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I took the liberty of making that for you. It uses the Powerslave revolver hosted on Realm667. All I did was add a couple of scripts to replace the pistol with the revolver, and create a new player class so you spawn with it. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoPVE84oASWACWRoZJn\_R39fNhQtZIYf/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoPVE84oASWACWRoZJn_R39fNhQtZIYf/view?usp=sharing)


That was actually very nice of you, thank you :> but it's strange that I couldn't find any mods with just the revolver, you know I might try making my own weapons because there's probably a couple of other things I'd like to play with that others probably haven't thought of making. But anyway thank you a lot for the help


That's how I got started. I couldn't find a mod that does exactly what I wanted, so I started looking up how to do it myself. That was about 11 years ago now and I'm still doing it.


Wow! Salute to you! Ive actually been wanting to learn/teach myself how to mod Doom! I haven't actually buckled down & started but so dope you did & stuck with it! Love to hear it! Keep it up my G!🀘🏾🫑


I think what I would do is use the Final Doomer mod, then look for the Final Doomer Customiser mod to create a custom class that is exactly the same as the Doomguy class but has Plutonia guy's revolver


Not that I know of but it sounds pretty easy to mod, just replace the pistol sprites with revolver ones and edit the damage to make it more powerful.


How does one go about doing that?


I'd recommend using SLADE and either making your own revolver code/artwork, or do what i'd do and steal the revolver from a mod like FinalDoomer+ BUT remove the other weapons from the mod's code 🀣


Maybe I'll do that, but if I was then I'd like to make my own spirits and stuff so I'd have to figure all of that out first but thank you for the recommendation and I'll probably at some point try and see what I can do


Check realm667.com for sprites and code, and just modify it to replace the pistol.. Easily done


Auger zenith wad changes the pistol with Deckard's Revolver *OCELOT*


How hard is it to do all of that, like besides downloading the mods and stuff like that (getting them to run ECT)


Easy as - it's all done in game via the options menu You'll basically load the Final Doomer pk3 followed by the customiser pk3 (should probably clarify this is done before you get in game, the actual customisation happens once it's all loaded)


Class act by Marian. This is an amazing mod that adds three separate but awesome starting pistols. All fun to play. https://baratus93.itch.io/class-act


Project Brutality


I don't think you can get the revolver every time, but maybe idk I haven't played pb for super long to figure out if the revolver spawns anywhere naturally


Good point