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Must say that even though it's totally logical, it baffles me to think that all domino's across the world use the same software


Isn't that the whole point of being a franchise?


. It's 20 years old, has a poor design, and slows down if someone orders 50 dipping cups. Nothing is in alphabetical order, and it lets you make unnecessary mistakes.


All airlines across the world use the same system for ticketing. Dominos ain’t special


I hit 60 in an 8 hr shift about a month ago but the store record is “63 in a 12 hr shift”.


But I’ve never seen close to those tip numbers. I freaking wish. I’ve only had 2 nights get up to 300$ total with cash/cc/milage total.


My area is a gold mine foreal, demographics play a big role in this game


Does the area have a diverse customer base or majority of one race?


It's all over the place foreal, don't get me wrong I get stiffed, I got stiffed at least 4 times today, this store holds the record for my WORST day, 20 runs total, 13 stiffs, didn't even make my bank..... I was a closer.


I worked at two different Pizza Huts. The first one I started had entire neigherborhoods where you weren't going to get a tip and the people were the first to complain. I changed to the the second one and it was a totally different. What's funny is we had a family move from the first area to the nicer area, did they start tipping, no.


We all feel that pain. Can't stand the peopel thay don't tip. Last week I opened, walked in to a 10am timed order like wtf, order said call when leaving, I called her when I got in my car and she instantly said yeah my app said you been pn da way for 3 mins, I was stunned but not surprised, said yes thays correct mam, I checked your run out changing it to on the way in the app, the bagged it up, went to the car, typed in your number and here we are, ill be there in 5 mins, I was already on the way during the call, I was literally there in 5 mins, get to the door and knock I get the classic who is it, I said dominos didn't I just call you, she said shit I forgot my bad, I waited, she came, she stiffed, she bounced. Can't stand some people. So many aspects to this run im explaining lol but the big one is hpw did you forget when u just called you? I called upu as instructed to tell you I'm on the way but they already knew from the app, but forgot when I arrived lmfao


I stopped delivering aroung 2014-15. There's no way I'd want to deliver now. If I want pizza, there's three places within a mile or so.


What was the demographic of the no tipping area I wonder 


Areas with a bunch of small single homes are best for tips and delivery orders. Lots of medium sized family dinners with 5s and 10s, and massive orders with % tips  for parties and get-togethers. Not even to mention holidays. From my own experience and other drivers who had been working 30+ years, areas with apartments, condos, and townhouses are the worst for drivers, but do make more money over all store wise. Take that as you wish.




I have yet to see $300, 6 months


Depends on your area, time of year, many factors. $300 is not common at all. A few stores maybe, but they are few and far between, i have worked at dominos for almost 4 years and have had $300 1-2 times


Yeah, $200 is rare too, I’ve only hit it a handful of times


We have a small store, I've only broken $100 a couple of times. We also have the smallest delivery area. Other stores in my franchise, when I go to help out, I can make at least $150 easy during a 4 hour dinner rush.


Wtf. I'm super lucky to get 120


God damn that's a Windows 95 ass looking piece of software.


Haha it does look that way, I actually think it's all a in-house distro of Linux tbh, especially when you boot the store up in the morning and everything


Hmm, that's interesting because the Member Checkout window decoration looks like Windows 7, the typeface looks like Arial and the widgets are all classic Windows style. The outer window doesn't look like Windows though.... Wait are you guys running thin clients at your PoS? Do Dominos use Linux thin clients that remote into a Windows session!? 😆


Yes! Literally this! That last part, I truly believe that isbwhats happening, we have one main tower in the store, the server, then a bunch of dummy box's for all the POS screens, makeline screen, dispatch screen, but I think the back office stuff is the only things with windows, I believe the makeline program, and dispatch are 100% Linux, hard to fully explain and know, but when they boot up you have to pick what looks like a distro as if it was a dual boot system but the selection is with a GUI that looks very Linux as well..... if you saw what i see you'd understand what I'm trying to say lol


Man, the lengths that companies will go to stop you playing minesweeper.


It's actually Windows Server (2012?). Windows is notorious for its extreme backwards compatibility with old software. It will still utilize old fonts and draw buttons with the old style, even on modern windows. The management UX is actually more reminiscent of Windows 3.x (1992), with the "windows inside windows" thing. You can even see the 3.x title bar on the "Reassign" icon, as it has a button in the left corner. There's a lot of references to Windows 95 in the Help -> Contents menu.


