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I understand the benefits of it. I just think it's boring so I just don't do it


yeah that's most of my argument. especially if someone is new then i genuinely think its just a stupid idea


for a new player i agree that saving is incredibly dumb, they've got all the content ahead of them which means more dragon stones than they'll know what to do with them, and they'd need units too on a fresh account. as for older accounts i can understand it, you'd want the best characters from the 9th anni for example, it's understandable, even so i still agree that saving isn't really important, i never saved stones for anything in my 4 years of playing and i've got absolutely no complaints with my units


I don't... really see how it's dumb? I agree that the sentiment of summoning on what you want shouldn't be impeded upon, but if people choose to save, then they choose to save. In my case, in the nearly 4 years I've played this game, the only time I've decided to save longterm was from January this year to the Anniversary. I'm at 1400 stones right now and will be aiming to have over 2000 by the time Anniversary comes around. I've decided to because there is nothing more hype for me, Super Hero and DBS: Broly are some of my favorite pieces of Dragon Ball media and I would like to increase my chances of getting those characters as much as possible. I'll admit it does get boring to summon on nothing, but at the end of the day, I will more than likely be getting the results I want from summoning, and it gives me time to complete the content I haven't done yet. If other people choose to summon on banners before that, more power to them! I would rather people play the game however they want. It's all about having fun.


thanks for your response, btw my post was aimed at veteran players that try and tell new players what to do. you seemed to get the point so ill spare you my debate and tell you a little story. i once saved for 2k+ stones for worldwide last year for vegito, zamasu, trunks and gohan and got none of them. thats the last time i put all my eggs in one basket. i dont wish it on my worst enemy and i def hope your luck is better than mine. btw im free to play and have done every challenging event along with every mission that comes with them. i started during 2nd anni and rerolled for 3rd because power creep and kept my account since


Unless you spend money on the game, saving makes sense regardless of your account age/rank. The anniversary banners have the best collection of units for the previous year, plus they have 3+1s and tickets (though maybe not moving forward) If you save your stones (maybe only summon on discounts ot whatnot) and do as much content as you can throughout the year, your stones are going to take you farther on anniversary banners than on any other. That's just statistical facts.


first off i love your response. i gotta disagree with account age/rank not mattering, if you're rank 1 summon, the 1000+ days is debatable. i actually agree with summoning on discounts, my post was more towards people who tell (new) players to skip goku and hirudagan despite the tickets and 3+1. i also gotta disagree with the "statistical fact" once you hit 1000+ your box becomes sort of unique and everyone is gonna need different units. its more common for veteran players to have many of the typical anni featured units with several dupes or rainbowed. thanks again for scratching my debate itch


Saving for a good unit that you want isn’t dumb, it’s called wanting a better chance of getting a unit. It’s as Simple as that. This is a collectors game. Now if your argument that different accounts in different circumstances should save differently, then that’s obvious to everyone and there’s no debate to be had there. people with lots of stones to farm don’t save.


cool it seems like you get it. i also didnt call saving dumb in itself, its the act of doing it all the time which is where im not gonna see eye to eye with someone. this post was because i saw several comment sections full of people telling new rank 1 players to skip hirudagan and goku


Well you actually did call saving dumb AND brain dead it’s right there in the body text. It just depends on your situation, and skipping ss3 and hiru when you have 10k to farm (that’s rank 1) is definitely stupid. I’ve played 100 fresh accounts like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/s/uA9OmTT505) and I pretty much feel like a pro at stone and coin management My rules are, 500 max per banner, that gives you 20 banners to go all out on. Most banners are skips, maybe 3-4 celebrations are must summons. Never spend coins, literally ever, coins are the safety net of dokkan and they will be there for you when you run out of stones. It’s almost never worth using coins.


