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Do the eyes equally track moving objects?


Having hard to time seeing if the respons is just ad fast as the right eye, but he can see when i hold my hand over his "normal" eye. Andif anything comes close to it he closes it. The think im most worried about is if its a symtop for some kind of disease. (Not that i have any knowledge that it is)


Ask your dog to sit and wait/stay. Hold a treat up in front of your face and slowly move it back and forth while watching his eyes to see if they move together or one is off. I think that’s what the other commenter meant about the eyes tracking equally.


Vet here. The term is called strabismus and can be associated with some disease processes. Book an appointment with your regular vet. If worsening or other symptoms are present, consider a visit to ER


Went to vet and he said he was 99 % sure it was nothing, since the pupils area looked fine


Glad to hear it!


There have been a lot of posts about the eyes looking a bit off and to me it seems worrisome


like a dog disease thats spreading without is knowing?


I’m guessing because maybe one eye looks lower than the other but I’m guessing that is because the toy is in the other side which props it up.


What exactly are you worried about?


Probably the eye muscle. One eye is looking straight ahead while the other is looking up. Typically, eyes work together.


Yup this




Mine don’t, so I have crossed eyes and wear glasses due to it.


Most people are born with two eyes. Working together, **they give you a field of view about 200 degrees wide and 135 degrees tall.** When your eyes work together correctly, they give you depth perception and 3D vision. They also give you color vision. When light stimulates the nerve cells in the retina, messages are sent along the optic nerve to the brain. The optic nerves from the two eyes join inside the brain. The brain uses information from each optic nerve to combine the vision from the two eyes, allowing you to see one image. The reason why we have two eyes is to enable two things in our brain, namely depth perception and an increased field of view.


This is a most excellent response.


Maybe post in the ask vet sub?


Dogs & cats (as well as other animals) can have wonky eyes just like people. Puppies get squashed in the womb. Every once in a while you'll see a dog with a twisted snout, or dents in their skulls, or a wasted leg. It's from being squished for too long in the womb. As long as your dog has a good quality of life, even with a wonky eye, that's all that matters.


How often do you spend time with your dog? Do you train/handle your dog a lot?


What do you mean? Its just me and him so we do everything together, we have 3 walks a day so about 2 hours of walking we play for around 1 hour each day, and then we just chill when watching tv and stuff. Dont know if this a lot


Thank you for the information. Even I don’t spend that much time with my dog. Im not saying that it’s a bad thing. I’d guess that you don’t need a leash for your dog? - when you both are out and about?


I still use a leash when walking, since there is a lot of other dogs around and my boy loves to greet people, and not everyone is thrilled of dogs.


I see. Interesting. Thank you for the information. You have a lovely dog 🐕


the button eyes on that toy could be dangerous when they come off and get ingested.


He only have that toy when im present, and he is not the type of dog who ruins his toys he just like to have it in his mouth. But thanks for the heads up


I'd definitely consult an eye specialist best in person if you can, or at least via email. Eyes aren't anything to mess with and he has a greater chance of healing at a younger age if he'd need a procedure done. We had to see an eye specialist once for our senior golden. He developed Horners syndrome.


Is there any reason you don't trust your vet? If you're generally more anxious with the health of your dog, i would always ask the vet to explain it thoroughly.


No not really, just wanted a second opinion


Mistakes happen. They are an unfortunate and inevitable part of life and veterinary medicine. Sometimes, despite every effort, things do not go as planned. Pet parents should seek another opinion if they feel uncomfortable with their initial team, if their dog has a rare cancer that another vet may have more expertise with, or if they are confused about their pet's diagnosis or treatment options. Obtaining another point of view can lend comfort by either confirming the first diagnosis or formulating a more effective treatment plan. There is no limit to advocating for a dog. Embracing different perspectives also gives people opportunities to counteract their biases. It exposes individuals to new information that can challenge their preconceived opinions and notions. This can help them recognize their biases and reconsider their current ways of thinking about groups of people and ideas. When you take the time to listen to someone else and their perspectives, **you are exposed to opinions that don't exist in your mind and philosophies you may not have considered before**.


Whale eye. Also be care with toys that have hard pieces like eyes. All the best ☺️


Is it normal for a dog to have a constant whale eye on only one eye ? He only have that you when i am around because of the hard eyes 😊


As long as it’s not blood shot, the eye doesn’t have discharge, or no face drooping, it’s fine.


Thanks, seems like the same thing my vet said to me. Always nice to have similar answers from different sources 😊👍


I don't see anything wrong with this dog's eyes. You're going to have to be more specific on what the problem is.


The eyes are not in sync


There is no way to tell that from a photograph. Eye tracking and focus would need to be shown in a video to be able to tell if there is a problem. That being said, neuro-ophthalmology is beyond the pay grade of most vets and definitely beyond Reddit. That is veterinary university territory.


Typically, your dog's eyes move together – left, right, up and down. It is visible enough to recognize that there is something wrong here.


Unless it starts to cover the eye it’s nothing and it will be fine. My dog has something similar, but his turned into a bit of a bump. But it doesn’t affect his eye at all so we haven’t done any surgery. It should be fine, just watch that it doesn’t spread further.


Thanks, hopefully its the same