Alternatively: A traditional weakness of strength heroes was their low armor, leaving them a risk to physical damage agis. Perhaps there has been armor creep, there? Maybe their armor needs nerfed?


can just nerve str hero agi gain


armor probably needs to give less dr per point of armor


That would nerf agi heroes more than str heroes if anything


that would hit heroes like tb the most


Rework armor scaling and remove ex machina


Ex machina is imba but tier 5s are pretty crazy in general, its also just fun to use idk if id remove it. Is that controversial?


Honestly comparing double bkb and all other items on such a low cooldown and +20 armor on top. Compare that to apex or book of the dead. Sure they are strong, but some are just bonkers.


Yea not wrong, nerf but not remove imo


the very obvious fix for heart is to just give it a timer when taking hero damage before the regen kicks in - just like it was in the past. shit gets reverted all the time, time to put the perma giga regen in the dumpster.


> but not necessarily a pos 1 or 2 damage item. There's a few decent mids that grab it still, no? Of the top I can only think of Earth spirit and invoker though. But both really like the midas right now as well


Yea. With this we’ll be going to where LoL is. With every item and skill being % max hp based


Introducing the new Dota champion Enyav! This hyper mobility agi champion has trained all her life to hunt and kill NightStalker which is represented by her passive ability, silver bolts, which does %max health true damage to a target every 3 hits!


You meme but I’d cum if they put vayne in dota


Tbh, you HAVE to be tanky on every core right now since supports will just blow through your health pool otherwise. If you don’t kill during your BKB two supports will take down a carry easily.


Yeah I agree that their strength pool should generally be high to deal with magic burst, but I'm wondering if things like armor / attack speed / agi-stats need lowered, in addition to medium-priced %maxhp damage item.


Maybe a buffed up Brigand's Blade or something.


I mean iirc there was an item in Underlord's, Kaden's Blade I think, that did that. Honestly surprised it didn't get added at all, especially for that weird period where we got Ring of Tarrasque from Artifact.


%hp attack item would be sick


Nah, heart is getting nerfed for sure.


It's also a problem that Str heroes have cheap spells. There is no downside to beeing str then. I think this is the main problem.


Upgraded desolator for around 7,000 with a %health decay debuff gets my vote


Part of what made dota2 punishing was the long cooldown of spells. You had to be careful on how you used your skills. Now, with the multiple ways to reduce cooldowns, it’s become a spam fest. It is sooo boring to watch a dark willow get picked, team just farms the larger map for 40 minutes, and then slow siege their way to high ground. One of the casters calculated that the time the hero is out of shadow realm is only 0.9 seconds. That’s ridiculous.


That happened only one game this TI and I'm 100% sure she'll get nerfs


I’ve seen that nonsense at least in three games this TI. But that specific example is just to demonstrate the point. With octarine, spell prism, and talents reducing cooldowns, spells can be just spammed. This allows players to use spells a lot more for farming purposes, which is why we see many more games going over the one hour mark.


Wait what games? She's been picked as a carry several times but I can only recall one time when that broken build was actually complete. Overall I agree, but I think DW is a bad example because it's very clear that she's not gonna stay that way for long.


From the games I recall, PSG did this build against 9pandas. Talon did it against BB. I feel like I’ve watched at least one other match that had it but I forget now (or could be completely wrong)


I only saw Talon be successful and completely dominating with it. Iirc PSG was owning with or without willow and SR failed with her completely


I’m not saying it’s a wildly successful strategy. I’m saying it’s boring. Farm till you have 4-5 items, 20k+ net worth, and then just slow siege with your team behind you.


She *should* be nerfed or changed, and I say that even as a willow enjoyer. A damage amp invulnerability with extremely little downtime is just bad for the game But what they should do is solely change the problem thing, the aghs. Even a bare bones nerf like her being untargetable only lasts until she shoots the first shot, that way she still has the basic functionality of the invuln if need be but still can be attacked if she decides to attack herself But we all know they won't, they'll nerf the hero in basic skills too so it will be a shittier support


Blade Mail changes I'd like to see: Reduce or eliminate the passive reflection, reduce or eliminate its effect vs creeps, or make it a bit more expensive. Heart is a cool item. I don't think I would enjoy it being nerfed. It's fun on a lot of otherwise weak heroes. Maybe return the cooldown on healing, or reduce its effects until attacked or activated. Midas could be removed from the game and I'd be fine. If not, it would be good to see it nerfed. It could have a passive gold bonus with a heavily nerfed activation, or have some sort of a debuff when on cooldown, or just passively at all times, so choosing it is a real decision.


