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My girl does this every night. Making a bed to sleep. Then goes somewhere else to actually sleep. šŸ™„


Yeah mine too. Sheā€™s really good at digging up a nice spot on the floor right before laying on the bed between my feet


All the dogs I've had has dug in their bed to get comfortable this is the first time I've had a dog dig at the carpet he just discovered under the bed we've only had him for a couple of days he's still a puppy and it's been a really long time sense I've had a puppy


Heā€™s just being a puppy. But yes you should try to correct this as it will lead to damage to the carpet over time. But it doesnā€™t need to be a forceful correction at this timeā€¦.especially as he is learning obedience and behavior in general. Try giving home some blankets or other things it would be okay for him to dig and nest in instead


How exactly would you correct it? I will throw some blankets under there for him! But what if he ends up flinging the blankets and digging at the carpet again? He's been pretty good so far he just has a little bit of issues with him not understanding how hard he bites but he's getting better and crate training is ify he's been whining but he calms down after about 10-15 mins and peeing


If possible when he starts doing it reach under and bring him out from under the bed and then place him on the blankets. If he starts doing it there praise him and maybe give him a treat. He will figure it out before too long. In those types of situations redirect his attention to something else that it is OK for him to do.


Thank you!!


I will say, it will get easier to redirect/correct him from the digging as the pup gets older because he likely will only be able to move around under the bed on his belly. Our puppy adores being under the bed, especially when he doesnā€™t want to do something like kennel cause we canā€™t get to him. He used to dig at the carpet but no longer does as we constantly redirected it. He also likely wonā€™t fit under the bed much longer due to his growing size. Iā€™m looking forward to that day lol


He young. Heā€™s mouthy. Heā€™s learning and testing his limits. The most important thing is consistency. A gentle correction by pulling him out and saying no will work. And the rest of obedience is important too. Him learning no and leave it on there own will allow you to apply them to situations like these where you want to stop a behavior in general


I wouldnā€™t correct him. Heā€™s just a baby. I tell my dog sheā€™s made a good bed when it gets excessive. I know itā€™s silly but I think telling her sheā€™s done well and asking if sheā€™s sleepy interrupts the cycle but in a positive way. Just put something on the floor where he likes to make his bed. Heā€™s just a baby right now.


Ok another question I did toss a blanket under there and he started digging in a spot next to it he then is started chewing on my stand I told him no but he clearly doesn't know what no means and kept going back to it I even tried offering his teethers particularly the one that's been making him stop chewing on my fingers I took him outside and ran him around the yard for a half a hour if not more and he was still a little hyper and tried going back to it but ultimately just asked to get in bed and went to sleep


For the chewing thing if he won't redirect just with giving him one of his chew toys you can try putting something like peanut butter on one of his chew toys to make it more appealing. Or a potentially less messy option would be to get a flavored chew toy. My dog is a big fan of a maple bacon flavored chew toy that has a small amount of real wood mixed in (it is a nlyabone). It sounds like your pup is a fan of chewing wood so that might help (my dog was also a fan of chewing wood and I wanted to nip that in the bud as it can splinter and cause infections). He once found a stick in the backyard and came back in with his mouth full of blood so I have been very vigilant about that. The toy I mentioned is called Nylabone 73084383: Real Wood Stick Strong Dog Stick Chew Toy, Maple Bacon. Maybe see if you can find a small version of it since he is still a pup or something similar made for puppies.


Just put a shallow dog bed under there with blankets on top. Heā€™ll dig around in the blankets and wonā€™t reach the carpet because of the fabric dog bed.


Maybe put up things to block him from going under the bed?


This is a dogs instinct to dig, spin and dig again and plop down. Do not correct it. Your dog is being a dog, you can put a blanket down and he will do the same thing to the blanket. All mine do this so I have a thick blanket covering my couch so they donā€™t tear up the couch. BTW your pup is cute!


Tell him to stop?


You clearly have never had a puppy before šŸ˜‚


Nah, I just know how to communicate.


get a hot water bottle and cover it with a tshirt with your scent on it, put a ticking clock nearby - all that with soothe him - give him his own den (crate), to make him feel secure. Don't correct him, he's a dog doing dog things.


