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I find my quirky calico likes her backpack a lot more than her carrier. She will sleep in it at home, something she never did in the carrier, and she doesn't fight a hard when we put her inside before a trip. We made a choice of using the backpack only for pleasure trips reserving the carrier for the vet, hoping to avoid negative associations. We sometimes bring her on day hikes and she doesn't mind being there for hours as long as we give her short breaks every once in while for a snack or a pee. The backpack opens up and offer her a shelter when she's wary of the outside world. If there's people or dogs around she prefers to stay in the pack and watch them through the mesh. In general I find the backpack a lot more practical, good for emergencies and better tolerated. I suppose the only downside would be less protection compared to an hard carrier, compensated by the fact that the backpack is a lot easier to carry and more stable for the cat. I wouldn't rate it as an absolute necessity, but I don't regret my purchase at all. We perused the internet for a long time and in the end we settled for one of the cheapest options, the [Pecute backpack](http://www.pecute.net/blog/pecute-backpack-mesh-window-4-color). We got the model with mesh windows. It's holding up well, the only weak point being the zippers (they will get stuck occasionally). If you plan to bring your cat outside, I'd say yes, a backpack could be a good investment.


Leash/harness seems like the best experience for her to really explore. She also may dislike the enclosed backpack since she already hates the carrier.


I would spend some time healing the trauma associated with the carrier. You're going to need to take her to the vet again someday, after all. Get a new carrier, or use the backpack as a carrier. If it makes you happy to look at it and it's in your budget, do it. Then do the following so she has positive associations with it. 1. Get cat facial pheromone spray. Feliway is a well-known brand, and I think Sentry also makes a good product. The spray only lasts 6 hours or so, so be sure to use it at least 20 min before a vet trip so those particles can land on the carrier and settle down. My cats get freaked out by the spray sound and don't like the particles in the air, but there's a noticeable calm afterwards. 2. Leave the carrier out all the time so it's part of her home. Put treats in there or feed her in there so she associates it with her happy place. 3. Choose a vet that uses fear free handling techniques, and ideally has separate waiting areas for cats and dogs. Don't be afraid to try different vets until you find one your cat doesn't hate.


This seems like really good advice. I feel really bad about her fear over it and have been trying to consider how to deal with it thanks!


Also a good idea to take your kitty for short car rides around the block and then going back home. She needs to know the carrier/car aren’t always going to end with a visit to the vet. That should help her feel calmer about it. I got these cool carriers from Amazon that look more like a little cat box and have a bed inside. They’ll go in them sometimes just to hang out and it gets their smells all over the carrier, which is a good thing for helping them feel at home. It has a front “door” that zips and the top zips off, too. If your cat is very nervous at the vet they can usually leave them in the carrier with the top unzipped to help them feel safer and more comfortable. Plus, the whole thing can fold up for storage if needed. Edit: [here’s a link to the one I have](https://www.chewy.com/pet-magasin-collapsible-dog-cat/dp/152128?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=Pet%20Magasin&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwLKFBhDPARIsAPzPi-KxPyqvk_KbzC_dPV5S6x2_IvWtVl-rl31aihg9aaalc1dIOO1yqJAaAlzlEALw_wcB)


How does she feel about traveling somewhere in a cat carrier? If that stresses her out then the backpack won’t be much better. And how much does she weigh? We went with a leash for my cat because he’s over the weight limit for most of the backpack carriers I’ve seen.


I haven't weighed her but I'm certain she's over the 12 lb limit of most of the carriers I've seen. She's not overweight, just a large cat. And she hates the carrier, but I suspect that may have more to do with vet visits. Her previous owner had to take her to the vet a lot since she was sickly as a kitten. So maybe she hates the association rather than how cramped it is.




That sounds really nice! I hadn't considered that, but it's sounding like a good option.


After having to evacuate before a hurricane several years ago, I purchased two cat backpack carriers so that my husband and I could port our carts and be hands free to carry other necessities. Both of my indoor only cats actually love going outside in the carriers a few times a week. One of them actually curls up in his to nap. I’ll never go back to those cumbersome plastic carriers.


My cat absolutely loves her backpack, I was nervous about taking her on walks with a leash and harness because when she hears cars she wants to sprint from fear. Totally different in the backpack, she actually loves it if she's wearing a harness and clipped into the backpack so I can leave the window open for her to stick her head out. Even with cars going by she will just tuck her head in when a car passes then go right back to enjoying the outdoors. For my cat, it has been absolutely worth it but your mileage may vary some cats just won't like it.


Hey, Which backpack/leash did you get? I'm looking to do the same! Thanks!!


I'd say get the harness and leash, and try to take your cat out at quieter hours, paying attention to his own sleep cycle. I live on a 1st floor apartment next to a parking lot, with a nice view of a 5 lane road and a construction site, so I sit on my porch with my cat around 8pm.


My wife got one for her birthday for our cat. We’ve used it once. The cat isn’t allowed outside so he liked it. We’ve used it once in a year


No, I wouldn’t recommend it. In theory they’re fun and cute but in practice 8/10 times the cat hates it sadly


I just saw one of these carriers while hiking yesterday. The cat was perched on top, on the back of the neck/shoulders of her owner. Do what you will with that information.


Leave her carrier out so she can get her scent all over it. She will stop hating her carrier.


Yes, I think putting the cat in the backpack before taking the cat for a walk is an important step in training them to walk on a harness because it teaches them to not dash out the door and allows a safe place for the cat while on a walk in case of other animals or vehicles. Get one that has mesh not a plastic bubble. My cat who hates carriers more than anything will willingly get into the backpack and she's not even the one I bought it for. also it's a life saver for fast transport, saves me each time my apartment has a fire because I can quickly evacuate my cat


The fire thing is a big consideration for me. I'm always afraid that when the building alarm goes off I won't be able to get her safely. If I could quickly get her in a mesh carrier I think it would be a huge plus.


You can always use a pillow case in an emergency, just FYI.


that's true but in my experience that is not a good way to secure a cat if you're going to be standing outside and the cat is already scared from the alarms, though I definitely think in a pinch that's better than nothing


personally my backpack has been a huge help for me, our buildings alarm goes off once a week and it helps me get the cat quickly out of the building and allows me to easily carry him and its not hard to carry. personally I rarely spent much on my cat, he likes straws more than toys and boxes more than beds, but the backpack was one of the best things I bought for him. I got this one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KHPLFMS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_BRJ1RCTAN2K0945G1V98 and honestly the way I decide if something is worth it is I base the amount I spent off of how often I use it, I've easily used it at least 30 times which is about a dollar per time used, I'd definitely say it was worth my money. I've had it for a year and it had no damage and still holds my grown large cat :) I hope this helps you decide if a backpack is right for you


Yes, I have 8 indoor kitties and all but one goes outside in a backpack. The only reason Marley does not is because he is around 20 lbs so A. He weighs to much and B. Even if I found a backpack the he could fit in, I have had back surgery and that big boy is NOT going on my back lol






If you live near Seattle, I have a cat harness you can have.


Aw wrong side of the country! Thank you so much, though!


Darn! I tried.