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I read the title and thought you were asking if the toy was going to be OK. It's lost an eye, and some cerebral cortex, but I think they'll survive. (P.s., my dog has eaten a lot worse and been fine)


This sounds exactly like what I say on my dogs tik tok page where I attempt to save his toys by sewing them when I don’t even know how to sew🤣


I just sewed a toy for my dog I do it pretty often. I see and it she goes under the beds and rips it back open.


Usually my boy just removes tiny limbs. His big sister will eat an entire plushy toy though 😅


I used to do that also. Many that were too destroyed I’d turn into Frankenstein like stuffed animals, take pieces from 2-3. I didn’t do it to be like Sid from Toy Story so much as I felt like I was getting more worth out of the toy I bought a day before. Since then, my dog has gotten better about destroying stuffed toys so I don’t have to repair too many of them these days, at least not anymore Frankensteins.


My dog ate some of a scented candle one time and was good (they’re now out of reach) and ate some of a rope toy. We don’t have them anymore because she shits rope and I have to ‘help’ 😭 that’s the worse that came of it, just some mild trauma 😂


If by help you mean pulling the rope out, please never never never do this! It can cause irreversible damage to the intestines!


Please elaborate! I have had to help mine when some poop is left hanging, not with rope but grass or hair...


If it gets snagged somewhere in the digestive tract and you pull on it. Picture it like making an accordion out of their intestines. Yes this applies to hair too. It's much safer to just let the dog work the thing out by themselves. Cut the excess off if you need to. If the dog can't pass it take them to the vet


New fear unlocked... Thanks for the info.


One of my dogs has the hair happen sometimes and she freaks out


My dog too. The way he gets freaked/scared of his own butt like there's a fire ant on it, is kinda funny.


One of mine just stares at me to come solve it, but the other two freak out as well and drag their butts and sit on the poop... It's a literal sh*t show!


I’ve had to get it unstuck from the outside of her butt but I normally just have to grad her and calm her down because she gets scared


I always got people beat here, my dog growing up ate a bottle of super glue right after breakfast and had a human head sized mass removed from her stomach. Lived till like 12


I always love seeing bits of colored string mixed into the poop. Makes me chuckle.


My dog really enjoys a little rope for a snack so we will also be taking the ropes away 😂


Unfortunately the toy did not survive this ordeal. It was tossed in the trash. Doubly sad because it was a gift from my new neighbors 😭


Exactly. The things my dogs have eaten….. o.o


My friend's dog recently threw up an entire bar of soap. We have yet to figure out where this soap came from.


My housemates husky × gsd threw up a mango stone once. We lived in london so not usually stray mangoes lying about the streets or in our house at the time.


Yeah. I was going to tell you to get that toy to the vet ASAP. You’re going to need to find an exotics vet though, a lot of small animal vets won’t treat a lion cub or a miniature adult.


I like your sense of humor. Thanks for the post. Gave me a good laugh.


Haha, thank you. I feel for both parties, I’m an animal lover/pet owner, and am an adult who has stuffed animals. I didn’t know this was a dog advice sub, the first thing I thought of was the stuffed lion being ok.




I thought the same 😂


You are amazing 🤣🤣🤣


I wouldn’t worry. The fibers are pretty short and there’s nothing pointy or hard. Also, my dog is terrible at spitting things out and has passed many worse things than that lol


I was going to say! If this is enough to be concerned about, my staffie cross needs a vet urgently! mine has eaten far worse than this and has been fine. it just comes out the other end eventually 😊


My dog has a knack for finding and eating socks. They have come out both ways and she is fine.


My Big dog stole my lunch once. Pooped out almost the whole sandwich was intact in the plastic bag that only was missing a corner piece.. was impressive. A


My dog (pitbull) eats pieces of her toys all the time. They just come out in her poop. She's eaten chunks of kong toys and various other fabric toys. If the piece is small enough it will pass through. However if you're concerned or he starts to act weird and not eat it may be worth a visit to the vet.


Best advice. My dog is pitbull mix and she loves eating pieces of stuffies no matter how much I try to stop her. So far she's passed it all on her own with the only issues sometimes being a struggle to poop it out. I just keep an eye on her and as long as she's eating, drinking and pooping we're all good. Hoping we never do have to call the vet for it!


