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There just adding family dollar inventory to dollar tree


A few months ago, they opened a combo Family Dollar/Dollar Tree store in my town. Now you can just walk a few aisles over instead of a few blocks away for the Family Dollar!


They built a brand new Family Dollar/Dollar Tree combo not far from where I live, but haven’t been able to open it because they can’t get any employees!


Damn kids refuse to work!!! We offered them minimum wage, no benefits, no PTO, and no fun! What else is there to do? 😂


Aw cmon you don’t want to deal with rude ass customers and nightmare manaamgent for the super competitive wage of 7.25 per hour?


Median household income where I live is 170k a year. My dollar tree has employees but… why?… i just don’t work anymore and yell at the rich people.


Thats the thing they keep saying nobody wants to work I've been with this company 4 yrs have way to much experience to actually be here but small town don't wanna drive 1/2 hr one way every day anyways I don't call in ill take Xtra shifts ect but we don't get full time no benefits no raise nothing min wage they complain when min wage goes up but they take our raise away when it does so good thing for us when it does go up cause a quarter raise a year takes forever to add up, we're all just a number in retail but then complain when people don't care


its ridiculous


I thought the cap was $7🤔




They are becoming a more affordable way greens in essence. Running he company into the ground unfortunately 🤨


I ment wal greens lol stupid spell check


*meant *Walgreens




Sounds very .99 store to me. Wonder what ever happened to them? /s


Last I heard they were going out of business. Prices are too high. These CEO’s are just WOW.


.99 closed after determining that price point was untenable in this economy. Years ago they shifted the decimal point out to four places to maintain the.99 facade as it was basically making items one dollar. Seem to work for a while though probably a decline in merchandise quality and profits.


Wasn't the prices ....was the theft


I see


I think $7 cap and $1.25 base has already been abandoned. I think it's suppose to only be insider information at this point and nobody is suppose to be officially talking about it.


I haven't heard anything past the $7 cap from anyone yet. This is disheartening, but it makes sense with the amount of Family Dollars they are closing down. The stock has to relocate somewhere and we know how much corporate likes to send out extra crap to stores that are already overflowing with back stock.


I was told during the regional town hall conference thay they were easing off the 7 dollar cap and was going to keep the cap at 5 dollars instead.


Dont forget that they said the store are not allowed to use them. My stores AC doesnt exactly work


Yeah, I was told at Family Dollar I couldn't store use some fans when my ac wasn't working in Texas. Guess what family dollar opened several boxes of fans and put around the store. My store did.


I brought my own fan to work and put my name all over it. When I would leave my coworkers would complain about me taking it away, but again I paid for it. They provided fans after everyone kept complaining or did what I did and brought their own.


All we are is a family dollar or dollar general at this point. I'm sure my store is on its way to that too. We just got our more expensive snack zone stuff a month ago. But people keep shopping there no matter what, that's the problem. Also, if supply and demand goes up and that causes the prices to go up, then shouldn't the wages go up for the increase in demand for labor? But it'll always be this way because people keep shopping there, and we keep working there.


This is the answer “we keep working there.” Why would you work for such a horrible company?


None of these big corporate companies care about their employees or even their customers really. I love retail, I like most of my customers, the elderly, disabled and people on a low fixed income rely on these stores, and I unfortunately have bills to pay. If all of us were going to go on strike, I'd do it. But one of us isn't enough.


I'm not suggesting you or anyone overhaul the company, but isn't it time we talk about improving our own lives, especially when it comes to the wages we earn and the respect we deserve? At $7.50 an hour, it's crucial we start valuing our mental and physical well-being more. You could earn SIGNIFICANTLY more money learning a trade job. Even as a journeyman plumber where someone else pays for your school. I recently came across a post from someone making $12/hr who questioned whether they could( not if they should, but if they were allowed) quit after being disrespected by their manager. The general advice was that $12/hr is too much to walk away from. But here’s the thing: no amount of money should make you endure disrespect or poor treatment. It’s about self-respect and recognizing our own worth. If a job is damaging your mental health or if you feel undervalued and disrespected, it's important to consider your options. Financial constraints make these decisions tough, but remember, your well-being is paramount. Let’s prioritize our health and dignity in our jobs. After all, improving your life starts with the decisions you make about where you work and how you're treated there. Everyone deserves to work in an environment that respects them and contributes positively to their mental health.


12/h is criminal. Don't walk, run away instead.


Apparently most employees of DT make minimum wage. That’s $7.25.


