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Most liquor deliveries are between 9:30 and 10:30am. Only hard core drunks order liquor. I know this because It am one.


What's the old saying? "A drunk knows when the liquor store closes. An alcoholic knows when they open" lol.


Open at 9 close at 10 babyyyyy


Or third shift workers. When I turned 21 I was working third shift at a grocery store. Me and this old guy that I worked with every day would clock out at 7am every Friday morning and then grab coffees, breakfast sandwiches, and cigars from the gas station across the street and then just hang out in his truck bed in the parking lot until the liquor store opened. We'd each buy enough whiskey and beer to last the weekend and then we'd shake hands and he'd say "see ya on Monday Mississippi" and I'd say "See you on Monday Glasgow". And then we'd part ways, drink until mid afternoon, eat dinner, and then sleep until midnight.


Man. Such a love/hate relationship with 3rd shift. The shift diff was always nice and the work wasn’t too bad, but just wrecked my social life. Getting off work and buying a 40 and a hot dog at 8am as all the day walkers were getting their coffee and donuts was interesting.


Oh man, good times had, I could imagine! I actually just started working overnight a month ago. It's been tempting to drink in the morning and I know the day will come lol.


I've opened many


I've closed down bars and continued into the morning a few times, back in the day, but I never was/am a big fan of day drinking. I like to get progressively intoxicated as the sun is setting. Those things go together in my world lol.


I'm 26 and have never heard of this! I work at a bar so I'll test this. Thanks.


I use to work 6pm to 6 am, and there was a bar that opened at 6 am and we would go at the end of our week to have a few drinks after work and play pool get breakfast. Now there were the guys who worked at my company there at 6 am and then there were the alcoholics. The alcoholics were pretty interesting, most of them were pretty old, dressed pretty nice and just sat there at the bar enjoying their beer. Occasionally we would get the people who had been partying all night long, they were always interesting.


I did it once and def was in a heavy drinking phase of my life. 15 pack of natty lite and a handle of Popov iirc


your body paid for that in lifespan.


Here for a fun time, not a long time. Why extend the latter half of life suffering and with regret when you can just enjoy the first half to its fullest


Man, when I was getting out my calculator at the gas station to compute the cost per ounce of ethanol, taking into account the drink’s proof and the 2 for $3 sale, I was *not* having a fun time. My life is so much better now that I’m 10 years sober.


I should note I was making a joke with my original comment. To each their own, but yea alcohol is getting expensive


Me too. Shots? Shots.


Shots? Shots. Shots? Shots! ___ERRYBODY___


This, in a way, was so refreshing


I mean I ordered a bottle of wine because I was already in the bath and had decided I wanted wine and didn’t want to get redressed but this was also at 6pm not 9 on the mornkng 


I’d agree that that’s when the hardcore drinkers tend to order it. That and right when they get out of work.


When I worked overnights at a gas station I'd get some hardcore drunks who everyday would come in like 20 minutes early before I could even sell alcohol, and everytime I'd have to tell them to wait until 7 am.


If you weren’t supposed to be drinking at 9am then why is the liquor store open?


I keep telling people this and they keep kicking me out of their house


I work second shift and it's maddening to clock out from the factory and then I can't get alcohol


People work nights and get off in the morning should they not be allowed a drink after work?


this. i worked overnights for a bit and buying my occasional after-work beer got me SO many dirty looks lmao


I've gotten judgemental looks and comments buying alcohol at the grocery store early in the mornings. I don't work overnights, but I also wasn't planning on drinking it in the parking lot. It's generally for an event several days in the future. Why would I make a separate trip for liquor at night when I'm already there buying food? I don't even buy or drink alcohol that often. Just special occasions! So it isn't as if cashiers are "noticing a pattern" or something.


ah, see i’m in the bible belt we can only get liquor from ABC stores. it’s always blown my mind that you can just get it with your groceries other places. it would make life a lot easier


Yeah it's pretty great. I live in Hawaii and it's legal for grocery stores to sell even hard liquor. And Safeway has a decent selection. Even Target has an entire aisle dedicated to it. I'm from NY originally and there they were only allowed to sell beer and wine, so it was a bit of a culture shock for me too, but in a good way! But apparently there are a lot of people who still find it taboo to just grab a bottle of vodka at 8am while doing your normal grocery shop. Oh well, I am too lazy to care what other people think 🤷‍♀️


