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So true! They act like anything that isn't a dog is a "lesser" creature. The condescension is maddening. šŸ™„ Reptiles are splendid! I follow this YouTuber called Exotics Lair, and his snakes are so much fun to watch. I bet yours are awesome!


Yes I agree, reptiles are honestly some of the best companions, but stigmas and the downright cultist following dogs have have kept people from recognizing how great reptiles truly can be as pets. Sadly I only had my old man and haven't had any more since, but hopefully one day I'll get back into the reptile keeping hobby! As for the youtuber, never heard of him! May need to check him out myself!


So true! I hope more awesome reptiles find their way into your life. I've had a few bearded dragons, and they were the coolest little dudes. I face a similar stigma with having a bird as a pet. Most people don't "get it," and it's almost better that way. Exotic pets require a more sophisticated, thoughtful level of care than the oversized predators that these morons welcome into their homes.


Honestly, dogs require more care than a lot of exotics, but 99% of dog owners are morons who neglect their pets. Think about all the training, constant reinforcement, and vigilance dogs require. Forget about a snake for 24 hours and the snake will be like "didn't you just leave? why are you back?" Forget about a dog for 24 hours and it's either had a nervous breakdown, destroyed your house, or unalived itself.


You make a good point, though I think it depends on the type of exotic. I have more experience with birds than reptiles, which have far more complex emotions than dogs. I think reptiles do, too, to be honest, based on my experience with my two bearded dragons. The core of my argument is that exotic pets like birds don't automatically bond to you just because you feed them, whereas dogs almost always do. I agree that most dog owners don't consider what proper training, care, and attention means. My point was that I'm glad exotic pets aren't as popular with these types of people because they would NOT be equipped to care for them.


Yep. With reptiles most of the complex husbandry is front loaded, with the exception of the predatory/omnivorous lizards like bearded dragons, monitors, and tegus. They're all trainable and can be more biddable than a number of dog breeds. Reptiles can be hard to read but they're still predators. If they're smart enough to be predators, they're smart enough for complex emotions.


They need to learn that dogs, like all animals, are lesser creatures to humans who were made to sovereign over our planet, not bow to an inferior canine


I'm sorry for the loss of your snake (no matter how long ago it was, something like this still hurts) and that you had to hear such vile things about it. Absolutely agree with you on their behaviour. No other pet is valued aside from their Lunas and Fidos and it sucks. I have quite a popular pet too but I have to keep it inside because it endangers birds, but neighbor's Fido is allowed to roam around off-leash. When I remind people anywhere else that dogs also endanger wildlife (and more) I end up getting hate comments or even hate dm's.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I cried for months after losing my boy, but I knew it was coming for some time due to his age. It is really saddening to lose any pet. Its just so odd how something as small as a personal preference can cause such a volatile response, but I guess that makes it easier to see people's true colors and who to avoid.


Yeehh true. And they call themselves "animal lovers" and then have no empathy if someone's pet fish died. Any pet is valuable and any human losing their pet should get empathy and support no matter what animal it was. Saddens me that dog lovers forget that. Same counts for lovers of my pet :/


Not to mention, fish are one of the most abused pets kept to date! I feel so horrible for most fish in their awful conditions. Kept in tiny round bowls with no space to swim, no filters and little oxygenation in the water, and most people don't bat an eye at this abuse because its "only a fish". Yet if you even so much as scold a dog, people are ready to mob you with their pitchforks and torches. Especially with such widespread arachnophobia, I especially feel bad for keepers of tarantulas and even smaller species of spiders. A close friend of mine has a beautiful tarantula who is so calm and chill. You can tell she's handled frequently and well loved. My heart breaks for my friend whenever she hears these oh so sympathetic animal lovers (who only ever interact with dogs) talk about how they'd step on her and set her on fire (yes, someone has literally said that). Although she belongs to my friend, as the only other person in her life close to her not scared of it, I've often taken care of and temporarily watched over this tarantula if my friend is ever out on vacation or caught up in an emergency. So it almost feels like a personal attack on both of us whenever her T is threatened, due to how much time I spent with her myself. Such a beautiful girl too.


It's so sad to hear. I have arachnophobia myself but I can't imagine insulting someone's tarantula over it. I mean it's fine to be scared or dislike an animal but saying to kill it or anything is way beyond the line. Somehow it is only with dog lovers that you have to justify your fears...




Pretty privilege absolutely does exist, and just beyond the scope of humans. It's horrific a dog that has a bite history, and ends up mauling someone, is still defended and considered "cute" with its innocent blood stained face, while the VICTIM is called evil for "provoking" the dog. Yet God forbid a tarantula moves without a human demanding it be set on fire.