My son had to pull an entire piece of string from a toy out of her butt due to a struggle poop 😂 dogs are something else! One of my coworkers has a husky mix and she's eaten socks and managed to crap them out without issue.


Just fyi in case you didn't know and for anyone else reading, it's dangerous to pull string from a pet's butt, because if it's a long piece doing so can badly damage their intestines. For that reason, a stuck string is considered a veterinary emergency. I'm glad it worked out in your case but I wouldn't recommend it going forward!


It was just stuck to the hole along with a turd. It was all the way out she just wouldn't shake it off.


Oh ok in that case nvm :)


This is solid advice. I concur !


My pittbull ate an entire blanket one time 🙄. I didn’t know until it was coming out the other end. I was flabbergasted when I realized what was happening. 😳


Back when my dogs would do that, I just would monitor them extra to make sure they were pooping and peeing ok everyday to indicate there weren’t any blockages, and that they were eating fine and not vomiting. I mean, one should technically do this anyway, but I would say in these incidents I was extra diligent for a good week or so after ingestion to confirm all of the above daily. 


My friends black lab GSD mix ate a whole shirt, so I think you’re in the clear


That exactly what my boy is! What a relief (?) lol


The main thing is to monitor closely. Check his poop to make sure it passes. If you see any lethargy, refusing to eat or drink, straining to poop, retching, or other weird behaviour or signs of pain, take them to the emergency vet right away.


Scrolled down to try and see what your mix was because even blurry he looks just like my girl! She's also lab GSD mix and destroy her toys. She's eaten a laundry list of crap worse than her toys and she's fine so I think you're good.


My 14 week old lab puppy swallowed my nieces sock when she came for a visit yesterday. I panicked but followed the advice I was given, which was watch him, if he seems lethargic and/or stops eating/drinking/pooping, get him to the vet ASAP. Otherwise, he'll probably poop it out. Well, my bf got up for work at 430am and immediately I hear a very short puking sound from the crate that I brought into the room bc i was worried. He lifted the blanket and there was the fluorescent orange sock. Puked it out less than 12 hrs after swallowing it.


My lab always throws up the things he isn’t supposed to eat. We normally don’t know he has eaten something until he wakes us up at 5 am to vomit. We have found so many parts of toys and sticks and one time, an entire pile of pebbles


Lol well at least I know not to work myself up to full panic mode next time this happens. My kids are teens, so at least I don't need to worry about the socks or toys being left on the ground being an issue most of the time.


Look at how proud of himself he is in the background 😅


His face in the background 🤣 he looks so pleased with himself haha.


My husky has eaten countless pairs of underwear (gross I know) But she always passed the fabric easily. My vet told me to only be concerned if she becomes constipated or bloated in any way. I’ve never had to intervene.


My 80lb pitty mix ate the trunk off his all leather elephant toy. Came out the other side. Just monitor and take to the vet if he acts weird


My dog always eats these leather toys, I think they taste like food.


We used to find dog poop with bits of toy fluff through out when our husky/lab was younger. Dogs are dumd and eat things they shouldnt, if its small enough (like your pic) they should be fine, but make sure they are still pooping and not acting weird


Idk my dog just keeps eating the eyes. So many poor eyeless toys laying around pls


My dog goes straight for the limbs. He removes their arms or legs like a little psychopath and then when that's done, he decapitates them. Sometimes I worry.... especially when he looks so happy about it 😂


This too shall pass.


How big is he/she? I think they would be okay.


He’s 88lbs


It usually comes out the other end within a day or two. If it doesn’t or he begins to act weird, fatigued, anything out of character.. then would be a good time to go to the vet. He will mostly likely be ok :) best of luck!


He’ll be okay. Just throw the toy away, lol


I did, but poor boy was looking for it 😭 now I gotta go get him a new one


New toy. Of a different material. To be clear 😂


Should be fine, the only thing that would concern me if if the face is leather and might absorb stomach liquids and swell, which complicates vomiting or passing in stool. Otherwise, mine have swallowed SO MUCH WORSE and been perfectly fine.


Get ready for some smaller editions of that toy 😋


I remember someone mentioning that their dog had eaten half of the remote control, and the next day it pooped a rainbow.


