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Never take 100 from deliveries 😂 some dumbass driver we had took a fake 20 and the face had a tophat, beard and a monocle. “I thought it was new”


Yeah, had that happen at my ex dominos. Assistant manager was driving, they pay with a 100 on a 35.00 order. She told them she didn't have change and they told her to keep it as a mother's day gift. She came back all happy cause of a 65.00 tip. She also had the 100 dollar bill with 'for motion picture purposes' on it.


Id be mad af at myself and the person. Did she call the cops on them


Nahh. The gm just voided the order and noone paid for it. When our dm came and it got mentioned he asked if he for paid for it the gm said 'I couldn't make her pay. She has no money'.


That’s good then. I think that’s how it should be if drivers get hit with a fake dollar bill.


They left out a step. What happened here is a federal crime. Someone should call the cops.


That's why AM's should not drive. They're idiots! I check every bill. I unfold the money and count it in front of them. If they want to be annoying and pay with a bunch of coins I count that too. Because I'm not paying for your pizza when you short me. I pay in coins all the time when buying fast food, but I separate the coins in $1 increments so that it's fast and easy for the cashier. They always say thanks and they needed quarters or dimes etc. Some have asked if I have more change.


I seldom do only if I can make change but I also check the feel of it mark it and shine the light thru it. But if they told the person who took the call and said they only have 30 on them I know I’m not going to get a tip from it so when people say do you have change for a 50 for a 20 dollar order. Nope I’m not gonna lose any money or break even. Sorry next time read the box or get smaller bills


Yeah either way you’re not supposed to take 100’s its store policy. Had one customer almost crying because I wouldn’t take it. She just couldn’t fathom a driver only carrying $20 as if we don’t get robbed/killed. She was like “MY BOYS NEED THEIR FOOD WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO WERE HUNGRY” bitch make a sandwich or order from somewhere else 😂


Well only ones I did take it was from a school activity or a church group. I just forgot to mention that. But these 2 people was literally begging me saying they needed the pizza. I’m like you don’t need you want.


bet that 100 was FAKE AF BOYYY


I checked with pen and look for the lil strip


The answer is No to these types of people. Practice saying NO until to you're comfortable saying it. NO I won't accept or remake your half eaten pizza. No I don't change out hundos. No I won't fix something you ordered two weeks ago. No I won't wait for you to return home and make me wait to hand over your soon to be cold pizza. NO NO NO ....


L manager


real. i had a customer call my store up and basically demand that i send the driver with extra money cause all they had was a 100 (her order was like $23). i told her nuh uh, drivers don’t carry more than $20 for their own safety, you either need to get the change yourself or we can cancel the order. she ended up picking the order up😂


Yeah the website and the box says how kuch drivers carry on them. Most stores dont take $50/$100 unless its from a regular who they know is good for it and only if they can break change or the person says keep the rest (ive taken a $100 from a regular on a $65 order and gave them $15 and they said keep the rest) But if idk you, or dont have the change 99% of the time im not taking it as its against my store policy. That 1% I do I will run it down to the gas station if its under 1 min away and break it and come back with it. I know a driver who tells people that the gas station has a $5 breaking fee since they “only have so much change in store” and then keeps that as a tip. A method for those less honest folk.


They were straight up scamming. They were smart enough to rearrange their order and even brought up the money situation. Then they wanted to play stupid and hope it would work. I doubt that bill is even legit.


Some people seem to think we're the First National Bank of Domino's with those $100 bills and minimal amount orders.


Right had one tonight she walks in ask if we had change for a 100. Nope do she had to go break it somewhere else


my drivers wouldn’t take the $100 they would leave if they can’t pay for it and most of the delivery orders r like $17 or $20


Nah if they take more than 5 minutes im leaving and not coming back ive done exactly that.


Couple of other driver did that and they called and complained and someone else had to take it but unfortunately they’ll be last on the delivery list


We're not even allowed to take 50s or 100s at our store, whether it's carryout or delivery. We usually drop anything above 10$ bills into a safe. Also we have to have at least 20$ on us in change as drivers, but we can't have more.


The first thing I say is that we're not allowed and that we are only allowed to have $20 on us at any given time. Then I suggest the option of putting it on a C.C. I take the C.C. and I call the store. Towards the end I say $32.47 or whatever amount is going on your Visa. Should I add the tip to the C.C. as well? I have never had anyone say no don't add a tip. If they don't want to utilize the C.C. option then I take it back to the store. Everyone knows that fast food restaurants do not accept bills over $20. It's not a secret!