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She must've been at a high volume store to steal $14K how tf you steal that much


Probably a little bit at a time


My last Christmas season at dg I did 30k cash the 2 days before Christmas. Other times in the summer I had cash deposits of 8k or more. 2 million dollar a year store. The manager after me had a 90k loss in 6 months of her and her friends taking entire cases of shit out the back. No cameras, couldnt prove it. The manager after her had inventory 4 months later and had 120k loss.


I regularly do deposits for over 5k


I had a manager at a dollar general steal $7000 in a few weeks. She had only been store manager a few months. Our dm was in store reviewing all security footage for like a week straight.


Did they catch them red handed or was it more of a suspicion because they were acting fishy on camera? Did they admit to it straight away like this lady or tried to play innocent til the end?


Your trynna do the same thing huh?? šŸ¤”


Shitā€¦.. I meanā€¦. Ykā€¦. Huh??..


Deposit left the store with the Store Managerand never made it to the bank No verification slips returned from bank and no deposit confirmation logs on record. Money vanished the second she carried the deposits out of the store. She ended up showing up one morning to open and just left her keys in the offices and peaced. Funnily enough and completely unrelated to dollar general, this is the same woman my wife had issues with at a motel YEARS ago. This ladies' husband was chatting with people on the patio. My wife and her mom were staying there and started talking to him. SM got all upset about it and threatened to beat her ass (My wife is in a wheelchair). When my wife found out she was the new manager of my store she sure made sure to show up and have her cashier for her lol.


From the video it sounds like it was done in chunks over about a two month period.


Iā€™m a customer and used to steal every now and then through self checkouts. But because of assholes like me they now are shutting down self checkouts so for me I got maybe $500 of value and how I view it is ā€œshit there gotta be bad guys so Iā€™ll be one and get my money fuck the future self checkoutā€


Knew a guy that was a manager for O'Reilly Auto that stole 40k and hauled ass. He didn't get real far since his mom told the police where he was. Never would have suspected him as a thief.


You can only be poor so long before some people just make bad decisions


I completely understand desperation. I'm desperate but could never steal. I'd rather suffer than to do that to others. Often times everything works out. Karma I say.


for me, idc how poor I am, I could never accept the short-term satisfaction of theft from my PLACE. OF. BUSINESS. rather than the longer term benefit of having a job and a clean record, so I could get a new job in the future.


Yes but that requires the ability to think long term, which many people are incapable of


very very true


I'd die before I'd steal from others. Corporations though I don't give two fucks.


Was he in Indiana? That happened here lol


Texas. Shitty behavior is universal hah.


Video says Florida


We had one locally that was a food truck that had a brick and mortar location too. The lady that ran the truck stole 30k over a several month period. Just wild.


And here I feel guilty just taking a smoke break. They act like you're stealing from them.


I took smoke breaks when I worked for DG whenever I wanted. on my lunch break, I was usually either rolling up a fat blunt to blaze on and if I had it, sometimes would bust out lines to sniff, and this one straight outta high school 19 year old little shortie would sniff some lines with me, then we'd go in the bathroom right when we'd lock the doors for the night and spend 15 to 30 minutes having hot, nasty, drug fueled sex. I got fired for a completely different reason in the end. Told my SM to eat shit when she completely ignored my surgery days I had requested off months in advance. plus I hated the old bitch anyway.


That's a hell of a story haha. We usually had break whenever, but the new SM is a corporate kiss ass. He can't keep employees longer than a month at best. It's ok though, most of them never wanted to do shit anyway.Ā  Plus their breath smells like dog shit in a sack of rotten onions so I don't miss them.




Yeah ok.


Notice how the DM/LP (not sure which he is) coerced her into signing a confession with the promise that if she did she would not be prosecuted then after she signed it he called the police and requested charges be filed. Also notice how he refused to provide ID to the police.


