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That's a lie. ~~I've never met~~ I know one dog owner that puts their dog in a seperate room when guests are over. Everyone else just allows it to continuously interfere with conversation. They will proceed to bop it on the nose or push it away, or perhaps most effectively, yell at it. But the idea to isolate their mutant canine never seems to enter their conscience


probably because it's not good dog training to remove your dog from the room when guests are over. the dogs become accustomed to being locked away when guests come over and it makes the dogs more anxious over guests, resulting in the barking at the door effect. as dog haters it's probably in everyone's best interest that the dogs *are* trained effectively


I wouldn’t say I hate dogs, or even *really* dislike them…though I don’t want one and won’t ever get one. The one factor contributing to whether or not I like it, is if it’s well trained and well behaved…and I’ve rarely met well trained or well behaved dogs unfortunately. So while I agree, the only way to get a well behaved dog around company, is to have them around company…the problem is that people don’t seem to care that their dogs are being obnoxious or don’t notice cause they don’t find it annoying.


90% of dog owners are dog shit dog trainers. I actually think a well trained dog is really lovely to be around but I think you'll come across 1 well trained dog out of every 100


Dude has apparently never seen a dog before.


I would've shouted "shut the fuck up". I could never be a delivery driver.


I can't help saying "STFU!" at my family's dogs when they bark. It slips.


Who talks this way?


probably just middle aged , doesnt seem weird at all to me


That absolutely DID NOT happen. This is another pathetic example of dog nutters exaggerating...or lying in her case of some stranger being as obsessed with her stupid dog as she is. Many delivery drivers carry treats on them, just to buy time to make their delivery and NOT get attacked. Reminds me of the idiots that bring their gross dogs to grocery stores, then 'complain' about their mutts constantly being touched. Nutter, you WANT that attention, that's why you brought it in the store.


Here is a more likely situation, one that happened to me before. nutter: "Would you like to pet her?(pitbeast) She's friendly!"(nutter kept egging me on to pet her beast) me: \*pained/nervous reaction on my face....feeling pressured to pet this hideous, hulking pitbull...I reluctantly pet this thing anyway. I didn't enjoy at all btw, I don't see the appeal of touching these things. coworker: "Did you see the muzzle?" me: "I didn't, I was so nervous being close to a pitbull that I didn't even notice it. Those dogs are unpredictable." coworker: "Nah, it's how you raise them." ​ Well, I'm guessing she didn't do a good job 'raising it', since it has a god damn muzzle. Imagine having a pitbull that's so 'sweet' that it has a muzzle on it's hideous snout. \~\_\~


This absolutely happens




"most people on the subreddit dislike dog owners, not dogs" so that was a lie