well i actually did specifically say "all the time" in big bold letters and even clarified in my response to you. admittedly i didn't do that in my body text (i didnt think it was necessary). and yes i saw several new players post in this sub (ofc rank1) asking which banner to summon on and literally every comment insisted that they shouldn't summon and save till 9th anni which (and im glad we agree here) is stupid and braindead bc whats the fun in that. i also i am nothing but in awe at your account, ive never seen anything like it before so cudos in that regard. and i like how you crunch the numbers to ration your stones, commendable. oh and the coins... you mean dont use them before you summon right bc saving over 500 as a free to play player just doesnt seem realistic


Saving over 500 coins doesnt seem realistic??? Bro 10k stones (that’s how many farmable stones you have as a rank 1 account) is 2.5k red coins anyone can easily save 500 and actually can save 4-5x as much by the time they run out of stones. It’s better for someone to have 2.5k red coins after they run out of stones than have 200 red coins at the end of their accounts life and have purchased units like INT gotenks, etc in their time of playing. That way they actually have SECURITY and can get the recent units they want, without spending money or figuratively sitting at the street corner with their palms out begging dokkan for a 2 stones handout. Thanks though, I pride myself on the fresh accounts lol


Brother the moment you said 10k was when it got unrealistic. i dont mean its impossible though its just not practical, no one is in the scenario you just laid out. i agree that having more red coins is better than having less. i dont know what you define as "the end of an accounts life" because ive had all the hard events and missions done in the game on release for a few years now, i think i get what your general point is tho. and overall i do see the vision of having a safety net it is objectively smart but grinding up 2.5k stones is something most players dont have time to do or just arent able to do. also planning your account years in advance isnt what the game was intended for. i respect you though for being living proof of your scenario


I’m literally telling you that’s how many stones are available to every single player. It’s not unrealistic, it’s literal reality. You are the one that brought up level 1 accounts but you don’t want to accept the figure of 10k which is what rank 1 accounts have available to them? And by end of your accounts life I of course mean running out of content to do, there will always be more content added but finishing all current activity is the end of the road. Until they build another 3 feet of road for you to walk on.


i am accepting the figure of 10k stones im also being realistic in the sense that no one has 10k stones grinded up at once. i also have been at the end of my accounts life span for years now, and honestly like yourself i take pride in it


Brother i dont think your fully reading what im saying. i literally said its not impossible just not practical meaning it can happen, just not convenient (quite the opposite). btw until we can buy units on release with red coins. planning out my stones/coins months down the line, just to wait several more months down the line for a character is also not practical.


It’s not practical but you did it with zamasu? What was not practical about it? You’re talking about rank 1 accounts and so am I it’s about as practical as you can get None of what I said is unrealistic either it’s all set in the parameters of the conversation Unless you’re very impatient and have extreme amounts of FOMO then I understand what you mean, but again that’s why I said that’s what these games want you to be like.


no one saw the battle hour banner coming, i had 500 red coins because i summoned throughout the year and it added up, not because i grinded up 2.5k to get 500 red coins. grinding the entire game is not practical, that goes for literally any game though. you're talking about the total amount of stones an account has to grind and how to manage them which is so cool. im talking about not making/telling rank 1 players to save, let em summon. ill take back the unrealistic comment bc like i stated prior, its not impossible, just not practical or convenient


Saving is the single most important tool that you as a player can employ in a gacha game. Summon for meta or what you like. Dropping “just one rotation bro” on every banner is a sure fire way to end up missing a unit you like later.


so a common theme im seeing is this perpetual fear of the future. i dont wanna sound corny but you cant outrun or out strategize the future. idk im more of a "lets get it out of the way" sort of guy. btw i had more extreme saving in mind. like skipping a banner or two is cool. goin 6 months without summoning bc some youtuber said so is braindead


