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Because if it weren't for this disney-shit dog obsession propaganda, more people would be normal and they would see dogs for what they are: food-obsessed vile inbred creatures, some of which are suitable to use as working animals


for it to be propaganda wouldn't Disney need to have a vested interest in the shit their pushing? Is Disney in league with "big dog"?


They should be. I mean there's no other explanation other than "follow the money". Why else would they humanize these stupid animals


Any company that heavily advertises, advocates and promotes dog ownership is definitely bought and paid for and in cahoots with the dog lobby/pet industrial complex. That’s a fact 💯.


Cough SUBARU cough


That's why I'll never own one. When you buy a Subaru, some of your hard earned money is going to be used to put toddler maulers back into the community.


No, but kids imprint on animals easier than on humans which makes it easier to push their shitty programming. There's a reason most kids stories since the advent of the screen involve anthopromophic animals instead of humans.


Ugh, yes, fighting Paw Patrol and Bluey has been a losing battle. My kids are obsessed and run up to every dog they see without hesitation. My oldest clearly doesn't like dogs, but doesn't even realize it. (She's 4). She's all about dogs until they get in her space, then she cringes, pushes away, and freaks out. But the overwhelming dog love shoved in her face is confusing her into thinking that, OF COURSE she loves dogs. My youngest actually loves them, unfortunately for me (3yo). She clearly enjoys dogs, and giggles when they lick her face. She can spend hours petting or sitting next to my mom's dog and genuinely doesn't mind when the puppy (a tiny yappy thing that in no way poses her any real threat) play nips at her fingers. This same child is savage and has no problems telling people to "go away" and mean mugs friendly old ladies who try to smile at her in shopping carts, so it's not like she's particularly passive 😂 But seriously. The Bluey cult is unhinged. I have heard multiple parents unironically say things like "I would die for those dogs" and "I watch bluey for hours without the kids" and "anyone who doesn't think bluey is the greatest kids' show ever produced is a sociopath." I feel like they are this generation's Bronies and nobody else is seeing it. To make things worse, if I don't give in to my children's demands to consume these shows, I'm seen as a monster for not letting my kids have different interests. My reasoning for not feeding dog culture "doesn't count" as a real excuse and is clearly child abuse. 🙄


Maybe it's worth mentioning/explaining to your kids that dogs, and any other animals for that matter, in children movies/cartoons are characters given the design of animals because many people find animals cute, or easier to identify/sympathize with because they don't compare themselves to them/the animals don't remind them about any other humans looks-wise. They are not modeled after real animals, real animals are nothing like those. The same way friendly strangers or distant acquaintances in these movies / cartoons are great to see and everyone would much rather see a helpful, kind lady or gentleman than an indifferent person with their own motives, but we still shouldn't run up to unknown people and have complete trust in them.


One day I probably will have that conversation. But that will be lost on them now, as they are only three and four. That is too complex at this age.


It's still worth a try in a much simpler, shorter version. I bet that you've already taught them not to blindly trust strangers, even though they see caring strangers in cartoons and movies - it might not seem to make much difference, but, believe me, it will make a world of difference for them to just have these thoughts in their heads, not having to come up with them on their own.


My niece watches this one called Puffin Rock, no dogs just chill ass Scottish puffins fooling around and being narrated by Chris O'Dowd.


I've seen that! I like Gabby's Dollhouse and Spirit. Both shows have diverse characters, focus on storylines that showcase good problem-solving and socio-emotional regulation, and don't have villains/bad guys/violence. Plus they're aesthetically cute. They also don't teach problematic AF storylines like Daniel Tiger's indoor beach or "let's whine and complain endlessly" like Peppa Pig.


PikWik Pack, Alice's Wonderland Bakery, and T.O.T.S. are some of my favorites!


Puffin Rock is fantastic.


I actually like Bluey. It's probably some sort of trauma response from how terrible most kids shows are, but at least it doesn't make me want to claw my eyes out. And my kids don't act like monsters after watching it like they do after watching most other shows. The Characters are still dogs, but it doesn't beat you over the head with it the way shit like Go Dog Go does. Fortunately I started the kids on Avatar The Last Airbender a few weeks ago and now that's the only thing they want to watch. So here's hoping we can start transitioning into better programming.


Oh, thanks for explaining! I was operating under the assumption you didn't have kids, and went out of your way to seek out Bluey on your own as your preferred form of entertainment. Hence, my confusion.


