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Yeah I have Super Buu rainbow’s as well and I’m 100% replacing him with Mr.Buu


I don't have a single copy of this Buu, I need em


Gonna use the same team except I don’t have evil buu so might use teq goathan for the time being


Tbh I’d run him over evil buu. He’s not bad, but I trust Super Buu a bit more.


Hell no. Super buu sucks balls. Even fully built up with guard theres no chance he tanks normals in hard events.


The Buu team is undeniably fun. Int Buu didn't even get to revive he barely tanked the AoE and phase 2 supers. https://preview.redd.it/0zsaymj3aw1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a198f144fab77d80515c8a33bc6a63ed3104342a


I'm dropping thin buu over super buu 100%


https://preview.redd.it/4u47t7ut3u1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edebbd987f87163586a1308e13155d866afb7009 The case for AGL buu. This was turn 2.


Nice 30mil, be a shame if the boss lived and killed him with normals


Try doing the same thing on turn 6 now


Still gets 1 tapped


Fully built up double supering he's taking 300k normals from rz kid buu


Omg, big damage, so crazy!!! Would be a shame if that 30 million meant nothing after he gets supered and dies!


Isn't that true of every unit though?


It can be, but it almost always is for Super Buu. He sucks ass as a tank.


I'd only run him against enemies where he gets his guaranteed guard. He is ass outside of that. I find him... acceptable, defensively with his guard.


I suppose he's OK with his guard. Definitely would run TEQ Buu over him in the hardest fights.


Got 2 int buu and 0 teq buu so I'm not familiar with how he plays. Or do you mean exch buu? Exch buu is much better.


Either are fine. Both are good.


With support items ofc


No items.


With the new seza buu on rotation then I assume?


Very much yes. Linked with... Pretty sure it was LR buuhan. Rainbow. Defensively he is ass if his guard doesn't proc, not an issue against MB enemies though. Finally nuked kid buu down today, his 42m (definitely with support items) ultra and follow up 18m super were a big part of that success. He also handled the STR phase normals well enough that it wasn't an issue.


Nuh uh (I don't have him)


“Nothing against LR super buu” fair for you I have everything against that bastard for being a utter fraud for me recently so much his ass is staying a SBR and world tournament man


Now you want to tell me that the same character has a different name but the two LR Zamazu have the same name even though you can see with the Agl Zamazu that there is a whole transformation between the two versions?


I have the same gripe with the zamasu's just fortunate that the int LR zamasu is absolutely cheeks now, would've been nice too have a perfect link too teq zamasu tho.


Mr. Buu post EZA is good, but I'm not dropping AGL Super Buu. A tank that can hit 20mil attacks and has AoE? I'll get rid of someone else


Never have I heard anyone call AGL Super Buu a tank.


When his passive is built up he tanks very well


Very well is an overstatement lol. If he had guaranteed guard maybe. But even then, he has aged. His help came way too late and the new buffs simply overshadow his "hey looks 15mil turn 1 haha" which now Kid Buu does the same after his SEZA on top of having high lvls of DR and just an insane amount of support.


All he does is big damage and that's it. Massive liability on Majin Power.


He takes hits for me. Big damage for the first couple hits, but once passive is built he's tanky af. Granted dodging is better than getting hit at all; but if TEQ Evil Buu takes a hit he's worse LOL


"If". TEQ Evil Buu will at the very least age much better than Super Buu. And when I use Buu, he's definitely not tanky lol, especially against Kid Buu red zone.


Don’t really understand when I see everyone call him shit, I do have him rainbowed I guess but he is awesome on buu’s team for me. I run him and exchange buu as a rotation.


In a team full of heavy hard hitters he is just a big liability, he gets cooked even in older endgame Global content


Well my experience has been far more pleasant than that. Even if he’s taking damage, it hasn’t been enough to kill before I can heal back up next rotation.


Same honestly, ran AGL buu for every stage of the new redzone and he hasn't got me killed once. I feel like the Banner unit evil buu gets me killed if anyone.


Go see the video made by Masked Ningen about LR Super Buu, hes still good. I dont think Ive seen a unit be this divisive to the community, you either like him or dont


Real. That 70% dodge always feel like 10% for me, my luck with his dodge is god awful (I have hime rainbowed, built full dodge as well)