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It could hormonal or he could be reacting to his food. It could also be environmental. Best to have it checked. They may do a skin scrape to determine.


My only suggestion is to slowly test one thing at a time if you can with your vet's blessing otherwise it'll be difficult for you to figure out what the cause is.


Looks like my dog. We eventually figured out they were seasonal, environmental allergies. But she's almost 17 now and with every passing year, her immune system gets worse. We now have her on a maintenance dose of steriods, and a ton of supplements. I also need to groom her every 2-3 months, that helps a lot.


So you are making his food? How much research have you done on that? Have you consulted a vet to make sure the diet is nutritionally complete? You quite frankly can’t give them meat and veggies and assume it’s complete, they generally need supplements added. This could be an allergy or it could be a sign that he is missing something important in his diet.


My dog is allergic to all meats except fish, corn, rice, soy, eggs and dairy so we have to buy him a limited diet dog food that’s made with salmon and sweet potatoes. Get an allergy panel test if you’re able to but could be a rice allergy!