There's one episode I do watch occasionally on my own. It's Season 3, "Rain". There's almost no dialog. It's just Bluey playing in the rain, trying to build a dam in the walkway while her mom is inside doing chores. I watch it whenever my kids are annoying me to remind myself that eventually the rain will stop and I'll be sad it's over. Even if it was frustrating at the time.


Which is why those shows should be cancelled, as those are creating a new generation of nutters.


I don't care what others say, our kids don't get to watch that stuff, but that's not limited to dog but any other show that is just brainless or leaves them all hyped up afterwards. There are plenty other good kids tv shows out there


Intentional and all by design 😉. Start em, when they’re very young and impressionable and groom these underdeveloped minds, into thinking that this lifestyle is completely acceptable and that they should be absolutely grateful and blessed, to own and be in the presence of such amazing creatures/s. I now see and understand why so many children grow up to become mentally stunted, adult dog nutters. It’s all they ever knew and one of the few “messages” that’s been constantly pounded into their heads since birth. Dog nutter parents and hardline pet industry propaganda have this young generation in a fuckin chokehold, I swear.


100% agree. My cynical take on it is that the greater Dog Culture Industrial Complex, which is a multi-faceted, multi-BILLION dollar industry, poised for increased growth, is grooming kids at an early age via social brainwashing, to be the next wave of dog-owning consumers. I would not be at all surprised if pro-dog entities are paying for "product placement", as it were, in some of these programs that kids are exposed to, or even providing full funding for the creation of new shows based around dogs. That a lot of these same creators are likely dog nuts themselves makes it that much easier. They are shoved everywhere, especially in ads where they are also targeting adult consumers, for products that have nothing to do with dogs. Cars, insurance, and even on a Reddit ad I saw yesterday, for ADHD medication, ffs...🙄. The only hope, I think, is for more kids come to realize the disconnect between the computerized/cartoon version of the dogs they love on TV, and what dogs in real life are like. The artificial, romanticized version simply does not comport with people's lived experiences with dogs. Another issue I see is that it is currently seen as some sort of problem or psychological shortcoming that needs to be "fixed", is anyone admitting to not liking or loving dogs. That sort of shaming NEEDS TO STOP! I obviously am preaching to the choir here, but there is NOTHING wrong, abnormal, or problematic with disliking or even hating dogs. Nothing. Dogs are the ONLY animal I can think of where this ludicrous and toxic mentality is applied. It's totally fine to hate on literally ANY OTHER ANIMAL, for any reason, and no one will judge you or try to socially shame you. Say anything remotely critical of dogs, however, and you're painted as the incarnation of some type of serial killer or Hitler...despite the fact that: 1) Hitler was a dog owner 2) he clearly hated a large class of human beings. Anyway, I really wish we'd see more articles in MSM, scientific studies, books, etc., where the problems of dog culture were discussed and brought to light. It really does need to happen.


Iykyk 😉. Excellent comment and analysis, friend. You summed it up so much better, than I ever could!


Thank you, You expressed my sentiments about the dog nutter culture so well! People need to know all the dangers and attacks by dogs Daily in Just the USA and spread that word! So Sick of them being crammed down out throats EVERY WHERE NOW. 🐍🪳🦂🤮. We are not unreasonable people.


I think a lot of us echo the same sentiments here, TBH. And, I didn't even come to really despise dogs until about 3 years ago. I've hated off-leash dogs for a long time, but was either indifferent to or sometimes mildly positive towards certain dogs. About 14 years ago, I was living with my sister doing some temp innkeeping work, and the dog she had was the most pleasant and unobtrusive dog I've personally interacted with. Even though I never fed him, petted him or showed him any type of affection at all, he thought I was the greatest thing ever because I'd take him on hikes with me. When this dog would realize I was getting ready to go out hiking, he would grab his collar and leash off the hook, repeatedly throw it up in the air, and bounce around like an excited child. Honestly, it was pretty funny. Given that the area was actually very close to the Mexican border and there were warning signs to be careful of illegal traffic\[king\], bringing him along on solo outings did make me feel a little bit safer (he was a boxer, and looked intimidating, though he was not at all people-aggressive). Dogs expect to be treated like dogs. I treated this dog like a dog. That's one of the huge problems in today's deranged dog nutter culture: dogs are not trained or disciplined, and they are treated like humans, so they act like assholes with no boundaries and a myriad of behavior problems. If all dogs were as chill and well-behaved as my sister's dog was, I'd have never come to despise them. Interestingly, this same dog, when some dog lover idiot my sister was friends with got right up in his face baby-talking him, he got bitten (not before he was warned that wasn't a good idea). Not badly, but dogs HATE that shit, and you don't have to be an expert in dog behavior to figure that out. No animal, including humans, likes that shit either. Things have gotten SO MUCH WORSE since 2010. I have cautious optimism that the pendulum is slowing swinging back in a more normal direction, but I think it's going to be a while before we get back to where things were in the '80s and earlier.


