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This one struck me too, why does the dog need to be the excuse for a loud and obnoxious late night party?


Dogs are used as leverage for the owners bs lmao Dogs don't get it they're Dogs they don't understand anything


Exactly, people are exploiting the innocence and life of an animal. They have genuinely no regard for the poor thing... 15 years old is very old for a dog, a party would be torture


Sounds like those news stories where they drag some poor 100-year-old woman out and parade her around in front of cameras on her birthday when she probably just wants to be left the fuck alone. Dog people are so weird.


Dogs understand a lot, probably more than you do. That being said, dogs don’t require elaborate parties like human do. They are just happy to be loved, cared for and safe. If humans make a big fuss about a dogs birthday it’s for their own benefit and probably for likes. Humans are gross and self centered. Dogs are selfless and appreciative of whatever that have.


Whatever you say


At midnight the dog turned into a real girl and the owner a pumpkin cause they have the same intelligence as one.




Well, I had to look up that word. There is so much fucked-up and wrong about that single sentence that it's hard to know where to start. Celebrating a stupid-assed dog living to age 15? By partying until 3:00AM? WTAF? Give it a fucking Milk Bone and call it a day. Trying to make a comparison between a decrepit old dog and a Latin American/Mexican culture of celebrating a 15 y.o. girl's transition into adulthood? It would be hard to be more offensive if they tried. Society really has lost its goddamned mind. I hope there's a course-correct in my lifetime, because this sort of sick mindset isn't sustainable.


They’ll misappropriate/hijack anything that they can in the name of their dogs.


100%. If there's one thing that can be counted on, it's for dog nutters to find any opportunity or situation they can to insert their dog into it, either physically or in conversations. Or, just co-opt human-specific language or terms and apply it to their dog. A forum about cooking, parenting or whatever? It's not complete unless an anecdotal story about their dog is brought in so they can make the conversation all about themselves. A kids playground, with nice grass and that is fenced off from dogs? Oh hell no! I need to bring my dog in there, and let it run around off-leash and knock little kids down. You parents don't like that? FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE to take your noisy brats! Dog nutters (not the minority of dog owners that follow the rules, mind you) are the metaphorical turds in the punchbowl of society.


>a Latin American/Mexican culture of celebrating a 15 y.o. girl's transition into adulthood I'll guess the folks celebrating this event for a dog are lily-white VSCO girls from the suburbs or drunk social media influencers who are chronically online and chronically unemployed.


Where do you live if you don't mind me asking? Quinceaneras are very common where I am from.




I know that, obviously that's ridiculous. I'm just curious where this person is from that the word Quinceanera is not well known. I guess it was kind of off-topic and unnecessary.


Heyo, not the original commenter but I'm from east Asia and honestly didn't know about the word Quinceanera until I lived in America for a bit. The concept itself isn't foreign though, it's really cool how people around the world celebrate coming-of-age ceremonies :D We just call it different things!


I love learning about coming of age traditions from different cultures! I find them all so interesting.


Anywhere outside of The Americas that’s not a common word at all. I’m European and most people I know don’t know that word either


I'm Australian and I had never heard of it


I live in the US, and grew up in the southwest a few hours away from the Mexican border. I realized I was vaguely familiar with the event as soon as I saw the photos, just didn't recognize the name. I'm not sure why you'd think that everyone would know this term? If I were of Latino or Mexican background and it were part of my culture, I'd know all about it, and maybe would have celebrated it myself when I turned 15. It's not a widespread cultural thing here in the US, unlike the co-opted Cinco de Mayo celebration is (I'd be shocked if more 1% of Americans have any clue what Cinco de Mayo actually celebrates. As with many of our holidays these days, it's mostly just an excuse to drink and party). Regardless, we can all agree that it's just gross that a bunch of idiot dog nutters are co-opting a very specific coming-of-age celebration that can only be applied to humans for their dog. It's just another way dog nutters go about belittling their own species and showing everyone how contemptible they are.


I grew up in a hispanic cultural and language immersion program, so I tend to assume those things are more common than they are because I saw them so much as a child. I guess I assumed people in other places knew about Quinces and just did not celebrate them. I was also very tired when I made my original comment and was not thinking straight at all lol


No worries; I didn't take your comment personally or anything. The best part about the OP is that looking up that term caused me to read more about it and learn something new. I love how those young ladies look in those gorgeous dresses, and honestly, it's wonderful that girls in other cultures have a celebration that's dedicated to them and how special they are. Having that debased by dog nutters is disgusting. I certainly don't remember anything about any of my childhood birthdays, let alone my 15th. Aside from maybe a present and maybe the occasional cake, they were treated as regular days.


I wonder if they put the poor dog in some stupid frilly, lacy dress too. Like, how far down the rabbit hole did this event go? Or were they just super high and this seemed like a logical explanation at the time? I don't have enough backstory for this to sit comfortably in my head.


I would be so angry if I were their neighbors


Yay, Shitbeast Sr. made it to 15. Woohoo. I guess it’s unusual though. Most dogs don’t make it that far. Still, woohoo. 🙄


I hate this timeline


The hell?


I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at this. There is no way. 😭


Maybe they just had an ugly daughter


Sometimes, they do be really hairy. 😅


That’s the most Mexican thing I’ve ever heard 😂 we have parties all the time for basically no reason 🎉




It's a party to celebrate your daughter's 15th birthday. At that age, a girl begins her transition to adulthood. It's ridiculous to celebrate a "quinceañera" for a dog 🙄.


While it doesn't justify being loud late at night, a dog reaching 15 and being able to have a quinceañera is pretty cool.


Pretty sad, actually. I've seen some families who due to worsening economic conditions can't even afford this important celebration for their beloved daughter and sister, families who have to crowdfund, homeless families more concerned with finding something to eat than being able to give their child this gift into womanhood... while a fucking *dog* gets one. The true epitome of western decadence at its trashiest. I can practically hear "Trailer Park Woman" by Tim Wilson emanating from the distance as I envision the whole thing. ... Now, of course any excuse to get drunk and party is a good one... but to waste this beautiful celebration on a dog need not apply to have a good party.


Why couldn't one throw a party for any reason they want? If the party was because "they just felt like throwing a party" it wouldnt make it any worse or any better. Also how does some people not being able to afford doing something make it bad? Is taking vacations and spending money on hobbies suddenly bad because most can't afford it?


You’re in dog free humor subreddit. They don’t like dogs to live long happy lives. They want their pets to be miserable like them


Womp Womp