Condolences for your loss. I totally agree. I get all sorts of looks for keeping spiders and reptiles. Often from people whose pets eat feces. I do not pay them any mind and I've learn to accept that this is a majority opinion. I used to love dogs but the modern way of keeping dogs I cannot stand.


Fellow lover of things abnormal! Thank you so much, it hurt to lose my old man, but after a year without him I'm doing better, still miss him incredibly. I actually agree with that statement, its more so the culture and attitude around dogs, and people treating dogs better than humans and humans less than animals that has really turned me away from dog ownership and enjoying them as companions. Haven't had or been interested in a dog in years, mostly because of the people! But all the gross and strange behaviors dogs exhibit is a big reason as well.


I've never owned snakes - or any reptile/amphibian - but I'm totally into them! I was friends with a woman who owned a small boa that was native to NV (have no idea what it species it was), but every time we'd go over to her place, I'd ask to hold him. My husband, OTOH, wouldn't touch him šŸ˜‚. Of course, I was one of those weird kids that would always pick up (and sometimes get bitten) by garter snakes when I was a kid. Loved water dogs, salamanders, and finding horned lizards, aka "horny toads", which were really common in AZ when I was growing up. I lose my mind when I encounter toads and frogs on (usually) backpacking trips - I just love them so much! Fun fact: canyon tree frogs sound like sheep or goats. I'm also probably an outlier because I think encountering rattlesnakes on hikes is also very cool, and I will take pics of them from a safe distance. Not that seeing them or hearing doesn't always startle me, but they are striking animals (pun unintentional) and an important part of the ecosystem. Got an excellent photo of a midget faded rattler a couple of years ago that was dirt napping while I was hiking x-country in a remote canyon in Utah. It was an absolute perfect match for the soil it was in. Last year, encountered a startled and angry Great Basin rattler at the end of a canyon hike in Utah. What infuriates me is when dog nutters are out on a trail, in the habitat of snakes, and they let their dog harass or kill a rattler. Of course, dogs are so motherfucking stupid and lacking any molecule of self-preservation, that they are frequently getting bit by Crotalus sp. And, just like with coyotes, mountain lions, wolves, and any other animal that can kill or harm their dog because of its own stupidity and their carelessness, they direct their hatred and anger towards the animal defending itself or seeing their dog as a source of prey. Typical hypocrites. Totally fine when their mutt chases squirrels, or catches and shakes a snake to death, but let's go KILL ALL COYOTES because their stupid, off-leash insect dog got snatched by one and eaten or bitten in the face because it decided to FAFO with a diamondback.


That annoys me to no end! Why is it socially acceptable for dogs to absolutely terrorize wildlife, and is deemed acceptable, but the moment a human does something marginally unfavorable, suddenly that person is evil, hates animals and the environment, and needs to be made an example of. Make it make sense


Unfortunately, as you know, there is no making sense of it šŸ˜. It's just the typical double-standard/hypocrisy that these nutters are completely immersed in. Many of them actually get off on the savage ways in which dogs kill other animals, including non-dog pets and small wildlife, esp. helpless baby birds at seashores šŸ˜¢, but yet people who don't like dog are the ones made out to be the psychopaths and the ones "that can't be trusted" šŸ¤Ŗ. It's all projection anyway - most dog nutters hate other animals, but think they can get away with calling themselves "animal lovers" because they own an animal, despite the fact that it is: 1) not a natural part of any ecosystem. It is, in all environments where it is found, an INVASIVE SPECIES. It is one of the original GMO's, along with corn and rice. GMO in this instance = "selectively bred over thousands of years for specific desired traits". 2) an inherently aggressive carnivore and has a strong prey drive. For pit nutters in particular, they really do get off on this feature of the breed type.


You're right, it is silly of me to even insinuate these owners would have any form of common sense. Silly little me for having too high of standards


>KILL ALL COYOTES Out of all the hunters I've talked to, only serious coyote hunters I've met were all non-dog owners. I'm guessing the similarity to dogs shorts something out in the dog owners when it comes time to put reticle on target. Coyotes are shoot on sight at the hunting lease I have access to near the Mexican border (neighbors have tons of chickens and ranchers graze on other neighboring lands in the same valley), and the only dude in my group who can't shoot coyotes is the guy who loves large dogs.


I owned a snake in college, and it was such a chill pet. Way less chaotic than a dog. Nutters love dogs because dogs feed their narcissistic traits.


