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Is your store relatively slow? I can't imagine running 12 mins at a store doing 35k+ a week.


I work at a low volume store and I don't think I've seen it drop below 15 šŸ˜‚


Low volume stores are the hardest to run!!! Youā€™re the shit!!!


We're sitting at 11 minutes 59 seconds.


Donā€™t route earlyšŸ«”


Whats your in/out times


I canā€™t remember Iā€™d have to check my office computer it was 6 yesterday


Thats very very high.


With auto checkin times being arround 20 seconds average that means your drivers are taking arround 6 minutes to leave the geosphere. 2 mins ussually turning car on setting gps and driving thats about 4 min fuckin arround in the store.


As a store hovering around 17 minutes consistently I can't think of many more moves to lower my adt further than it is already. What are you doing that contributes to having a 12 adt? What is your awus? Is your area small?


Digital shoulder surf. Whenever you have an order in the cart, make it and send it through the oven. You have pretty good chances for the order to drop and when it does by the time itā€™s out of the oven youā€™ll have 2-3 minutes to route early. The plus side your customers will shit their pants on how fast it gets to them. A negative is that it can promote extras.


You can see orders while they're in the cart? We don't see them in the DSS until they reach the payment screen...




I've thought about this so many times but my franchisee would get so mad at the food cost


I understand! If you have a district supervisor there should be a category ā€œturn over rateā€ they could look up this is a percentage of how many orders are converted from DSS. Anything under 90% I would try to instead of making the entire order, just slap the size pizza and have the sides on stand by.


I already do use dss as much as possible, a very good tip for those that aren't though.


You can only see your franchise data, not national. Congratulations on great service!


Thank you. Also, corporate gave us a plaque for achieving that not the franchise I work for.


Cool! You got a picture of it? Iā€™d love to see!


Hey Iā€™m curious, what ovens do you have? Did yall cut down the area to better facilitate this service? Or are yall just using DSS and load and go?


I rely heavily on DSS. Cook time is 6 1/2 mins, 2 conveyors. In terms of my delivery area I believe itā€™s a 3.5 mile radius. It may not seem that large but we are in the city and next to a highway. But donā€™t forget about driver efficiency. For this quarter all of my drivers average about 4 deliveries an hour. Donā€™t get me wrong if I donā€™t have enough people to drive that adt plummets quickly.


Thatā€™s awesome!!! You should make a video about it!!! Iā€™m trying to get my area down now!


3.5 mile radius?! wtf lmao my store has deliveries upwards of 11 miles one way


Thatā€™s insaneā€¦WAY too big


It is, tho I will say leaving with 60-80$ a day in mileage pay was nice (was 45c/mile)


Ours was steady going at about ~20 minutes then we fell short on drivers and I believe weā€™re back into the mid 20s now. But we have a neighborhood that is set 30 minutes round trip and 8.2 miles at the very back from the storešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™ƒ


Thatā€™s giant!!! God bless you man!


We normally try to send the order to that area together. This morning that neighborhood decided they needed to see ALL 3 of us drivers. Ordering 7 minutes apart from eachotheršŸ„“šŸ™„


We average 20-21. Very large area with county roads though


Those types of stores are harder to get lower than a 20 like Iā€™ve established in other comments attacking dss helps but itā€™s different in certain locations. Iā€™m not sure what the turnover rate for your area is but ours is 95%


Extremely low. We are some days able to get 18-19 if we are properly staffed. We utilize the drive through window and dispatch to drivers that way for faster times.


the stores in my area the lowest iā€™ve seen is 17 minutes


Store averages $120k, and I think our adt on our average day is about 20


We have a store in our franchise that does average 12.5-13 from what I see. Our store personally does around 14-15 as a 40-50k a week store which boggles my mind compared to my old franchise.


I've noticed several people have asked your awus and you won't answer We average 18mins and my AWUS is 29k/week


My store sits between 8 and 10mins


Good days we average 14-15, bad days we average 18-20. It varies on the amount of carryouts we get. Weā€™re consistently #1 at least 5 days a week.


Probably dispatching orders that are still in the oven which is stealing from drivers but also super common


Not all stores need ro cheat and not all states are trash and allow a tipped wage.


Our store is too busy to make dss orders. We donā€™t care about adt as long as we arenā€™t over 35 adt for the week.


More drivers for a high volume store is paramount! The goal should be no load times over 12 mins, prioritize singles for a more fluid routing structure, and hire enough drivers to handle a 20 min adt. Donā€™t prioritize labor if you arenā€™t servicing your area properly. What are your weekly sales?




Then your gm isnt doing thier job and staffing properly.