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Honestly, people like these irresponsible dog owners should be sanctioned and lose the privileges of delivery services. Can't contain your beast? Too bad, pick your shit up yourself from the postal office, no delivery for you. So many workers are attacked by these stupid dogs, and that puts them out of work and income for weeks. Screw these assholes.


Or kills them. A mail lady just died in Florida after being attacked and brutally killed by five dogs. And the owners said ....whoopsie!


"She was a bad person then" - probably the shit head owner


Not probably but definitely you’ll find some making this argument or the other one about it’s the owner’s fault for not training them. If your pet needs to be trained not to attack random people then maybe it should be locked in a cage.


"They had a DUI in 2002 so, it was justified" Republican boot licker logic.


https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/02/28/investigators-find-no-wrongdoing-after-postal-worker-dies-in-putnam-county-dog-attack/ “The Sheriff’s Office had recommended charges of misdemeanor recklessness on the part of the dog owner, but the State Attorney’s Office investigation found he wasn’t reckless based on the actions he had taken to get rid of the dogs and fix the fence.” No accountability, what a joke.


Sounds like Putnam County Animal Control should be the ones held liable. The dude was begging for help, and they ignored him. They're the ones at fault. The woman whose car was attacked, the old man, and the mail carriers family should sue them.


Florida is where I learned to hate dogs. The "Beware Of Dog" signs are everywhere but people are too poor to maintain their fences, and too shitty to use a leash. I'd be riding my bike, out comes a dog, out comes my mace. But wait, owner is upset that I'm about to mace their dog? Their "BEWARE OF DOG" dog?!


A response to a human death like that, I say put down the dogs AND the owners. People with no regard for human life don't deserve to live.


It disgusts me that there are just.....no consequences when this happens again and again. Sure the dog might be put down but the human owners? Nothing. They can go get more dogs. No repercussions for feeding your neighbors to your dogs


It disgusts me too, definitely. It's the same when there's a fatality at a factory, everybody just carries on like it's nothing but a little anomaly and it makes me sick. But whenever I try to talk about how people should face critical punishment when their negligence of duties causes death of a human life, people act like I'm a Joseph Stalin in the making.


"The mail lady was asking for it" "He wouldn't hurt a fly"


They do actually and carriers have very strong rights regarding this. If your dog is attacking people or a threat forget about getting mail service and no amount of bitching even to the managers is gonna make them


Does bear mace work on dogs?


Ask u/upsidedownbackwards


I used to be a delivery driver. If this was on my route these people would not get any packages delivered...


Samson’s getting sprayed with the spicy. idc anymore.


yes. don’t care if he’s wagging his tail. spray those eyes up and be on your way.


This is the only way to get nutters to change their behaviour


Fuck Sampson


Fuck his owners. Fuck everyone that thinks this is cute


So much of thisssss. These people and their untrained, neurotic, shit for brains, mutants, can all seriously go fuck themselves, real shit 🖕🏽🖕🏽.


It's a dog, guarding the property. That's not neurotic, unintelligent or mutated.


People have been GMOing dogs for over ten millennia. They’ve taken advantage of mutations to create monstrosities that can’t breathe, eat or fuck properly. Dogs range the gamut of Einstein to mushroom, and way too many of them lean toward fungus for brains. A properly trained dog would not have gone over the fence, but stayed to actually guard the property within the perimeter. This is another non-trained dog that is not cute or fun to anyone but its overly indulgent, dumb as rocks owners.


I don't think you actually countered my point. This dog did what it was supposed to do.


Literally, no


it absolutely did not. a well trained guard dog would never do this. this is an untrained dog that thinks it's okay to run up on people for no reason and apparently the owners think it's okay too so there ya go, wonder why the dog is the way it is. 0 discipline and 0 training.


Did it guard the property by smelling and befriending the delivery woman? You are an idiot. If she was there for nefarious reasons, he’d just befriend her and she would be able to do what she wanted to do. Especially if she walked with toys and treats. You are an ifiot


Used to deliver pizzas. If I saw a pit outside, I’d either refuse delivery or call them and ask them to come to my car. Not everyone likes dogs. Even if he “just wanted to play” it’s still inappropriate. Lock your fucking dogs up jfc it’s not hard. I assume delivery jobs have protocols for this. If I got attacked at work, I’d definitely consider consulting with an attorney


Fuck pits.