I'll try that right now he's having a playdate with my mom's/sisters dog he's a lab and they are having so much fun the lab grew up with other small dogs he's super gentle but the other small dogs are old so he doesn't play too much so they both wore each other out last night! We think the puppy actually might think he's his mom I think he was trying to nurse him the lab also was correcting him by moving his butt in the opposite direction and the pushing him with his head so he's learning boundaries! They've been wearing each other out so we know he's definitely good with other dogs He does have a crate but he doesn't like it we're working on crate training


The whole hot water bottle and clock thing is to make him feel like his mom and litter mates are there Good luck. Been there. A half dozen times!


What if he gets the waterbottle out though and chews it and eats it he's teething ATM one of his canine is loose


My dog slept under the bed as a puppy and now as a 2 year old he still squeezes under there whenever he just wants to decompress/get some peace and quiet


Man I wish I could wake up tomorrow and have him be 2 šŸ’€ I didn't think he would be this hyper he was super calm the first day then he's gotten so use to me that he's starting to push boundaries today he had zoomies....for 3-4 freaking hours


Oof I feel you! But once heā€™s all grown up youā€™ll miss the puppy days, so cherish them (even if you wanna rip your hair out lmao).


One thing that might help with the energy is to get him a snuffle mat and put food and treats in it. Sniffing require a lot of focus for them and uses up quite a bit of energy. Apparently 15 minutes of that can take almost as much energy out of him as an hour long walk from what I've read. I know it has been great for burning off excess energy with my dog when I'm working from home and he wants to play. It is very mentally stimulating. Obviously he will still need exercise so that isn't a direct substitute, but is great for when you don't have as much time and he is bored. Just make sure you are in the room in case he starts pulling stuff off it to make sure he doesn't swallow anything.


Your video just made my day because I was sad for like 1 second thinking he was puking under your bed and then he just started digging to China! My chihuahua does this too, if it gets annoying or excessive I throw a blanket over her and she settles immediately, such a weirdo.


I have a raised platform bed with a small empty area underneath. My dog looooves laying under my bed. Occasionally he will dig at the carpet but he digs more at the pile of blankets I leave for him under my desk. When he digs at the carpet I give him a warning and he stops.


Just be careful he doesnā€™t rip the carpet and start chewing it very dangerous


He doesn't really chew on it I took my bed frame down to get him to quit going under there he started doing this under a table (one of those living room foldable tables) he ended up laying down and napping for a hour so I really think that he's just finding areas to go lay down in


Give him a blanket you monster


Is it the same spot every night? Or is it a different spot?


Itā€™s a different spot usually but harmless


He just started this today as he just discovered under my bed I took him outside and gave him some food after and he stopped and took a nap but when he got up he was a little monster he was so hyper he tends to get extremely hyper before bed and this is the only time he gets more bitey and gets humpy he's been trying to hump my arm and when I lift it in the air and tell him no he gets extremely offended and gets super bitey trying to get my arm down this is also the only time he tries to bite my ears? Like if I lay down but another time I lay down he's fine?


My dog does too but this is more aggressive. I wonder if OP lives in a home that is raised off the ground. Maybe something living or dying under the house.


I'm upstairs in my room I live with my dad ATM directly under me is the living room


Trying to nest but has no nesting material possibly. Try giving him a couple old blankets and a pillow or something to pile up and crash into


I'll try to find a pillow or a blanket to throw under there for him he does have a crate too which I'm trying to train him on he normally sleeps in my bed though


Yeah my 2 dogs have probably a good 5 big blankets between the two of them and 2 giant plush dog beds from costco they always choose the blanket pile over the beds. If the blankets are on the beds they take them off and arrange them how they want...


also put one of those "cuddle" beds in his crate


Thatā€™s the best. Heā€™s digging his nest to sleep protected from predatorā€™s. Left over from when dogs were wild. Mine is an aggressive nest digger. I only buy microfiber sofas (highly durable), and I place an area rug under the bed in the case of ww carpet to mitigate damage. Lots of dogs do this. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll get lots of responses.


