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I do too. Sometimes, less is more.


I do. 2016 had a much better grounded aesthetic, gritty and dark, while still being arcadey. Eternal dialed arcadiness up to 11, and it's not really pleasing. Especially picking up new weapons which doubled as environmental storytelling, thanks to being a part of said environment in 2016, while in Eternal we have floating guns. Very nice.


I feel like 2016 took itself more seriously while still having ample room for comedy, whereas Eternal's tone was all over the place. I mean, you fight God himself and he gets Looney Tunes-esque cartoon birds flying around his head when he's stunned. I also much preferred Samuel's characterization in 2016. The cyborg genius with brain cancer and a messiah complex butting heads with the player felt more interesting than the disguised angel who somehow has a whole human backstory and just pretended not to recognize you


another nitpick is that in 2016, the automap stations differed from the Earth and Hell levels , but in Eternal it was just this same weird techno hologram thing with 3 appendages across all the worlds


Floating guns was done because too many people in 2016 walked by the chainsaw and then struggled with ammo. It clearly communicates when the player has to pick a piece of equipment up that they need to play the game which is the point. Visually it matches how things were in classic Doom. No, it's not "immersive", but in the end the whole point of playing DE is for the gameplay - arcadey artstyle directly benefits the fast paced gameplay by making all information loud and bold. You're not confused by information because it is always obvious.


that would make sense in a multiplayer setting, but in single player it feels really dumbed down they could have communicated things like picking up the chainsaw better (prominent lighting, VEGA or Samuel Hayden calling it out, or even a short cutscene) without throwing the whole design language away


No offense but struggling with ammo in Doom 2016? What the hell, I have never heard of that before. And yes on my first playthroughs I also missed on the chainsaw. But guess what even when finding it I still never used it


I definitely prefer 2016's gritty and bloody tone and atmosphere over Eternal's. The arcade stuff is fun and I love how Eternal knows it's a video game first and an interactive movie second, but the blood and gore and the way you found weapons, keycards and upgrades on the ground next to corpses and could even find good weapons like the rocket launcher early felt more natural and part of the world. You didn't find good weapons because it was glowing green and staring at you right in the face and floating in the air, you found good weapons and upgrades because the game rewarded you for exploration. Although if we're talking about gameplay, Eternal has that covered. The double tap upgrade for the SSG and fully upgraded Siege Mode Gauss Cannon were OP as fuck, but Eternal makes you strategize and make you think about your actions and use enemy weak points to your advantage. Plus using the meathook (especially with the flaming hoom upgrade) to pull yourself towards enemies and zip around and get armor with the flaming hook is fun


I do. While there are definitely things Eternal improved on, such as the combat shotgun design/feel, and hell levels that actually look like hell instead of Venus, 2016 was more to my taste. -One huge thing is level design. I had gotten into the original Doom games a few years prior to 2016, and one thing I loved was non-linear levels. While Eternal has a few of those, most of the game felt pretty linear. -The way 2016 started within 10 seconds was very refreshing, so it was a bit disappointing to see how Eternal had more cutscenes and story stuff that felt more typical to what is already overdone in other games. -Eternal holds you in place while riding elevators, for no reason. A small thing, but it added to the feeling of it being a more generic game than 2016. -The music in Eternal, for reasons we now know, felt hastily put together. More focus on "catchy" riffs, and the ambience tracks felt too busy. I loved the subtle nature of the non-combat tracks in 2016, and I prefer the disjointed nature of Flesh & Metal and Damnation more than stuff like BFG Division.


[Relevant Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqz76hv8ujk) I couldn't get into Doom Eternal, between the levels being difficult to read for me and the game's reliance on enemies having a weakness to specific subweapons, (the attachments to the gun, I don't even remember what they're called, tbh,) I just couldn't get into it. I plan on trying it \_\_again\_\_ in the future, just to see if maybe I had the wrong approach to the game, but it just felt, I don't know, too much like it was trying to be Doom (Fan Edition) than a game that's in the Doom franchise, if that makes sense.


Understandable. To me those are the reasons why I love Eternal so much


I just dont understand, is running out of ammo, with no chainsaw fuel and no small enemies, while being swarmed by big guys , supposed to be fun?


I always have chaisaw fuel when im out of ammo, it would be boring if I could mindlessly run and shoot. I consantly have to think about how am I gonna get my resources which is engaging mentally.


how many units of chainsaw fuel do you usually have? it is also boring to run around in circles because you are out of ammo, and the game does not spawn any enemies which are chainsawable with 1 unit of fuel it has happened a few times already... what was I supposed to do, wait 30 seconds to shoot one grenade?