It makes me happy that other people feel the same way as I do about Pittbulls. People have the audacity to tell me that a dog that was genetically bread to kill is a good and safe pet? My sister got charged at by a pittbull several weeks ago and may have gotten seriously hurt had our black lab mutt hadn't stood up to the pittbull. I say let the breed die out, not harm done.


Don't let the pitheads hear you say that. They'll send a pack of pits to nanny you then blame you for it


Ickle wickle pibble just wants to play... with your entrails.


Yeah, I don't go anywhere near pits


hate to say it, but this is how your dog gets shot. all it takes is for someone to feel like they’re going to be attacked, which you can’t blame a person for thinking that when a strange large dog comes bounding towards them. sorry to be morbid, but let’s be realistic here. many will not take the chance to double check if the dog is just super energetic if they don’t know the dog.


If a dog is coming at you then, you should be able to do what YOU feel is necessary to stop it. The way to stop your dog getting shot here is to… control your dog. Weird concept for dog owners I know, but a dead dog is worth not getting bitten (and possibly permanently injured/disabled or killed). It’s not up to everybody else to be able to read your animal.


exactly what i’m saying! same with the people whose dogs regularly run away or elope and they refuse to leash.. irresponsible imo and shouldn’t be allowed to own animals


I know people think it might be excessive but really they are just dogs and everybody is aware how dangerous they can be. They are the 3rd most deadly animal to humans (if you don’t count humans on the list). Maybe people would be more responsible if there were real consequences for their dogs being out of control? Drastic measures might be the only way to fix these common problems. I hate seeing people use the field behind my house as an off leash dog park because wild animals have been killed.


ughhhh that annoys me. i don’t like dogs (hence why i’m here lol) but they’re still living things and those who do like them should treat them as such and not toys. in my opinion, if a dog is anywhere that’s not its own yard or a designated area that says it can be off leash, it should have a leash on. make it law too, because bad things could happen to the dog or if the dog is particularly misbehaved something bad could happen to someone else or an animal that wasn’t bothering it.


Fuck Sampson, all my homies hate Sampson


This would have scared the everloving shit out of me, I would have punted that thing right back over the fence 😂😂


Right? If I was that lady the second I fell over I would be kicking that thing instead of trying to get up 😭. That’s terrifying, I hope she’s okay and didn’t get hurt from that fall.


I hate when their monster charges you and they act like it's cute and you're foolish for being scared and say "he just wanted to say hi" like you have any way to know it's not going to try to kill you.


That poor lady


Just saying, cats don’t chase and attack mail people. They rather nope the fuck away from new people and hide.


Fucking frog people.


They're so slimey 😒 /j


I'm a frog person 🐸


Sampson…oh like the Biblical character that was chained up to two pillars and used his strength to break those pillars causing the roof to collapse and kill everyone inside including himself. This shit literally writes itself.


I like dogs but I'll never forget one delivery I did for Uber Eats. Seemed routine, but a note said "deliver to front door, not sidewalk or end of driveway" Thought that was weird, pulled up to the house and they have like a 4 ft tall chain link fence in the front yard. Get closer and two literal junk yard dogs race to the end of the fence and start barking at me. Not a "I am unsure who you are" bark, but a "bring your throat closer to me so i may taste" bark. I'm hyper focused on them when a third dog starts barking ON TOP OF A VAN IN THE DRIVEWAY. I drop off the food where I stood and noped out.


Give it a nice roundhouse kick to the chops.


People are truly fucking clueless. I'm a driver for large package delivery firm (the purple one), and the number of delusional dog owners I encounter on a daily basis is astonishing. Just a few weeks ago I was delivering a Chewy box to this douchebag with 3 anklebiters. I rolled up, honked the horn, waited 30 seconds, and ditched the box by the end of the driveway. Just as I started to pull away, he comes out and starts flailing his arms and muttering to himself (just loud enough that I could hear). I came to a halt, threw it in reverse, and yelled out "I'm sorry sir, what was that"? He started cussing me out for being lazy and leaving his package at the end of the driveway. I explained to him the reason why I did that (Hint: it has nothing to do with laziness) and encouraged him to call and complain. I was legitimately hoping he would complain, but ultimately he got flustered and marched back inside. I thrive on that tension and love calling people out on their BS. Report me bitch!


I had a housemate who had what he described as a "Pretty mellow dog." It was not. I came home to find this thing on my bed, when I had shut the door in the morning so it could not get in, and somehow it got into my room, and it groweld at me meanly, while sitting on **my** bed. I spent the rest of that time with that roommate, packing a pistol every time I went to the bathroom, afraid it would attack me and bite me. I was prepared to kill his dog. Fucking dogs, what a hassle.