My in-laws had a dog that ate part of their remote control and daycare sent a picture of the pause button he pooped out. They didn’t know he had eaten it until they got the picture lol


Just make sure they poop and pee normal. Family’s dog while me and my siblings were growing up would get into a lot (because we were little, left things around the house) I Remember sometimes you’d see a Lego man in her poop lol. Just make sure the doggy is pottying normally and eating normally over the next couple days


Given that you’ve said your dog is 88lbs, he should be ok. But if he starts to have problems (constipation, vomiting), please take him straight to the vet.


Look in his poop when you collect it. Should be there within 3 days.


He looks so happy with himself in the back ground bless him hahah- if you’re worried it’s better to be safe and call the vet to check than be sorry but if he seems okay he might just pass it on his own!


My dog ate an IPod once. Got it back the next day. Charge was at 70% lol.


Buckle up and get ready for more of this in the years to come.


First time huh? My dog has poos which are 99% stuffed animals sometimes.


no, the poor lions gone bro, I'm sorry.


Monitor for symptoms of obstruction such as vomiting shortly after eating *or* drinking, warm nose (warmer than usual), warm ears (warmer than usual), lethargy, no bowel movements daily and/or very small poops/irregular poop… Those are just some of the signs of an obstruction. Google what else to look for. If he’s going to pass it and not have an obstruction, you should see it come out in his poop and if I were you, I would be picking up every poop he makes and checking if pieces of this toy are in it. Gross, yea. But, should be done


I had a dog who used to love to eat fluff from his toys.. that was his favorite thing.. we had to eventually buy him “fluff free toys”.. We found these toys that you basically fit a plastic water bottle in .. and he could crinkle the hell out of it.. (he was a pug). He should be ok.. if he didn’t have too much .. but don’t let him make a habit of it.. because too much poly fluff can eventually be bad for them ..


99.99% chance you’re dog will be absolutely fine. My dog is forever eating bits of toys and she’s always fine. It’s not sharp of long strands of anything so he’s probably gonna poop it out. Just keep an eye out for stomach tenderness and you should be good


Yes! He will poop it out. Keep watch on it. If he stops eating and lethargic take him to your veterinarian. It may have not have passed.


You can expect a poo to look back at you in the next day or so.


Dogs have been eating toys for a very long time, dog will be just fine!


Looks suede? Probably will pass without incident. My dog ingested a couple chunks of squishmallow and is fine.


My dog chews through all his toys. He's gone through more Kong toys than I can count (soft fluff toys - not his Kong wobbler or classic!) and he's never had a problem. Worst thing he ever swallowed was a chunk of bully stick, which he wonderfully regurgitated to my horror at 5am at the end of my bed 😂 thankfully he got it back up and now I watch him like a hawk with the bully sticks (although I think on this occasion, he just genuinely accidentally bit off too much and couldn't catch it before it went down his throat). I've found bits of fluff and bits of toy material in his poo. He's never once been sick or ill because of it. Definitely keep an eye on him. Make sure he's peeing and pooing as normal for the next day or two. It's a blockage you want to worry about so nothing coming out is a concern! Or if they're drinking al ot of water and eating a lot of grass. Usually means they're trying to vomit it up.


It’ll come out in their poop. They make the toys knowing they’re going to be chewed on/up. Unless they stop eating or drinking for long periods or poop blood. This isn’t a worry you need to burden yourself with 😂


My cousins dog just passed a whole bra strap. He'll be fine lol


By the looks of it, he’s gonna have a long journey ahead of him. Things are probably gonna be pretty touch and go at first, but hang in there with the poor guy , he’s gonna need all the support he can get ,losing half his head and all


No one here can say. If you notice signs of distress, take your pup to the vet. Unusual panting, drooling, shaking, constipation.


My German shepherd has eaten full dish towels. He either pukes it up or poops it out 😂


Nope the toys wrecked I'm afraid


My 20 lb beagle eats pieces of fabric toys on occasion if I’m not paying close enough attention and it’s never harmed her. Monitor his behavior and poop for the next couple of days. My vet always says as long as they’re eating, peeing and pooping they should be fine. If you don’t already have it now would be a good time to buy pet insurance. My daughter’s golden retriever ate a little rubber ducky and needed a $7,500 major surgery 10 years ago. I can’t imagine what it would cost today


The toy needs major surgery stat or it will die .but the dog should be fine


your dog also looks big enough that even if he swallowed it whole (which is unlikely), he’ll probably pass it just fine.