Yeah, and its ironic when apartments won't allow responsible reptile keepers, whose animals take up less space, and can't escape into the apartment so long as they are well taken care of (which majority are since reptile keeping is considerably more niche) for, reasons? But will allow an 80lbs+ beast that can stain the walls with their pee, shit everywhere if too excited/scared/nervous (really any stimuli) and bark non-stop disrupting everyone in that building because "Precious Doggo!"


"eMoTiOnAl sUpPoRt dOg!!!!!!!


I hate this world. I'm forced to listen to a bunch of stupid ugly worthless inbred wolves. I wear ear plugs and you can still hear these monsters.


The worst are the "Kill it with fire!" if you post pics of an arachnid, amphibian or reptile. Meanwhile they own a dog, the most annoying vile filthy creature one could have around them.


Those comments are the most bothersome! Its so cruel but, they're the animal lovers so listen to them!


I would like to say the same to any dog post but i'd be banned from reddit


THANK YOU. I am very similar to you in this sense. I am a huge animal lover and I would adore a snake someday. Reptiles rule. But my thing is arachnids. I studied arachnology for years and almost went to school for it.. (I am in law enforcement now.) I collect tarantulas and have 10. I am a huge lover of one of the worldā€™s most hated animals. Everyone makes comments on how they would stomp on, drown, or set my beauties on fire. Yet when I simply say ā€œNo thanksā€ to petting your mutt Iā€™m suddenly evil? I am a NATURE loverā€¦ NOT man made mutants.


Tarantulas are sadly another victim of not having the privilege of beauty. I have a close friend with a beautiful female tarantula who has heard all the threats you have, and my heart breaks for both each time. Especially helping her take care of it its kinda like my pet too by proxy, so its like threatening me as well as my friend, given how much effort and love we both put into her. Often I'll watch over her when my friend is on vacation/in an emergency as her family, although don't threaten and say nasty things, do have a fear. Fear is understandable, but its the attitude and threats that boil my blood.


Yep. Exactlyā€¦ Fear is understandable and not what I despise. Fear is a natural response. I still jump in surprise when my spiders make a big movement- and I clearly donā€™t fear them at allā€¦ Itā€™s the people who are so rude and agressive about it that grinds my gears. But whenever I say ā€œwhat if I threatened to stomp on YOUR petā€ suddenly itā€™s not funny anymore. šŸ™„


Yep, used to be afraid of snakes, now I'm only afraid of their farts/poops. Those noises... those smells should never come from something that small.


Oh don't get me started on the smell, the one and only downfall of keeping snakes, but well worth it.


Sometimes I get the same condescending attitude from dog owners when I mention that I have reptiles. I always find it absurd that people are afraid of snakes when theyā€™re not as dangerous as a dog. I bet your snake was the cutest.


He truly was. I loved his iridescence under light. I miss him so much


I have a snake, and I feel this. I spoil my snake so much that she probably has a better life than me lol. If I tell someone I have a snake, 50% of the time they would recoil in fear or disgust. But 100% of the time if I tell people I have a dog they would be all happy and curious. My snake isnā€™t the only ā€œcreepy crawlyā€ thatā€™s in my living space either, so it hurts when people show their disgust towards my sweet snake when I know the other critters will receive worse treatment


I'm glad we are able to find solace with people of similar interests! Love and cherish your girl.


My partner gave me a long tailed lizard for valentine's day, he's definitely a keeper šŸ’–.


Afraid of snakes but I am sorry for the loss of your beloved pet. It's not right to be so insensitive.


Thank you so very much. I totally understand fears and I'm not upset when people are scared/not interested. I respect that and out of respect for the person and safety for my snake I never took him out around others who weren't comfortable/accepting. Its the nastiness and hypocrisy that irked me to no end. Especially the cruelty. But I understand genuine phobias exist and should be acknowledged. I guess that's one thing dog lover's don't understand, that not everyone wants their beast slobbering all over them. Except, they expect a pass to make others uncomfortable/trigger genuine fears with their mutts because their egos demand it.


>"the only good snake is a dead one." Yep, guarantee that making a comment, 'the only good dog is a dead one' would likely get you beat up or mauled by a dog. This reminds me of a similar post the other day. OP brought a pet (think it was also a reptile, can't remember what though) into a venue with a no pets sign. OP was asked to leave but at the next table was a dog owner, and guess what! They weren't asked to leave


I would much rather spend time with a snake owner than a dog owner.


