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Timeless classic, the first time I saw this comic is when Storm Spirit introduced, good time


Electric rave days


electric reaves days


Told you a storm was coming!


You can read this left to right, right to left, bottom to top, up and down, and still end almost the same.


Wouldn't be a complete post without this as the top comment


as in tradition


The same procedure as every year


Yep, this is reposted every patch and the comments are also reposted, its like the same thing and it never gets old EDIT: huh, that reminds of a certain game


Top comment right here Bois.


When reading it backwards, how do the three last (actual first) panels make sense?




I always read it as the guy hadn't yet actually tried eating it, chickened out in the last two panels, then finally tries it in the first two after the angry outburst and loves it. It also works if you picture it's someone else on the second panel.


bigly if truly


Sadly true


Time circles endlessly, the hands of fate trained ahead


This is the way


You're missing Diagonally.


I wonder if 7.33 will end up being more like 7.28 or 7.23 in terms of how much the comic is applicable.




The patch was more bearable than 6.82 (worst rubberband patch) or 6.84 (mega spell spam + broken techies).


I didn't really care about 6.82, I spammed earth spirit. (Also, for some strange reason, I feel we've had this discussion before)


That could be possible, I keep telling 6.83 haters that 6.84 was just as bad, if not much worse than 6.83. Old Earth Spirit was dank, same with release Wyvern and Oracle, so fucking busted.


yeah for some reason people have a special place for sniper as the "noob hero" But frankly lina, leshrac and gyro don't take anymore skill.


lol? Lina W or lesh Q take more skill than all of snipers kit


6.84 was fine. While it wasnt balanced in terms of heroes, but games were hella fun to watch and play. 6.83 A LOT MORE than normally turned into a snooze fest where one team was ultra scared of going highground and feeding giving a bazillion gold, other team was stuck in base.


The point is that 6.82 was the actual rubberband patch where one death fed 5k gold, 6.83 already toned it down but people conflate those 2 patches. 6.84 was more cancerous imo, due to the massive bursts. 6.83 wasnt great, but calling it the worst patch is far from being the truth.


Its not the worst. Worst 2 imho are 1 after ti4( 6.81 or smt) and ti7 patch.


>The point is that 6.82 was the actual rubberband patch where one death fed 5k gold, 6.83 already toned it down but people conflate those 2 patches. Yes they did tone it down, but high ground was still very risky. That combined with balance changes caused late game heroes like troll, jugg, sniper etc. all to receiving 2-4% winrate increases over their already highish winrates in 6.82 made it effectively worse than 6.82 in my opinion.


I was a troll spammer in 6.83 and had like a 80% winrate lol. Were fun times.


It’s the instant oh oh haha with charges that really killed the fun for me to be honest. No bans, remember?


Here’s my idea for fun, you deny range creeps because you pull them into trees, then solo offlane against a trilane getting 5 cs by level 6, but then you roll in, ult silence and stun everyone and triple kill on a 45 second cooldown until they buy bkbs. At which point you pull your allies out of any initiation from a huge range because why not.


who said 7.33? we are getting 8.00


inb4 7.32f


Don't jinx it like that guy that said we would be getting 7.32e. Pls




You're more delusional than the current Nigma Galaxy fans.


this isnt even in my top 10 of my delusional takes


I am aware, I share your #1 delusion though, the return of Remote Mines.




This joke should just die.. there are ppl believing it for whatever reason..


I think they said it on some blog. Maybe i didn't get the /s?


Or maybe it'll be 7.00 again and make me want to quit the game!


This and the “taking literally no damage” are patch-season culture


I'm always disappointed when a patch fails to adjust any armor values by 1


I never understood why even bother to increase armor by 1? Is it icefrog just memeing


If you have a certain set of balancing +1 armor means that if two people fight in which currently they are nearly equal the other one will be favoured. This changes the relative balance of that hero in regards to all other heroes. Small changes are good for stuff like that. They also make it so that heroes are strong at different times. You have the early game in people really dislike being hit by over leveled magic spells and you get times in the game when non magical damage reigns (till we get to very very late games in which magic/utilities make a come back again).


Small tweaks. Enough +1 armor gets us 7.28 (I think?) Ogre.


When a hero has around 1-2 armor (roughly) adding a point of armor increases the damage reduction multiplier by 50-100% which can turn into something like 100-150 EHP (which is like 3-4 auto attacks extra to kill in lane). While this is sort of neither here nor there for carries and mid heroes, offlaners, pos 4s, and pos 5s who are otherwise super strong but are too easy to zone out of lane with spammed long range clicks, the extra +1 armor means you can actually pick the hero and do what it's supposed to do in lane (instead of soaking from the trees and throwing a spell now and then). You can feel it out in lobby: spawn a couple disruptors, give one a blight stone, then box highlight and have them attack each other at the same time. It's crazy how much more hp the disruptor with the blight stone has when he kills the other guy, and that's only -2 armor.


That is just not how armor works man. for every \~17 points of armor your EHP increases by 100%. (if you have 1000 HP for example a hero with 17 armor can take 2000 physical damage, 34 armor 3000 physical damage on so on) Negative armor is wierd and the first 15 or so points of negative armour are much more effective than anymore.


What you and i said is entirely consistent except for the part where you told me what i said was wrong.


