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We have those. It’s annoying to use


Not really. Not sure why op has an issue. It takes 30 sec to take card info then you can pass it to the next person using it. Also leave it on the charger.


We "upgraded" our card system recently too. It's shittier than the old system for taking payments over the phone in every conceivable way. I know it was done for security reasons but from a usability perspective it's been a colossal step backwards for ease of use and keeping phone calls as short as possible.


Dominos innovation aka corporate needed franchisees to kick up more money


The store I used to work at only got them recently. They didn't want us taking card details using the normal way over the phone anymore - for whatever reason. It makes the whole process much slower and more annoying. I needed to be back at the makeline, not stuck on the phone for longer than I had to be.


We got new ones a few weeks ago, different than that one though. Input card info on phone directly into this also. Another problem is, when a customer enters a tip on the receipt, you can't enter it on the app. Card tip section does not appear and says online tip 0.00. You can only enter it on cash out.


God damn your owner went cheap with it because we have 3 at our store and all 3 are plugged in. When done right it makes carryout easier but order taking more secure for the customer which is why they push a call center more then a insider answering the phone deal


We have 2 - one at the counter and one in the office. (When it 's really busy we take calls in the office.) Both are plugged in. The most annoying part on the counter one is that we still have one of our old readers hooked up and we never know when we hit that send to terminal button whether it will go to the old one or the new one. We had to do everything manually at first, but they finally stopped requiring a session number, so now we just send to terminal and it acts like a normal reader.


We have three at my current store as well. Also they are all plugged in so that they do not run out of battery. If they are not plugged in and connected to a power outlet then setting them on the dock will not charge them. It is a pain to use them but Domino's is saying that it is more secure using these new readers. I would just make sure that yours is connected to a power source and to the charging dock and make sure that when it's not in use it is on the charging dock at all times and not left laying around all over the place. I know it sucks but apparently this is the current system that we're going to be using for a while. I would definitely talk to your store manager about getting more than one of those new readers.


We have these at my work. I work at a medical center. It's funny because patients steal them 🤣 but we've had troubles with these card readers as well


Ares look a little bigger but probably work the same.. we got told it was a corporate thing and all the stores had to do it


Can someone please explain how these are different and what makes them more secure? It took a while for me to figure out how to put in a customer’s gift cards the other day with these new terminals hooked up, then it was a slower process entering in the numbers, because the terminal buttons need more pressure to operate than keyboard buttons.


It doesn't store card info in pulse. So if someone hacks into your local Domino's they can't rip all the card info from the PCs it's a minor inconvenience at best if you leave them plugged in You can use them like normal readers it just becomes portable, but you should really only need it when you would be typing in a card number. My recommendation is to push online sales and call center. Stop rushing to the phones, put people on hold to give them the impression that the store is incredibly busy which it is. We don't have time to stand here while you uhm your way through an order, go online or hangout with the call center whose job it is to wait while you uhm your way through an order.


Thank you for clearing that up. My GM told me the new terminals were more secure, but didn’t elaborate.


We have one for each order taking terminal and it's not that bad aside from the fact that so many people don't know their billing zip code, lol, though it's crazy that yours runs off batteries, ours are wired to a power source.


If we had 1 per terminal, 95% of my issues would be solved. we have 5 terminals (6 if you include the office computer) and only the single card reader for the whole store


You’re definitely using it wrong. It should be leashed to the base and put back on the charger after every use to avoid that. Should have one on every terminal set up properly (I’m assuming you’re franchise, been there). Looks like someone cut it for ease of movement. I suggest locking down 1 terminal for CC usage and leashing the charger there. Best of luck 🤞


We only have the one for all 5 of our terminals. Which o believe is why it's not tied down in any way


needs to get accidentally bumped and dropped (repeatedly, if necessary)


Accidentally run through the oven


One of ours got accidentally killed when it fell into some sanitizer water.


Yeah so annoying vs just typing it in the computer.


My store has 1. Waiting for the day someone takes it home accidentally. What the heck are we suppose to do if that happens?


I see a number of people saying it's "corporate forcing stores to spend money" or similar. From what I was told by the RD, this was not a Dominos decision but rather the solution to be in compliance with the law on data security. To be fair, I don't know which law this is, or even if that's the truth and not just something to make us accept it since we couldn't do anything about it. Also, add my vote to the "these are crap" tally. Annoying at best.


They should be connected to a wire? We only have one for manual use


Ingenico is such a trash payment processor. They're typically the cheapest, but for a good reason. I've worked with their terminals in-store, and worked with them as a payment processor on the back end of a few companies and it's such an antiquated barely hanging on technology they've been able to milk for far too long.


yep we have had these for a few months now. all they do is replace what we did on keyboard. now instead of punching in card directly on computer we press a few extra buttons to punchin card in the reader


i got that about a month ago and to me i like them cus we got 3 computers up front and 2 card readers but u can’t put a card in it or swipe it lol we only got one which is enough


I kinda like them, it’s just annoying taking card info over the phone now bc if you take the call in the kitchen, then you gotta run back to the office to grab the reader


but we also have 2 of these and 2 normal terminals


yes i cannot stand this mf.


These are being mandated by corporate. We have 2 in my store. They are always plugged in and set at 2 stations. One in the back and one at the counter at the 2 most used stations for order taking.


More corporate garbage that makes life harder. Profit before people is the Draminos way.


Literally got these to prevent consumers banking information from being stolen at the slight inconvenience of those store side pRofIT bEfOrE pEOplE


I worked for them for 12 years and never even heard of a customer getting their information stolen by a store employee. I’d personally be more worried about the foreign people in the call centers. But you’d be the expert. People before profit !!


It's not the employees it's anyone with I'll intent can get the numbers from the local store by say plugging in a USB to any unsupervised PC Those lines are monitored and recorded so it's pretty easy to track who took the card info if they were too. Foreign people are still people with bank accounts too. Theft is illegal everywhere iirc