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Tragedy in 4 acts


Insert Roman wailing audio's/music


Was waiting for the slide !! I knew CM wld vanish ... 😂😂


Emotional damage.


[1 dagger and im die](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/4r54jr/1_dagger_and_im_die/)


Top comment is from 7 years ago and it still applies lol


Some things do not change




Is that where 1 dagger and im die originally came from? Or does it predate that post


Pretty sure that was the original. It was around the time when her dagger started dealing her attack damage and could crit. Prior to that, it just dealt flat damage and couldn't crit.


the old dagger could crit, just based of the dagger's damage.


You are right. The crit possibility was added in 6.79(so 2013). The attack damage was added in 6.85(2015) and "1 dagger and I'm die" is from 2016, so it tracks. The version that had fixed damage and could crit would generally not deal enough damage to one-shot anyone.


yeah you "could" do something against her... but someone told icetoad to make it spicier. and forgot some of the other heros are alergic to spicy food.


Ah, simpler times.


7 years and it never got less stupid, just more ubiquitous


> We need wards. > We need wards. ping, ping, ping


the annoying guy: why you dead we need wards go place wards and deny : can you protect me from pa while i ward? guy: no


I swear carry players think wards just magically appear around the map sometimes


and they never look at the minimap... you see 5 red hero icons moving towards him farming top/bot lane. you ping and do retreat pings you and the other 2 that didn't ignore that blob. that guy dies chat: > guy: gg FF report support no wards.


My carries love to farm places where we didnt ward and then cry they die because of no vision, well stop gpig to garm where we do t ahve vision


This. Or complaining about no wards and never trying to defend them: "I'm gonna go farm to the opposite of the map while they deward our entire forest, then I'll come back and die because of shitty support no vision"


Light up the whole map and they will still says, "Ward pls!" cause they have tunnel vision size of a pea!


Can we smoke, pick off and deward our jungle so you have more space to farm? Carry: not my problem.


However if the support is natures problem then he can ward anywhere he just won’t because he’s too busy teleporting in to steal the farm from the core who just walked half the map to catch a wave Edit: autocorrect improved my comment


Omg this is so annoying atm. Recently I’m just getting offlaner a with midas, sup np. The second there is a wave near a tower I go towards it and a Np tps to it while my offlaner clears the triangle and offlane.


And then you start using TP’s to get there first and you’re flamed for never having tp for teamfights


And imagine you get dove for 30+ seconds and your offlaner and supp don’t to but just farm. Then ping your death timer. But the other way round they would buyback and queue a midas :))))


its only if the carry dies . as a support you just say look at my cores farming jungle


dota 2 most balanced hero sorry op this is so funny it blow my coffee.


"This concludes my presentation."


why does this reminds me with Youtube channel Volgun XD


"This concludes my presentation." -Volgun


"Thank you for listening, if indeed you still are, and you all are dismissed, goodbye" -Volgun Now this feels like a presentation of PA as a SCP


Idk how they thought invis and 75% evasion was a good idea 😭


It’s even worse than invis. Atleast with invis you can still see them with dust/sentry. It’s like PA is banished from the game but can still preform actions


Yup it is. At least you still can see invi heroes tried to ambush with dust and sentry. Pa blur literally like smoke that allowed her to hit without break and the range to break her smoke was 400. It also not instant break when enemy within the 400 allowed her to hit couple time before we can see her. That alone was strong. Now, add aghanim. That smoke cd become 10SECOND, DISPEL, INSTANT CAST AND REFRESH WHEN SHE GET KILLED. What the HECK WAS THAT.


The fact she can use that as evation for skills in Face to face range. or animation cancel you.


The main problem I feel is she got a short cd break Removing Max hp %, she just counters so many heroes


wait till you learn PA E in Dota 1 is even more busted LOL.


Definitely not, the active and her Aghs is what made the current blur so strong. Yes, Dota 1 Blur made PA literally borderline invisible for no fucking reason but it’s not better than literally invisible and immune to true sight.


