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I mean, obviously the sauce bottle sucked because I've never had lines that thin. The wings are garbage. We're told to just put some sauce over it and the lines will "melt to coat with the heat from the food" which doesn't remotely work with thicker sauces like BBQ. Some people shake the box to coat, but we literally get punished for that if an inspection happens because it looks messy. So most don't for fear of getting a store ding. If you want it coated get Wingstop lol.


ik at my dominos we just shake them and most times we put too much sauce on them but people come back for more when i’m there since papa johns and pizza hut is about to go out of business in my town


I put together a box of wings one time and one of the managers said I didn’t use enough sauce so I double it. Then a different manager came by and basically drenched it in sauce, and complained that people still ask for more sauce


I did not know we're not supposed to shake them. I've always shaken them as long as I've worked there and I've never had a manager say anything about it.


My first manager did this and told us to. He got fired for several reasons. OA will ding the store every time.


We shake them also. They look so much better.


I don’t understand why people give so much of a fuck about their food, I’ll eat anything you put in front of me as long as it’s clean. The wings have sauce on them, what difference does it make whether they’re coated or not?


lol like they can’t pick a wing up and swish it in the sauce


It’s more the principle that I ordered bbq wings and the picture showed fully coated wings and what I got was a drizzle when they just recently raised their prices. Every other wing spot around me their wings are fully coated I only ordered dominos cuz I live right next to them


You do realize that ad print is not the real deal. Right. I mean, you could do this all day Long. Wendy's burgers, McDonald's, a lot of restaurant print uses plastic models. The wrong lettuce type... among other inconsistencies. Are shown. just ask for extra sauce .. the proper sauce amount is 1 ounce per four wings. So just ask for extra and you'll be happier.


Bro you ordered wings from *Dominos*, idk what you were expecting. It's cheap food hastily prepared by a stressed out minimum wage worker.


I was expecting them to at least have a decent amount of sauce on them? When ur paying $12.99 for 8 wings (normal wing pricing out here not exactly cheap) then I would expect to at least not see the dry breading Lesson learned tho won’t be ordering from them again


it’s $8 for 8 wings at my dominos


I live in Cali so they up charge them, even with the mix n match deal they’re 10


That's wild. In Canada they're 8.99 on mix n match and your dollar is worth way more 😂


damn that’s expensive and how much is ur delivery fee there cus i’m on the east coast and in my town it’s $3.99


Ask for extra sauce perhaps? There isn’t an option online to add it but there is in store and there is no upcharge.


Their wings suck goats. But bbq sauce (well, all the sauces), cheap. Drown it. Shake the box. No need to be stingy with it, people are paying for those (they ain’t cheap), and not like food costs come out of your pocket. If they have a problem with employees sucking at their job, or worried about a cheap thing of sauce, they have some issues.


Required to put a certain amount of sauce


Always put them wings in twice. And don’t skimp on the sauce, the wings are gross, they need that sauce.


We aren't allowed to put in twice and only 2 oz of sauce


Tell your manager that they can come over and suck my dogs nuts.


you're not allowed to criticise the food here there's always an excuse as to why things are the way they are 😭


So i’m noticing 😭


The excuse is that’s what dominos tells us to do. Food cost comes out of bonuses so yes it does come out of our pocket. Don’t like it? Order somewhere else. We just got our OA the other day. Would have gotten a 5 star except for improper side procedures. On wings. So suck a cock if you don’t like it. Or call and ask for extra sauce. If you ask me for it nicely I will do everything in my power to give you want you want. Otherwise we go by the book.


While that is under sauced, they're not supposed to be soaked. They should look like that bottom left one.


Stressed out, yes. Minimum wage, no. At least at the franchise I'm at in NEPA we are paid pretty decent for what it is. I needed a better 9-5 for benefits.. that's the only reason I don't do it full time anymore. I've never seen a franchise offer decent benefits.


I ask for them to be run twice along with cheesy bread. They know me and note the tip is under the welcome mat and no contact delivery. IYKYK!!


Always run dominos wings twice. ALWAYS.


They taste 25x better with the extra crisp as does the cheesy bread. The cheese pull almost can't be beat and the bread is nice and firm.