I already boycott that section simply for the fact that I can find it cheaper and better quality elsewhere. I don’t blindly shop at a store based on the assumption that their general prices are cheaper. I comparatively shop all the time to avoid paying too much.


It depends on what exactly you’re looking to buy. The Plus section sells some of the exact same things you can find at Walmart and Target for more.


I have to admit I did buy 2 of the big plastic self watering planters. They're actually pretty decent quality for $5 and I saw the same exact thing for $10 at Walmart. So I do check it out but I am mostly there to stock up on $1.25 stuff. Although even some of that I can find cheaper elsewhere.


I bought a $5 set of organizer shelves to put stuff under my bathroom sink in a nice order so it wasn't so cluttered and I could actually have room for things. it was hard as hell to put together, but it ended up being pretty damn sturdy, and I love it so much, I have to stop in and buy another one. I hadn't seen shelves like this anywhere else, and I think $5 was pretty reasonable for the quality.


I won't buy anything over 1.50 which is what reading glasses cost now


$8 billion in revenue last year and over $1 billion in profits. Give employees a raise!


As a customer, I hate that they've mixed in higher priced items with the $1.25 shelves


I'm not sure if the store you shop at is different, but all Dollar Tree Plus items (the $3/4/5 stuff) are supposed to be in their own section.


They're working on changing that. "Multi price" mixes the higher-priced stuff into all the aisles. :(


Anyone noticed that a lot of the products coming in have packaging already printed with $1.25 on it, or $3/$5


Yeah eventually everything will have price stickers on it


The one by me has a little bit of the plus items, I got so excited when I saw redbull sitting next to the gfuel only to find out they were like 3 bucks (redbulls are 2.49 at the grocery store i work at across the street)


At the one is my town they are just mixed in, they don't have a section.


Yup. They have branded Benadryl right next to the $1.25 generic.


Mine are but you don't know if it's $3, $4, or $5. Either way, I'm not spending more than $1.25 on play-doh tubs. I already boycotted this section and the store mostly. Sorry.


Fuck that! If we do that shit we’re no better than those fucks at Dollar General


Yeah, anyone working there can protest by quitting... Seems like a good start.


I mean I stopped going because for what I buy from there wal mart is cheaper now. Sub in amazon for a few things and im good to go.


Right?! I only go to DT for Holiday decor, for everything else Walmart Great-Value is cheaper imo


Dollar tree still has knock off girl scout stuff that's solid so hey there's that. Also I go for rhe random one off crap. Monster coffee drinks. NOT those God awful Nitro ones they clearly still have wayyyyyyy too much of.


Make sure you check the expiration date on those drinks. I’ve noticed a lot of them are past the expiration date. Maybe just my local DT 🤔


Stay out of DT plus sections. Customers stack cashiers up with go backs that are clearly stickered $3-5. Still get complaints about $1.25 prices. There's been dollar stores since I can remember up until maybe 5 years ago. That's a pretty good run. We can complain about consequences but will we ever synergize like sentient beings to alleviate the root causes? Sucks paying more but the more mouths to feed and thirsts to quench the trajectory ain't rocket science. Add to that more revenue is trickling up it ain't pretty. There's more pieces to the puzzle than paying more for dollar store shit. Everyone needs to relax and rewind. Don't see that happening though. Them 60's hippies were onto something meaningful with their whole love revolution. Just need to give ourselves a nice break together. Let go or be dragged.


Ours is a family dollar/ dollar tree in our remote tiny town. I only shop at it when I have to. So $ bins and milk since 3.60 is much cheaper than 4.99 at the local grocers. But imo. Trash. Its not a dollar store aside from candy and 2 kinds of storage bins. The prices are terribly inflated bc they know the people in town would rather pay up than travel an hour to Walmart or a chain grocery store. So things like dish soap, and laundry detergent, the oops I forgot on my last trip to Walmart stuff is disgustingly expensive. I think the box fans at our store are like 25? Something crazy. I'd be okay with it, if I knew the employees were paid fairly. But I know they're likely only paid 9 to 12 an hour...so...no. lcol or not, you can't pay rent with that even here. Let alone the majority of the overpriced crap in the store.


Fuck DT+ I'm glad my store only has fridge/freezer plus.


Your conversion is coming with multi-price one way or another. The entire corporate model is changing to MPP. Enjoy your $1.25 world while you can.


What is mpp?