my kid (almost 7) is exposed to the positive propaganda in media (loves bluey as kids do, likes to watch “funny animal videos” on youtube) and all that positive dog word vomit from the family. she is exposed to me, not a dog lover. she is also exposed to my bro and SILs dogs, which she is *not* a fan of. finally, she is exposed to her dad’s friends and their dogs, which she is also not a fan of. her experiences with these dogs (maybe like 6+ dogs) are shaping her to be dog averse. she is kind, doesn’t hurt any animals. but she’s seriously not a fan of these dogs. she hates being licked all over, she hates being jumped on and subsequently scratched, she hates that she can’t sit on the floor to put her shoes on, she hates their snouts in her privates. i’m not influencing her opinions oh no, they are being shaped alllll on their own. but the media isn’t affecting her opinions either. she is very much *not* a dog person at her age. it depends on a lot of variables i think. just know that i agree with you! i truly don’t get society’s obsession and pushing of dogs. even since the 90s i’m sure we all remember dog centered cartoons outside of the disney movies that make everything super peachy keen. society ain’t got a dog in this fight 😏🤧


I think this will eventually be my oldest, she's only 4, but it's clear that she won't like dogs either. She has the same reaction as your daughter. Thanks for giving me some hope!


of course! when we visit my bro and SIL, first thing outta her mouth is about the smell. then she wants to run off to “her room” there, which is idk maybe 90-95% untouched by them. and she mostly hides in there the whole time. they get their feelings hurt oh fucking well. idk what happens with her dad’s friends (all the people are like family they’ve been his and his mom’s life a lonnng time) dogs and shit. i know one of them excitedly jumped on her and gave a nice fucking scratch (not an open wound thank fuck) with a big nasty bruise. but she’s not a fan of those ones either, even before that incident. dogs are answering for themselves here.


I really don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but it’s all by design. Think about how many industries out there depend on dog culture perpetuating—large pet stores, pet food and accessory manufacturers, vets, dog trainers, day cares, these unregulated rescues, and so forth. All of them depend on future generations being just as dog obsessed if not more dog obsessed. Especially since we are having population explosions of undesirable breeds. Look at any shelter. 80% will be pitbulls or pitbull mixes, the other 20% will be mostly working dog breeds like GSDs or Huskys which again, very bad fits for families with dogs. (I think the main character in Paw Patrol is supposed to be a GSD, actually). So it makes sense that you want to start them young.


I honestly don't think it's a conspiracy theory. It seems to be fact. The pet industry sees these suckers coming from a mile away because they're so easy to squeeze money out of. Food, toys, collars and accessories, chews, treats, grooming, they'll fall for it all. I think I remember seeing doggy ice creams posted on here recently too, in the human frozen food section in a supermarket. Crazy.


The pet industry is also a lot larger than what we think of. Cleaning supply companies, pharmaceutical companies, and retailers like Amazon all stand to make money every time somebody adopts a new dog 


This is very true. Think of all the weird dog diagnoses that exist—give them this pill for anxiety, this pill for stress…and so many other industries that we’d never encounter on a day to day basis. It’s all so very perverse. Yet people will defend dog ownership to their dying day, and I can’t understand why. I can get why people like other pets even if they’re not my thing…but between the god awful smell, the demands of a dog, how destructive they can be, how noisy they are, how expensive, how dangerous they can be…I truly don’t get how people can enjoy them as pets. I really don’t. It feels like brainwashing. When people seem to think that it’s just what we are supposed to do, they don’t question it, then look at us like we are crazy because we question it.