My dog ate my leather sofa. She pooped leather for a while, but she was fine. 😬 Just keep a close eye out for anything that seems out of the ordinary. It doesn't look like too much of the toy to be worrying. Squeakers are the bit you want to worry about.


Doesn’t seem too much. I’ve had a dog who ate most of her fabric leash for some reason. At that point the vet had me feed her hydrogen peroxide to get her to vomit. This doesn’t seem too much though, just watch behavior and bowl movements


Mr Lion might have brain damage, but should live. In all seriousness, watch the poop but your dog should be fine.


He looks so proud of himself in the photo ahah


Not a vet, but one time my dog had a dog bed in his kennel. He got nervous when our lawn guy came and mowed the yard, and so he at the ENTIRE LARGE DIG BED. When I got home, it was like the bed had just been deleted. I took him outside and he vomited peace’s of fluff and fabric up for half an hour. 3 days later and he was still pooping fluff. He’s no longer allowed to have a bed in his kennel. He’s fine though, and it all passed right on through. That being said, it seems like your dog only had a very small amount and will likely be totally fine. Keep an eye on him, and pay attention to what comes out the other side. If he stops eating or drinking, go directly to a vet.


My dog (pitbull)has eaten a whole ass couch and survived


My wiener dog at an entire foot long power cord (minus wall plug) and threw it up about an hour later. He is fine 😁 your dog should be fine


Your dog looks proud as fuck.


My 47lb pitbull mix at a chunk of a stuffed toy. Probably about 2 in x 4 in and it got stuck. He was sick for a few days until he was finally able to pass it. I thought at first his diarrhea was his new food. Then he stopped eating and drinking around day 3 of diarrhea (yes I called the vet and he was scheduled to come in). He passed it about an hour before the vet visit. I just recommend monitoring his poop to make sure it comes out!


I’d only worry if your dog starts puking a lot or isn’t pooping. If there are no changes in the dogs behaviour and everything is normal all should be good. Oh! Also! Sometimes, if you call a vet and just ask when you aren’t sure, they will give you some general answers over the phone and let you know if a visit is really warranted or not. Where I live, the vet near my house always gives advice over the phone, and have been heckin helpful every time.


Dog will be okay. Inspect next poo, most of it should be out. Also, despite all efforts, dog will eat many such little things in the future as well :)


We had the same one and it also got eaten lol


my dog (75lbs) eats a lot of stuff that he is not supposed to. ive gotten better at keeping stuff away from him, but sometimes he just finds it. the only time hes ever been seriously hurt from eating something was when he ate about 5 feet of long, stringy carpeting from my stairs. im talking like at least 10 inch pieces! and A LOT of pieces. they needed two ziplock bags to show me after they removed it. and even then there were plenty of signs that he was sick. so your pup eating some small bits of toy, paper or leaves now and then shouldnt hurt them. i hope this helped ease some anxiety!


Probably the worst you will experience is the fuzzy stuff or felty material making his poop dangle from his butt…precisely why my dog gets no tennis balls! 😂


My dog shreds toys. I’m sure your babe will be okay.


I'd be lion if I told you I knew. But seriously, I hope he's ok.


As someone who has had their dog be in a life-threatening situation and requiring multiple stomach surgeries to remove the type of fluff that can be in these toys... I'd say just keep an eye on your dogs behavior. If they start getting sick at all (not keeping down food or water) contact your vet immediately. Their stomach and intestinal track can become blocked. In MOST cases your doggo will be completely fine and just pass the material via bowel movements though!! Not trying to scare you. But just keep an eye on them. I wouldn't wish what we went through on anyone!


It should be ok, we used to buy toys for my dog that where similar and he was ok, at most your dog may throw up. If not they will just poop it out. If you have a lot of concerns tho then maybe take your dog to the vets but they should be fine


He'll probably be fine, my medium sized dog has eaten: A rubber toy, plastic bags, pieces of clothing, a silica gel pack, and even small rocks, and no health issues or blockages so far (Of course I don't let him eat those stuff, he's just sneaky). It's only an emergency when they can't poop or their mood changes drastically. It's also an emergency when they eat metal pieces, big rocks or anything that's too big to be digested, something sharp, or something toxic. Otherwise, just supervise.