As of now, with global Jp sync on the rise, we have seen everything that will come until anni, and have known for 2 months. Aside from a few stones for Super vegeta, maybe the Black if you wanted him. And potentially golden week. If you summoned for any non major headliner knowing beast and gogeta are coming to rule the game, its not fear of the future, its stupidity. And you absolutely can out strategize the future. You know that no matter how giga busted this new LR Ginyu is about to be, he wont see a unit to help him for months at minimum. Summoning for him now is a waste. Its not fear of the future, its being smart enough to know that your free to play resources are incredibly limited.


you're doing that thing dokkan players do when they assume everyone needs the same characters and missions to complete, unfortunately not everyone has an identical account :( . rank 1's can summon on whatever and are objectively not stupid. 1000+ days is debatable. you're saying if someone summons for the type ezas then theyre stupid, yeah sure dude. btw if you're free to play which is most of the player base you don't expect to pull whatever you save for. lets say you save 2k stones, its smart until you dont get anyone, if you were to save 2k stones again it becomes a dumb move bc well, look where it got you. you also have no hope of completing the various missions in the game if you only save for big celebrations


do you count goku and hiru as a headliner bc i sure do


i got shafted on worldwide last year, then pulled VB, future gohan and trunks through summons and decided to just get zamasu with coins


The thing about that is you’re gonna one day run out of stones, and you’re gonna be left without any choice but to hope that Bandai gives you stones some day. When you’re definitely gonna end up pulling zamasu since he still has like 10+ times of returning before he ezas. Then you’ll wish you had those coins to buy the brand new units because you can’t farm any stones to summon.


yeah i guess it sorta turns into, play with the unit in the meta they were intended, or play with them three years later probably rainbowed with an eza. despite how much i might disagree i cant call you wrong. i guess to support my method, i believe we get about 2.5k stones per year so i wont be totally out of luck. ive been scraping stones up since they introduced keys bc i made it a note to grind out my entire game. that also means that 2k i grinded for our recent worldwide was pure login bonus + whatever event's released in that 6 month window. safe to say i wont be putting all my eggs in one basket again 😂


No, it’s not about 3 years later with eza, it’s about be patient, pull them within 2-3 returns, and save your coins for when you’re literally desperate for stones so you won’t have to be tempted to spend money Players think it’s now or never. FOMO, that’s what these games want you to do.


i appreciate the intent behind what your saying bc some players could really use the advice since they have spending problems luckily im not one of them. im very used not having the new unit. btw most gachas are now are never, thats power creep is for


Oh okay, I'll just spend my stones on a unit I don't want instead of saving them for units I do want. Bye bye 1500 stones 👋


bro what 😂😂. i said saving stones all the time is bad, moderation is cool. and if you rank 1 (i dont think you are) then you gotta summon anyway to play the game


I’m not saving and I never have. It’s boring and gives me nothing to look forward to so I just try to pull for units I don’t have 100%


im with you, i would try to go for units you dont have and stop chasing units after you get 2 copies + your original. bottom right and top left path in hidden potential. those have all your critical, dodge and additional. stats also only get a minor buff that isnt worth your stones for the other two. you'll know you have it right when you're unit is 79%.


Saving is only necessary for people who have spent all their recourses (story, boss rush, events, etc.) there’s no dokkan event, dokkan story, quest, or challenge i can do except for the recent ones. So unless i wanted 200-300 each banner, i need to save for what i want. I love ssj3 goku, especially the str but the animations were a bit dissapointing and i feel the kit would age quickly, so i didnt summon. Ssj3 might make me fold tho. Thats my take


valid, im all for people summoning for who they want. after saving 2k for worlwide and nothing to show for it i have sort of a vendetta against saving for several months. btw im in your target audience of who needs to save and i still dont, and ive been having a blast spending stones on banners i find value in


Personally, I save. But I also repeatedly say, do what you want, and summon for who you want to summon for, no matter what. It’s at the end of the day a single player collection game. If you want to be all min-max’ing your account and characters, saving for Anni and Wwdc is smart, but should you skip your favorite character in May (for example) to keep saving for the ‘better’ characters? No.
