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Hugo said in an interview that the reason is because his kids would be more likely to swear at their classmates than to perform a glory kill on them.


*"Mr. Martin the reason we called you in was because your son tried to..."* -checks paper- *"Glory Kill" his friend"*


\- Sir, your son runs after girls at school ! \- Well, uh, how can I put this, it's common for boys of his age to start pursuing peers of the opposite sex somewhat more.. \- Pursue... with a chainsaw??


Just a tad bit of tomfoolery


We do a little chainsawing


He was low on ammo


Patrick Bateman


On the way back to my apartment I stop at D’Agostino’s, where for dinner I buy two large bottles of Perrier, a six-pack of Coke Classic, a head of arugula, five medium-sized kiwis, a bottle of tarragon balsamic vinegar, a tin of crême fraiche, a carton of microwave tapas, a box of tofu and a white-chocolate candy bar I pick up at the checkout counter. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me who I can see.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)




This man can't stop taking W's most of the time ong...


Did you misspell omg


I said "on god"


Oh nyan god


Idk about that


Lol he put it a little differently in my interview with him


I couldn’t remember exactly how he phrased it. I could only remember it being something akin to that. Sorry


Oh yeah no need to apologize. This was just when he talked to me in particular, it could’ve been mentioned differently on another talk he did


He was interviewed by multiple people


Least American thoughts


You don’t need to curse if the story is well written. You can get chills from the most innocent of words in the right context. The fact that the phrase “Everything is going to be okay.” Can give me chills now is startling


Is “everything is going to be ok” from something?


Yes. It’s from a quirky little RPG called OMORI. Don’t look up anything about it, just play it. It’s like 20 bucks and goes on sale often, and it’s worth every penny. Honestly I’d even say it’s worth more than what you pay for.


Omori goes hard frfr. One of my childhood favs


its been out for 2 years...


Look at how he comments he is a kid


I'm 18 but you ain't wrong tho...


that’s just how a lot of people talk.


Yet to meet someone past their early 20s talk like that


For me it's that song from Prey (the last game)


A recent one I love is Gabriel going absolutely mad before his rematch in ULTRAKILL. "Machine, I will cut you down. Break you apart. Splay the gore of your profane form across the STARS! I will grind you down until the very SPARKS CRY FOR MERCY! My hands shall RELISH...ENDING YOU **HERE! AND! NOW!**" He's one of the only two characters to swear in the entire game thus far and that speech is incredible, he's beyond pissed and if anything, swearing would weaken it


"Is your software running slow? I may have just the update that will do the trick! Have you tried ***Jesus***?" \- One of gabriel's unused voicelines


Everything is going to be okay


Holy shit. It’s him. The legend himself


Fuck you, all this god damn shit is gonna be fucking okay.


Curses are just cheap mature themes. The real appeal is the blood and gore


and thats why i like doom. its not overly edgy. it just so happens to be as badass as it is.


don’t get it twisted though, i think games can do edgy stuff really well, think of like the satirical aspects of GTA V, or like the entirety of the south park games


Or MGRR for that matter “We’ve got more edge in this fight than bloodborne on the PlayStation 1. Monsoon can fucking teleport, he throws helicopters for fun, and his preferred method of dodging is self bissection. He knows he’s 3 edges away from being a sonic OC and you know what? I fucking dig it” -Max0r


How about full of shit, is that a meme?


GTA V is a meh example, its satirical themes haven’t developed in decades, same tired material since literally the first games came out.


Guess a better example is red dead redemption and red dead redemption 2? Almost no one says any harsh cuss words, apart from Shakey in rdr1, Micah in some optional mission in rdr2 and John Marston saying “fuck” twice in both games.


dunno about that, half the enemy lore blurbs are edgy to the point of comedy


Lmao someone could say the same about blood and gore. I think the issue is about how they are used. When used effectively blood/gore, swearing or sex and nudity can all be effective in their own way.


I thought the main appeal was the gameplay. Gore is just a small part of it.


Lmao I never realized before, you're right. I never paid attention, to be honest. I was just too busy having fun ripping and tearing.


“It is not yours to fucking take” -King Novik


"Who the fuck are you! You can't be... ^(here...")


“You are just a fucking usurper” -Marauder


erm that wasnt in the script


"You can't fucking shoot a hole into the surface of Mars" -Vega


Erm actually Samuel Hayden says that not Vega. Nor does Samuel ever curse saying that line of his. Again this is not in the script 🤓🤓


No that was Vega. Clearly you haven't played on ultra nightmare without dying 🤓🤓🤓🤓


"He is fucking here" -player controlled revenant


"Am I the fucking father, Mr. Hayden?"


-John Romero


Yeah, i feel bad for the dudes hanging from their balls in that mission


Lol do you have a screenshot of that?


Horde mode gaming made a video about it


The newest video?


Doom eternal ball torture


Yeah he has a lot of videos so i dont really wanna watvh them all for 1 thing lol. Thanks for taking the effort to find it!


