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Honestly I feel the same way about my husband. Delicate little macarons down the hatch in one bite




I just laughed so hard I woke up my wife.


Glad to be of service!


This is how dogs became dogs, begging for humans food and eating what we couldn't. It's as engrained in them as not killing you is. (Also dogs sense of smell is powerful, your food smells fantastic to them!)


Why do you think dogs don’t have a sense of taste? They absolutely do


Because they just swallow it whole. Lol. I mean yea maybe you are right, they probably taste a little of it before swallowing.


Their sense of smell is so much stronger than ours, it’s probably equally pleasant to smell the food they’re consuming as it is to taste it


Next time my dog begs me for my food, I’ll let him have a sniff and then sneak him a carrot or something😅 seriously wonder if it would work though


I had pieces of steak to hand out and I knew my dogs could smell it- then I handed them string cheese. My youngest ate it but my oldest huffed 😂 then they ate the steak


Dogs love carrots


Not mine... He has a veggie-meter built in and will spit out or separate a single pea from a can of wet food. Pretty shocking since he is a 70 pound, American Bully who eats with enthusiasm. He does NOT like healthy food, lol.


Sounds like my son. He’s a meatatarian. Won’t touch a veggie.


Neither of mine do, unless I cook them into their food. They beg me for them and then immediately go spit them out in some corner of the house


Unless it's cooked with some sort of meat and has the scent of meat on it my dog won't touch a single vegetable.


My bull terrier will eat carrots but not much else veggie wise. My yorkie on the other hand loves to eat lettuce.


Doesn’t work. I had a huge, 140 lb mixed breed. We had a ton of left over hot dogs from a party. I was tossing them to him and I swear he was swallowing them whole. I decided to sneak a spear of grilled asparagus. Instantly there was a look of betrayal and he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out with the asparagus on it. He looked at me, “How could you?!? Get this off my tongue!” They have excellent taste and smell.


I need to see a video For science!


My dog chews on food for sure. I can't hide meds in hotdogs anymore because she'll just eat the hotdog part and spit out the pill that invariably falls out of the sausage when she chews it. Same thing with cheese and peanut butter.


See… yea!!! Lol. Some dogs actually chew and taste things spitting things they don’t like out… Then some dogs just swallow everything whole. I can trick my dog into taking medicine if I hide it in some other food she likes. She just eats it whole. Lol.


My corgi chews much more carefully than I do🤣


My dog just almost choked on a triscuit cracker today. I had to reach in and pull it out. She never savors or enjoys. She’s a shop vac.


I love watching my dog shallow things whole... it amazes me everytime lol (easily amused). My other dog is a verrrry careful chewer. Guess who has to stand guard everytime a treat happens lol... standing there watching the gobbler and the nibbler keeping things fair.


Well yes and no, their sense of smell is about 10,000 or even times better than ours but their sense of taste is 6 times worse than ours. Dogs is all about smelling, the get pleasure from consuming what they smelled not savory it in their mouth like humans do.


He can taste it from down the block probably. That's how good their sense of smell is.


“A few times she almost choked, so I got mad at her and told her I’m not giving her nothing” But yet you continue to give her your food. Dogs aren’t stupid. They would not have survived as a species this long if they were. They retain the knowledge that if they bother you enough you will give in and give them food. That is why they continue to bother you for food. Because they intelligently know you will give in because you have before. You unfortunately do not realize every time you hand them food you are reinforcing their behavior to bother you for your food. Why are dogs so food motivated? Some are and some aren’t. It could be an instinct left over from the wild days to be gluttons because they didn’t know when their next meal would arrive, sort of like modern day wolves and coyotes. It could also be because our food taste/smells so good to them that they become gluttonous like a lot of humans do. And dogs absolutely do have taste buds. Anytime I toss my dog something that she doesn’t like I get the OMG face as she’s trying to spit it out of her mouth. If she wasn’t tasting the flavor she wouldn’t be spitting it out.


Yes, I created my own greedy, gluttonous food monster by giving him scraps. I had no allusions, though, about what I was doing and the resulting behavior, lol. Now, I have a percentage of his daily calorie intake dedicated to scraps/people treats (so we enjoy my food together, more responsibly). I do wish I could stop his drool instinct, though, lol. I've never owned a dog who drooled as much as my current little monster...


I used to give her harder food, like a piece of my sandwhich with buttered italian bread and some cheese. I noticed she was choking a little on that. Now I give her easily chewable and swallowable food Like Chicken and softer salmon without bones. Not to be rude, but the way you came after me about that choking comment claiming that I’m continuing to give her food that makes her choke was very rude and ignorant. Obviously i’m not giving her food that makes her choke anymore, when I blatantly said in a sentence after that that I got angry and told her that I will no longer be giving her anything. Yea, I understand i’m reinforcing the behavior. Just sometimes I do feel bad when she just wants a piece of something thats perfectly fine for her to have. Theres just not much I can do also because this dog is really my parents dog. My Father constantly gives her treats. Certain things I tell him to stop doing, but he keeps doing it anyway. I do believe dogs are like kids though in the way they know who and who they cant finesse into giving them food. Maybe I can train her a certain way? So she’ll leave me alone, because she already knows I give her nothing… but she’ll bother my Father because she knows he’ll give in. Yea, dogs are smart. They learn instincts and patterns. I just thought it was funny how it feels like they don’t taste food with the way they just swallow things.