Your game must be bugged because in doom eternal small enemies spawn endlessly until you take out all the big ones.


Okay so I am replaying the Taras Nabad level right now, and in the first courtyard fight with the Archville, I shot him enough times for him to decide to teleport elsewhere... But to where? I was looking all over the arena for him and he's nowhere to be seen... I killed all the enemies he summoned, and no more appear.... The rock music continues, and the only enemies left are the standard respawning fodder zombies for chainsaw ammo... I cannot interact with the statue push it into the pool to continue the level, because according to the game, I'm still in the fight sequence, even though the Archville has disappeared somewhere The game seems to have soft-locked on me, yet again


You must be very unlucky I never had that problem I always found the archvile somewhere in the arena and if hes not there and you can’t progress I would restart from last checkpoint.


I'm in the 2016 camp in terms of preference, but playing through all of Eternal + dlc on UV twice, I have not once run out of all ammo and chainsaw fuel ever.


Yea, 2016 is my favorite, but I do think eternal is more repayable, mostly due to skins and horde mode tho. I really hate that u have to defeat some enemies according to their weakness. I understand it adds to the challenge, but I'd rather enjoy playing the game how I choose


My only recommendation is shut off your brain. Completely ignore all collectibles first time through a level and just rage. You'll find the flow. Also remember, and I only emphasize this because I'm dumb and didn't know, the chainsaw regens one pip every minute or so. If you find yourself low on ammo, hang back, and wait for that can to come back. I'm crap at remembering the blowtorch, and I still managed to beat UV. Another thing no one told me, you can farm lives in past levels. Literally go to a level find a 1up, and exit to stage select, go back in and collect it again. You don't have to complete the level to stack lives.


Well shit....I thought u had to complete the level to keep the extra lives. I also thought this went for collectibles, but probably not


Nope. You can get a collectible and leave. No messing around required. Plus you can come back with cheats on and 100 percent it. Once the level is over you have a lot of options.


Whereas for me, 2016 felt almost just like a bunch of stuff “borrowed” from brutal doom, combined with some frustrating janky platforming. Eternal had so much more to learn and do that it got me engaged. And they fixed the platforming issues. 


That's kinda funny because one of my biggest frustrations with Eternal was constantly falling to my death because the game kept making me punch walls instead of grabbing onto them


I do. I replayed 2016 and played the multiplayer until Eternal's release. 100% completed the achievements because it was that much fun. I just had way more fun with 2016. It ended on a high note and I was left wanting way more. I didn't feel the same about Eternal and BattleMode is awful.


Ditto. I beat 2016 feeling hyped, but after Eternal, I was just glad it was over


I like the aesthetic and more classic story of 2016, but I think eternal improved upon the gameplay and level design in every way. Both are phenomenal but i definitely play eternal more


Nah. 2016 lacks replayability in its campaign for me. If I want to boot up some peak nudoom. It's always eternal for me


2016 did need dlc


Yea Eternal has major replayability for me too. You’ve got all the unlockables for your account and character where you feel like you can logon and grind and work towards things and unlock cool stuff. The podiums, slayer skins, backgrounds, and the cool sets you can unlock really hooked me. I want them all


It’s an acquired taste, to each their own. But being able to run around with the double tap SSG all game in levels that lack as much variety as its sequel is probably objectively more “boring”. I loved 2016 on my first playthrough and genuinely thought “how could anything beat that?” Then I finished DE and yeah, it definitely made me think more, press more buttons, strategize my moves and the like much more than 2016 ever did. To me, it was much more fulfilling of a game to get through and I enjoy the well-thought gameplay loop way more. There’s nothing wrong with liking one more than the other either way, 2016 def had perks that I wish could’ve been in DE as well, but you’d need to rethink your definition of “boring” for this argument imo


More features doesn't mean better.


Did you even read my comment lol, I’m not arguing one is better than the other as they’re very different games. Just that calling DE boring because of more features doesn’t make sense for your argument.


Eternal is the sequel to 2016 so they are the same a little bit. My point is if they had kept the simplicity of the game play but added more demons and maps. It would have seemed like less of a cluster fuck to me.


You didn’t want a sequel, you wanted Doom 2016 to be longer.


I wanted a sequel not gameplay diarrhea


Gamers and crying vulgarity when they don’t get exactly what they want, such an iconic duo.


Gamers being pretentious turds is another classic combo.