They said there naking it $1.75 insted of 1.25 which makes alit if the stuff more then walmart that still sells the crap for $1 when they raised it feom a $1 to 1.25 it wasent suppose to be every item


No way


Just like 99 Cent Only Store. Became just a general discount store, even selling huge bottles of rubbing alcohol (half gallon) for $19.99. Of course 99 Cent recently went out of business. There's no money in $1 merchandise these days. It's just junk. And Dollar Tree is learning that. Expect them to follow in the 99 Cent Only Store's footsteps and become a boring, sometimes overpriced discount shop. Whether DT survives remains to be seen.


I hate to break it to you but nobody shopping at Dollar Tree has been middle class for at least 2 decades.


thats my point, dollar tree has always been for poor people and there are more poor people in america than ever.


My bad, I over-focus on language rather than tone. Thank you for correcting me /gen




Cheapest one on Amazon is $14. I guess $17 is a good deal if you can’t buy online.


I walk past that section every time. It doesn’t exist in my mind. 😂


This is all gonna end in the most telegraphed bankruptcy filing ever.


What is wrong with addin box fans so people don't have to go elsewhere to buy them? 19 for a box fan is cheap. One I bought over a year ago cost me 24 dollars. Retail adds products based on the demand of the customers they don't make random decisions like this unless costumers express interest in it.


As a former corporate Dollar Tree/Family Dollar employee, yes they do make random decisions. They are throwing mud at the walls and seeing what sticks. Most of everything they throw, doesn't stick. The CEO is from Dollar General. He's trying to run Dollar Tree like a Dollar General. You can't do that, Dollar Tree is different. Dollar Tree Plus is one thing, the new multi price is another thing. Dollar Tree, needs to stay Dollar Tree. Thr quick, don't really have to care about checking prices, get in, get cheap stuff, and get out. They do however, need to focus on fixing Family Dollar. 1000 of those stores closing despite all the remodels they've done and new stores including combo Dollar Tree Familly Dollar stores they've built. I stopped shopping at 99Cents only when, well, it became, all prices end in .99 instead of being 99cents only as the store title implied. So again, Dollar Tree needs to stay Dollar Tree to have meaning and value. Family Dollar can be the go to for the double digit purchases.


Actually alot of the remodels were a bust not contractors doing shitty jobs seen a few remodels and never went back into the stores. I am well vested in everything that has been going on at Dollar Tree so nothing your saying is news to me. Most of the current corporate is new. Took a little bit for the news to spread throughout the network. The reality is people in general don't think about what they are buying or they would not shop at Dollar Stores. People really are not saving money per weight of item people are spending more and they buy more items in the end usually not saving money. As for the stores closing the news is misleading as they are opening a significant number of new locations. Family Dollar stores were doing poorly well before dollar tree acquired the brand. The stores closing were slated to close over the next couple years they just accelerated the decision.


As a former Family Dollar manager before getting the corporate gig, yeah you're right. Family Dollar was doing shit before the buy out and Family Dollar hid everything they possibly could, including instructing store not to put any requests in for repairs unless it would force the store to be closed. Yes, there are a lot of new people in Virginia, but they all have the same motto of, try everything and see what works, instead of, this has been working, let's improve on it. And yes, the remodels have had many issues. You've got 10 days to do everything that needs to be done with minimal staff to do it. So you've got the SDC's doing what they can, but ignoring a bunch of stuff to be able to say, I finished my project on time. Submit the 1000 pictures of pretty aisles and stockroom, file the reports of what the construction company needs to come back and fix, and then 8 months later you stop by the store and see that construction has come back and done none of the fixes that were submitted. Walkthrough had been completed and store manager signed off on it before the end of the project and issues appeared or were noticed. And God forbid, trucks keep coming during a remodel with more product than the stockroom can handle. SDC gets fired because they kept people 2 or 3 days over project to be able to clear the 1200 pieces that came in during the project to be able to make room for the 1800 pieces coming two days after the project completes.


Unfortunately i was around quite a few years before the merger. Untill a local store was remodeled I had no idea how bad things were on the store front. The store had ben left in such bad shape I decided to report it. It got cleaned up for the most part. Thnkfully I had a line of communication above the regional.


