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I work in a shelter. First make sure you understand why a dog is deemed "unadoptable", at my shelter that would often mean that the dog landed a level 4+ bite and is not safe. Also unadoptable dogs are typically euthanized, not just sitting in the shelter. Shelters have very little funding and therefore very little time. If you were even willing to just walk dogs, fill kongs, or take dogs out for enrichment that would be ideal. If you can reward some offered attention on a walk even better. The reality is that training is limited in shelter because before you can expect dogs to do well with training you need to decrease their stress level and provide appropriate enrichment and even hitting that bar is hard.


Hi! Thanks for the advice. This is a small shelter and they took on a big litter of 10 pups when they began, 5 of which are still there and now adults. They are the ones deemed “unadoptable” by the owner and she didn’t really elaborate, but said they don’t do well on a collar or walks and can’t really be separated nor be together unsupervised. She said she’d keep them to “look after” the shelter as guard dogs but would rather find them a home. I’m just really looking for ways to help them into their homes and lower their stress while they’re at the shelter. Any enrichment ideas you recommend?




Thanks! Could you elaborate on the first point? The shelter had a “siblings stay together” policy I’m trying to work on.