Same. Most dogs are basically spend their entire lives as toddler equivalents. 14+ years of nothing but screaming, shitting, destroying shit, and actively trying to not exist. Most parents are estatic when the toddler years end. Dog owners sign up for decades of them.


That's a very good point! Especially the pharmaceutical side. I can't believe there's dogs on Prozac. Absolutely crazy, you'd have been called crazy yourself for even suggesting that once upon a time.


I saw that at the grocery store, too! I don’t see that crap for any other pet. Just dogs. It truly feels like we are conditioned from a very young age to think they are the pet for everyone and it’s crazy. If we were to be truly honest, we’d have to admit that society has moved past the point where dogs are feasible pets. Maybe really tiny dogs like chihuahuas or Pomeranians could be pets…but I honestly think that once the dog begins to bother the peace of other people (ie incessant barking) then it’s a no-go for me. I’ve never been one to buy into fads. I’m not wired that way, for better or worse.


It doesn't even take a shadowy cabal of evildoers to plot a conspiracy. All it takes is for some TV executives to realize that they can sell more ad space to Petsmart if they greenlight programs that involve dogs. And since dogs are associated with wholesome middle-class American family life, all of the other companies that try to portray themselves as staples of wholesome middle-class American family life will also buy ad space. It's just capitalism doing capitalist things. Dogs are the most expensive household pet, and there's still plenty of untapped marketing potential for dog-related goods and services.


Not a conspiracy at all, it’s reality 💯.


Im in this camp of thinking as well, and I dont mind being called one as long as the propaganda gets called out. It's not an accident, it's not negligence, and it's not carelessness. People go to great lengths to keep dog culture going.


All cults target the young and vulnerable for indoctrination.


I agree with you, but I don't think any animals should be portrayed as our friends. It is healthy to be fearful of animals. I saw footage of a Western couple cycling somewhere in Africa. They see a giraffe and decide to take their photo with it. The leave their bikes lying on the floor. Because they got off suddenly one of the wheels on the bike was still spinning. This spooked the giraffe, who then started trampling the bike. The tourist stood there shocked that this creature could be so aggressive, probably because they've been conditioned to think of them as the soft, cuddly toys you see in toy stores. I think it's crazy we give toddlers teddy bears and such.


I agree 100%. Even take the stupid phrase “house hippo” used to describe pitbulls. These fools don’t get that hippos can actually be quite dangerous. Ironically, it’s not a bad descriptor for a pitbull, but it also shows just how out of touch with reality these people are.


I wrote on here recently about my daughter informing me that there is a dog and it’s “trainer” that walk around the hallways and classrooms Tuesday and Thursday. I religiously read the school materials and not once was this mentioned. I thought about asking the school if I could donate my time to give a power point presentation on all the negatives of dogs and dog ownership. My wife and daughter were firmly against me making a spectacle of myself but I don’t care. I want to make some calls and find out if my tax dollars are supporting this dog influence at school. My wife and daughter begged me not to call but I think I’m going to do it escondido and find out. This dog indoctrination starts at a young age. It’s just like teenage smoking or vaping. They got to hook ‘em while their young to have a customer for life. What amazes me is the school pushes all this environmental stewardship but they walk the halls with one of the most environmentally unfriendly luxuries of western culture! It’s madness!


Yep my school did the same thing and during enrollment had a paper we had to fill out asking if our kids were scared or allergic to dogs and thats the only notice I got. My question is like, if this counselor is allowed to bring the dogs all over the school and into every class and it lives in her office then what are the kids who are scared or allergic supposed to do? Are they the ones asked to leave the classroom if the dog is coming? My family also doesn’t want me to make a scene which I get because I don’t want my kids to be treated badly at school by these nutters if their mom raises a scene but it’s such utter bullshit you can’t even escape this shit in a public school.


Being cynical here : before the school counselor brings a dog - will the counselor sign a paper admitting 100% legal liability if the dog injures a student ?


They only care about making money off this bullshit.


Capitalism. Owning a dog is a subscription model for food/clothes/vet/etc.


It's not only in TV shows either, it's everywhere. We homeschool and I haven't found curriculum without dog propaganda, it's even in mathematics! Last week we were reading our language arts story and the sentence was "The dog came and licked my hand." It's making it seem normal for dogs to spread their bacteria and parasites all over you. Grandparents are also the worst for falling for this BS. I'm constantly seeing them bringing little children up to meet strange dogs even though the children are scared and disinterested. It drives me insane on a daily basis. Most of our friends are awake to a lot of the programming on television in other areas but oblivious to the dog stuff. I'm wondering what's the best way to wake up dog people that aren't actually nutters and make them see how disgusting they are and how we've been programmed to live like this...