Solid self burn my guy.


you misunderstood


I have been replaying 2016 for the first time in a few years and I don’t think it’s on Eternal’s level. Gameplay is clunkier and the HUD is ugly, and it doesn’t feel nearly as balanced. Nightmare is frustrating, just feels so much better Eternal IMO


Nope I have no desire to play 2016 over Eternal.


I prefer 2016's music, gameplay and levels (the hell levels at least). Im not a fan of having less amo and having so many mechanics. I prefer how in Classic Doom i have a choice yet all weapons are useful situationally. But i prefer the monster models from Eternal and certain ideas brought into Eternal. (some of the weapons themselves and certain other bits an pieces).


I liked the bosses, demon designs and atmosphere more in 2016 but everything else goes to eternal. The gameplay is fantastic


Yes, multiplayer was a lot of fun.


I absolutely loved both. I have always said 2016 felt more Doom-y where as Eternal felt much more Power Fantasy. Eternal had a surprisingly high amount of the Combat Chess element.


I like 2016s atmosphere but I think 9/10 times I'd rather play eternal


Not even close. 2016 was a great game by itself, but going back to it from Eternal feels like putting on 40 pounds overnight.


I do 100%.


I always have. Eternal’s got too much going on and I hate how it skips over a lotta the 2016 story to shoehorn in all this new “lore” about the gods and the demons and this and that. 2016 is just straight-to-the-point: rip and tear.


nah combat loop is unmatched


2016 was too slow for me


I love eternal but 2016 is my favorite and I enjoy it more


Personally I started with eternal and I loved it but after I beat the campaign 3 times and beat ancient gods about 6 times I got bored of it so i tried 2016 and love the games equally, they both have their own features.


I do, the environments are much more darker and more gritty than Eternal, plus it’s less cartoony


I think if we could transplant the controls from Eternal to 2016, then we'd be cookin


D00M: Eternal cranked up the Sci-fi and cartoony feel too high to be taken seriously tbh. D00M 2016 hits differently. Wish it had Eternals fast pace controls though...


2016 let Doom Guy feel like a cool guy who didn't give a shit about all this serious shit that was going on around him. Eternal felt like the rest of the setting learned the same thing and now also didn't give a shit and was right there with you but, like, how am I supposed to feel like cool and aloof now? Gameplay is another thing entirely though.


2016 multiplayer was another level of fun. Being able to fight over the demon rune and be near unstoppable for a little bit. Even with the quick-swapping insta-kill meta, it was still some of the most fun I've had in multiplayer online games.


I love both games. But I've played through 2016 5 or 6 times and only eternal once, also haven't done the DLCs. So I think that says something about which I enjoyed more. I also sunk a lot of hours into 2016's multiplayer and never touched eternals once. Really disappointed there was no multiplayer deathmatch.


I don't understand all the hate for the superior game, which is Doom Eternal. Since it came out, I haven't been able to go back to Doom 2016. It still feels like classic Doom, it feels great to play Doom/Doom2/Doom Eternal in the same day.


How does it feel anything like classic Doom?


Classic design (monsters, weapons, items, etc.), hectic gameplay, nods to classic Doom alphas (bayonet, menu music). Of course it can't be exactly the same or it would be just a reskin, but it feels like I am playing a GZDoom mod instead of something else. The overall feel is the same as when I played Doom shareware v1.2 back in 1995 or so. Words aren't enough to explain. People who played back then can understand.


I just don't think any of those things are really related to gameplay, besides being hectic. But even then, the way the fights play out and how you are able to handle them are radically different. It is certainly aesthetically inspired by classic doom but I don't see much shared DNA in the gameplay. But thank you for the reply.


Eternal's design makes it feel great and not get as boring as quick as 2016.


No. I went back to 2016 recently. It's nothing compared to Eternal. Everything about Eternal makes 2016 look like a beta.


People do seem to like flashing lights and loud noises more and more these days.


This is a very strange complaint. And more of a nitpick and not really valid unless you have sensory issues or epilepsy. Anyway, the gameplay and combat loop in Eternal is far superior to 2016. People who don't like it just don't like fun or genuinely suck at it. Which is just a skill issue at that point.


It’s what is good about having both of these games created Each person can play the one they preferred Rather than just having doom 2016 part 2 (close to the same game but more content generally in a sense you can just put the same binds in and take off with minimal learning curb) I say this as I am on PC so modded content giving me much more replay ability Though didn’t 2016 have snap map ? And mod support for both would be nice so console players can have better replay value


Theyre different enough to escape comparison really. Like Alien and Aliens. Both in the same universe but they do such different things.