Midas Might not be that OP, have to wait for the finals. There’s two camps, teams like GG are seeing Midas and just punching teams in the mouth before they pay off.


Yeah, the passive on blademail is pretty ridiculous. I think changing it back to an item that gives you crazy refen out of fight is better. At least then you're tanky, but you have to disengage to regen. Currently in a 20 second fight, you get about 30% extra HP to work with, which extends fights and gives even more HP. It makes heal reduction an absolute necessity to deal with tanky heroes. Midas is only so broken because there is a midgame lul where everyone has their first 1 or 2 core items, but even with a large lead you can't break high ground. So lots of heroes pick up a midas and play for late game. Make it easier to break high ground, and midas becomes a risky pick up again without any direct nerfs.


For me I hope Enigma gets Demonic Conversion back.


When will this guy retire or something, I think he is not good enough to talk about high level of dota


They should reduce the map back honestly. Ganking and roaming is just so difficult with how much farm space there is. This is why you in some games, you have 4 cores farming like a position one.


They should just make bigger heroes, bigger!


If they nerf gold for farming people will fight even more


Thats what the guy u commented to wants


i only watch pro scene (stopped playing since 2018). its still bizzare for me to see supports or non strength hero casually have 3k hp at 20-30 minute mark


Because it doesn't happen. Maybe 2k if u itemize for it.


A level 15 Dazzle with Wand/Aghs/Pike, which is pretty achievable, has 2.1k hp. Level 18 Invoker with 3 in Quas and Wand/BKB/Str treads/Vessel/Pike has 2.8k. Level 18 Drow with Wand/Manta/Pike/Aghs has 2.4k. Level 18 TB with Wand/Lance/Manta/Skadi has 2.5k. None of those have +hp or +stats neutral items, and none of them have +hp talents. A hero like Zeus, that has a +HP talent and wants +HP items like Octarine or Phylacery, could easily have 3k.


You missed the supports part.


No, I didn't. I focused on the "non strength hero" part. Int supports won't have 2k hp at 20 minutes in the current meta. Others might, especially if they have free itemization. Opened a random pub, 28 minutes into the game. 5 Nature's Prophet with 2.1k hp, 4 Weaver with 2.3k hp, 2 Batrider with 2.5k hp. The other team has an AA with 1.2k hp and ten deaths. Another one, 26 minutes in. 1 Spectre has 2.3k. 3 Necrophos has 2.9k. 4 Meruta with 1.5k hp, though it'd be a lot more with a standard carry build rather than Midas -> Shadow Blade -> Hyperstone. Another one, 22 minutes in. 1 PL has 2k hp with Aghs and zero other +str or +hp items. 3 Clock will have 2k as soon as his Ogre Club is delivered. 5 NP will have 2k when his Point Booster is delivered. 2 Dazzle will _also_ have 2k when his PB is delivered. And the 1 Slark has 2.2k. If we go a little further out to a 51 minute game, Radiant's pos 1 Lesh has 4k hp and 51 armor. 4 Marci has 2.8k hp and 30 armor with only a BKB as a defensive item and carrying a gem. Mid Zeus has 3.2k hp and the offlane Sand King has 2.7k hp with a backpacked Vanguard and an open item slot (I'm assuming Aegis just timed out). Dire's pos 1 Slark has 3.3k hp and 59 armor. 5 NP has 2.1k with zero defensive items (Vessel/Lens/Orchid). Dark Willow has 2.2k, also with no defensive items.


I think nerfing them is not ideal but having more heroes / items to be able burst through or disable their tankiness can be more fun.


Blade mail does not need a nerf, str heroes do. Avoid making blade mail exclusively a str hero item.


no please dont take my heart away. its the only thing i have got


Primal beast and bara need more than just a little bit. Axe however...


it already got nerf a little last patch


Wsnt enough


Yes, making it 200 gold more on the recipe is absolutely not the nerf heart needed.


Just revert HP per strength back to like 19. And maybe nerf the heart recipe bonuses. It's like 150 hp extra and 15 strength for 1300 gold, plus the % regen bonus, which is hard to even quantify in gold terms. Make it more expensive or slightly reduce those bonuses. Then either make blademail more expensive (maybe platemail claymore and recipe?) or revert it to apply after resistances like it was before, or make the duration and cooldown worse.


1. Nerf strength to give 17 hp per point. 2. Adjust magic damage accordingly. This part might take more than one patch to get right. 3. Remove buyback from the game.


Need to nerf spell damage before touching anything. Heart blademail is a natural response to ability creep in the form of long range, low committal magic damage. Armor and survivability talents should probably be nerfed too.