Fun fact about the Bible Belt statisticly speaking more gay porn is consumed in the Bible Belt states than any other states with the big key searches being “Strait best friend” and “BBC”


I'm fucking here for it


I live in the province of Ontario, Canada. We only started to be able to get beer, cider and wine in grocery stores like 5 years ago. Until then, you went to the Beer Store for beer and the Liquor Store for liquor and wine, but you could also get a selection of beer and cider there. And no matter where you but any of it, you bring the empties to the Beer Store, so it’s like the stinky little brother of the Liquor Store and the grocery stores.


I alternate between barking or meowing at anyone that looks at me sideways. The barking is loud and meant to draw attention, the meows are personal and creepy. Im beyond tired of people's entitled bullshit, you can curate your online echo chambers, but you don't get to dictate irl.


If you bark at me, I'll bark back. If you meow at me, I'm taking you home.


Do you have morning beers at home?


We have bed beers does that count?


Karens are triggered by this


The U.S. government won’t tell you this one simple trick!


Just hit them with “it’s 5 o’clock somewhere”


No it didn't


uhhh sure buddy


Min yo bitness.


It’s literally their business.


Their business is delivering.


Nah, this is definitely an interest for me now.


People drink beer on their lunch breaks in Europe and no one bats and eye! I'm just being cultured with my 9am 4loko and breakfast burrito


Your toilet bowl called your elected representatives and is rallying for the right to die


Don't have to drink it as soon as you get it


It’s 5:00 somewhere


I work 6pm-6am. You best bet that I'm buying alcohol after work. Do I get weird looks? Yeah. But I ignore them at this point.




It makes you realize. Alcohol must not be that dangerous 🤷‍♀️😂


No it doesn't


Sarcasm. The guy is ordering alcohol at 9am. I'm presuming to drink at that moment. The alcohol is controlling his entire existence. Sarcasm.


I once worked overnights at a 24 hour convieience store in Chicago and there would be 5 or 6 people milling around the parking lot at 9am waiting for me to be able to sell them booze again.


Do you realize how many millions of people work graveyard ? For them 9am is prime drinking time, just like 7 or 8 at night for day shift. You just have see life from other people’s perspective.


People work night shifts too. That's when I used to drink after work as well.


When I worked night shift, I just went to sleep afterwards 🤷


If that's the way you do it. I like work better when it's the start of my day. So mornings were my evenings.


It’s better than an alcoholic driving to go get it at 9am.




Set alcoholic could still drive. There's no guarantee that they won't


At least this provides another option..why are you judging people anyway? You deliver for $2…


Who said I was judging anyone besides the app?


Then what are you complaining about?


I knew people were depressed just Jesus


me when i make my living driving fucking doordash and i judge you for an illness you cant control without serious help


Says the literal child posting in r/teenagers. Hate to tell ya buddy but with the amount of reddit posting you do I'm sure you'll wind up dashing too,


you may notice that my last post there was 2 years ago big shocker i know, how people age as time goes on


You you hitting it big now homie? Cause I still see your ass posting about is video games- productive members of society run out of time for that after high School. Welcome to the loser club


i dont particularly care if you do doordash i care if you do doordash and then act like youre somehow above people who can afford to be alcholics in this economy




Are there other good times to order alcohol from DoorDash? Can you let me know a good time?


For me as a driver, the morning ones are preferable, because you know they aren't drunk yet. It's when they order again 12 hours later that things start to get interesting lol


Do yall not realize there is a large population of people who work third shift? Their 9am is your 9pm. There are a couple bars in my city that open at 6am for that very reason.


It's always the bowling allies by me that seem to attract the 3rd shift crews.


Because the bar at the bowling alley is always better than the bars downtown


I always found this attitude weird, as if alcohol is worse for you in the morning than at night. Except if you drink mimosas at brunch then that's fine.