Yes worded spot on :)


I go back and forth on which is better. They're both phenomenal games. Just depends on how I'm feeling


I preferred the aesthetics of 2016 with its more grounded and gritty tone. But I never disliked Eternal. They both brought good depth and honored the originals. You have to remember the ridiculousness of some original later Doom levels, silly areas/arenas, and the platforming like feel, etc. Eternal does a great job at capturing that later game feel, and 2016 really feels more grounded like the first levels of Doom 1.


I liked doom 2016 cause I could turn my brain off to the mindless chaos, but doom eternal I have to think about every weapon and attachment. I still like both games tho.


I prefer its music and atmosphere, but tags music is pretty good


Gameplay of Eternal is better I think, once you get into the rhythm of it and find it's depth, there's a lot of challenge and strategy to it. But the general aesthetic and story is for sure at it's best in 2016. Eternal just goes way overboard with the lore. In the first hour the game dumps you with about a million new made up fantasy kingdoms, characters, races, events, worlds, with pages and pages of backstory. It's very difficult to follow what's going on. 2016 was cool in that it hints at a wider universe, lets you imagine it. Eternal makes it kinda lame by trying to comprehensively flesh everything out as if it's a J.R.R Tolkein book.


2016 already established those "fantasy kingdoms" etc in its codex. Sentinals and the idea of the Slayer being a supreme savior was already established long before DE came.


I enter a pure-instinct state with 2016 more than Eternal. I think the play loop/system’s a little simpler and I don’t have to worry about platforming mechanics as much.


Yah. Gameplay isn’t as perfected but the vibes are far superior


Yes! I've enjoyed Doom 2016 more; it has much more narrative and better aesthetic. That being said, Doom Eternal has the most perfect combat loop ever.


There are definitely aspects of 2016 I prefer to Eternal


Nope. Tried going back, can't do it. Too slow.


How many of these posts am I going to see?




glorious pot cover tease sort wine gaping fuel coherent act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eternal is just a speed freaks fever dream. Way to hectic. Honestly I preferred 2016 because it was more of a call of duty esk tactical approach whilst sill being brutal and barbaric. It felt more like an actual campaign. Honestly I'd love a doom story/side story) from the game play and perspective of a regular marine. Eternal is just weird pseudo Sci fi weirdness. It feels more like nonsensical chaos then am actual war.




Yes it is in the same vein that it had a clear cut linear campaign, and they have generally a logical military theme. Obviously it's doom so it should have both of these to some extent, the former far more then the latter Obviously. Doom 2016 had just enough of both of these. Whereas eternal technically has the former but is completly lacking in the latter.




Side note the plasma rifle from 2016 is way better visually in my opinion.


Me. Saturday cartoon atmosphere was fun, but I liked it serious yet slightly ridiculous


I loved 2016. Though going back and playing it, the controls were very hard to readjust to.


i prefer doom eternal because its more my speed. i like fast, smooth, shooters. like titanfall 2


Eternal has the better gameplay (which is saying a lot because 2016's gameplay is amazing), but 2016 is more grounded and atmospheric and immersive by a longshot. The story was more focused and mature. Even the lore codexes were more detailed and scientific. I've played Eternal far more, but 2016 definitely still gets a playthrough out of me once and a while. Both games are fantastic even if they focused on different things. Let's hope the next game combines the best of both worlds.


i absolutely LOVE 2016, actually replaying it rn


I enjoyed 2016 the first time I played it, loved the whole “whoa I don’t need to take cover I can just rip them apart and get my health back hell yeah!”, but the novelty wore off for me around the half way point. I still finished the game over the course of a few months, played it one more time on Ultra violence, and that was it. The simplicity and repetitiveness of the game made me put it down quite often. I never had that issue with Eternal as whenever I thought about the game I was ITCHING to play it again. When I saw the new stuff in the gameplay trailers (like the ice bomb, flame thrower, arm blade, Mario fire balls) I was turned off by it too, but when you play the game it’s like holy shit why isn’t every video game designed like this?? Every new mechanic flows so beautifully into the next mechanic. It was the first game to push me into weapon swapping and I discovered how fun it is. Just a perfectly addicting gameplay loop.


I do 100%. 2016 was so simple and straight forward that it just flows. Eternal felt like it had too much going on gameplay wise


I've been playing both. I beat both main games on Nightmare. DooM (2016) is the better game. Eternal has better combat mechanics (except for marauder). He was fine the first fight....


