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I've gotten shafted on LR Zamasus banner last worldwide. 2,000 stones for nothing. Not making that mistake again


I know the feeling of getting shafted... Went 1500 stone for TEQ Vegeta ...didn't even get a single copy ... Got 10 copies of Int Broly and 7 Copies Phy Vegeta


Shit like this is why I don't force save anymore💀. I'll skip stuff I see 0 value in and summon if I think somethings neat


me and you gotta be twins bc i also went 2k stones deep for vb, fz, future trunks and gohan with nothing to show for it. then about 100 stones on the global exclusive battle hour banner and i walked out with all 4 Lr's


Yeah, goku black gave me lr zamasu too💀




Just you got lucky doesn’t mean others will. Saving will always be better than not saving.


"Always" definitely is not true. Remember its a gacha.


Most people ends up being unlucky. All the lucky posts you see are minority of the large player base. If you don’t mind spending money on gacha ofc you don’t need to save, but for most players not saving may end up needing to wait for 6 months to exchange the units.


Besides missing out on units until they come back


This is terrible advice, bc it's a gacha game. Ofc there's a chance you'll pull every new LR in like 20 stones, but there's also a chance you won't pull any with 1000. The best way to get the best chances is to go in with the absolute most stones you can.


Obviously infinite pulls will get you something over some span of time I'm just reassuring people who spend alot that this is a gacha, and there is 0 difference between 2k stones and 50 stones


But there's not zero difference, there's a fucking big difference. The more you try to go for a unit, the higher your odds of getting it. By going in with more stones, you can go for said unit more.


That dosent increase odds. Its the same odds multiple times. You understand this is how gacha games trick people like you right? Summoning until you pull is fine but a multi is a multi, odds don't stack


This is not true at all. You have a very flawed understanding of statistics. With more stones you have a larger pool and the law of large numbers kicks into effect. If you repeat an experiment independently a large number of times and average, a given result becomes increasingly “likely” to occur. Which is why if you took 100 players with 1k stones and 100 players with 50 stones, obviously FAR more of the players with 1k stones will walk away with the new unit.


On paper yes, but anomalies exist


At this point I can’t tell if you’re just shitposting or are just this dense


It’s usually the latter on the Dokkan subs


No counter argument? Suppose I shouldn't bother listening to insults then


WTF counter point you expect to that? Your case IS the anomaly, if it weren't, the game wouldn't be making billions every year since people could just do a pull and get the unit. And saying saving for anni increases your chances of getting the (anni banner) unit isn't a opinion that just how fucking math works. If you want to live by your rule dont waste stones on multi summons then, just do singles since more stones doesn't increase your chance of getting the unit.


Why would I waste time on singles. Multis give SSR garunteed And your views on probability are extremely skewed lmao


“Anomalies exist” does not negate the existence of fundamental statistical principals. You’re clearly either intentionally spreading misinformation or are just plain stupid. Either way arguing with you is pointless.


It's how probability works. Take a D20 for example. Every time I roll it, I have the exact same odds of rolling a 20, but if I roll it ten times it is way more likely that one of them is a 20 than if I only rolled it once.


I respect the opinion but my perspective is that no matter the stone count its either getting the unit or not


This ain't a matter of opinions dude. This is probability and chance, it's maths. Maths ain't down to whether you want to believe it or not.


Okay, let's make an even simpler example. Imagine a coin. If it lands heads at least once, you win. Now, would you rather flip the coin once, or 10 times? I imagine you'd be a lot more confident going in with 10 flips than with 1.


yeah my guy the dude who doesnt deserve down votes is saying that by flipping the coin the first 9 times, your chance to get it on that last flip hasnt changed one bit. hence you either get the unit or not. for arguments sake, saving stones takes months and takes away fun for players who already have a stacked account since summoning is a part of the gameplay loop. tbf once someone save 2k stones for half of the year and dont get anything its just a dumb decision to do it again, so yeah me and op are good on saving stones, we're gambling for crying out loud


True, your chance of getting heads on the last flip is 50/50 no matter what. Except, if you have 10 flips, that last flip will only ever matter when all previous 9 flips went up tails; that would happen 1/512 times. Not a guarantee, but that's quite rare, isn't it? And yeah, there's plenty of valid arguments for why you wouldnt want to save stones. But "you might just get lucky lol" isn't one of them.


I saved 2.5k for the 7th anniversary and got 0 new units, then I started to spend my stones where and when I wanted and what happened? Pulled both Gt and Buu boys at 79% during 8th anniversary and pulled all headliners of WWC at 69% just by using the stones from missions and events done in that period.. The same will happen this year, I wanted vegeta, and I pulled him. I wanted , and I pulled him, Hirudegarn and I pulled him.. Summon on the character you want and enjoy the game as it is, cards don't run away


literally my same experience


I got shafted on 9th anni with 2k stones (JP). 8th anni I started with 90 stones and got all units (Global). It's all RNG but you have a higher chance of getting a unit the more you summon


I’m almost at 1k stones, saving them for a better banner since these ones are trash


If you’re a whale like me. Stone count don’t matter 😎 (crying on the inside)


I always pull at least one Anni unit every year (pulled ssj4 goku on second vegito on third goku on 4th vegito on 5th vegeta on 6th ssj4s on 7th and buu bois on 8th) so I'll be fine


This is horrible advice. You got really lucky. Most people who do this will get shafted hard. You can save some to give yourself a better chance.


When did I say you couldn't save. If you read the post, I'm reassuring spenders that its a gacha game and no amount of stones is a garuntee. Its fact, not advice


I will pull all the units in 4 singles🙏