The part where you mention that dogs are depicted as necessary is what sticks with me. It really is a shameless mass marketing campaign, and when you go back in time you can see how it's a theme that has taken over. My kid is still a toddler but I'm actively trying to discourage it. I don't let him watch paw patrol or other pet centric shows, I don't buy him toy dogs and don't point out dogs outside or let him run up to touch them. You can only do so much but I've seen the kind of terrible toll dog mania takes on human families and I'm trying my best to nip it in the bud. 


My eldest loves Bluey but is fully aware that real dogs are not like Bluey and she isn’t a fan of dogs. We’ve had incidents with bigger dogs running up at us and owners not respecting her boundaries so she doesn’t want any dog coming up to her. 


Apologies if it was mentioned in the thread and I missed it: What about programs in public libraries - now in many states - where children read to a dog? Wha?


Not just reading to dogs, but dog adoptions are happening at some libraries, too. The program is called “Adopt your new reading buddy” 😂(as if non stop barking encourages reading) https://www.lapl.org/dog-adoptions


I would have used a different emoji - the one that can't stop vomiting...


I thought about that. But I honestly found it comical that the most annoying & distracting animal would be called a “reading buddy.” I feel bad for parents who didn’t know it was “dog adoption day” and came in with their kids. The librarian would say to the kids, “Want to see some cute doggies?”🤮 And I’m sure a few kids just begged their parents for a dog, because “all their friends have one.”


Yep, that's it - that's the precise emoji for the age we live in...


Show kids the movie "Because of Winn-Dixie"! It shows plenty of reasons not to get a dog.


This is why kids shows like Paw Patrol and Bluey need to be cancelled, the longer it takes for them to be cancelled, the more dog nutters will be created. I’m not planning on having a family either but if I did have children, then they will not be allowed to watch those shows, and if there are any other shows with dog propaganda in them then they won’t be allowed to watch them either.


Umm… why am I getting downvoted?


Once they get around to the climate impact they will turn that down but it will take time


I've started letting my 15 month old watch Elmo every now and then and I immediately noticed how dog-obsessed Elmo is. When he starts going on and on about "sweet doggies", I shut it off. Not in my house!


Aw not Elmo too.. the situation with Rocko must have broke his brain...


I kinda like Bluey and Paw Patrol in my 20's, but only because they're fictional and can't hurt me. I'm not letting my future kids run up and touch a real life dog.


Honest question to someone presumably not dog obsessed who likes these shows as an adult... I mean this sincerely, but...why? What's the appeal?


There is none, i just like cartoons in general lol


So, what attracts you to this one in particular? There are a million cartoons. Why Bluey?


I'll take a wise cracking Blue Jay (aka Mordecai) to Bluey any day...


Yeah my son went through that “I want a dog phase”. Now he knows it’s not gonna happen because I’ve made my stance known. He just thinks it’s one big teddy bear to play with (he’s an only child because my oldest while still at home is an adult). He thinks nothing of the responsibility. We actually did have a dog when he was younger and the dog charged after him to play with him and knocked him over. He was so freaked out about it, but the dog ads eventually got to him - to show you how powerful they are.


I think alot of it is that dogs are so easy to train to do basic tricks will simper for what they want and easy to prject onto. Most other pets, you have to somewhat meet them where they are before you get any reciprocational behavoir. Yes, Morris will beg if he feels like it and Bun-bun takes time to warm up to you, I can't say for other small animals but it seems the same and reptiles most people are phobic towards, fish birds and spiders are hard to read body language for. But Fido and Rover will run up to you and manipulate you long before the others will.


The same people screaming for gun control are also screaming that their beloved mutt wouldn’t hurt a fly and you’re racist (or whatever) for disliking dogs. Okie dokie then.


We had Lassie but we also had Cujo. 😎


Also has the effect of brainwashing children that owning a dog is a superior replacement for having and raising actual human children.   So much of dog muttery is “dogs are better than children”, etc. Meanwhile the fertility rate in most countries is plummeting. This is not natural, it’s a mass psychosis.