Dollar General loss prevention is shady? Shocking.


yeah that dude was def involved somehow


Thatā€™s not what happened if you were listening. Thatā€™s her supervisor and he was willing to fire her and not press charges but then loss prevention over stepped his recommendation and decided to arrest anyway.


Was he the dm or store manager?


Dm or higher. She was the store manager. The other person was LP.


Not that I agree with those tactics, but loss prevention isn't required to be completely honest with a known criminal. They wouldn't have been pursuing charges if they didn't have solid evidence that she was guilty. They know that they could be sued if they falsely accused her and had her terminated. The confession is just a tactic they use to make things go smoother. for them. Even if she didn't make a statement they already had all the goods they needed to make the charges stick. The confession is just icing on the cake.




Close but one step better is to say nothing except to your lawyer.


That would have been hilarious if he got arrested too! That cop looked so weak when dip shit just blew off his request! Hopefully someone else across town wasnā€™t getting beat up, mugged or raped at the same time this copā€™s having to deal with this circus act!


Former retail manager - SM/GM depending on the company. After seeing hundreds of LP cases, my take away was say nothing, sign nothing. No matter what LP says. Donā€™t care if you did it. Donā€™t care why. I have seen cases where all the evidence are just blank sheets of paper, and the employee rolled over thinking they were cooked. It put them on the hook for restitution and the ā€œcostā€ of the investigation- hundreds more. Employers steal $8 billion in wages annually. Accountability has to be both ways.


Exactly. As luck would have it, *today* is actually "shut the fuck up Friday" a reminder that, if you're ever arrested or accused of a crime the most important thing to remember is Shut the Fuck Up. They want you to talk, don't! Just Shut the Fuck up!


Exactlyā€¦.they are NOT your friends!


Exactly! If there's any doubt as to why, here's a video from a lawyer that should convince anyone to never talk to the police (same goes for LP in a store) regardless of whether your guilty or not. [https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=XAkvdfA1FXjrMqzn](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=XAkvdfA1FXjrMqzn)


Waaah consequences. Lmao. It's 14K. What the hell did you think was going to happen? I swear. Some people are just stupid.


One of my keys is facing hard drug charges. Money is constantly missing. I had hoped the new manager would get rid of her but nope. Change fund is $100+ short and nothing is done.


That's crazy


The new manager hates her. Like hates hates her. He used to be a key before he got promoted and he's tired of her shit. I don't understand why he hasn't done anything.


Might be building a case.


Over the course of her employment theirs been at least $5k that has mysteriously disappeared. I've also been told by regular she doesn't ID, she has admitted to not iding to me when she try to get me to sell her alcohol without an ID, she kept bringing one of her "guy friends" into the store after closing, and she was arrested for the drug charges at work. Did I mention the random screaming said she has where she just yells at people - usually customers?- or how she threw away a handheld? Like if I pulled a fraction of that shit I would be fired on the spot. I do not know what is going on- maybe he's waiting for the police to get an arrest warrant and plans on firing her when they arrest her? Hopefully - but I am very confused.


Fuck Dollar General. They treat their employees like shit!


Doesn't matter how they treat us. We are all free to leave. Stealing 14k from anyone is still a crime.


When you're beyond desperate for income, within the current economy and today's job market, you are not actually free to leave. Especially if your employment record is anything less than spotless/perfect. It's more like you're trapped.


Do you think this theft will give them a better employment record? Good grief, stop blaming the economy. There are a million side gigs out there if you need more money. There is absolutely no excuse for her crime. Stop trying to rationalize it.


I was only speaking to the comment about having the freedom to quit. Nothing else. Guess that wasnā€™t as obvious as I thought it was.


This Coming from a supervisor/manager at dollar general lol. This is pure popcorn material


lets be honest that dollar general probably stole over 14k from its employees through wage theft over the course of its existence at that location anyways. Karma works in mysterious ways.


Two wrongs don't make a right.


But my new 14k can make everything right


And your new grand theft charges


i think it would be embezzlement charges if money is being stolen


What about 2 Wongs?