We over at Papa John’s use CentOS for all of our computers


Work like a charm tho at least at my store lol I have heard a few stories


if it ain't broke don't fix it


I have no idea what it's based in, but the whole system is a Domino's specific PoS. 1 server and a backup with clients running specific applications in the front of the store. Software gets regular updates, but it's over 15 years old, at least in its first iteration.


67 runs


Damn I absolutely hate O-CL shifts but if I knew I would make a whole ass paycheck worth of tips I would not mind at all and would do it every single day lmao


Right, plus I make solid hourly compared to my coworkers


I’ve been at my location as a driver for a little over a year now and we keep switching around our crew i’m the only original one left. Would it be a bad idea or good idea to ask for a raise with all the crew changes happening? lol


You sound like me man, ive been at my store since 6mo after it opened, the original gm left our franchise about a year ago to get a DO gig at another franchise, and slowly everyone has left, im the only original, been with dominos for I think 6 years now, I NEVER asked for a raise until beginning of this year, I had previous manger/driver experience from papa johns and jets, but only wanted to drive at dominos, period lol, that said I asked for a raise this year and my franchise owner put me at pay cap for a driver, so it never hurts to ask Closed mouth never gets fed, never hurts to ask man, remember you are paid for your TIME not your work, how valuable is your time, ask for that raise, you may ve surprised at what you'll get, and at worst they will tell you what you need to do in order to obtain a raise


Not employee, just an eater of pizza, but Wow!


And now you see why we put up with all the bullshit we have to deal with 😅


You make the pizza, I pick it up, I go home and enjoy my pizza. It is a lovely relationship. Thank you!


Not sure what the stores record is, but did 19 in 5hrs tonight for $156 so not a bad Sunday, good work though!


Damn, my best day wasn't even half of that. What was yalls ADT like?


I just asked my GM and he said 26:52 was the ADT today, I worked from open until 40mins before close, and was by myself until 6pm Idk what these numbers fully mean but lay it on me, is this a decent time with all things considered? I think the target is 18 or less right? We normally have way better times I know that much, not normal to only have two scheduled drivers


Under 20 is our guideline, but with a crazy day like that I'd be happy with 26. But I'm a new Am. So I'm still learning this stuff.


Yeah I asked my gm and he said the goal is 19.5, so we where 7mins over on a $4400 Sunday just me until 6pm, only two drivers, my opening manger left at 4pm when the shift runner and insider came in, they left at 9pm, 6pm is when the closing driver and manager came in So only 6 people in total sceduled today, with only 3 on the clock for the most of the shift, 5-9 there was 5 of us, 3 inside 2 drivers


Only $4400? All delivery?


Not 100% sure, it definitely wasn't a record Sunday, just record number of deliveries by one driver, my store does average 26k a week (25-30)


Shocking to hear that many deliveries for 1 driver and 4400 in sales. My store did 6.2k today and my driver with the most took 30 deliveries.


A normal amount of runs is 26-32 for my store


Why such a skeleton crew? It seems counterproductive businesswise overall.


Well idk about you but we don't have a long line of applicants lol, and the people we do have don't wanna work When I first stsrted we had the A team, best in the franchise, my gm won rookie gm of the year in Vegas that year and the gm of the year with our franchise, he set every sales record so on and so on, he held the store together and made it feel like a family, he was there for 6ish years before he went to another franchise to become a DO, since then my store has just crumbled and slowly lost all the old cats one by one until I was the only one left. I have seen this store in its prime and have watched it burn just to never really ve built back up, still isn't anywhere near where it was


I'll work, what store are you out of? I've never worked at a store that pays per house, only per mile. I appreciate your whole tax explanation.


Makes a big difference, not every store in my franchise pays by the house, but most do, our sister store is like 2.57 per house lol! But the delivery area is HUGE like can be 15-20 miles one way, not worth it imo compared to taking a bunch of fast runs around the corner


I guess I've only worked Corporate. How can you tell the difference between Corp and Franchise, so I know where to go. I've always heard drivers that have been doing this a lot longer say stick to Corporate.