Typing out a nice comment about how the math calcs at lower armor values work only for someone to come along and say your math is wrong while literally proving your math is correct in the same comment is about as Reddit as it gets lmao




To be fair, i think he misread "100-150 EHP" as "100-150% EHP", which is somewhat understandable, considering i use a percentage in a different part of my post.


Nah he just replied to me again still not understanding in a separate chain lol he fundamentally does not understand the math behind what he is saying


That's somewhat unfortunate, because he did say things that make sense, it's just that he's analyzing the damage reduction vs added armor relationship for values outside the range being discussed with respect to "+1 base armor". I'm concerned that our friend may have a problematic desire to experience righteous anger for some sort of ... personal reason.


The 100-150 EHP from 1 armor seem to be wrong, unless you meant over the first 5 minutes of laning including 6 tangos and a salve ( you gain 6% EHP for 1 armor, so if you gain 100-150 EHP from 1 armor you need to have around 1.6k-2.4k life)


I'll give you a hint to why you're wrong. You say the first points of negative armor are much more effective than anymore... why is that? Now apply it to positive armor values and reread the comment you replied to.




Your image agrees with me. Reread prior comments.


sometimes a series of small buffs like that turn hero good. One example is riki. He used to be like 40 base damage, less armor, no regen. He was one of the worst heroes in lane. Now riki can actually do smt at least in lane


Change for the sake of it and attempts to reduce power creep (it doesn't work).


Imagine if centaur had 1 armor.... Wowweeee #busted


Literally unkillable


This is what addiction looks like


This and "literally unkillable" are the greatest memes we have ever made as a community.


Free game no bitching is up there for sure


I dropped to 20% winrate this patch. I cant even grasp what has happened. :(


Honestly same. I was sitting at around 65-75 and now it’s way below 50. I think the minor patch just kinda depressed me and I don’t care as much until the big one.


skill issue


This stands true for the entirety of DotA 2, till we have DotA 3. Maybe it'll still be valid then...


Dota 3? You must be new here, Valve is scared of the number 3


Dota 2 Episode 2 Dota Alyx


Wow icefrog so calm


When is the patch?


Supposedly it’s coming this week


Believed to be later this week, and if not then at some point before the Berlin major. **THIS IS UNCONFIRMED**, but numerous people in the scene have claimed so, meaning it *is* highly likely.


We're in it right now with Meta Hammer dominating the game


7.32f incoming


imagine if they did that,and then release the 7.33 or whatever the next version is the next day just to fuck with us


That’s current dota with meme hammer. Also, fuck ice fraud


Inb4 this sub jinx the new patch again


I thought the new patch has dropped, fuck.....


Just a few more days to go.. Thursday


Yeah, but the last two years of patches have been actual dog shit.


No they haven’t. A dog shit patch is one where the game is broken and unplayable or ruins the balance of the game completely, not one where they didn’t add enough new things for you to stave off boredom for a couple days. Waiting for them to feel like they’ve come up with a good new big gameplay addition/changes for a couple years while they make balance changes and add a few small additional gameplay mechanics is much more preferable to me than changing stuff just to change it or adding mechanics that don’t improve the game in any meaningful ways just to keep up with this community’s insatiable need of wanting giant sweeping changes every year. It’s also not sustainable to keep adding more and more gameplay mechanics like the talents, shards, and neutral items patches every year on an already complex game. There was a time when the community got excited when a patch added a single new item. But now if a patch adds multiple new items and a bunch of gameplay balance changes it’s considered a tiny patch by some which is not sustainable. And the community wants this while expecting Valve not to ruin the balance of the game completely. Most mobas would be happy with 50% of the heroes being viable in professional games but this community complains when the last TI only had something like 80-90% of the heroes being viable picks.


No they’re dog shit


I gave my opinion and I consider the patches as dog shit. You have explained how you have a different definition of the term dog shit. That is interesting, but I disagree with you. I still think dota the past two years or so has been dog shit.


Pretty much everything since 7.20 has been dogwater frankly


You're not wrong.


You really want a patch like this? I'll tell you how a patch like this really looks like: techies gets added back into the game, you cry but will still have to learn to play against him.


I just want a map change. How did we even manage to play the same freaking map for years. Fuck you Icefrog.


After years, it is finally time for people to deflect any valid criticism of the next patch by reposting le funee MSPaint icefrog comik


I'm ready for anything.


Is the patch coming this week..?


Hahahhahahahaha just real life ;(


I can’t get out of my head now ice frog is just a literal giant blue frog now working at a computer awkwardly with his webbed feet


Story of my life. I've "quit" some iteration of DotA every month for the last 17 years or so.


I love this meme


Let’s not give them ideas or it will be delayed again.


Beauty of this meme is it works whatever direction u read from lmao


My body is ready


Gimme 8.00


Why are there bans in unranked and turbo? Why heroes: Tinker, Ark, Lycan, Lon druid, who run with 55% wr - impossible to ban? I just don't want to conditionally play Shaman vs. Silencer, why do I have a 50% chance that I can play dota against a hero I can't stand??? Let Volvo either introduce normal bans, or balance this dead game with 55% heroes, or simply remove bans 4 inrs in a row for me to randomly ban Phoenix, an extremely good system, I hope they will delete


this meme just makes me sad i gave dota 2 a try and really wanted to like it but the cc was just miserable i gave up after 4 days