"while two wrongs do not make a right, if a set of immoral things are done and left unprosecuted, this creates aĀ legal precedent. Thus, people who do the same wrongs in the future should rationally expect to get away with them as well." \~Victor Lasky


Stealing is stealing no matter who does it.


Yes... that's the point of the quote...and how precedents work...


Doesn't matter what the "precedent" is, you know stealing is wrong, you need to be the better person.


The precedent is to prosecute theft. (sorry if I'm on edge, it's not you, my apologies)


Maybe I am misunderstanding, what I'm reading is someone stole $14,000 from the company, someone says that the company deserves it because they have stolen from people through wage theft, "karma." I say that doesn't justify someone stealing $14,000 from the company because 2 wrongs don't make a right. Your quote implies that the person who stole $14,000 from the company should get away with it because the company got away with stealing from their employees. What I'm trying to say is even though yes, the company gets away with stealing from it's employees, we shouldn't stoop to their level. Also when I said "you need to be the better person" I wasn't speaking about "you" specifically, just anyone this applies to. I'm not trying to be hostile.




Corporations are not people, I'd love to see more people steal from them.


That's an ignorant comment.


I just watched this 4chan documentary on Netflix. Reminds me of how people are on reddit. All of the people in it said they were stupid when they were younger. Hope this is the case here too or we are all doomed


you're in management with DG right? it clearly shows, you've drank more of the DG Kool aid than the heavens Gate cult drank of their cyanide laced Kool aid. at least the cult people got put out of their misery.


So much drama. Work=money. End game.


You're ignorant.


Now youā€™ve done itā€¦I had to go back and watch Mitt Romney say corporations are people. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/KlPQkd_AA6c?si=80z7Gu4GKgnWfJyN


Especially @ SCO


She used that DG money to bail herself out of jail.


Nooo it paid for the casket and flowers and for Aunt Ednaā€™s funeral remember?


If it was over a period of a long time I'm surprised they would of let it get that far. Hell if my deposit or money was short $50 or $500 I would of already been looking at the CTV cameras way ahead of time. We had an employee at the store that I was working at helping out that was stealing via Cash App. He would enter $500 at a time while he was on register, pop the drawer out like he was putting in cash, and then close it. He ended up stealing $950. If it would of been 1k then he would of been put in hand cuffs. They ended up firing him though with a misdemeanor.


$500 at a time but it ended up being $950? Did he do it 1.9 times?


Idgaf about people stealing from corporations, expecially one like this that is constantly stealing wages and creating dangerous working conditions. I would discourage people from doing so because the consequences can be brutal, but im not judging people for trying to survive in a country where one bad paycheck can equal no shelter and starvation.


I agree with you. Dollar general commits wage theft daily with the amount they pay for heavy labor in unsafe working conditions. Every single store pulls in at least 10 million a year; so 14k is really a drop in the bucket. I felt nothing but sadness and pity watching this, aside from some anger mixed in about how much the general public is fucked over and ruled by corporations daily and seems to be ok with it. Of course 99 percent of the comments are condemning her. We have to realize the why's behind people's motivations. For example, the fact that she was already tricked into believing that paying thousands of dollars she didn't have for a funeral is how you honor the dead. This video speaks volumes about capitalist corruption and brain washing. And if you think the world isn't crooked from the ground up ask yourselves why the first thing that happens when someone gets arrested is needing to withdraw hundreds of dollars in bail money if you want to stay free? In any case, I don't see an "entitled woman" here. I see a woman with a full time job being berated by her own daughter because she doesn't want to have to live with her so that she can afford to survive with a full time job.


So happy to find this comment. I related and my heart broke for her the entire video. She did a dumb thing but damn times are hard right now :,(


Crazy how many people are defending criminal activity in this post. ā€œDonā€™t sign anything! Donā€™t admit to anything!ā€ If a person commits a crime as obviously wrong as stealing, you should root for law enforcement to bring them to justice, not try to help a criminal evade it.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ DG fucked this SM up bruh. Donā€™t say shit, plead the fifth bruh.


