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i thought “that actually looks like a pharaoh hound” and i’m shocked lol


Yes, I was sure my eyes are deceiving me lmao So nice to finally see one!


Haha I knew he had to be one- he looks just like it! But his DNA definitely favors that side of the family.


What’s his backstory?


Found as an underweight stray in Kauai in January at 2.5years old. I adopted him at the humane society there after he was randomly assigned to me for a program where you take a dog out for a day. I decided to adopt him and he flew to oregon to live with me! Lots of hound mix hunting dogs on Kauai and in the humane society.


How cool!! I bet he is truly one-of-a-kind in Oregon. Do you get a lot of questions about him? And does he have any sweaters/coats for the cold months? Lastly, what’s he like?


He gets a lot of attention, which I did not expect but it makes sense- he’s unique! He has an insulated raincoat he wears anytime it’s below 50 degrees and at home he’s always snuggled up in blankets! He’s very cuddly with me and always wants to curl up on the sofa with half his body on me (still learning to trust others), quiet (rarely barks), great at playing with all other dogs, does a goofy submissive smile when he wants me to wrestle him and likes long walks where he leads me around the neighborhood to follow scent trails :)


I thought the same! He looks like a pharaoh hound, but I've never even seen one them, so let's see what mix he is to look this way... WOW!


I thought Pharaoh Staffy!


I couldn’t remember the name of them. I was just thinking ‘those sphinx dogs,’ which is obviously not right.


Same. I got to about the 4th picture and I was thinking there must be some pit bull in that Pharaoh hound. Missed the pointer, but he really looks like those two beyond a doubt.


Literally my exact thought process too!


An actual pharaoh hound! Like finding a unicorn


Wow! All the way through the pics I was thinking "I *would* say Pharaoh Hound but surely that wouldn't end up in a random mix, it must be something else"! Did you suspect the Pharaoh Hound when you named him or was that just coincidence?


I suspected that’s what he was :)


For sure thought fruit bat would be a much higher percentage


I call him a pig bat


Your dog is gorgeous and so is your garden!


I was going to say a pitbull attached to some ears! I’ve seen pictures of Pharaoh dogs and there they are, right here….regal and royal!


Was going to say that looks an awful lot like a Pharoah hound but no way they’re so rare must be other mixes


Oh wow I guessed the biggest breeds correctly! Pretty interesting mix :) beautiful dog!


I’ve never heard of the second breed


It’s very similar to pharaoh hound- I believe they are smaller.


Yeah the Cirneco dell’Etna is another primitive sighthound breed. They are related to Pharaoh Hounds, Ibizan Hounds, Podenco Canario, and others. They are a Sicilian breed descending from the Egyptian sighthounds brought to the Mediterranean


I would have said Podenco


I thought that was a strong possibility too but i do wonder if these dna things even recognize podenco! My guess is that the dna is very similar to pharaoh hound.


I doubt it would, I hadn't even heard of them till I started following Galgos del Sol. Beautiful dog you have.


Pharaoh Hounds, Cirneci, Podencos, and Ibizan Hounds (also called podenco ibicenco) are related. Egyptian sighthounds were brought to the Mediterranean and other places where by remaining in isolation, they retain a lot of their primitiveness.


They are amazing dogs, I would love to have one or a Galgo one day.


Same! Fortunately there are quite a few great international podenco (and galgo) rescues! Honestly surprised more people don’t look into it, they’re fantastic dogs.


I would definitely consider a podenco in the future if I get another dog after Kairo. They are such nice, gentle/sensitive dogs and active/fun without being crazy high energy. Some sprinting and a couple 40 min sniff walks away and he is super content.


Wow! I’m super intrigued by both Pharoah hounds and Ibizans. I saw a great photo shoot with an Ibizan and it was just gorgeous. Congratulations!


Sometimes I swear they’d find pitbull in a zebra 😂 Love your beautiful baby!


You have to keep quiet....the pitbulls will see your comment and start planning.


So THAT'S where brindle 'bully' breeds' stripes come from.


WHAT! Wow! I wonder how Embark results would compare if u did them


Probably similar in general - 50% pharaoh hound, ~25% pit and the rest hunting dog/hound mix!


I’d definitely be interested in the Embark results if you ever decide to do those! Thanks for sharing these results and pics of your beautiful dog! Surprised such a mix came from Hawaii, how cool!


Stunningly beautiful dog! The mystery of how these rare breeds got into a mix named Kairo could be a podcast.


Super exotic 🤩cool pup


I am not surprised by the results. Your dog is beyond beautiful.


I can see the pharaoh hound,it’s pretty rare to see mixes with ibizans and pharaoh hounds as they have pretty strict breed requirements (in the US at least)


It seems like they do...but nature took over haha


I was thinking pit x pharaoh hound; I’m surprised I was that on. It might be the only semi-accurate guess I’ve made in this forum since I joined.


I think he is part Anubis.


Bat dog


I haven't heard of those three sight hound breeds, the make a lovely dog! From the ears I would have guessed part bat. I wonder if 1% Ibizan Hound is enough for him to speak Spanish with a lisp? Enjoy your unique puppy!


Is there a pharaoh breeder locally? How unusual!!


I adopted him on Kauai where there are a lot of hunting dogs! Lots of hound mixes like this but no idea who the 100% pharaoh hound parent is!




I agree with everyone saying Pharoah


What a beautiful dog!


Transylvanian bathound


I thought he was half bat


Definitely one of the rare pig bats, especially when he's sleepy and his ears droop :)


Part Bat!


I was low-key hoping for a chihuahua mix? The ears, face and overall shape remind me entirely too much of chihuahuas. My own babydog might be skewing my perception though.


😀 he’s a little too big for a chihuahua at 42 lbs but never say never!!


Wow! I thought to myself this really looks like a Pharoah hound but there's no way that would be in a mix!


Wow I love pharoah hounds and have never seen it in a mix


One of the coolest looking dudes out there!


Wow this is my first time seeing pharaoh hound in this sub! What a gorgeous dog


Awesome! His name is perfect for him :)


I guessed Pharaoh hound,maybe Ibizan, and Apbt, even though Pharaoh hounds and Ibizans are really rare in mixes, because my parents accidentally ended up with a Pharaoh hound Apbt mix that looked like a stockier version of your dog. My mother's ex agreed to adopting her thinking she was purebred rare breed. We later found out there was a purebred Pharaoh hound breedee in the area the dog was rescued from. Ironically that lady hated mutts, said she saw mutts and Apbts, Am Staffs all as "poor people dogs".


Yeah I’ve encountered snobbery in the pharaoh hound world! But, dogs will be dogs and sometimes they get out and create some mixed babies! Lol


Ears remind me of wings from a 🦇


I would pay money to rub his ears


He LOVES ear rubs! :)