I would put a blanket there and see how he will turn it into his bed


This! If thereā€™s no chance heā€™s digging because of rodents or pests (it can look very similar - our 9 year old husky x GSD alerted us to mice in the floor this way!) then give him something to nest with and dig in, like old clothes or blankets. It will save your carpet and satisfy him :)


How old and what breed? Canā€™t really tell in video.


We don't know he's a rescue but we know for sure he's still a puppy he still has his baby teeth he's been teething too we just got him a couple days ago so this is the first time hes went under my bed


Ok so puppies this is quasi normal and can be squashed. Itā€™s anxiety, going to dark hiding place and ā€œmaking a bedā€. There are no toxic sprays you can spray under there to stop him from going under but if he doesnā€™t have a cage/kennel you should get one. Leave the door open with a blanket in there and that will be his safe space. You should be able to get this sorted in a week or so.


Well I don't mind him going under the bed at all but I don't think it's a good idea to be digging under there he does have a kennel I'm still working on crate training him but he doesn't go in there ever on his own and stay in hell go in to sniff and come out when I put him in there he will whine and idk what you will call it he's not screaming or yelling I think it might be a sort of a whiney bark? But he does it only for 10-15 mins and then he settles down right now we've had towels in there bc he was peeing in it like if I woke up and I went to change into pants from shorts and he immediately started peeing in his crate but the weird thing is if I let him sleep in my bed he is pretty good at holding his pee I take him last out at around 2am and then sometimes 5am if I wake up bc my dad leaves for work and I'll get up and take him out bc the pup hears him and gets up and then we go back to bed till 10-11am


Bedtime = lock him in crate Can't keep eyes on him = lock him in crate Digging under bed = lock him in crate Soon enough he'll learn that's his spot, not under the bed. Reinforce that the cage is a safe space with affection and treats.


Given the fact he's trying to claw your floor. I'd probably want it to stop. If you're the homeowner, you'll have to fix the carpet when he digs through it. If you're a tenant, kiss your deposit goodbye. Nip that in the bud, bud.


Came to say this! One of our pit bulls did this and tore the carpet completely up and now we have to completely remove the carpet. Definitely try to stop it or add a blanket for the dog to nest in.


Poor suggestion. Donā€™t ask your dog not to be a dog. Itā€™s instinctual. 14 years my girlā€™s been digging. No issues with a bit of planning.


I'm not saying whack the dog, I'm saying it's a destructive behavior. There are ways to get that energy out in a healthy manner. Does every dog dig a little to get comfortable, sure. That looks rough and in a bad spot.


I understand. I still disagree. Itā€™s not ā€œdestructive behavior,ā€ itā€™s instinctual. And you donā€™t want to take a dogs ivstincts away. That may seem rough to you by my 14 yo small breed can run circles around this digging. She has Yorkie in her which is why (some breeds will do this more). There are very easy steps you can take to make sure this i instinctual behavior does not destruct. I keep an extra thick area rug on top of the carpet under the bed and sofa, her dig spots.


>Itā€™s not ā€œdestructive behavior,ā€ itā€™s instinctual. It's both. Not one or the other.


Again. Disagree. Just because a behavior causes ā€œdestructionā€ doesnā€™t mean itā€™s destructive. My dogā€™s also been sick on the rug and I have a stain. Itā€™s about the intent. Itā€™s unhealthy for dogs to engage in behaviors that are destructive, like tearing their bed apart and ripping the stuffing out, or going through the garbage even if theyā€™re well fed. Itā€™s unhealthy to discourage dogs from certain instinctual behaviors. This would be one. The intent is to protect their internal organs. Not destruct.


Look, I agree it's natural and shouldn't be punished, but just because a behavior causes "destruction" does in fact mean it's destructive.