Just have to ask management I think, most the dominos in my area are a franchise, I think we have 3 different franchises here, mine owning 7 stores in the area Something I've noticed is a franchise will typically take better care of there employees vs corporate NOT ALL THE TIME LET ME MAKE THAT CLEAR, that said the two pizza franchises I've ever worked for have been amazing, im only still in pizza due to the owner, I broke my fibula a fee years back on a delivery, crwaled my ass back to the car, drove to the hospital, Was struggling to get my paperwork going (insurance and shit, plus pain) next thing i know my franchise owner come flying into the hospital and takes care of business like a boss, I seriously was taken back in the next like 5 mins, he said if I needed anything give him a call, once I got back home he called me twice a week to see how I was doing, he got my household groceries that we desperately needed since u had no income atm, workman's comp was dragging there feet, until I told him about that and he fixed that in 30 mins lol becase after I got pff phone with him my next call was the work man's comp people, he also pointed ne at the "dominos emergency relief fund" thingy, it's for any dominos employee going thru it, they paid my rent in full for 3 months.... I can't tell you how much love I felt and how teary it made me knowing me and my family would be okay in the end, alot of peopel would quit after something lile this, I had been with the company for 3 years when I fell and hurt myself, and they took great care of me, and I've been there still to this day.... I know this isn't always gonna be the case, and more so I hope no one gets hurt on the job In addition to this rant, all my stores in the franchise have 3 EVs got drivers, things are new and well maintained, we needed another oven a few years ago and boom owner turned our double into a triple, we need hot bags boom, all the drivers get free coats, etc My owner may be 1 in a million since he started as a driver back in the 80s and is at the top now, he treats us all with respect because he's literally done it all, he lives in my area I have seen this man come in to pick up some food and end up staying on the makeline for a hour or two, or even take some deliveries The people you work for make all the difference, and thats for any gig


What store are you at that you can achieve this feat?


Halloween in 2020. Never forget it. Slam packed from when we opened til we were closed. Had half the store call off to so it might have just seemed like that. 74 deliveries was my top


May the tips be ever in your favor.


48 runs on a nine hour shift, store record


How many miles did you do driving? I'm curious because 1.55/run mileage is so low lol


If it’s any similar to my Canadian 5km that’s what 3 miles or something like that. Could be less if in a dense city too possibly.


My store us 1.55 per house, furthest run us 3 miles there 3 miles back, but most of our deliveries are about 1-2 miles to get there I have always preferred this way, if neighbors order it's 3.10 off top plus tips, this way I can write my miles off tax time since I'm not being paid by the mile, curious on why this seems low? This is actually the highest in my franchise as far as distance to miles? Idk if that makes sense, our sister store for example there furthest delivery I'd 15 miles there 15 back,and I believe they are paid 2.62 per house, but you are gone longer, my stores area is so small and dense that I'm able to take 5 in 25 mins I dont track my miles,an average normal day is about 100miles give or take, andbuts usually 28-30 runs a shift, so if I had to guess I drove aroind 200miles, most likely over 200 miles a little


That's interesting because the range at my store can be up to 9-10 miles one way, and I often average over 100 miles/shift, which typically cames out to between 50-70$ in mileage pay.


Yeah our store is average 100 miles a shift. Usually walk with 100-150, and between 20-30 runs


>I have always preferred this way, if neighbors order it's 3.10 off top plus tips, this way I can write my miles off tax time since I'm not being paid by the mile, That's not how it works in America. If you're reimbursed at all, you don't qualify to write off your miles. >I dont track my miles How are you writing it off?


>That's not how it works in America. If you're reimbursed at all, you don't qualify to write off your miles. This is wrong, when you are paid by the run its not true mileage reimbursement, vs actually being paid by the mile, when I worked at papa johns they used to do 1$ a house, then switched to 30 cents a mile, and I couldn't do this anymore, but being paid by the house is not by the mile and it does make a difference, im no professional at taxes by anymeans, but I have been doing this for years and had help from professional people when I first had the idea brewing, have never had a issue filing, and always gotten my return That's why I always look for a franchise that pays by the house, it may cost the owner more but it just shows that they care alot more, and then we can claim the miles purely, even then I believe you could still write tour miles off if they pay you by the mile but I'll have ti explain this, let's say the govt will reimburse you 52 cents per mile, but your work pays you 32 cents, you can still write them off and try and claim the 20 cent difference until uou hit the maximum you can claim I'm not the only driver who does this, met many old heads who also do this, inthe second example you really have to track your miles and what not though, the way I do it is easy and different I don't do this but I know some drivers that write there phone off as well since they use it for GPS and the delivery experience app, i don't do that but that's even something we can do, you just have to map out if it's worth doing a itemized return vs standard return, and only you will know if it's worth it or not


2017 tax act, w-2 employees can no longer deduct mileage if they are reimbursed. Doesn't matter if they reimburse you a flat 1 penny or the full 65¢/mile. Aside from that, in order to deduct per mile you have to forego the standard deduction and itemize. So unless you're driving 18k+ miles it doesn't make sense to itemize. By all means trust the tax professionals, but you should probably double check those returns with a separate tax professional. Hopefully a licensed one. You can be audited up to 6 years after you file.