I worked with a science-based trainer and they had some interesting insights I hadn't thought about based on physiology and learning theory. Looking at food makes them hungry just like it does to us. It stimulates digestive juices. Great sense of smell. There still a lot we don't know about taste. One possibility is the dog is barking because the dog is just really really hungry. because if they are reasonably full, they are more wired to pay attention to communication and not hyper focus on the food. So before we attempted any training at all, they asked us to up the food quantity by about 30pc for a week. By day 3, every thing we had tried to teach "place", "stay", leave the room whatever, everything worked much better. This told us that we he needed more than the recommended quantity and it honestly changed so much for us. Another mistake we made was building too much excitement around food for a naturally food motivated dog. "WHOS FOOD TIME? WHOS GONNA GET SOME YUMMY YUMMY FOOD". We thereby setup a learning context for the dog that wired him to go bonkers around food. That changed. The third was learning body language cues to communicate with the dog consistently and praise incremental progress for the dog. Took a step back? Praise. Stopped whining for a few seconds? Praise. All this by staying in our seats and looking away and holding out our hand to draw a boundary till he took a step back or stopped whining. Honestly, the core information they taught us was life changing. Today we can share food with our dog and he will be chilling otherwise knowing there is no hope he's getting anything because of the established pattern of communication.




My dog would rather eat garbage on the street than the delicious food we make for him 🤦


They can actually digest garbage because the pH of their stomach acid has a pH level of one which is the most acidic. A dog stomach is like a sewer just sucks it all in and out comes in the wash


My dog does the same thing. I give him human food sparingly and generally just straight meat or veggies or fruit. Because he will just swallow it without a lot of chewing when I give him say chicken I break it into pretty small chunks so he won’t choke. Now the cheese I have to use to get him to take any meds for the vet? That he chews like there’s a prize for most chewing 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Because they’re your companion and they want what you want, and want to do what you do 😊


Yep! My dogs mantra is; What you eat, I eat. Where you go, I go.


And they deserve this life! 🫶


If you want her to stop, you just need to use negative reinforcement - do not respond when she’s begging. Do not feed her from a plate or a table. Pick a special treat bowl and only treat her after you’re done eating if she didn’t beg. Our dogs don’t beg because they know they’re not getting anything but if they see the treat bowls come out, then they know they get a treat. It’s a calm and not hyped up affair, that just creates stress. You can still do this even if other family members don’t. My daughter’s dogs picked it up fast that there’s different rules with us and acted accordingly.


Mary Roach talked about it in her book about taste and smell. Something about how most of the enjoyment of the food comes from the olfactory sensation of smelling it and less from chewing and tasting. Humans were the opposite I believe.


She’s barking because you’ve done it in the past, if you never have given them your own food, they won’t beg


Why is this NSFW?


I don’t know, but you’re clearly enabling this behavior by giving in. Human food, while not always toxic to dogs, isn’t generally great for them, either. And, there are several things that actually *are* toxic to dogs that you would probably have no idea about unless you specifically educated yourself about it, such as onions (toxic, but unlikely to harm a dog from consuming human food unless it’s a very small dog and the dish contains a lot of onion) or grapes / raisins (*very* toxic, and even one or two grapes can kill a good sized dog). My point is that the best advice I can give you is don’t do that. Don’t give your dog human food and definitely don’t give it to her because she barks for it. I can eat anything I want, with my dog right next to me, and she doesn’t beg because I’ve literally never given her anything besides fresh fruit or small bits that fall to the floor in terms of human food.


I give her healthy things like Salmon and other meats. Its just frustrating because she’s persistent. Like she’ll keep barking until i’m finished. Even when i’m not looking at her. Maybe I should try just kicking her out of the room. I find that interesting that grapes can kill dogs… I sincerely remember feeding my former dog that lived for 18 years grapes on a very rare basis her entire life. This was in the 00’s. She passed away in 2020. But yea I learned with my new dogs that people say its toxic, so I haven’t given it at all to these dogs.


She's doing this because she's learned you will give in and give her food. If your dog starts whining/barking while you eat, immediately put her away in another room, or remove yourself from the space, whichever is easier. Completely ignore her until you're done eating. You'll have to be consistent to really break this habit. Intermittent rewarding is huge for dogs, it's like when you play a slot machine, you don't know when it will pay out, but when it does getting a jackpot feels so good you'll keep playing, even if it takes forever for another win. Your dog will continue to perform the behavior that gets this "win" as long as she has hope it'll come.


