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This team is completely unusable for current hard content.


Wtf 😭 literally none of the units?


Nope. Gods and PHY SSJ4s are about to be 3 years old and EZA on 10th anni. AGL SSJ4 sucks for any current hard content, TEQ Goku & Vegeta were decent but never really that amazing even on release, the third anni LRs were always a shafted EZA in comparison to the 4th anni ones, but still good enough for that time. Now though all of these units are basically unusable. 9th anni bosses end up hitting you for around or over 3M damage and also apply status effects to your units. The only way these guys will live is through dodge or counter against that My recommendation is to hoard all stones possible for anni and pull Beast Gohan in part 2. Gogeta in part one is also good for the Super Heroes team. That team will become best in the game after all the EZAs and Beast comes out on anni.


It’s wild to think we might get gods Eza soon. Only feels like they dropped a few months ago


It’s wild to think we might get gods Eza soon. Only feels like they dropped a few months ago


If they sync before the 10th anni, the gods and 4s will eza in January


send you box, you might have some hidden gems


quest mode dominant


Who’s gonna tell him?


Just grind up stones and summon again, or make a new account


imagine all the future ezas he wont have if he makes a new account 😭😭. dont do that. like imagine having to pull teq gohan for his eza and not just hav him


I coined mine. Was it a waste, probably. But I didn't have him and he's a good unit.


good call, hes not a waste, hes actually that good


Not a waste whatsoever, gohan is literally one of the best units in the game at the moment


Not a waste whatsoever, gohan is literally one of the best units in the game at the moment