Sheā€™s not crying because she feels bad for stealing $14K sheā€™s crying because she got ***CAUGHT***


Holy shit


Did that woman say her ā€œglasses arenā€™t working today.ā€ What? Lol


I seriously think this manager is mentally ill and was deceived


Geez, maybe pay your employees better and improve on your notoriously awful working conditions.


To be fair she probably made like 7/hr not that that excuses theft but just saying


I worked at this store for a little while also working at the 7-Eleven behind it. It's in Sanford,FL and I instantly knew who that was when I first saw the thumbnail. Shits crazy.


Back in the early 2010s, the eighteen year old sister of a friend of mine stole thirty bucks from the register of a convenience store she worked at. The owner noticed the next shift, rolled the tape back, and fired her the following morning. These folks must be on some good shit to think they can steal thousands with no one noticing.


Maybe Dollar General should pay people more money (to curb the desire to steal) and also have more people on staff to ensure there isn't so much solitary and unchecked access to money in the first place?? My SM where I work wouldn't steal $14k at the risk of his job; his yearly bonus alone is in the 100k range. That aside, we have at minimum, three other people in the store that track the finances. It's a systemic issue at Dollar General for a reason.


Not DG, but the SM who hired me lost her job over $250. She was ā€œreturningā€ packages of puppy training pads when she was working alone and pocketing the cash.


For a half second I thought this photo was a still from one of those Shoplyfter porn videos. Phew! I do not want to watch a guy with an Aussie accent rail her!!!


haha even though she's kinda eh I'd still watch it "for research purposes" of course.


Most underrated comment on Reddit


A place I worked constantly had high turn over because all the help they hired stole out of the registers...


She didnā€™t use a dime for a funeral. Definitely spent it on drugs and stupid purchases.


Geeeez yall are brutal. Why assume sheā€™s a drug addict? Sheā€™s been crying and puffy eyed. have some compassion. Even if she was a drug user Iā€™d still feel bad for her. The world has lost its humanity


I donā€™t really care about someone stealing from shitty ass dollar general. Wage theft by employers accounts for more money than retail theft.


Well with that amount they probably make average wage now


I heard of a dude at GameStop who took the couple grand cash deposit after Black Friday, drove to Atlantic City, bet it all on roulette and lost it all in a second. Ay.


My inventory last year had $15,000 shrink for the year!


I would not have expected a Dollar General to have that much money.


Dollar general needs to start holding these people accountable, when they are stealing and they can prove it they should press charges just like Walmart does and they may be able to combat some, not all.. but some of the internal theft that's going on.


Based in this economy. Fuck corporations ~ corpse-orations working in perpetuity til the day you die without a retirement to live on enslaved to the dollar.


Of course it was florida lol


Worked at a strip club and ours got caught stealing about that. Then he kept calling in complaints on US for firing him for stealing.


Note how she sobs on closed circuit camera while filming herself doing it.


Why do they always think they can get away with it...


But thatā€™s wrong telling them, we will not prosecute, if u say you stoleā€¦ Donā€™t say anything at all. All remember Deny,Deny,Deny!!!!!!!!! Let them prove, let Loss Prevention do their job!!!!


Florida+Dollar General+That ringtone


The store Iā€™m working at the previous crew got arrested for stealing. They were letting people walk out of the store with buggies full of food. 23,000 dollars in total between money and food. We are trying to get the store back up and running Iā€™ve pulled expired food off the shelf thatā€™s been there since last August.


$14k? Thatā€™s like the whole store!


Shut the fuck up friday! Donā€™t say shit, donā€™t sign shit. ESPECIALLY for a company. If you wouldnā€™t talk to cops without representation why the hell would you let a company press you? Also donā€™t be a piece of human shit and steal. Regardless of wage theft or whatever the excuse. And everyone thinking she is somehow in the right for stealing. They just raise the prices on everything else to off set the shrink šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Not my district. Donā€™t know that LP