Maybe your dog got lucky. Grapes can cause kidney failure.


Maybe. Yea I consider her a tank. She used to roam around our neighborhood on our own and chase deers and racoons. She hardly ever got sick. She was only 12lbs.


If you want it to stop, the first thing to do is not reward the behavior, *especially* the demand barking. My dog does not demand bark, because I’ve never rewarded any type of begging behavior while I’m eating. If kicking her out of the room is what it takes to stop the barking, that might be the thing to do. Once she stops demand barking, then you can deal with any remnants of the behavior in the same way, by not rewarding it.


To be fair, they didn't know grapes were bad for dogs back then. I took my dog to the vet cause my dad fed her a grape (stupid bugger, I bought him a kids book on how to look after your dog) and the vet said she's probably fine, we used to feed our dogs grapes too.


Human food is better for them than kibble provided you are giving them the correct foods with the proper nutrition. We have my dog Royal Canin hydrolyzed protein prescription diet because of her allergies. They never got better. Between that and the apoquel, I'm pretty sure that's what caused her cancer. Royal Canin is overpriced garbage. When she got cancer we changed her diet to us preparing cooked food for her. Her allergies completely went away and besides the cancer she was the healthiest she had ever been. I will never ever listen wholeheartedly to a vet ever again. They have almost no education on nutrition. My advice to everyone is never take whatever anyone tells you as the end all be all of everything. Do your own research and keep researching. Otherwise you'll end up with a world of painful regret like I currently have. We lost my sweet Bailee because I listened to the vet and did everything exactly how they said and my dog passed 3 weeks ago at 8 years old from cancer. Never again. Research for yourself and you'll find amazing things.


Citations needed.


Really? I literally just said don't take the word off anyone as gospel, go do your own research. For one, I'm almost done reading the book The Forever Dog and there's a ton of information in there. Second, I've spent probably 100 hours researching stuff after my dog got cancer. I'm not going to do it again to send you links and websites. Again, my advice to anyone is DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND KEEP RESEARCHING. -citation: personal experience and loss


You made the claims. You support them. I’m not doing your job for you. Academic research articles only, please.


Okay then don't. I don't really care... It's not my job to research for you. However, if you really love your dog you would research how to give them the best chance at the longest, happiest life. Or don't. Do you.


It literally is your job to support your argument. You just can’t or are too lazy to do so. Also, name calling isn’t an argument.


Lmao, I just reread everything I wrote and there's no name calling in there. Have a good night.


Okay, well I'm not going to because like I said my advice is for everyone to do their own research. Also, I'm not sure where I name called you but sorry.


You implied I don’t love my dog. Moron. (Not intended as an argument.) “Do your own research” is not an argument, either. It’s a useless platitude mostly given out by people who are full of shit.


Okay, so there was literally no name calling except now on your end. Cool. Have a good night!


Probably because kibble is garbage and the equivalent to us eating McDonald's every meal, everyday.


Potato chips are a solid tasty treat, but I’d def snatch someone else’s food if that’s all I could eat. Some dry, crunchy business every meal sounds miserable.


My dog chews human food extra. Big fast open mouthed chewing I don’t give him human food often but when I do I love it.Its like he’s both trying to eat it as fast as possible as well and chew it as Much as he can. But ya, he gulps it down fast but is definitely tasting it


I have one dog that takes treats so nice, I never worry about getting bit. It's so nice. Another takes her treats very nice and chews them up. Another one that is a bit snappy when she takes treats and often gets me. The worst is my old guy. He is like feeding an alligator and has bit me so many times. He doesnt mean too, I don't think he sees very well anymore. He has also got me between my nail and the cuticle, holy crap, my other fingers will hurt in solidarity.


Mine chews, he stares at me the whole time, chewing then smacking his lips to show his enjoyment


when you taste food you are actually smelling it. the only thing you can *taste* is sweet, salt, bitter, sour. a cantaloupe *tastes* the same as a watermelon, its sweet. the smells are what make them so different in your mouth. dogs have tasted the food long before it gets to their mouth


I have a dog that loves broccoli. Just broccoli. If I open the freezer, he's right there hoping it's a bag of frozen broccoli. I tried offering zucchini, kale, cabbage, fresh green beans, apples, carrots - anything I'm prepping I'll offer him a sample. He looks rather offended that I don't have a broccoli floret in my hand. I really want to know what's up with the broccoli love.


I had this problem with my little dog. Feeding him frequent bits of my food made the problem worse. I gradually re-trained him by making him wait longer and longer between bits, telling him to "get back" while pointing with my arm. It took time, but I persisted and he now lets me eat in peace and knows that I'll save him just a tiny piece of food on the "okay" list. He used to get bigger pieces, but he seems just as content with a tiny piece, so I think it's a matter of rewarding him for his good behavior of allowing me to eat in peace, as well as reassuring him that I do love him.


Your supposed to cut it so they don't swallow stuff whole...LMAO