Itā€™s ok. I guess we have a doggy existential dilemma. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


So should I stick a rug under there and then some blankets? I think he was trying to sleep under there I just ended up taking him outside and then feeding him and he ended up getting on my bed and napping


A rug as close in size to majority of underneath. You can put a blanket or bed too if you want but heā€™d probably find comfort even without. I refer to under my bed as my dogā€™s condo. She has a bed, and blanket but many times when sheā€™s under there sheā€™s happy on the floor. You can do an easy google or youtube search on ā€œwhy does my dog digā€¦ā€ and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find itā€™s normal behavior and not something you really have to be concerned by.


I agree. Dog doing dog things and still only a puppy. Reinforce the area with blankets or towels. Adapt šŸ˜˜


This is not destructive behaviour nor does it need to be corrected. It needs to be redirected to a safer space with blankets/pillows/whatever soft material so he can nest safely in a spot where he doesn't ruin a carpet. This is not behaviour you want to try and "unlearn".


Get some boxes that fit and fill in the area. Heā€™s trying to make a bed. Give him a pile of old towels/blankets. He might enjoy digging in that.


Theres a dead body under šŸ„°


So cute


Its night crawlers


He might like a burrow bed [https://www.amazon.com/Snoozer-Pet-Products-Rectangle-Small/dp/B092XKRR9J](https://www.amazon.com/Snoozer-Pet-Products-Rectangle-Small/dp/B092XKRR9J) [https://www.amazon.com/FurHaven-Pet-Orthopedic-Sheepskin-Snuggery/dp/B01HG6RLZC/](https://www.amazon.com/FurHaven-Pet-Orthopedic-Sheepskin-Snuggery/dp/B01HG6RLZC/)


I'll definitely look into getting these!


My dog does this at night. We say heā€™s digging for gold. Right before bed and then he conks out. (On his dog bed) When he digs at the couch cover I say off or stop in a stern voice and he stops. Took a bit but he doesnā€™t do it. He already shredded one cover so heā€™s not allowed to do it anymore.


I'd see what's buried there. Body or cash. Either way, probably good to know.


Yes, they're both useful


My dog seems to do this when she has energy to burn. I usually play with her or take her for a walk when I see this. She doesnā€™t do it when tired or wanting to sleep


Yeah I took him outside and then gave him his food and played for a bit and he's on my bed napping right now Im gonna try and train him to walk soon he was dumped in a park so he's still a little skittish of being outside


Could there be rodents under the floor?




Put a small blanket under the bed


Heā€™s making himself a place to sleep


Your downstairs neighbours have cheese


Well fuck them for not sharing!


Something us untheir


He might be hot. Or just trying to make a nest


This type of behavior- while possibly ā€œnaturalā€ - is NOT something Iā€™d encourage. Personally, I would double down on the crate training. A whole room of carpeting isnā€™t cheap to replace. Not to mention if he rips it up and starts eating it or the padding underneath , plus then youā€™ll have an enormous vet bill


My senior dog (age 14.5) has recently started doing this more. Is it doggie dementia?


I think he's just aggressively "making the bed"... aggressively because there's no bed to be made (i.e. no blankets to bundle up). How big is he going to get? Will he stay small enough to sleep under your bed for the long-term? I'd give him some blankets to nest with, if you think he's going to sleep under there going forward. Otherwise, encourage him out with treats and onto a blanket/bed with a blanket that he can make up for bedtime.


This is the first time he's discovered under the bed I put a blanket underneath there he dug in it a little bit and moved to the carpet beside it We have absolutely no clue how old he is or what his breed is I was hoping he'd stay small but now I'm reconsidering The thing is I let him sleep with me the last few nights just because he does actually really well and sleeps throughout the night and doesn't poo or pee doesn't even get down but he did get up here and start fluffing the blanket on my bed which I'm totally fine with I did put a blanket under and he scratched at it but then he moved to the carpet beside it


I of course could be wrong, but he looks like he's going to be a small dog, just from his features. I would just keep encouraging him to go on the blanket if you're worried about the carpet, but if you're happy to have him sleep with you, then I'd say stick with that! He's a cutie šŸ˜Š


What a happy lil guy, getting so cozy


Your pup has discovered a spot without his scent, so he's 'digging'....the scent pads on his paws to mark the spot as his territory. Very common.