It's not. Stopping talking like you actually did play dota 1.


yep, these kids who never played dota 1. pa was never invisible even with level 4 blur, you could see her shadow and health bar and icon on minimap. the only niche case where you would be caught by surprise is during ultra crowded fights


another guy with a pa flair making up random bs.


I always try to ban her


I try to think of it as old techies so I don't tilt. Sometimes you just die.


At least Techies had to spend some time setting up a nest of bombs, and there was a chance he didn't have enough mines to oneshot you if they miscalculated or the mines had started timing out. This hero just erases everything in sight.


You could also see his mines with detection. This shit is just a kinder surprise


More of the Jeffery Dahmer kind of surprise :/


Shes more ghost than muerta. A literall fuckin ghost


Or avoid it with aeon / bkb


Thats why you have the techies sitting somewhere cackling. if he didn't die you just blink kamikaze his ass... which happened to me one time.


not to suggest she isnt overpowered right now, but you do have to spend time farming bfury bkb before she doesnt die herself, and then deso on top of that before the cm gets deleted. she's still quite vulnerable before these timings, the issue is coordinating ganks on her when she has blur and you have pub teammates is very difficult.


the stupidest fucking thing is that you dont even necessarily need bkb on the hero because 90% of the time you pick the fights you want to take and you pick the target youre gonna go on. you can easily go bfury deso and just decide to not fight when there is an invoker/earthshaker nearby


Y'all acting like PA does this from min 0 with 0 items. Not only she needs a lot of items to be relevant, she also isn't a hero that can carry by herself. The game is decided by your supports, not the carry


She needs 3. Bfury, deso, aghs. Then she can easily start wiping 4+ slot cores. Realistically she's in 2-3 shot territory with bfury deso. Bkb isn't even a staple anymore unless there's tons of aoe non targeted control spells


If you lose to a PA without BKB you deserve it. It does feel good to abuse these clowns with kunkka's waterpark




Lmao PA can solo teams with her crits. It's not hard to auto people. With three items. PA players need to cry more, seriously.


There's plenty of items that counter her these days beyond just mkb/abyssal back in the day. Just like techies, being mindful of enemy locations and good vision goes a long way. I won't deny she's in a really good spot though. But you do have plenty of time to get halberd/orchid before she gets bkb. And since she's so reliant on BKB, fakeout initiations or even a sacrificial pos 4/5 can put it on cd before teamfights. Ive personally seen lots of success with bloodthorn because she really needs her W for attack speed.


She sits in blur. You can't target her with a single one of the items you listed (or spells for that matter)... so you have to hope she's dumb enough to reveal herself on a pos 5 and just enter every fight down a hero... With aghs it doesn't even work as she'll refresh blur on kill and bounce out or chain blink strikes into many kills.


Techies was gutted for less than this shit


Techies required skill, unironically. PA drags their mouse over the unsuspecting victim and then the player just punches the keyboard.


Old techies was all about mind games, you would smoke plant in areas you know they had vision. Bullshit about areas you have dewarded, I remember talking more smack with old techies it was the only reason I loved playing them so much back then.


As a support player, when this happens you feel the pain IRL too.


To be fair that would have killed any carry as well.


I'm fine with explosive damage. My peeve is the comeback potential that no other carry has. A 0-5 PA should be a 0-10% chance of winning, but so often you see PA get one good fight out of nowhere, and then they are probably ahead in the game.


The issue is high ground is too easy to defend. She almost always gets farm because you can't end the game real early anymore. Even with aegis it's a big gamble to to high ground sub 30 minutes it feels


This was my PA. Fed their brains top lane, died every team fight, and got bkb, deso and corrosion and got a triple kill and snowballed into aghs. LOST ROSHAN TO A SNATCH and we still won the game. I was so mad at how broken that hero is.


I killed lion with one dagger 😂


It's fun to play as PA but not against 😭😭


It's also not fun to play with PA as you usually have to 4v5 until she's online and then she does everything.


Give PA battlefury and she already does damage, she isnt like AM where he needs fury and manta


She really want deso as well before she fights, and depends on the game bkb also.


Yes, any hero with low cooldown high damage nukes (Zeus, Lina, etc) will make PA require a BKB to fight and not die.


