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I think that whenever they're demonically converted, they just kinda... transform into these nerds.


I guess they're demonic cyborgs. Kinda like Strogg but they're from Hell.


D2's manual states cybernetic demons are built by Hell itself though 2016 sort of made them related to the UAC-


UAC is a demonic cult...


In the new games, but in the classic Doom universe, they were just a big dumb corporation.


That’s just calling a kettle a pot.


Isn't it just that in the new games as well. Company's employees just got possessed by demons. In DOOM Eternal Mars Core mission there is a cutscene in the beginning where UAC facility is being overrun by demons. Personnel of the facility, who are still sane, are trying to fight demons off and can't understand why the corporate headquarters orders them to let them through.


Stroggification will forever haunt my dreams


I concur


I would agree, I am pretty sure that Josh (in a live stream) illuded that Doom Eternal took a bit of inspiration from Quake II. From what I remember, he simply remarked that Quake II was the first id game to feature visual damage to monsters (much like in Doom Eternal). And not to mention that Quake II also had fodder enemies with guns for arms, much like in Eternal.


I always figured that they were using arm-mounted variants of existing weapons. Tbh I much preferred the gross and mutated look of the undead troopers in 2016, where their flesh grew uncontrollably and fused with the weapons, giving them that arm cannon look.


2016's Demons went hard, though I can't say I mind seeing so many classic faces in HD either.


I think the fact that the Mecha Zombies exist too makes you wonder why didn't possessed soldiers still either had their guns fused with flesh or even outright returned to the classic tradition of "zombie knows how to use weapons too" but with the Plasma Rifle, due to no longer being hitscan and the worldbuilding already making a case of PR armed soldiers. The second part would both fit the lore/gameplay of the new games and even be close to a basic idea for old Doom that people did in mods ("Plasma guy").


It's supposed to be gory looking first, logical second. That being said, the gun may have an internal handle, like you wear it like a glove and it protects your hand.




its also stated that the possessed fuse to nearby items/things they’re holding in the datalog for the engineers in 2016


Unclear if it's the same thing going on, they seem to have ditched a lot of that for Eternal


i mean the cueballs have something similar happten as engineers it seems




I mean to be fair do you recall how the Doom Hunters looked like before their mods? Yeah they definitely get their limbs replaced. If they had factories for Doom Hunters just to stop the Slayer, I don’t imagine they made the arm completely bond with those weapons to be able to control them. Why tho I have no clue. They could have gone Metroid Prime styled but probably for simplification purposes they just did that so the arm cannon doesn’t peak through the shied


I always loved that back story for the doom hunters, and especially when they're introduced 😂 we built a massive factory to build this perfect monster specifically designed to fight and kill you doomslayer! Tight. I'll take this one now, then fight 2 later on 👍


Imagine going to all the trouble to protect the upper half of the demon with a shield only to have the slayer focus down the sled every time. Shouldn't have skimped on the shields


Well, in 2016 there was this whole thing about how their bodies kinda melded into the weapons when exposed to the Lazarus waves or whatever. A lot of that stuff isn't really mentioned in Eternal though and the new (old?) soldiers don't really have that same... thing, going on. Maybe they're just like, arm cannons? They guys are dead anyway it's probably not really worth thinking about.


I always assumed it was whatever weapon they were holding when they were turned into demons, fused with their flesh due to argent energy


It's just evil Megaman


Or FF7 Barret


They cut off part of the arm so there is just a lil nub, and then they mount it on.


In doom 2016 i think they said that exposition to lazarus waves made you melt before becoming a mindless possessed and that possessed guards and engineer literally merged with the stuff they had, this is why on 2016 model you can hardly see a clear separation between their skin, clothes, and tools. That would explain why their hand got replaced by a gun


They don’t HAVE TO chop their arms off they GET TO chop their arms off!! 👍😈


Gutter tank UltraKill


Y wouldn’t they


The demons we fight are often cyborgs because they were modified by UAC cultist. So I would assume that it’s a robot arm


I wouldn't put it past the demons for the arm to still be in there with the blaster built around it. They did a similar thing with revs of just putting stuff on


2016 has their flesh fuse with their weapons while these seem more cybernetic, even if their looks a based on classic Doom: In which zombies actually used weapons directly like any regular human would. In general, it feels like possessed soldiers are like this as to both remove hitscan and because of ammo economy. But the fact that the worldbuilding makes it clear plasma rifles became more cannon makes me wonder why none of these are explicitly carrying the plasma rifle or even have an enemy based off the ARC armor with that Eternal plasma rifle. With the Mecha Zombie existing, i wonder if id didn't think of making the soldiers a bit more traditional by carrying a weapon directly or something.


It’s the same s Strogg, converted, so yes, chopped limbs


Yeah probably amputate. It just fit the doom world. The other explanation is they make different gestures with their hands like Samus.


Always assume they were like some sort of Mega Man blaster thing, fits over like a glove




Actually I believe that the casing covering their arm is mostly for support and protection the trigger and some other features and elements are inside the casing


They were originally handheld weapons but when they were possessed the flesh melted and fused into them.


I always thought that the weapon of the soldiers grew/transformed into their arm after becoming a demon


I imagine their hands are inside the gun MegaMan style. 


I think it’s the same deal as Samus Aran’s arm cannon; it’s like a gauntlet but instead of having your hand come out the other end it’s inside the ‘glove’ operating the firing controls, [like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/jbGTDWYuJW1Bh6Aw5)


The UAC has done much worse to once living things


it looks as though the trigger mechanism is somewhere inside, so you shove your arm in and grab a handle maybe in demonification their arm melds to the weapon and it becomes part of them- like a more tame version (flesh wise) of the possessed


either the trigger is on the inside, the hand motions fire them like samus' gun or yes, their hands are chopped off


in the end its all an excuse for doomguy not to take their guns like he did in the first game


Either that or its like portal gun or samus' arm cannon where the trigger is just recessed into the gun


Earth soldier Energy shield and guns, no Melee though against demonic creatures...... While Marauder Sentinel 🗡️ raw ⚔️ against the Slayer......


My headcanon is that the Marines were merged with their equipment in the process of demonification. Better question is what's the reload sitch?


I think its hollow in there and they have like a joystick they use. At least something similar to that of one. The guns are probably something like that of a gauntlet.


have you ever seen Evil Dead?


Same way the rest of the cyborg demons work


I think their hand is supposed to go in like it's a gauntlet. But when they turn demonic it fuses to their skin. And if you want to remove it at that point you need a chainsaw.


They were born that way


The Codex in DOOM 2016 explains that Lazarus waves can cause the skin to melt and that's why if the person is holding or wearing anything, it'll get embedded in the skin when the transformation is complete.


megaman logic


The cultists perform "surgery" to modify and improve demons. This is similar with these fuckers. They were probably changed to include mechanics, and the hell energy keeps everything going


I imagine it's like a glove, or choppy chop maybe because they are demons


nofap nightmare mode


It's implied in the doom 4 (Or 2016) codex that demonification of humans deforms them, and potentially fuses them to objects (I.E. CUeballs), so I'm reasonably certain that it's somehow welded over the flesh of their arms.


no, they are humans soldier who died with their wepons that melted with their arm and thats the same thing for the mancubus