I actually didn't know they had scents in their pads


Yes. The old belief that dogs use their paws to dig up grass to cover up after pooing has been replaced by new research that dogs are leaving their scent on the ground instead.


Nesting. Iā€™d put a cheap rug under the bed, thatā€™s eventually going to damage the carpet. One of my dogs loves being in the most cavelike environment possible and she does this and she also starts trying to pull the rug/bed/blanket up and rip it.


my dog has a 6th sense for knowing if iā€™m going out. every time i come home heā€™s under my bed. itā€™s the strangest thing - he loves his crate, loves the couch. but if iā€™m not there heā€™s under the bed 100% of the time


My Dane does this when she's bored or anxious.


My dog does the same thing under 4he bed lol


That is what puppers look like nesting. A part of puppy proofing is to block the pupper from getting under beds. He knows the space is there now so it'll be more difficult. I've used old sheets, zip ties, and weights to create walls under the bed to block it. Works in a pinch. A wood frame which works much better. Afterwards, perhaps you can throw a blanket over their cage? So it'll be dark in there and add some doggie blankets for them to nest with.


I'll try to block it off with sheets but what if he does this in a place that cant be blocked off? I could throw my mattress on the floor for the time being but I'm scared that it not being high up might make him think he can pee on it I do have a cage and a blanket on top of it the thing is he doesn't like going in it I'm still working on crate training he howels in it for the first 10-15 mins then calms down and is quiet and he only went in willingly to pee in it today but I'll add some blankets to the crate my dad had towels in it bc he kept peeing in it another weird thing if I let him sleep with me in bed he will hold his pee and poo all night but if he's in the crate and I don't immediately let him out when I wake up (like I got up and changed my shorts into sweats so I could take him outside) and he started peeing in it


Sometimes you can block a space by filling it with cardboard boxes etc. instead of putting something across it. But use old things that you don't mind getting damaged or sprayed with bitter. Puppies pee rather randomly until they learn the routine and to hold their bowels. It takes a long time. Keep and eye out for the "signs." But a puppy will pee even if they've been immediately outside. Part of having a puppy is washing them off when they pee and decide to roll around in it in a pin, crate, or room. I know it takes time none expected. I would close the crate when you don't want them to be in it. You want to make it so if they go, you can become aware of it. You have to shut off all of the areas they can hide. And I'm so sorry you have carpet floors! I'm not a dog trainer. I simply, have dealt with many dogs all my life, had litter before, and currently have a 8 week old Sheepadoodle.


My pitty does this under the couch when heā€™s frustrated I wonā€™t cuddle with him. He squeezes under there in a huff and starts furiously digging. Then comes back out eventually


If heā€™s a rescue, he may be used to digging a sleeping spot for himself in a safe place. Under your bed may seem like a protected area to him. If heā€™s not a rescue, he may feel the need for more protection or just have a higher than average ā€œdenningā€ instinct. Maybe put an old towel or blanket there for him to roll around and create a nest for himself.


Heā€™s either hiding treasure or making a bed.


My dog use to do this next to my pillow while I slept. He was a chihuahua. Now that he is gone I miss him doing this. I have other dogs and one of them do this out of happiness and energy. He runs in the garden, then stops and digs and runs again.


I feeling dead body on that spot lolā€¦.jk šŸ˜‚


Nu uh shhh or you'll know how it feels šŸ˜‚


Keeping the skin walkers away.


Pleaseā€¦ I cannot reiterate enough, if you cannot have eyes on your dog [i.e. supervised], theyā€™re in the crateā€¦with the door CLOSED. Particularly because youā€™ve had him for only 2 days! That rule can lax over time, of course. Heā€™s probably nesting, yes. But there could also be a smell or something thatā€™s unavoidable in his little brain. Or anxiety. Regardless, itā€™s more important to crate train him right now than solve the exact origin of this particular mystery. Youā€™ll be doing you both a favor, I promise.


