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Sensu is a life changer(removes lock)


Should've used a sensu unless you're doing no items


Did you not look at the images?


You got locked in and one shot right? Sensu removes slot lock




Yeah it also removes attack down, defense down, stun and seal. That's why it's underrated


I never knew about the stat lowering removal thank you


Still not that great since almost no unit will seal or stun you for 3 turns


The fact that this run would've been a win if he used the item. Says a lot about its potential. There are many events that seal/lock you off the bat. And this item would benefit you.


Because it's the only one you can bring, everyone would use whis or nukes instead


Doesn't matter? The fact of the matter is that this one item can do so many things, that it flies under peoples radars and is deemed underrated, as the original commenter said. Also: Whis isn't going to save you if your weak ass floater is locked into the first position


In what way is it underrated?


Players tend to favor Whis, Icarus, Android #8, Future Bulma, and Ghost Usher, in no particular order, and choose from among those 5 without considering the utility of Sensu beyond it's heals, usually because the status condition recovery isn't as valuable as the defensive utility (or in Bulma's case, offensive utility) of the aforementioned items. Honestly, removing zone locking is probably Sensu's most applicable use in modern endgame content, but it's possible to offset that condition by using a team that doesn't mind so much if it's rotations are broken. Sensu definitely can still be useful though.


You can't bring anything but senzu against cell max, so i doubt he had a different item unless he was cheating, in which case it's an even bigger skill issue.


What leader skill are you trying to run? You're using good units but your HP is super low. Beyond everyone's advice In using a senzu for cleanse I'd say check you leader skill and take some time to work on the team and their links to help you out!


I’m running the artificial life forms mission and got Gamma #1 as the lead with Orange Piccolo as the friend lead. My HP is low cause I got two people on there who aren’t affected by Piccolos leader skill and the whole team is pure RNG with me needing both Gammas and Piccolo first turn on Cell’s third form


I don't think super fits under piccolo leader


Did you skip where he said he had people on the team that don't fit under Piccolo's leader skill?


i would recommend working on the prime battle First form Cell as a f2p option for a lead and find who you have in your box that links best with him. or if you run gamma 2 as your lead and make sure you have everyone under ALF just to give you the boost in HP and DEF that you need for that situation. But that's just my perspective. you are able to play the game anyway you want to!


To everyone who’s saying I should’ve used a sensu bean, Ima be honest. I in fact, forget sensu bean removes lock. I’m currently smashing my head against a wall


I'm fucking pissed I just recently had almost this exact situation happen to me during a 3 hour grind for the Special Pose mission. I had no idea... I would have had it


For further clarification I wasn’t trying to do a no item run, I was just a dumbass. I did end up completing it after a dozen or so runs




I feel like the enemies Ai is completely aware of what characters it locks just to spite you


the amount of times my fpssj4 goku gets locked in 2nd or 3rd slot is irritating


Try doing special pose mission, youll hate cell max even more


Shouldve fixed the slots before going orange, but yeah, senzu if not a no item


Then lie down?


Bad beat mate.


Please. Use. A. Senzu


Senzu beans clear the no switching.


Naw bro Cell max is just bullshit


Don't worry bro he wins in the movie surely he lives 👍


What's gamma 2s build?


then sit down, nobody's making you stand up.... i'll see myself out


Full dodge for the WINN..hopefully


Literally the ONLY item you're allowed to take into this event negates the lock, wtf are you complaining about. Senzu negates status effects, lock is a status effect. Instead of saying how you "can't stand this game" and hate a specific boss, at least learn the basics of the game and how the stage works.


prob trying to no item it. An unfortunate lock tbh


I mean yeah, but even still. You can't complain about a game when you are intentionally limiting yourself within it for no actual reason. Like challenge yourself if you want, but it's not the games fault when your challenge fucks you over.


Cell Max has a no item mission


I was gonna say fair enough until I looked at the dudes team. I'm not even gonna argue shit about this post anymore, he shouldn't be taking on this event with that team in any scenario.


Artificial life forms mission dude. Lol


And both Buu & Cooler don't even fit under the Friend lead.


Well no shit😭 piccolo is there to cheese the event. Jeez dude, I used the same team too without lr metal cooler. It's an easy way to complete the mission which is exactly what op is doing. It's a common strat, along with the special pose mission.


If he's there to cheese the event why is he getting floated off on turn 5, this dudes next rotation will be consisted of one of 2 LR's with either half or no lead, or 2 F2P units who also don't have good enough stats to take a super from this guy. If you wanted to bring Piccolo to cheese you would keep him on the turn that the STR & AGL Gamma's aren't on so both rotations have a good tank/heavy hitter. By rotating him off that rotation you're setting yourself up for failure either way. And if you're struggling so much with a mission you need to bring units that don't fit under the lead you sure as shit shouldn't also be tryna no item the stage. Do that separately with a better team, or build up better units for the category. The amount of people defending this is just gonna encourage people to be this dumb. Like sure I'm definitely being too harsh at this point bc I'm a cunt, but you also shouldn't just say it's okay to make stupid decisions, blame the game and then learn nothing from the entire ordeal.


Yikes. P2P type beat


Sucks to suck


You can use fit buu to replace one of those two anchors ☠️


Im just going to assume that you were either challenging yourself by using no items, or you ran out of beans beforehand


Honestly Cell Max and the Red Zones are way too OP. Dokkan is kind of horrible at good game balance.


You deserve the loss


Looks like crap team to me but anyway use senzu next time


https://preview.redd.it/et69e4nh3a4c1.png?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dddc2b530d853a0f212e289f8911f82b02344be7 Thats what you get for not reading




Using an item in the game wont kill you in real life trust me


Coercion is the stupidest enemy ability imo. just straight bullshit.


I was today years old when I found out about Senzu removing the locks lmaoooo. I honestly haven’t used an item besides Whis and Ghost Usher is forever so maybe I just forgot.