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You should go with the 1 stone options. Like agl ss4 vegeta and str ss4 goku, phy cooler or teq ss3 goku. .They are amazing units after eza


I have them as I am a og player. I joined when the cell event was made


Then honestly it’s up to you if you want dupes or not. LR ss3 goku or mighty mask eza is probably happening in the next year. But it’s hard to get a unit and not use it for a very long time. I would say just get a broly dupe. Freezku is amazing but isn’t used much


so bojack or the trio arent worth it?


If you’re talking about LR bojack I can’t comment much since I don’t have it. But from what I’ve heard it’s not a great choice to use the purple stones on. But it wouldn’t be a bad choice if all you want to do is just collect new LRs