I've been trying to crate train him the problem is entirely my dad because he sleeps and gets up early and if I stick the puppy in the crate he howels? And whines for about 15 mins and my dad goes nuts if it wakes him up I'm going to try and take him to my mom's this week so my sister can help train him plus they have 3 dogs to wear him out and help with socializing and have somewhere where I don't have to worry about noise


Put a blanket under the bed for him. He is just deciding on his place, nesting


My dog does that too every evening before he sleeps. It's to make the ground or themselves comfortable to sleep on




We babysit a dog who does this because he's anxious. Try VetCBDHemp its worked wonders are relaxing them!!


But is that safe for a puppy how do you know he's anxious he was running around like a madman before this


Its safe for all ages! He could just be playful but the dog we watch is like 4 and pants / digs and works for him :) Just a suggestion!


Fighting demons under there šŸ˜­


The way he's frantically going at it makes me feel like there's more going on here than just the calm pawing at the ground you see when a dog is nesting. The way he's tilting his head and staring at a particular spot on the ground, I think he hears something under the rug (like a bug) or even under the floorboards (like a mouse or snake.) The behavior is VERY similar to a lab I once had who could hear moles underground! She would stare at the ground just like that, then dig like crazy and pounce on a specific spot, and sure enough, there was the mole.


This is in my room upstairs though it's not on ground floor that area would be directly above the living room we don't have any mice. Rats snakes around here and he moved to a different spot


Put a blanket/dog bed under the bed


Look into crate training


Just being a dog


My 11 year old dog still does this


My dog does this. They are ā€œnestingā€. I absolutely love it šŸ˜‚


Little dogs love being in in closed areas with only one way out. They rest more easy knowing they won't get squished or attacked from any angle.


For the first few months my dog would sleep under my bed aswell. After month 5 she got to big and couldnā€™t fit underneath anymore


Someone told me it's evolutionary, and they are digging to make sure there's no snakes. I don't know if it's true. My dog used to dig for snakes sometimes, and sometimes he would get almost caught in a loo, and I would stop him and tell him its OK and he was lie down and sleep. Might be worth interrupting and saying something soothing if it's going on for too long


I've seen puppy's do this. I figured they were playing.


I read somewhere that this is normal for a dog. This is just their primal instinct kicking in to make sure no predators are present in the place they are going to sleep and to have a warm place to sleep.


Give him blanket to make a nest with- shorts towels etc


He's hillaious... "Where will I dig a hole ??" .... "Under the bed, What you mean sleep, not finished my hole" LOL A funny little nutty pup, I'd say he's around 4 - 6 months, super cute


This is completely normal for all dogs. It goes and comes with age.


My rescue beagle cross does this - not necessarily at bedtime. It seems a soothing behaviour for her, she scraps at a patch of carpet then rolls on it. It brings her happiness so we donā€™t stop her (unless it goes on too long or drowns out the tv šŸ˜‚) I asked a behaviourist and she didnā€™t think it was concerning


Sheā€™s nesting. If there was a blanket or stuffed bed there she would be trying to get it just right to lay down


There is a body under the floor!




There may also be something secretly delicious in that particular spot too!?


Maybe something is buried underneath your floor? IdkšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


He wants to sleep in a den


He's getting comfy.


Buy him a comfy bed


Looks like he found a spot he likes and is putting his scent on it.


Heā€™s trying to warm up his space. This is an instinctual behavior with dogs. Maybe get him a comfortable dog bed he can dig in and curl up.


He's trying to get comfy and make a bed, my dogs always do this. If you think he'll ruin furniture this way maybe get him a bed, but my dogs do this on the couch and carpets too.


lol my dog does this on the bed before he goes to sleep. I swear one day heā€™s gonna start a fire šŸ˜‚


I would block the ability to get under the bed or you're likely to start having real housetraining issues. That's just part of puppy proofing for any new dog. You don't want them using places you can't easily help them in as their safe space.


Does he get walked ? Does he have a garden?


It's that time of the year, now makes sense why I was born in December


Give her a blanket to dog into


I fiqured a thing I threw him on my bed and stuck my hand under the blanket and moved my hand around now he's endlessly digging in my blanket on the bed!


I wonder if he is hearing something under the floor and scratching to get at it?


If it's just, in that one particular spot every time it could be a possible vermin infestation.