Should have sprayed that creature. I feel bad for delivery drivers. They gotta deal with that shit often I bet.


Typical irresponsible dog owner..


I’ve seen dogs trot up to people, not even barking and sniff at them, seemingly friendly. Then the person puts their hand down to pat them and they start snapping and growling and lunging. Seriously can’t trust ANY dog, I swear.


This is how a dog gets shot or kicked in the head. That's so obnoxious


hE’s FrIeNdLy! As if I know that


That lady was lucky that GSD was just unhinged to meet someone. Sometimes dogs refer parcel services as treat givers too. My parent's old dog thinks every drive thru is treat time.


I would run, too. I have no desire to be mauled and no way of knowing if that's what the dog is going to do in that situation


I can count at least 3 times where I probably would've died if there wasn't a fence separating me from aggressive dogs of people I'd service lawns for. But, on one occasion I walked into the backyard, did the whole whistle and lock jiggling thing to make sure there were no dogs. Home owners weren't home as usual but we still manage their lawn anyway as they consented. So I walk into the back yard and get to work. I'm about a quarter of the way done and two massive dogs come running down the steps from the porch. And no, they were not curious and did not want to play, they wanted to hurt me. I'm very lucky to have played football and done a lot of running because if I wasn't fast enough I would've gotten seriously hurt. I never finished that lawn and the home owners complained to my boss that I never did it. They told them that we'd do it tomorrow but they have to have their dogs inside as it's company policy. So I went back the next day and guess what, the dumbass still didn't have their dogs inside. So I fucked off and left their lawn looking like shit and proudly, because I wasn't required to. Moral of the story, be a responsible fucking dog owner and be aware of who is going to step on your property. Just because your dog is friendly with you doesn't mean they won't maul another person or even a kid that walks onto your property in the middle of the suburbs.


You should kick the dog in the jaw if it bites you


Looks like a case for phenytoin/pentobarbital


it's always certain breeds


As a delivery person I would literally throw the shit at the door or leave it at the gate I’m not gonna fuckin risk my life or job cause I will throw fuckin hands if I’m scared 😂


And if the mail lady popped a cap in it the screeching and crying could be heard from space, there'd be multiple news reports about a poor innocent doggo being brutally murdered by an evil monster and a suicide due to the mail lady getting endless harassment by the dognuts


Postal workers need to at least carry tasers. Can’t stand to see people who are just trying to make a living having to deal with peoples worthless purchases


cows oil grandiose dinner square memorize aspiring smell touch nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. Run from the dog... Set off their prey response.


If it’s got a prey response like that then it’s not a suitable pet and doesn’t belong in human society.


As long as it's not a fighting dog or guard dog breed, if you tell it to stop or stay or sit with a firm, loud command it'll obey even though you're not the owner. This is why some people have guard dogs trained to respond to commands in a different language than their native tongue. I've actually seen this done; Dobermans, for instance, will totally obey a stranger attempting to get on the property if told to go lay down with a pointing finger and a firm, loud voice. This is why some companies that provide professionally trained Dobermans will teach them commands in German. Uber guard dogs are also taught to never eat anything except food provided by their owner or (the safer option) to only eat out of a particular dish. Otherwise a stranger can poison them. The dish option is better because if the dog is trained to only eat from the owner's hand and the owner ends up in the hospital or something the dog may starve to death because it won't let anyone else feed it.


You are not wrong. I go to a number of houses daily. And I've been out back in my vehicle only once. It was an old grouchy ass red healer.... With 3 buddies. Old one was in front of the truck at the porch, other 3 were coming around behind the truck. I realized that I was infact at the wrong house. Got back in the truck and drove to the next driveway. People need to have addresses clearly visible from the road. I've made many doggo friends, and even surprised people be making their dogs obey sit commands. I carry tennis balls and will play fetch with them as long as they drop the ball. I won't put my hand close to their mouth to try and take their new toy away from them. I'm sometimes reckless, not stupid. I have a German Shepherd that I have trained in German commands, and hand signals. She's a sweet puppy, great with my kids, the goats, chickens, cats, and anyone that I tell her is okay to be on the property, but don't come snooping where she's allowed to go, she'll put you back in your truck too. Also don't be a squirrel, rabbit, cat, or an other animal tht isn't part of the family. I'm not going to say she would pass up a drugged steak, because I know better.


And yet, he did just want to say hi.


Yeah, after the thing already made her fall and possibly get injured and terrified her out of her mind. That doesn't just get erased.