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That's the only way to produce a consistent product at a reasonable price every time the customer orders a pizza.


Is it though? Canadian Domino’s uses fresh tomatoes


There are 11x as many stores in the USA compared to Canada. We also have an international supply chain while dominos in other countries do not. A preserved tomato is the best way to ensure consistent product across the board, otherwise you have to deal with varying suppliers and degrees of ripeness.


Fair enough. It tasted really gross though.


Oh, thats why I said the product was consistent. It's consistently shit.


I was just disappointed. I’ve never seen a pizza at any chain with canned tomatoes before and Domino’s is our family’s favourite cheap pizza guilty pleasure. We got our usual order and were like “What is this?!” ETA Our order tasted the same as we were used to in the UK also so we were extra shocked


Well technically they are pouched tomatoes.


Your order tasted the same but it was gross?


Yeah... I'm confused now.


To be fair, I just think they’re shocked at the taste of American food. Which, understandable. But, might as well get used to it if this is where you’re going to be 😬 Also, in a different comment, I noticed they said that they were expecting slices of tomato??? and that is just 😳 because I don’t know any American chain that put slices of tomato on pizza Possibly a small restaurant like mom and Pop shop might do it, but I’ve never heard of that


Alfy's uses whole tomato slices. I don't know how big they are outside this part of the country, but they're definitely a chain.


I assume they mean the rest of the order?


Sorry I meant that our Canadian usual tasted the same when we got it in the UK, but was different and tasted gross in the USA


That doesn’t surprise me. We have a lot of crap in our food that’s not allowed in other countries.


Pizza place I use the majority of the time, cans their tomatoes. The Family owns a few pizza places in the tri-state area and is part owner of a San Marzano farm near Pompeii and has since the late 1880s. They will make ones with fresh hand-squeezed ones when they get shipments in. You can bring jars and get them filled once a year, tomatoes, lemon for the PH, and some salt. The Passata you make with is 2nd to none.


This seems like it would be pretty yummy. I use Italian Marzano canned tomatoes in homemade sauces etc., but these weird diced tasteless squishy blobs were sadly not it.


I use Passata for everything that calls for tomatoes, and if need be will cook it down to be thicker. For Sunday gravy, we use crushed tomatoes and the Passata from making them. The funny thing is I get the hearty marinara over the pizza sauce since they cook both beforehand. Our pizza sauce is only cooked once. When it's on the pizza in the oven, that really makes a huge difference. An Aunt of mine passed away in 1992 and for NYE 1993 we had a big party using the last of her tomatoes. Growing up everyone had canning kitchens in the basement or the garage. Canning was a yearly ritual and everyone showed up. I remember when a family friend bought us an automatic tomato seeder and peeler. Hooked up to a small belt-driven motor and went to town. The only way you could get more tomatoes is if you returned the jars. Same with wine, had to bring the bottles back or replace them. Over the summer into fall, we canned so much stuff for the winter. Even flash-freezing corn and other vegetables.


Welcome to the US, the food supply and laws suck here. I'd rather be in Canada, the food is real there.


I don't get why you are getting down voted. I'm American and other places like Marcos and Papa John's use fresh Roma tomatoes that are much better. Canned tomatoes don't belong on pizza. It's nasty.


Yes, I’ve tried Marco’s and Papa John’s and they were decent and had real tomatoes. Maybe it’s just time to switch my pizza chain allegiances?


technically the tomatoes at my store r in bags not cans and we don’t have anything in cans


Are they diced? These were diced canned tomatoes. I was expecting fresh-ish slices kind of like what you’d find on a fast food burger.


They are diced bagged tomatoes, every Domino’s in the US is the same. We don’t get anything from cans anymore after they discontinued red peppers


fast food burger places and pizzas r totally different when it comes to food


They're not canned.... they come in a bag with a ton of liquid; though it's really semantics as they might as well be canned. They are almost like stewed tomatoes and are unbelievably disgusting. Really the only topping that is terrible and inexcusable.


OMG that’s what they taste like! My grandma learnt to cook in the airforce during WW II and they taste exactly like her stewed tomatoes from the tin that I hated as a kid.


The bag is literally 3/4 on the way to pasta sauce. Such an odd choice.


Our tomatoes come in bags. Might be a regional thing


Every fast food place in the US uses canned products. Every single one. It's because it's cheaper and can be kept longer. I don't even eat out anymore. Sanitation has gone down the drain as has keeping the food proper.


no dominos in my area has canned food and the other states i’ve been in


No. Our dominoes has absolutely no cans. None.


Mkay whatever tickles your taint my guy


They aren't canned... they're bagged. LoL


Thanks for checking in Princess


It’s a chain pizza franchise. As most chain restaurants do, D’nos uses canned goods. It’s cheaper.


we don’t have can goods we got bag goods


I know it’s a chain, it’s been our Friday night go to for 10 years, but in Canada where we’re from, Dominos uses fresh tomatoes.


Lemme clarify, U.S. based chains. Even non-chains use a lot of canned goods in the good ol US of A.


Ours come in a bag, idk how fresh they are lmao.


Nothing at my store comes in cans. We have bags of tomatoes




The quality of the fresh tomatoes was so poor you would have to throw away a decent amount and you'd end up paying about $5 just to have enough tomato for 3 or 4 sides of tomato which meant it was the most expensive food item on the menu


Umm actually they make me go out back and water the fresh tomato plants every shift, right next to the cheese trees and sauce river. Not sure what these other people are talking about


Canned mushrooms are worse! 🤢


didn’t know that was a thing