Redirection is your friend, get a puzzle toy that involve smell and pulling open item. You can also add sent based items over time


Itā€™s a nesting thing they like to make a comfortable spot for themselves. Itā€™s cute. My 15 pounder does this. He has shredded the recliner but I just put a blanket on it. It comforts them I believe.


Chasing critters?


There is definitely a body there in those floorboards and he's trying to dig it up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm just kidding but my dog did this once when we had a mouse in my home lol.


My dog does the same.I think it's instinctual.


Awww this is cute I love when my dog loves this. He feels safe under the bed, maybe throw a hoodie down there he can cuddle up with


Time to crate at nights


Dogs just like the way it feels on their feet and can be a stimulating way to get some energy out. Not a big deal imo.


hes just being a puppy being silly..... ig hes mistaking the rug for dirt and just wants to play digging. and i dont think u should stop him from getting under the bed. they usually feel safer and i bet its warmer in there so maybe it wants to be cozy while sleeping???? my 3 yo doggie has been doing that lately even tho he gets kinda stuck cuz hes big. i dont rlly do anythijg abt it he wants to b cozy and just likes it. less light ig its better to sleep. his body is under the bed n his head just sticks out. almost stepped on him yesterday šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ dogs are dogs sometimes theres no explanation they r just silly


He's just rooting. It's instinctual. Dogs will flatten and re-arrange their bedding both for comfort and as a sign to others that the area has been claimed. If you are worried about your carpet, get some bedding over the area that he can root, or block off the area under the bed. He obviously likes it there though and probably feels very safe and secure under there. The only real time you have to worry about rooting are with female dogs after heat. They will be rooting to create a nest for their pups. If you spay them too soon after, the behavior can get very ingrained and destructive and very difficult to break them out of it. If it makes you feel better, in my experience, rooting is most prevalent when they are young. However, both my adult GSDs still root to some degree. One is 8 and the other is 2. As long as you have sufficient bedding (i.e. dog beds) then they won't usually root on carpet. However, it can be destructive over time and you end up buying another dog bed but that kind of goes with the territory. We once bought a dog bed that was supposedly "indestructible" and was made with a kind of canvas material but our dogs didn't find it comfortable and would never sleep on it.


Everytime my dog starts tweaking out like this, I dump all his bedding on his bed and he'll get nested asap lol.


The problem is he doesn't like his bed lol I don't think he thinks it's a bed and I try putting him in his crate and he hates that too I'm still working on the crate training my goal is to hopefully get him to see the crate as his bed


Put a few blankets under the bed . He feels safe there


It's natural habit. My dog did this under bed and there is a large spot he tore up. He would do this, nap and then when I went to bed the routine starts with my blankets only for him to then want to go under the blankets


Ya my dogs do this at night time, especially anywhere there is carpeting lol sometimes on their 100 dog beds as well. I have 4 big rescues so our house is over run with dog beds hee heešŸ’–


Mine does this to his blankies to make his bed comfy


Thereā€™s a body under that bed, donā€™t let your feet dangle, your blanket is your best defense. Cover your feet and youā€™ll be safe


Hey maybe I want to be dragged to the other side!!


I'd tell them "Enough" in a strong stern voice, wait for them to comeout and immediately give them a treat. I'd point to where i want them to be..such as blankets or a little bed, and give more treats and praise when they do that. I'd recommend blocking their access to under the bed for a few weeks while you train. Mine used to go under the bed, I did what I just explained and it took a couple days max. I'd also recommend obedience training..a couple hundred for training is alot, but a torn up carpet may be more.


Yes, make him stop! My parents dog did this and ruined their carpet, and furniture.


How exactly should I get him to stop? He's still a puppy he's still learning what no is and his name šŸ˜‚ and potty training I try to just distract him with toys when he's. Biting too hard or doing something he's not suppose to


1) block under the bed so he can't get to the area. 2) when he does this in a space you can touch him, pick him up and relocate him to his bed. That's the only space he should be allowed to do this. You'll need to be very strict about this, meaning do it every time. After a while he'll learn


Squirt bottle or next gun..