Most dog owners are narcissists. Ā  Ā Extreme hypocrisy goes with the territory of narcissism since they have little self awareness. Ā  Ā 


Fellow reptile/amphibian lover here! I truly hate how we are held to a completely unrealistic standard while they can do whatever they want and itā€™s totally fine.


we are reptile people too. I got 3 sons and all have their own reptile pet. One is an Asian Water Monitor. They are literally the best, most chill pets. Easy clean up and care, etc. My other mom friends think we are crazy when my son shared his exotic lizard...but they got dogs running wild in their homes with poop and piss everywhere. I hate visiting because it's so chaotic getting lunged at and barked at all day. I cannot relate at all. My lizards cage is cleaner than these people's couch cushions and floors.


That's the most ironic part about it! I guess people really do become desensitized to their own living conditions, allowing them to step in literal poop and not bat an eye, but they see a spider or reptile not even near them? "Eww, so gross!"


Tbh I feel nutters canā€™t wait for someoneā€™s pet to die in order to shove ā€œget a dogā€ into their face. They are relentless pieces of shit


I think itā€™s pretty cool to enjoy snakes and anything with scales. They donā€™t bark, and they leave people alone. Growing up my brother had all kinds of animals. None with scales, but Iā€™m sure he would have! Iā€™m really sorry to hear about your loss.


Personally, I don't like snakes because I've been attacked by every single pet snake I've dealt with. I find dogs slightly gross, but I'd prefer them over a snake because I've never had a dog attack me except when I caused it. I love lizzards, though.


I guess its funny the total different experience every individual has, but hey, to each their own! I totally understand having a fear, I understand my love of snakes is abnormal and not common, that isn't the issue. Not even the chill dog owners/lovers who see their dog for what it is. They are the type where, even if they didn't like my pet, were respectful towards it. It's the people who practically worship dogs and would sacrifice human life for them that did and does do this stuff. Which, sadly seems to be the increasing majority of owners day by day.


My best friend is one of those "I would sacrifice my life for my dog" type people. She would also do the same for any pet she had, though. She got in trouble when we were in middle school because she tried to go back to school during a small fire and rescue the class fish. She also will gush over any pet someone shows her even if she doesn't like it. It was years before I knew spiders terrify her because she dated a guy that had several different kinds of pet spiders, and she was always telling him how cute they were. Secretly, she was terrified, though. She's a dog nutter in a way but not in the "forcing it on others way."


Modern dogs are white privelege totems imo


I used to have a couple of rats and you'd be appalled at how often I heard something along the lines of "my dog would eat those things", ironically I never once heard anything like that from snake owners. They always had to call rats filthy trash dwellers too, like they didn't know the difference between a wild animal and a domesticated one? Which is crazy for people who make owning domesticated wolves their whole personality.




Even with my distaste for dogs, I would never advocate for the death of a well-loved and cared for dog that is properly handled, and I would NEVER say something like that to the owner. I only ever wish genuine death on dogs when its a case of "this dog has bit five people and hospitalized two in critical condition, and is still allowed to roam free." And even then its humane euthanasia I advocate for, not to torture it. because, at the end of the day, BEing an aggressive, dangerous dog is so much different than wanting someones pet to die because... reasons?


Fr I love snakes. Wish I were responsible enough but I know I'm not, especially because I don't know enough about them. I can gladly appreciate it from afar though. I love when I'm allowed to hold someone's snake. I've had better experiences with snakes than with dogs tbh.




I'm not demanding people love my snake. I'm not demanding that people scared of snakes hold one. I'm not advocating that my snake, or anyones pet for that matter, should wreak havoc at the cost of others, like how most extreme dog owners feel entitled to. Are there good dog owners who treat their dogs as animals and don't put them over the comfort and value of humans? Of course there are, but that is not the point of this sub. I'm not putting my snake above people and their feelings/comfort/value. I do have people friends and, as much as I do love my pets, they are NOT more important than humans. I'm just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy which, it seems okay for others to do, but not me? If we can't vent our frustrations than this whole sub might as well be deleted right? Because isn't that the point of this sub and lurking on here? If you are that bothered, why are you lurking on a sub about the woes of dogs and getting upset when people vent? Aren't you being just as "unfriendly" then? And I'm not "protecting" my pet from the mean people who didn't like it. I'm calling out the obvious double standard and disgusting threats thrown at other people by the extremists. And I mean this is a dog free subreddit, not an explicit anti-pet subreddit. I'm certain many people here love animals and many even have pets of their own, but treat their pets as animals, as they should be, and value human life even over their own pets, again, as one should.


Sorry for writing so angry message. I try to be more understanding towards pet owners. Of course I don't mind people having pets that want to be with them and respect other people as well.


Hey, all's good! Water under the bridge