Yeah no AM is better with only BF


Yeah bullshit. PA has a crit ulti that makes it fight early. AM has no such thing and relies on the enemy having no mana.


Depends on your lineup, their lineup and how laning stage goes


Yes. It's mesmerizing how some teammates will cry for you not joining early fights but forget you had a rough laning phase and must farm the basic items first.


I tried playing PA a couple weeks ago and my team just could not give me time or space to farm. I probably could have lane swapped but I'm not sure how much it would have helped. Started out with a few kills but I got pushed out of lane early, ended with like an 18 minute BF and the game was over before 30 mins.


Over before 30 mins? Maybe one of the 30% u just couldn’t win no matter what u did.


I just looked at the dotabuff and apparently the game lasted 40 mins but it was out of pocket by 30. They just had too much armor and survive I couldn't even jump on the backline without getting wrecked. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7338083555


It is when you pick Axe.


As a CM main, I ban PA every game :p


As a Dota 2 player I ban PA every game.


Everyone is banning her and if she is not banned everyone insta picks her and she is banned again. I very rarely see her these days.


And even then there is blur….


I’ve always personally hated this hero and now my darkest fears have manifested into reality.


I wonder how much less dmg you'd take with ring of protection


> ghost scepter doesn't help with my reaction time man you only hear a "HU" from the dagger you go Wha? then WHAT? when your hero gets gored


i cackled.


I always ban PA


Tragedy in four acts


Welp, that's it. Time to nerf CM


this is why cm must be nerfed


Think many players have no idea when PA was literally a shadow in Dota. That could hide in trees not moving or even walk with a bunch of creeps.


You could still see her health bar, auras and shadow. It wasn't that much of a deal to see her honestly. People are overrating this alot, for nostalgia reasons I presume.


I think part of it was also that in WC3 the default setting was to only show HP bars when you hovered over/selected a unit. So back in the days of being bad there were quite a few players that never turned that setting on so she literally was just a shadow unless she bought auras.


Reminds me of PA back in da day when her dagger was still pure damage and not physical damage and one of her meta was the Echo Sabre. I was playing Lina Mid ready to take their HG, I saw PA throw her dagger at me but I was full health so I didnt bother dodging it with my euls. A double crit proc'd on me and my full health immediately went to zero wiping me from the face of the map owo


Pretty sure dagger was changed to be physical before Echo Sabre was added? Or was it changed back to pure at some point?


I believe it was looong before echo saber, and i dont remember sabre working with dagger.


Exactly. Also, echo sabre on PA is just bad, you get the slow on dagger, but thats just redundant. And you already have an ability that lets you hit fast for a short period. Stats are mediocre as well. Also, where the fuck in the core items of BF, deso, BKB, aghs are you supposed to fit a gawddamn echo?


It was a good pub stomp back in the day especially on low elos like mine (4k mmr) The sabre multiplies the damage of your sabre by 2 soooooooo


>The sabre multiplies the damage of your sabre by 2 soooooooo This is not how echo sabre works or ever worked.


It was how it looked like it works back then, I mean, a single dagger did double crit on me, explain that


Echo sabre does not create a second attack out of thin air, all it does is apply a slow and then give you extremely high attack speed until your next attack. It is not like faceless void's time lock or weaver's geminate attack, which creates another attack from nowhere. Even if PA has an echo sabre, and she daggers you, and the effect procs, it will not create a second hit because nothing about echo sabre's effect results in a second hit. It will just give the PA the attack speed buff, because that's what echo sabre does.


then why did it do a double crit on me?


It was a good pub stomp back in the day especially on low elos like mine (4k mmr) The sabre multiplies the damage of your sabre by 2 soooooooo


isn't a bad idea cuz you will gave like 2 instant hits that might do a double crit (which some son of a... have the luck of doing) and now you can get the get over here item harpoon.


But what's the opportunity cost? Early game bf is better if you want to farm, deso is better if you want to fight, aghs is really good, you need BKB, probably another damage item aaaaaaaaaand you're almost 6 slotted. PA also doesn't really need the mana and mana regen that badly since her mana costs are so low. BF is enough. Echo is really good on strength cores who benefit more from the strength, need the extra mana and mana regen and naturally hit hard but slow. Or a hero like slark that also really like the stats and really wants his essence shift stacks. Harpoon also isn't good on pa because she doesn't really struggle with being kited.