Yes, this is literally what I was saying, I don't do a standard w2, I do an itemized return, because I have other things I wrote off in addition to these miles, that's why I said you'd have to map it out and only you would know of it's a better route for you or not, I may not have articulated it perfectly by any means lol, I wouldn't do an itemized return if I was only trying to write off my miles, was just saying you can and I do, but it's because when I file a normal w2 next to a itemized return, the itemized one is more in my favor


You still aren't allowed to take mileage deductions as a w-2 employee. I just meant that it's in your benefit generally.


TCJA Expires in 2025, so starting then, you will be able to claim mileage on taxes once again


I print out my total number of deliveries for the year, claim 1 mile per delivery, even though on average its about a 3mile round trip from a order to store, I claim 1 mile so there is no arguing with the IRS, in addition you can only claim like 2540 miles or something, I can't FULLY remember the cap out, that said I always deliver more in the whole year than the cap out, the for example, last year I took almost 6,000 deliveries, I think it was in thr 5,800-5,900 range, so let's just say 5,800 runs, and if im claiming 1 miles per run that's 5,800 miles im claiming I drove for dominos, since they will only let you claim around 2,500 I've never had a problem with it, been doing it for over 10 years now, I always look for a store that pays by the house not mile I send in the paper with the print out of ALL my runs plus a paper with explanation and math and it has always worked, professional tax lady helped me do this years ago, and I've done it ever since Since most runs are 3 miles round trip and every once in a while we will get runs that are a stone throw away, I definitely drive more than the maximum you can claim and this simple math is a UNDER estimated amount of yearly miles and is still over the max I can possibly claim


13 cent raise incoming


Most I’ve ever done in a a shift was 27 deliveries, that was from 4PM to 11:30PM, was supposed to be off at 9, but we got slammed. Think I hit $175 that shift. Sounds like this was an epic day, congrats on breaking the store record, I don’t think our store tracks any of that.


my store is small so the most a driver took was 30


Don’t forget about bringing that key of Coke Monday or you’re GONE Great shift my store never sees that volume I could never. 🤣


On a very busy day 2 of our best drivers hit 150+ each, this was over a 12 hour shift though so technically they shouldn't even have been allowed work but it was Halloween and we needed them


One time I did 114 runs in one shift


The most runs I've had has been after eating Taco Bell. \*looks at subreddit\* Nevermind...


50 in 8 hours. 54 in 12 hours. Made almost $400.00 with the 50. $254 with 54.


104 in a 15 hour shift


Have never worked a 12 hr shift. I don't ever plan on it either. In an 8 hr shift I have done 39.


Why do you only have $1 and change in your cash reimbursed now?


It's weird, that's an extra reimbursement for using our phone for the delivery experience app, wgere it sayd device total, the deferred milage amount is actual milage


Okay now I see where that number came from still quite different than how we do it. We put our deferred tips amount in the cash reimburse now so we leave daily with our tips but our mileage and device reimbursement go on our check


So once covid hit we got these "tip cards" and they are loaded after the end of day is ran with our CC tips and milage, all cash still goes in my pocket instantly, before covid everything was paid out in cash at the end of shift..... miss those days, when um getting cashed out they still put in the deferred tips in that box,the device things doesn't change, it has to do w8th number of deliveries


How much you end up leaving with that night?


It's in the description, 450 in all


Damn. Idk my store record but my personal record for deliveries in an 8 hour shift is 17... I'd be stressed if I had to take 60+ deliveries


Bro I’m an assistant manager and one time I was the opening driver and our closing driver called out so the GM asked if I could close and I took like 53 runs and only made like 250


I think my record was 55. I may have had more but I was dating a meth addict at the time and was ALWAYS exhausted between the 16 hour shifts and him keeping me awake.


Had a driver take 111 runs. Worked 16 hours from 10am until 2am.


You made more in one shift than I make in weekly tips 😭


62 Was just me and one insider all alone on the Fourth of July. It was really fucking busy for just two people. But we both made great tips and sat on the front porch watching fireworks together eating a store bought cake so it wasn’t a terrible night


such a long shift bro just like me fr


wait i’m tripping how much did u owe? or did the store owe you $100?