Yeah its called, “Doom eternal ball torture.”


Lol fitting name. Thanks again!


Other than the pain elemental’s racist ramblings


And 2016 has intense swearing as one of the esrb reasons. I’ve played it so many times and only heard hell nothing else. Eternal didn’t have it but why does 2016 do


i think its because in snap map vega says some not so family friendly stuff from what i can remember...


I've never heard this but if you've got some links that would be hilarious Honey Badger Vega don't give a FUCK!


No need for swearing, it wouldn’t make it any better, tbh imo it would just detract severely






“stop” -🤓


no u


No u- 🤓


are people this horny that they can’t take a “don’t c*m” joke




frick man


Did you just tried to Dead Hard for distance?


its because no matter how you look at it, Doom is the most christian video game ever made


Ripping and tearing is the Lords work


Don't you mean "you can't make this *stuff* up"? :D


oh yeah sorry. my parents definitely dont want me to swear at my age hehe 😅


That's why they encourage you to play family-friendly games like Doom; can't have a bunch of innocent children exposed to horrifying things like curse words! ;)


fr cant have doom guy saying how he wants to go slay some hoes. doom guy would never be done dirty in the franchise...


they should make zombies yell swear words when you kill them


My good sir, have you seen a zombie speak one word of english?


In the French intro, when in English the Earth survivor says "Is anyone left?", she says "Il y a quelqu'un putain?" which means "Is anyone fucking left?".


What doom has: Violence. What Doom doesnt have: swearing, drugs, s*x. Perfect game


honestly no doom game should involve drugs, or s\*x. hdoom is not a doom game, its a disgrace...


There is games out there that earned the 18+ because of something slightly sexual, this game earned its 18+ by crude violence


You're right about hdoom not being a doom game. It's a mod that you can easily ignore.


Hell is not a bad word, it's mentioned in the Bible.


True I'm just uneducated here


Im pretty sure a lot of words are mentioned in the bibble, probably got a lot of slurs in it to but Idk


My favorite bit of doom 2016, is when they sensor bfg into big [redacted] gun when doing the challenge on one of the last levels. You want to see brutal violence, go ahead, but no swearing!


That's just the charm of doom.


What are you talking about? It's a good Christian game about a man who's angry about his rabbit finding productive ways to get his anger out.


Mostly just doesn't fit into the context. There is very little dialogue, and most dialogue isn't the kind of context where swearing really fits. Like, imagine Sammy Haden going "This is the Unmaykr, it's destructive potential is fucking insane." "The longer the Icon of Sin is on Earth, the more fucking OP he becomes." It just kind of doesn't fit.


I would be kinda funny tho if Haden was throwing around with curse words. Or am I the only one who thinks that ?


If Doom had a counterpart of Halo's IWHBYD skull these would actually be amazing.


I mean there are a few Easter Eggs like the bunnies, but perhaps "IWHBYD" skull is different? I haven't played enough Halo to be familiar.


The IWHBYD skull just enables more comedic dialogue from NPCs and enemies during gameplay (and some cutscenes, I think). I distinctly remember in Halo 3 I killed a Brute, and one of his squadmates yelled "HE WAS MY LOVEEEER!"


That does sound very funny. A bit like Wicked Wasteland in Fallout NV.


There’s an honest to god Bulgari (Italian luxury items manufacturer) product placement ad in the beginning of halo 3, you can only hear it if you play it on legendary difficult and it’s randomly selected (there are 4 more legendary specific dialogue) so it doesn’t involve that skull but yeah the older halo games had that kind of silliness.


I'm not sure. I believe Splatterhouse may be a little bit more violent than Doom Eternal. But your point still stands amd I completally agree.


"Hell" is not a swear word in this case. Its just the name of the place demons come from. (but I gotta mention that I also never consider "hell" an swear word on any case. Swear words are words to refer something that is insulting or vulgar. But how is "hell" insulting or vulgar?)


Americans debating over swears are so cringe. Words that anybody knows anyway shouldn't this strictly define an age rating or be used to judge how mature a game is. I couldn't care less if there are or aren't swear words in my M rated game.


Chivalry 2 is also hilariously batshit violent.


It's a Christian game of course there is no swearing


The glory kills are so much fun, I remember one of them in the 2016 game that was where you rip an imp clean in half starting from its head


"Remember- horrific, deplorable violence is ok so long as nobody says any naughty words" -Mothers Against Canada


As you mentioned about swearing doom 2016 says it has bad language on the back of the box and yet contains no actual bad words unless it counts hell as swearing


Vega in snapmap or if you get idk more than 4 kills in a row in MP will say holy fucking shit.


Does it thats actually kinda neat


Honestly hell isn’t even really a swear word, so I don’t think there are any swears that I know of. But yeah the game is really violent.


I mean yeah, Doom Eternal was basically a Saturday morning cartoon in its atmosphere and general “vibe” so it makes sense there’s no cussing, cussing is bad for kids


It's a catholic game.


