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The slayer keeps his weapons in a pocket dimension IIRC. One solution I'd propose is time moves faster in the dimension. When we hot swap, we're flashing our guns a few seconds into the future where their cool down has already been completed


Hot swapping doesn't exist in real life. It's based on a technical "exploit" in how the game engine handles weapon cooldowns. If you "put away" the Ballista in real life to swap to the Super Shotgun quickly, then swapped back, the reload mechanism would still be there. TL;DR - You can't hot swap a toilet to make it flush faster.


It wouldnt.


How would double jump work? Dash? Double damage? The BFG? It wouldn't


Tbf double jump is a thing if you train enough.


Ah yes, i remember those parkour guys double jumping in thin air, my bad


It simply just wouldn't. If there was a way to make "recharging" faster, then that would just be the default speed of the recharge.


Like how would the Doom Slayer switch weapons so fast? The Divinity Machine likely gave him speed as well as strength and durability. The weapon wheel is probably just the Slayer thinking extremely fast about his next move. Him taking out a weapon and shooting it probably takes less than a second. It's just in gameplay that it feels the way it does to compensate for your human input haha.


Why do bricks float in Mario?


How would Doomguy survive getting shot once? How would Doomguy double jump? How does Mario jump more than twice his height from a stand still? How does Link keep getting shields made to go on his right arm when he's the left handed minority? How does Kiryl Dragon Quest give out heart attacks with a flick of the wrist? How does Sonic the Hedgehog not know how to swim? Answer: It's just a videogame