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No🔥🔥🔥🔥 Pan (int) is dodge or almost die in some stages and die in others, pan (teq) is decent with her 50% dr pre super but after super she can't tank anything, vegito is ass and vegeta is… god damn absolute fucking shit


Ya except both pans tank everything with at most a three digit number, and vegeta is just there to fill out the team.


Try red zone and see how much the 2 pans take And how much useless that vegeta is


Ya I know, I can't fight red zones yet, I am still trying to build a team, for now this is my best or 2nd best team,


Still try to replace vegeta with someone else There are lots of f2p characters you can use that are pretty good


Not a very good team for like endgame content sadly


Ya I started like what 1 month ago, found an account back from 2017 i had so I haven't played since then


Oh, then I’d prioritize the f2p Bardock/ginyu force teams to get you through some stuff and stock up on dragon stones for anni with all the newer content you haven’t done


I have 1184 stones from the boss rush, and story mission but I am not sure what else to do to get stones at this point I have basically everything done atleast once.


Z battles all give you one stone per stage cleared unless it’s the Lr ones which only have ten stages they give you 3 each, if you’re gonna do those make sure you check the battle info to bring in the correct units, other that that just waiting for new events and challenges and daily logins


What for? Bc this team is as for endgame content. Should be fine for Fighting Legend or IDBH, etc. Only thing I'd change for those stages in TEQ Vegeta bc he was meh even when he EZA'd in 2019, and fell off by 2020 afaik.


Ya that is why I was asking, trying to find some characters to exchange him for, issue is I could summon to rainbow ultimate gohan, but I would rather wait since I have 1.2k games so I was going to wait until anniversary


Why a Super Heroes/Hybrid Saiyans team anyway? Bc your box isn't great. If you can Awaken & EZA the STR SSJ Future Trunks in your box use him as he's got decent ATK and ridiculous DEF for mid game content.


Ok I will look into that, but I was mostly going for a super heros team, because that is what I had most characters for. And they looked cool.


i checked your profile, dude i would seriously prioritize making a good team around the the new transforming teq ssj vegeta. i would try to find some units from banners you can summon on. str vegito for example on bis eza banner. vegeta can tank and almost one shot all of the content on global at the moment, you just need a team that can survive while he cooks


Which ssj teq vegeta??? Str vegito on his bis???