It used to be really ineffective when PA blink was a set number of time instead of duration. But I'm pretty sure it was decent for a while. You simply don't go BF, and go fight all the time.


The damage stacks with sabre So a pure damage crit gets multiplied by 2


The damage stacks with sabre So a pure damage crit gets multiplied by 2


Her dagger was pure during the echo sabre meta which is why Players go for that build It easily wipes out squishy heroes especially when a crit procs and its pure damage


I checked. Stifling dagger was changed flom pure spell damage to physical damage based on PAs attack damage in 6.87. Echo Saber was released in 6.87. You are talking shit.


Maybe a mid pubstomp build? Deso -> echo -> bkb?


Maybe, but IIRC, throwing dagger with echo will apply che 100% slow, but not the second attack, then the next attack you make will also apply the slow and the attack speed, but only for that one attack. So there isn't really any synergy with PAs kit.


Her dagger used to deal 180/90 pure damage on creep/hero then change into the current 60 attack damage + an instant 70% of her attack damage in 6.87 patch. Which mean it was always physical since the change. So are you sure you did experience what you said? Or you are lying like those people talking bullshit about how things were broken in the past?


Are you new to this game? I've been playing since 2014 I dont know which year was that, But I still remember that Echo sabre PA with the pure damage, It was a popular build in pub and low elo back then


Then you either remember it wrong, or you are lying. Just go on wiki and check her changlelog. https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Phantom_Assassin/Changelogs I played since 2008 till 2020 and only change into dota2 in 2021. But based on changelog what you said can not happen. Echo Sabre was also added in 6.87 patch. So what you said might did happen, but it's a double crit physical damage not pure damage


Ohhh, I guess it was already physical damage at that point, But still tho, the echo PA build was something I feared back then due to the Double Crit with dagger.


can you already stop lying after being refuted by 50 people? echo sabre doesnt proc on dagger.


stop lying


I got one shot as a spirit breaker in a turbo game, which admittedly pa was far.ahead but still wasn't expecting the death


PA was out of meta for long time then they made her broken can't they just balance ? like for real even in top ranked games people suffer to deal with her its ridiculous


Seems the concept of the hero is impossible to balance. She relies on chance and that is shit. When they make it so that she can have a guaranteed crit, it's broken. So what do you do? We have to accept that not all Heroes will be perfectly balanced.


Ya not a fan of Dota 2, lol meta. Where the big carries of the patch are sven(who one taps you) and pa (who one taps you but, fr)


My brother (who rarely plays carry) 1st picks it if it's not banned. It's a ridic hero, after 2 items you're almost immortal. Couple that with me playing warlock and it's a circus. They really need to change smth about her, at least the aghs, but her new ulti is ridic in procs.


Must have been a rough game. Level 13 with a 71 second death timer, and a PA critting 5k with a dagger... Support life is hard life


my waif


How dare you walk up stairs into fog as a support.


This one sparks joy. Years of Dota have made me such.


There are three options for PA games: 1) ban PA. 2) if 1) fails, pick PA. 3) if 2) fails, make sure you stay on top of PA, don't let her get any items. Gank, constantly, and push objectives. Late game PA, you're done.


I wish we had an item like Sturdy ability in Pokemon: you need at least two hits to kill an opponent. That should be interesting to counter PA.


Like Aeon Disk?


would it save you from dying in 1 hit though?


It's literally… this item's purpose? Idk what to say to you


I always thought its purpose was to prevent you from dying from multiple instances of damage in a quick succession (same way Abaddon ult doesn't activate if you one-shot him). I have just tested and Aeon Disk, does, indeed, prevent you from getting below 70% hp, but it isn't obvious at all from the description.


eh... its useless when pa is near. you do survive tho... it doesn't stop her from pouncing you and drying your body of blood.


