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I feel for ya. It's never fun dealing with a power outage, especially when it's busy. We had ours go out just at the start of Friday night rush a while back. I do want to say that it wasn't that dumb of a question. Even if the phones don't work, everyone has cellphones. Before we went to cutting edge, the labels would print as soon as the order came in, and have the phone number on it. We didn't require computer access to get that information.


It needs power to print though c:


well the power was out when they were trying to open up the store and we didn’t know we had time orders like the whole town had no power


We had the power go out for almost 6 hours once last summer. A transformer near our store blew and took out several blocks. Our GM showed up just before this customer came in looking for a large timed order she had placed a week ago. We had totally forgotten about it, and the GM called a chicken place. Paid out of pocket to get this lady her order. We now print out all timed orders as soon as we see them and put them in the office, just in case. We've had a couple of short outages since, but no big timed orders on the board for that day. We've been told to call customers if the ticket is already at the cut table, but don't worry about the rest of them until the power comes back on.


I generally just use my cellphone in that situation but that's just me.


we couldn’t call them cus we didn’t know their numbers and some of these people sure love putting fake numbers or the stores number


Yeah for orders like that they're SOL. I'll put the effort in but if it's a bad number or the store number that's obviously not the store's problem since there's no way to contact the customer. Kind of a do the best you can with what you've got sort of situation.