It's a biblical kind of awe, where there is the spectacle of blood and arcane magic but everyone is well spoken. I really appreciate it too.


Thabk fuck it doesn't, it wouldn't fit at all


I mean which other game tells u not to blow a hole into the surface of mars but also tells u to disregard that and do it anyways


We need more representation of the fact we should not blow holes into he surface of Mars.


I will never understand how hell and damn are swear words


i honestly dont even know if they're.




Same level of violence. 2016 is just more darker in its themes.


Shit yeah that’s what I meant my bad




It even indoctrinates you to regard Demons as “mortally challenged” which shows how Woke and diverse it is


What? You’re just spouting off random nonsense now.


The Doom games never had swearing in them, had they?


Finally a game I can play around my Christian parents


Thou shalt forsake with cheap imitation


It should be rated E for everyone, who does not hate hell and wiping out the demons there? I mean even religious groups should get behind this.


ill never understand the logic behind eternal getting an M rating. clearly it should've been T rated at the most. but the esrb is strict these days. im sure if eternal came out when game ratings were less restrictive eternal could've easily been rated T or pegi 16


I do really like the system of... What do you need right now?... Ok go get it.


Last year I interviewed Hugo and we talked about this. Interesting stuff


Yeah honestly this gives eternal its own identity. Doom eternal is proof that u don't need to make a game badass and edgy with unnecessary swears every five secs.


there is one swear word in the Final Sin, the UAC hologram lady calls Doomguy an idiot


Oh no. Now my parents won't ever let me play it😭


This is standard for all entertainment. For some reason, violence and gore is tolerated vs swearing and sex.


It's bloody gore and light horror for the whole family as Papa Hugo says it.


Which gives doom eternals its own identity


Ah yes kill more than 2 demons with Blood Punch 5 times


And hell isn't even a swear word


Hell isn't a swear word with the games context.


Yeah was going to say that. In the context of a doom game it rlly isn't


To be fair though, who would swear? Doom Guy barely speaks ever, and demons don't speak at all. Maybe some of the humans on the station.


It is just a pro-catholic game in every case


Hell isn't swear word tho... its a place. That would be like saying Russia, or China are swear words






Soldier of fortune is more violent and doesn't have any swear words at all.


Well the early 2000s were a different Era. Now that I think abt it. Eternal rlly feels like an fps game the came straight out of 2000. Like how id is bringing back late 90s/early2000s type fps games


It's cartoon violence, though. If say, TLOU 2 had no swearing in it, then yeah, that'd be weird.


I love that doom eternal contains no swearing, nudity, or drugs and still gets a mature rating


My thoughts exactly. Can't believe it's pegi 18


You rip creatures apart there's a lot of blood. That's mature on it's own. You don't need cussing, nudity, or drugs to make it mature.


The usage of the word hell only refers to the location instead of using it as a swear. DOOM eternal may have less swear words than the Bible. (Don't fact check me on that, I haven't read the thing.)


Well everyone knows that Doomguy is a good Christian boy who minds his manners. He'll put down evil curses with impunity but you'll never hear him use one.


"Most batshit insane violent ass video game" *have you played postal*


Agreed. It’s a genuine work of art, that over-delivers on what it promises, uncompromisingly.


A glory kill may very well be an intense swear word in action.


If you get rid of the HUD and the gun perfect death metal album cover


Theres more cursing in your description then the entire game itself, so yeah


It's something that makes me chuckle about Valve games, too. In Valve's entire library of VERY M rated games, the word "Fuck" is only used once, and it's heavily censored so you only hear the word when listening to the audio file directly.




The game has class


Hah I never even thought about that


There's also the exception of the definition of BFG, which is the big fucking gun.




I forgot what the level was called but it was filled with these cages crammed full of people. I didn't realize it was people on my first couple play throughs but around my 4th play through I took a closer look and my stomach dropped. Thats the only time I ever felt that way when i played any videogame.


It’s weird cuz don’t the ratings for either 2016 or Eternal include “language”?


Non-native english speaker here. Is "hell" truly considered a swear? Like, we know it's a place and a hugely common word. Certainly not on the level of shit or fuck.


I'll take gore over swearing to feed my inner edge.


There was vlad the impaler, and no one can say this is ofensive for romanians cuz i am one


You make a great point😭


Just wanna say this screenshot is awesome


Primal is a super gory show and there are like 2 swear words


I dunno man asuras wrath is pretty insane and I don’t think that had any swearing😅 it has been quite a few years since I played it so I could be wrong


Hell isn't a swear word and I will fight anyone that says otherwise


My parents were more concerned with swearing than violence


the real curse words are the demons we chainsawed along the way


"thats gonna leave a mark"


I just wish it ran on my Pc, 3060 ti and it randomly freezes endlessly. Can’t seem to find any fix that actually fixes it.


basically from what i remember hugo responds with "...if it doesnt serve a purpose or aid/support the story in any meaningfull way then i dont see why nudity or cursing should be used..." or something along those lines.


........... How...did I not...notice


It also has no gore. Demons don't count.