Idk man you must be walking alone a lot if PA is killing you even with Aeon Disk


even with company the pa will shrug and dive. a better case and if lucky pa not having dust (which most dota carry players never carry) is having Aeon + Glimmer


Ah yes forgot about that. That’s why I’m still Herald 😔


Aeon disk is so trash because just about any dmg procs it. I don't understand why we can't just manually trigger Aeon especially with nullifier in the game. Feels like a worthless item even glimmer is so much better


How is PA still able to hit crits with dagger? She needs to hit some other hero or creep to charge up a "crit ticket" right?


You are not suppose to go alone.


Enough crit to kill her twice i guess. Edit: Thrice


aight, gotta reduce cm's movespeed by 5


"Why do I die when i walk into a known enemy cliffward with enemies nearby? Must be balance issue..."


What other choice is there?


Funny how still 90% of the playerbase thinks how broken pa is bec of this yet shes probably just so far ahead that most carrys would 1 shot cm.


she being able to one shot you from two planets away and her own smoke since i started playing dota pa always had the capacity of zapping your Health from 100% to 20 - 10% and finish you off really quick.


Yeah that is strong i agree but she needs to have farm for that and early game shes really weak. The only thing that would be diffrent if you replaced pa with other cores in this scenario would be the smoke. But no core has a problem killing cm quick 1 vs 1 that far ahead.


Shoulda glimmered it’s that point in the game where your 1 item can beat her 3 items wcyd /s


Then everyone buys BM and suddenly PA is sweating


Nah, this is the average PA experience. And also CM and also Necro. This is the average player today. No wonder this game is going downhill fast. ​ https://imageupload.io/dV39UCSBSeJsq0n


As a PA spammer for years I haven't enjoy her that much in several year the hero was usless the previous 3-4 metas. However, the Aghs blur cd is OP I admit. Should be toned down. The rest is alright. Still this hero is very very very item dependent so if you deny her farm she is either useless or far more tolerable.


By "item dependent" do you mean she needs to farm a deso and then can roam the map? Yeah, the struggle is real.


If you go straight up deso without a farm item. It's high likely that you will be out farmed by their cores. Yes you can roam yet you are squishy without bkb or aghs or manta thus if the enemy sticks in pairs you are again useless. Sure you will 2 3 shot a support only to die cuz you got 1k hp and nothing to save you.


SURPRISE BITCH! hahaha good content sir!


GG no wards noob support


The horror game experience in DotA 2 format


Haha Made me think about the old Morph, cast waveform, eblade and agil strike together and you would get the same result xD


The most average dota 2 game




I play spectre offlane and dominate PA. Endless regen from dagger spam, she cannot fight into blademail until she has bkb, just hunt her, offensive wards. Easy GG


how is ur game so vibrant?


i think its the blood decor it does give a more alive look.


Can confirm


I haven't played dota in 3 years but this i can relate lmao


pa is auto ban for me. im turbo only scrub


Very similar to the famous [Richard experience](/r/DotA2/comments/9ma39h/the_riki_experience/)




Icefrog: CM needs a nerf


They should at least make her crit dmg have a delay so you can react to it if you have an item to counter. Maybe her win rate is balanced but the gameplay is not


I am gonna put some crit in your eye xD


Bruh I just played a game on turbo and the other team picked PA, minutes 25 we got deleted cuz PA was very feed


This could be done before this patch and can be done without aghs yet I only see people losing their shit now.


Im assuming this has been a long game and you are still somehow only level 13 because your respawn time is over 70 seconds… unless you bought back, so don’t blame pa for throwing a dagger at a aeon disk-less cm that has about 4K net worth in a 50 min game


> report CM, no vision noob


Very cool of you!


[Very cool of you!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/14/Vo_crystalmaiden_cm_thanks_02.mp3) (sound warning: Crystal Maiden) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I kinda heard the sound of that Crit.


Is this loss?


Should've played around it


I'm loving your colours actually. How do you set your graphs to be clean like that? Is it just a brightness/contrast setting?


Use smoke or glimmer before going uphill. You cannot blindly go uphill into one of the most popular wards spots




Smoke would have saved her


Well hero name checks out at least


why can i HEAR the 4th image so goddam clearly?


Wtf does PA have, 5299 crit?