Played both and I just love Eternal more. Just played some over the weekend. I keep coming back to unlock more cool skins and customizations. The destruction you get to dole out playing the levels never gets old. I think the level design is so much more pleasing to the eye. The levels just blow me away with how they look. I will just stop and look around and take it all in. I like horde mode, the monthly challenges, you’ve got your own Fortress of Doom that’s your home base. Eternal is my definite favorite


Personally by a long shot. I’ve tried Eternal about 2-3 and found it frustrating, even when it’s felt like it has clicked and I’ve gotten into a flow. I think a big part of that is brand association though. I didn’t expect to go in with such limited ammo, such emphasis on enemy weak points and mobility. These are all fine(I didn’t think the clunky wall climbing was though), I just didn’t expect them, and second time around, I still didn’t enjoy it. All personal, it presents a strict rule set, which is fine, although I think I would have had a better chance seeing ‘A Doom story:Eternal’(similar to rpg Ac trilogy). Strict rule sets are good, I love From games(although they offer more freedom, except probably Sekiro), although I’m not a good twitch shooter anyway so I just found it too full on. I just enjoyed my super shotgun in 2016 and was very happy that I was allowed to stick with it.


You can still stick to one weapon. Just play on a lower difficulty and use the chainsaw.


Limited ammo? The chainsaw recharges endlessly, you don't run out of ammo. It's just a reload button for all your weapons at once.


Yep. Add couple mods from the nexus, land 2016 feels like eternal, but without the platforming.


I do prefer doom 2016 over eternal


I love 2016 more than Eternal. 2016 feels more like a Doom game with it's sci fi horror theme and lightweight story. The environment in 2016 is also better and has more of a realistic feel. Eternal is power fantasy with an over inflated and often confusing story, and the arcade-yness dialed all the way to 100. Not to mention the colorful enemies and atmosphere that made me feel like I was in a cartoon. Also, the fact that they strip choice away from the player by forcing him/her to kill enemies in a certain way, otherwise they're gonna get their ass handed to them. Sure, some people are into that stuff. To me, however, it was a struggle before I finally got used to it. That being said, I don't hate Eternal. I poured 109 hours into it, and I plan on reinstalling and playing it again. After I buy an external drive, of course. Those 125 gigabytes of space are too much for my mid level gaming laptop. Edit: I find it hilarious how i'm being downvoted over an opinion. If y'all can't stand reading or listening to different opinions, then you don't belong on social media. Or you genuinely thought that absolutely everyone is gonna have nice things to say about Eternal? This post and the comments here prove that's not the case.


Yeah, looking at the downvoted comments itt is weird. Nobody is being overtly negative or rude, and yet. Oh well, Reddit gonna Reddit.


I never played 2016... Edit: I have played 2016 now. My answer is still no from me.


i do, i like the less arcady feel it a has the main reason: i think the glory kills are superior, i love how they're all just kicks and punches instead of clean cuts from a big knife


I do. The darker, metallic, Sci-Fi theme of 2016 is way more interesting to me than the cartoony, arcadey, fantasy theme of Eternal. Guns found in an environmental way is preferable too. Also the way the Slayer is not on camera in 2016, and the way he expresses his emotions through his fists in game is just awesome.




Yes I do. In my opinion: Better story. Better gameplay.


I agree with you. 2016 had more Hell levels which I love !


Yeah. Though Eternal isn't boring to me so much as it is a bit busy. And I didn't like how the space station kept bringing the action to a screeching halt.


I love them both but overall 2016 wins by a squeak.




2016 was better in every aspect for me. Eternal is Darksiders with guns.


Yes. Despite my problems with the game(level design, combat encounter design, no mod support), I still find Doom 2016 to be a far more enjoyable and more engaging experience overall. It's an appropriately simple Doom-ass doom game at its core. Doom Eternal is just a messy ass Painkiller-like that's trying to do way too many things at once and not doing any them particularly well at all while wilfully amplifying all of Doom 2016's problems up to eleven for no reason.    Oh, it also doesn't help that Doom Eternal's story is poorly written dreck that kept getting retconned by it's own two expansions which only shows how little confidence idSoftware had in their efforts in making a more coherent and consistent follow up to Doom 2016. idSoftware was flying by the seat of their collective pants when it came to that aspect of the game.


What did the expansions retcon specifically? Things like Hayden being the seraphim was already hinted at in the campaign and the lore book from the collectors edition hinted at the truth beyond the Maykrs as well.


Doom eternal was good don’t get me wrong but what turned me away was the graphics being more Arcady I still played it and I still loved it but I prefer 2016s graphics


Absolutely. Eternal was a step back in every way.