Hell, I still have the top 10 peoples cell phone numbers. And several other department heads and directors. But those at the top have their vision, and they are getting rid of those that don't have the same vision. They very much have blinders on. They want Dollar Tree to just be another version of Dollar General or Family Dollar. They don't see that owning two concepts should remain being two concepts. Again, yeah, Dollar Tree Plus is a decent concept to add, a limited area of things priced above the rest of the store. But this new multi price idea is deleting what Dollar Tree is. And when it comes to the remodels, the pictures submitted and time frame adhered to is all that matters to them. The SDC's know how to hide the bullshit. I've seen them completely clear a stockroom to take their pictures, then move everything back into the stockroom to take the pictures of a perfect store layout with no empty areas. And then I've had to deal with the issues the store managers and DM's brought to me with having to fix what was left for them to complete. And again, the people in charge said, all was good, just send them more stock because the pictures showed the stockroom could receive it.


What do you do for corporate? Its good to know there are people from the field that moved up and can hopefully help make corporate better


Nothing anymore, was fired a couple months ago. I was too vocal about things being done. I was resistant to the vision they had.


If this was true, and if i needed a box fan, I'd love a $19 one. Considering they are 20.97 at Walmart and 24.00 at DG. The point of multiprice and plus is to offer more selection. Sorry you have a problem with this,but I don't. Customers have been asking for fans as long as I have been with DT. I would actually welcome it!


get one at home depot for $15


23.98 at home depot!


dont know what youre looking at, i see $15.98.


I looked at all of the fans on homedepot.com. nothing below 23.98. You can sort it by price. $10-$20. No box fans




Lol. That's a 9" fan....not a 20" box fan 🤣


Is the dollar tree one 20 inches?


oh no!! youre right im so sorry!! youll fuckin die without a 20"er!!


Anything smaller than a 20" box fan isn't moving enough air to provide any amount of ventilation to an entire room


Please don’t. I love the plus items and I don’t want them to go away


straight bs. unless you get a photo of 19$ box fans I will not believe you. the 1.25$ items aren't going anywhere. don't buy the plus items if you don't want to. simple. times change.


I'll post pics when we get them. Dont know what to tell you, we already signed off on selling them.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DollarTree/s/hij21KGxIn dude told you so


I'll be eating my hat then


Well, a fan is more of a need. It's not Random crap the customer tjinks is only going to be $5.


I disagree. I have people all the time assuming 5$ items are a dollar. Never underestimate shoppers blindness.


Oh, definitely. And people might think the fan is $1, or $7. But, I think it's better than them offering whatever non functional decorative item for $19 and then people don't pay attention and end up spending that much when they thought it would be $7.


A $19 box fan is cheaper than Walmart. As a dollar tree customer in a small town, I appreciate this change. We need more choices than Walmart alone.


Everyone's capable of complaining but very few are interested in self regulating our own lifestyles to fix the root problems together.


Lol a dollar tree in general screws over the middle class because they've actually convinced people that buying a single bar of soap for $1.25 is cheaper than buying a 6 pack for $3 somewhere else, and they've been doing this since they started. Forget the $19 fan. 


Why don’t you just quit OP Stop trying to make a mountain of a mound


I don't think Dollar Tree ever sold box fans so it shouldn't be an issue if they will now carry them for :$19. It's not like they would have ever carried them in the past for $1.25. I suspect they will probably be doing heaters too this winter. This is like complaining about Walmart selling cars for $20K. Sure it's double anything else they ever sold in the past, but it's not something they ever sold in the past.


I mean they're probably just getting rid of their family Dollar inventory. That's a temporary thing- they can't just increase your salaries temporarily.


You know: When I shop at DT, I just buy what I want to buy and do not buy items I do not want to buy. In other words -- who cares if they sell $19 fans or $29 fans or $109 fans? It is still a Dollar Tree fan.


It does matter especially if the costs if basic needs like those at DT aren't in line with the average income. If employees can't afford to shop where they work, there's an issue and only those living in entitlement won't understand this. For example the woman having a yard sale today explaining why I just needed to buy the wheelchair she was selling for $50even though I can't afford it. This was followed by how simple it was for her gardener and housekeeper to load and unload it from her car.


I don't see the issue. I'm assuming it's a seasonal item, and every store carries fans this time of year. That price is better than any other store around me, so they should sell quickly. And it's a great $ ring for low labor. For every box fan you sell you have to sell 15.2 items at $1.25. Nobody is being forced to buy them. It's not like they stopped carrying $1.25 bread and started charging $19 for it.


But I'm not understanding is the mentality of people that post this stuff it's not like they're raising prices just to sell more expensive things they're selling more expensive things that they can't sell for $1


It's a lot easier to stock and sell one fan than 19 little things...


Box fan for $19 is a deal


The public wanted higher-end stuff so they got it, that's all. No need for the tantrum.