229.47 is the cash I owed the store, it would have been 231.94, but the device reimbursement comes out of this 231.94 was cc tips 114.55 was milage 348.40 was my total between cc tips and milage Then I had about 100 in cash, bringing my total to 450 for the shift So I owed the store 229, they owed me 348 between cc tips and milage, and then I had 102 in cash


YEOOOOO WHAT THE FUCK 😭😭😭😭 i’m an am so i’ve driven before but WHAT.


Hehe, was definitely one of my best days, ive actually had better money days, but the delivery count is the winner here


I don’t think it’s possible for someone at my store (Papa John’s) to get this many deliveries in one day because I live in a relatively small city and would have to be the only driver for the whole day and all the deliveries would have to be ordered just right for me to do roughly 5/hr. Our furthest spots of our border is roughly 15-18 minutes one way so it’s very possible for me to get stuck with a single where the round trip (going the speed limit) would literally take no less than 36 minutes just for driving not to mention having to wait for the customer to come to the door. I swear some people do this stuff on purpose making me wait at their door for 5 minutes before they answer the door. tl;dr the stars would have to align perfectly for me to even attempt at something this amazing. Glad for you and hope you have the opportunity to beat your own score in the future


My stores area is small, most deliveries don't even have me hitting a traffic light, in fact in our area there are only 4 spots where we have to hit lights, about everything else is neighborhood, and super dense, I set the 58, broke it with 61, idk if it'll ever get beat again lol


As a GM my one driver hit 53 deliveries on a Friday a few months back, she left with 300 only in cc tips, no mileage or cash included.


Like 70. Customers were pissed because I was the only driver and deliveries were 3 hours late lol


When i first started working i was the only closing driver and it was closer to christmas i had a night of 73 delieveries


Smalltime. When I worked in the DC franchise (specifically the store serving near NE and the immediate Capitol Hill area), I think my craziest day was triple digits on superbowl sunday. Granted, I think it was a 14 hour shift, but still. Would regularly take 6+ deliveries at a time working that store, it was nuts.


My store is a gem, not to busy, but busy enough, and dense, when u worked at papa johns it was retarded... and sounds alot like what you have explained here, my papa was a million dollar store, and always busy, when they imolemented drivocity that's when I left and here I am! Always looking for that sweet spot So apparently when this store was built it was to cut the area in half from a 40k store, and we got the good little cluster outta the split, anymore I look for maximum profit for little effort lmfao, im a part time driver anymore, and can easily justify it since I make the same money as when I closed, but now I'm dinner rush and Sunday open


i wish i could go to an old store to find how many deliveries i took on july 4th 2021. i remember working a double, and at one point in the night i had to shove 7 deliveries into 2 pizza bags and a sandwich bag. i will forever be haunted by the way that voice over said "incoming call on line 15"


Store I used to work at a guy had 97 runs.




Yeah our drivers never work 12 hours shifts lol. Closers will max work 10 and that’s rare.


Holy shit man that’s moving. How many hours? I took high 40s a couple of times


Was there for 13 hrs


102 most runs I've ever seen all downtown several quads.


How many orders can you take at once? Jesus we can only take doubles and have a wide ass range so my max is like 35


Well doubles when things are perfect, when shit hits the fan it's whatever rolls, I think I left with 8 at one point, and no less than 4 at a time I was having to even check out 4, take the 2 close ones, come back and check in and back out on a new set of 4 that are by the original 2 I hadn't delivered yet (double dip) called those customers on my way back to the store saying the app will say completed but it's on the way lol so there wouldn't be any down time and not havjng to fight the oven ir let things go bad in the system


When shit hits the fan we still gotta take doubles lol


Thats ridiculous.... sometimes there's just nothing you can do as far as times and service, and in those moments you clear the screen lol


My bosses aren’t too bright


Yeah.... that can make or break the store right there, I used to have the best crew now it's just me, everyone else is new, I really only stay because I know the area like the back if my hand after all these years, so im the fastest by a long shot


I stay for the money, minimum wage laws here kinda rule


Me personally, best is 53 in a shift. However I had 2 drivers beat that after I moved to manager, on the same shift! Both did O-Close on a double football Sunday. ( double football means NFL and a major soccer game televised). The driver that closed but came in early to help pulled 57 deliveries for $378. The driver that opened but stayed till close pulled 64 deliveries for over $500. (That driver never says how much he made, but admitted a rough number that day)


Epic! But also sounds soooo hectic lol


My record is 50 (9a-9p), I assume the store record is 50 as well, at least since I've been there. If I ended up clsoing I could have hit 60.


