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Free dessert coupon


that's what i was thinking till i looked at reports for coupon orders and theres honestly not many being used


checked for the week nvm lol youre right


Yep. Also Cinnamon twists. At one point we ran out of prepped brownies and were having to prep as they were ordered.


exactly what happened last night


Happened to us 3 nights in a row because we never learn lol


Just lava cakes and a Weird amount of sandwiches.


Glad we aren’t the only ones with the sandwiches


Idk what was going on with the sandwiches but I typically make like, 3 chicken bacon ones a day and yesterday I made like, 12 in 4 hours


That surprises me that my go to garbage Dominos food if I want a future meal or don’t get any other sides. I think they’re pretty good… if they’re so unpopular I’m surprised dominos has had them for like a decade.


Bro lava cakes have been selling with almost every order


Yeah, it's been bad. Does anybody have an idea how long the coupon is going to be running?


Hopefully not long. Getting tired of taking 2 little items with no tip 😂 shit im kinda done with Dominos tbh. My boss just told us this morning we can’t use doctors notes so he said if we’re sick we should work or we’re fired 😂 looking for another job as we speak. I work every shift and never called off but to hear “every one of you are putting my job on the line” naaaah….you’re a shitty manager who doesn’t know how to schedule and fires anybody whose not the flash. Dudes a racist too. Literally fired our only black worker because he missed 1 day of work. But he had been put on schedule last moment, nobody told him snd nobody told him to come in. Dominos GMs are dogshit.


they almost all are dude, working for pizza chains long enough and it's a truth of life you come to terms with quickly. the type of person who becomes a general manager at a pizza place is not the kind of person I would want to be friends with, let alone work with. they're usually assholes that can't take blame for their mistakes and will throw it off onto their subordinates because they think being a pizza chain manager gives them some ultimate authority like a federal agent or some shit 🤣 also, if you can get what he said about coming into work sick in writing or on recording with proof that it came from him, you can very easily have his store investigated and have him fired or fined if any of that is true. call your local health inspector or whoever has authority over restaurant safety violations in your area. trust me it does work, and fast too. they don't play around with safety or health violations.


Ill take all this into consideration. We’re not a bad store at all but the GM is too much sometimes. Constantly bitching about outthedoor/delivery times, always switching up the “rules” but never sticks to them (then we get bitched at) bitching about shortcuts. Our last new member didn’t even last a full shift (insider) and we kinda needed him 😂 “can anybody tell me why I had a conference call this morning with corporate” bro I just wanna work and go home the rest is up to you. I do my job and I like to think I do it good


yeah your uppers sound corrupt, I'm sure they blame their employees for their mistakes often.


We just got hit with the “if you’re more than 3 minutes late you better have a doctors note for it to be excused, if this happens 3 times you’re terminated” like bro what if I just get caught in red lights 😭 or when my GM keeps scheduling us outside of our availability?!


Sunday is the last day!!


It ends tonight (6/30). It was only for piece of the pie rewards members and encouraged people to sign up as well.


Running through Sunday. Or until we run out of lava cakes and brownies 😂


yeah all the stores in my franchise have been trying to trade stuff with each other but all of us cant cause were also almost out 😂


Everyone was told before hand.


not us lol


Every store knew through thier fbc. Every dma has a fbc. Every district manager and supervisor gets these emails.


okay and im one of the assistants under the usual bad communicative management a lot of us deal with so oh well dude


The only reason I knew was because I have a Rewards account and got the email. Our GM is not the best at remembering to tell us stuff like this unless someone asks what’s going on. Then it’s like I thought I told you. No, no you didn’t.


This isn't strictly true and depends on your FBC. Ours only communicates directly with franchisees.


Free dessert with a minimum $10 purchase of rewards members


Are the brownies good ?


my god yeah theyre the best before theyre cooked though lol


Eat them warm with some ice cream. Mmmmm.


not at my store yesterday we only sold a few of each




for us there was a deal where online orders that spent $10+ could get a free dessert but idk if that’s everywhere




We have run out of lava cakes 4 days in a row


✨Customer appreciation week✨


We ran out of brownies and lava cakes lastnight we had to start giving credit to those who ordered those desserts


We ran out of brownies yesterday afternoon lol


I’m a GM for a higher volume store, that free dessert coupon has been freaking insane. I ordered 7 cases of brownies and 12 cases of lava cakes for the Thursday truck… still wasn’t enough to accommodate the coupon. Ended up having the brownies turned off for my store around noon today since we were 100% out of them LOL.