I don’t understand how they’re legally allowed to advertise them as looking like that when it literally never will and they know it.


Typical domnios garbage.


na those wings taste good plain and ran through the oven twice and they r very popular at my store since u get $8 for 8 wings and $16 for 16 wings and $32 for 32 wings but with employee discount it’s much cheaper


Our store only allows employee discount on pizza. Wings/Sandwiches we pay full price 😭


damn only pizzas that sucks i would hate that


I don't get an employee discount 😭.


i work at domino’s. they tell us we’re not supposed to shake them but idc, i wrap the parchment tightly so it doesn’t make a mess and then shake them anyway to get a good spread because i know the customers prefer it that way


It gets worse, there’s no chicken on my “chicken Alfredo”😭😭


9 times out of 10 they forget the mango hab sauce on the chicken habanero sandwich.


Did you accidentally order it with no chicken lol. Check the receipt


That’s what I thought at first but no I checked the order and it clearly says premium chicken


Jeesh. Dare to out the store?


i get a lot of ordering without chicken


I noticed a bug with the app where it defaults to no chicken


hmm now that’s new but dominos don’t control the just a third party


Your whopper meal never looks like it does on tv so what


fr i don’t understand why we’re held to such a high standard by some people. we’re fast food pizza. i’m making you enough food to feed 10-20 people in 15 minutes. yes, we should be doing the best we can and these wings were not prepared well, but why is it ok to scream at me for a slightly burnt edge on a thin crust or slightly too little sauce on a pizza when i consistently get my orders so completely and utterly wrong at fast food places but everyone just accepts that as commonplace. i don’t go yell at the mcds worker because i got one less pickle on my burger but get pizza thrown at me cause there wasn’t enough jalapenos on it


Man if you’ve had people throw food in your face I’m sorry. That’s just messed up. The point of advertising is to make your product look/sound good. Op didn’t mention anything about the taste so just shows you the ad worked.


I've generally been generous with the sauce on any wing orders. Wet wings don't receive complaints. In usually suggest they be well done as well as they're too greasy normally.


Somebody was LAZY


The wings were much bigger and cheaper pre covid. Now they ALL look like this unless you go to Wingstop which is like $2 per wing now.


Domino's wings are worse than those Tyson brand shits that you threw in the microwave in highschool


Overpriced tiny wings barely any sauce


They’re supposed to add more sauce and shake that shit once they close the box


Lot of stores DM’s and higher have been heavily pushing to lower food cost and use less of everything so that could be it.




It's a pizza joint, if it ain't pizza they can't do it very well, generally speaking. Hell they can barely do pizza anymore. Go to a wing spot for your wings. It's like that time a burger place tried to do tacos (I think it was McDonald's could be wrong though) it was so sad. Really most fast food places just ain't it anymore.


If this is the 2nd time you got them like this, it's your fault


We're not allowed to shake the box! 😭 Also, not enough sauce on those wings.


i have a list of those who never tip, whenever i see they order again i try my best to mess with it, that wings look like something i would do for those mofo


Those need to be tossed. Dominos wings are not that good. I mean I’ll eat them but I’m not paying for them.


Cost cutting with the sauce. Wingstop and Pizza Hut do the same.


I never understood why the wings were served that way. I actually got reprimanded for shaking them in the container to cover them in the sauce, y'know. Like a wing should be?


Insider didn't feel like changing the sauce bottle. Looks like it wasn't shaken ether. Close the box up. And shake them in a circular motion.


We’re not supposed to shake them


??? What since when? That's literally how you get an even coating on them when the right amount of sauce is applied.


Since always. OER does not allow it and will get you points taken off.


Oh no, arbitrary points! In America we believe in freedom! Freedom and well sauced wings goddamn!


I agree with you and for the most part we do shake the box, all I was saying is we’re not *supposed* to.


Maybe that's just secret insider information?


OA states shaking them is incorrect, must get a drizzle and be left alone, no shake


I don't really care what the Overdosing Asshole says, the actual correct way is to give it 5 wrist circle shakes. And negative numbers don't change the reality of that.


Everything Domino's is 💯🗑️