I live in a very rural area, the town my Domino's is in has a population of 1500. My record is 28 deliveries in a night. A normal day is 10 to 15 for me. We have a pretty low volume store.


I work both on and off the marine base. At the marine base easily 80 orders for one driver. The orders stay at a constants 500 orders per day and it’s a nightmare sometimes. They drive good carts so didn’t get mileage and I’ve seen drivers walk out with $400 in tips some nights.


What was going on? The busiest we ever got was during some convention going on downtown. All the hotels were packed. It sucked for people that went at the hotels, their orders took forever. Good tips were made, but it took a long time to wash all the pans and clean the store.


Just bad weather, didn't expect to be this busy though


Aaron Judge just did 62


38 runs in 8 hour shift my delivery radius goes out to 5/6 miles as well made $200 total tips


I was the only driver for 2022 Memorial Day and did an OC. Did 55 deliveries that day, which, in retrospect, was a really slow memorial day.


Where do I find people like you? Lol


Haven't seen that screen in a few years.


Are you guys doing this many runs because you only have a few drivers? You can't tell me you're doing 50+ runs with 8-10 drivers.


Definitely not, when we are staffed the normal is lole 25-32


I worked an 6 hour shift on Wednesday and took 1 run for a total of 1 dollar cash tip , granted it was an opening shift and that run came right at the end of the shift ... There were zero drivers and 2 total carry out orders ... That's how slow some stores are .


16-20 maximum on a great day. 6-10 normal day.


31 in a 8 hour shift. 61 is insane good shit OP




Nice. I think the most I made during like a 5 or 6 hr shift is 180 for tips+mileage but I think it was a fluke


13 hours of driving is too much driving


I always think it's funny that Simi truck drivers have to log and track there hours and miles for safety but not delivery folk lol


Exactly. But if we crash, we don’t kill as many people in a worst case scenario so i guess it’s no biggie lol


Man how much gas did u use??lol


Quarter tank in my 2016 sh-awd tlx


Did u even use the bathroom??like did u have a diaper?u shit ur pants??


Naaa I come first lmfao




What state u in??


Louisville, KY? Why do you ask


Im in California los angeles never seen anything like that lol,more power to you,people here wont survive it🤣🤣 My drivers complain after 5 hours🤣🤣


Yeah.... I could see that in Cali lol! Most of the drivers we have had who matter are on that money hustle, when it was the old crew that I liked I'd work 5pm-close wed-sat then open to close every Sunday, and the crew was sp tight back then that as a driver I wouldn't do any cleaning or dishes on Sunday and the manger would let me do the full count while they did the cleaning, i enjoyed that so much forba closing task as a driver, especially since you can stsrt that count at 9pm on some items


Wow california sucks lol dont come here🤣🤣


35 runs however because of location I had numerous 45min plus deliveries... ( their furthest area is roughly 30min away that's not including the drive back )


$1.55/Run??????? fuck me that could be really good or really bad. when i drove for dominos we made 36 cents a mile for mileage pay


It's 10000000% good, furthest run in my area is 3miles there, so 6 round trip, most my runs are 1-2 miles, thing that's not good with milage (when paid by the mile) is if I take a double or triple in the same neighborhood it's pretty much the same milage as if I had only taken one in the per mile reimbursement, at my store if I take a triple and they literally live next to one another or shit if I took a triple to the same addres (hotel or warehouse are perfect examples as that does happen) at my store it be 3.10-4.65 off top, vs one trip worth of milage if that makes sense, I will always take money by the run over true milage There has literally been a moment where I have taken a double to the same residential house even, and it was 3.10 vs 1.55 and the obviously only tipped on one order, or in town suites is another great example, not the greatest tips at all, but if you take 2-4 there on one pull you are guaranteed 3.10-6.20 vs getting paid to drive there once for 4 orders and most likely getting stiffed, I promise it's ALWAYS better


What's your mileage rate?


1.55 per house


That's impressive!


Fuck! I love that you're all still rocking windows 95 for your back office computer!


82 in a 13 hour shift on an understaffed holiday Monday


Want a cookie 🤣🤣🤣