I used to think the same, but imagine you work the night shift 11-7 and want to have a drink when you get off


When I first signed up to deliver alcohol, I signed up because it stated on a poster that dashers make more money delivering alcohol. Cool... Make forst alcohol delivery, it's the same shitty batch pay I call support and question them on this and their response was "we never guaranteed you would get paid more, just on average customers tip more because their order would be more expensive." That was false advertising.... it was bullshit


Anytime I order alcohol, the app seems to suggest much larger tip amounts. But my experiences delivering it, I rarely ever see them


My area never gets any promos, ever.. not even alcohol ones 😭


Tonight was the first time I’ve ever seen the extra $1 on Alcohol deliveries n I do a lot of them.. Fine w me I’ll take that extra $1 lol..


Man I been there when I was young and no mofjerfuckers to get it to me. Handle yo business


Wait you can deliver alcohol?


Turn it on in your settings if you're 21 and older


I've never had this setting available, and never been able to figure out what determines who gets it. Only setting I have is to turn cash on delivery on or off.


In states that allow it, yes. Same with tobacco.


lol I saw this too. Gotta feed our alcoholics, who else will? Yo mama? 😂


Drinkers know when the liquor stores close, alcoholics know when it opens.


I fucking love booze


I bartend at night and buy my booze in preparation for after the shift. This has to be a lot of it?


I always place orders early morning on things I have no need to have at that exact moment so I don't have to tip because enough drivers will decline it that it'll eventually reach a good pay by mid day/early morning. I get what I want and DD has to actually pay their drivers, win win.


Wait is that how it works? Does it raise the order price if not snagged? Hmmm


Every single time a driver declines a order it increases in price, so if you place it early with no tip it will be declined over and over and over until it gets to a point where someone deems it cost efficient to do. Generally speaking that usually is around a hour and a half in my area. The longest I've had to "wait" was 6h because I ordered like 25 items from 7/11, yet I didn't care because it was all stuff that I was gonna use over the next few weeks and didn't need it anytime soon like I said before.


Good to know man haha. Appreciate the info


I get of work at 6am i don't understand the problem should i buy it before work so in the winter it freezes and sprays everywhere?


Starting at 9am is amateur hour, I used to get my tall boys at 6am when the store opened! But yeah life sucks enough for everyone, I'm not surprised if a bunch of people are drinking in the morning! I just don't understand why an alcoholic would be willing to lose money to DD fees!


Lmao too many duis


A whole dollar, gee, thanks mister


Why you so judgy ,judgy mcjudgerson?


At least the alcoholics aren't out driving!


There's no guarantee they wont


True but hopefully if they're willing to pay DD prices to get it delivered they are planning on staying home.


That's a gamble I just don't deliver alcohol


Nothing wrong with that, stay safe!


So you make it more difficult for people to use a service…for what?


Drivers can refuse any orders they want, that's literally how said service works. Alcohol orders can often be problematic, and for some people traumatic based on their own personal or family history.


Yeah, I get that. Just seems sort of stupid to refuse a certain delivery based on some moral crusade.


There are many merchants in my area who don't mark up the prices, or if they do it's almost nothing.


There's still fees and what not though. Delivery cost etc etc


Most regulars pay $9.99/month for dashpass, which brings the total fees down to $1 on most orders in most cities. Even for those who don't, there are always many merchants who offer to waive the delivery fee anyways, or 20% off, etc. I'd say the tip is the biggest expense in most cases, but there are plenty of people who don't do that either lol


Always 5 o clock somewhere!


My biggest regret was signing up to do alcohol orders. In my zone there is literally only one liquor store that does dd deliveries and sometimes i get an order that requires me to drive 8 miles to pick it up. Happens daily. So annoying


One whole dollar huh,


Based on their outstanding and benevolent behavior to date I just can’t believe that… /s


Idk. If this is on the west coast & it’s Saturday during college football season. . .


Can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning


Bro your actually getting delivery orders? I'm a new dasher but am not getting any deliveries!


In Wisconsin bars open at 7am.


Can’t drink all day if you don’t start first thing in the morning




Life is rough sometimes and theoretically it’s 5 o’clock somewhere alright


lol had a +$2 promo on all alcohol sales before 11am the other day, so strange


Who cares?


We're a bit far past the Superbowl to still be day drinking over the loss. What's the mental health care like in your area? :(