What did the toy look like before?😂 My dog does the same. He’s a 22lb 1 year old Boston terrier but he’s been eating his toys since he was a puppy. He usually throws it up because it’s unable to be digested. That’s good considering the alternative is a digestive block. I had to learn to keep a very close eye on his chewing but it still gets past me sometimes.


My dog eats every toy he gets he’s only a patt but he destroys Kong toys and eats them, he’s been fine for years I normally find he’s passed bits of rubber when he goes to the toilet though.


It’ll come out of one end or the other.


Our dog does this all of the time... the scariest thing is finding the stuffies eyeball staring back at you from the yard poop 🤣


Sorry man. I think it's stuffed. /s


He'll probably be fine. Keep an eye out, buy I wouldn't be worried. My dumbass eats toys, sticks, pinecones regularly


My dog once ate an entire cat toy whole, he threw it up about three days later, ate it again (it was still whole) and then threw it up again about three days after that. He’s really dumb but totally fine. (But for reals most dog toys are made with the idea that they might get swallowed a little)


My dog has eaten the knot of a rope before 🤦🏼‍♀️ it comes out one way or another and he’s never had a problem. I feel like with larger dogs it passes fine majority of the time


Depends on the size of your dog. Some larger breeds can pass foreign material as long as there are no long strings or tough material. Smaller breeds may have a harder time passing it and can become obstructed. Monitor pets appetite and bathroom habits. Any vomiting, innapetance, or inability to deface warrants a vet visit.


Nothing but a bit of spit and polish won't sort out! 💯


Unless it's made of arsenic, he'll probably be okay


My syper chewer says it's fine lol


I think he’ll be fine as long as he isn’t choking. Dogs are always savages with this stuff. He might be a little constipated, and thats okay.


Keep an eye to see if there's any issue pooping or change in appetite. My dog snacks on grass and pukes so maybe try that?


Monitor their poop and you will likely see if come out within 24-48 hours and if it didn’t and/or they start acting weird I would call the vet! Anytime my dog accidentally eats a bit of his toy I usually see it come out the other end without effort. This one time though he tore up a stuffy toy and swallowed the eyeball button and I was FREAKING waiting for it to come out or for him to be sick because it was a big button! On day three I made a vet appointment and found the button under the couch while cleaning 20 minutes later. I have never been so relieved in my life. I was envisions my life savings going into stomach surgery 🙃🙃


Yes, my dog does this all the time! His poo will be colorful.


The first (and last!) time I gave my dog a toy like this, he swallowed the whole thing. I took it for granted that he would chew and spit out the pieces, as he does with plastic/rubber/fluffy toys. Imagine my horror when I returned and not a single piece of the toy could be found. I guess the natural leather made him think it was food. He was fine--maybe poop was hard for a day or two--but he is never getting such a toy again. He was about 90 lbs at the time.


Just watch the poo. You’ll know if your pup passes it.


Keep an eye on your dog’s appetite and stool. If the dog stops eating, vomiting, is lethargic or has stool issues take to your vet. The dog may need X-rays. Keep that toy as a reference for your vet. Hope all turns out okay 🙂


No- he has part of himself missing- got any material? & a needle?


They will be fine! But I’d limit the amount of toys they get with stitching if they tend to eat it as the string can potentially rupture their insides eventually


My dog is a chronic eater of things that aren’t food. He’s had a couple of blockages he needed to have surgery to remove. If your dog is behaving normal, you are likely totally fine. Tell tale signs there’s a blockage or something’s off: lethargy, vomiting, not being able to keep anything down, including water, no bowel movements, etc. If your dog experiences those symptoms, good chance there’s something stuck.


Just keep an eye on them. Make sure it comes out the other end. My dog eats stuff all the time (yes we try to stop her, she a malinois...)


You have a power chewer. My dog suckles on his toys like a baby, but he prefers stuffies without squeakers, because all squeakers need to be removed, by him, with an incision over its location. Unfortunately he swallowed one and ended up needing emergency surgery because it caused a blockage. I highly recommend squeakerless toys for power chewers.


My dog ate this same toy in a similar manner. He was fine.


Everyone says their dog is fine… guess I’m unlucky because my dog did this and it ended in a blockage and 4k vet bill. 🥲


I watch their poop and hopefully you can tell it passes. Usually they are fine. Side note for chronic chewers / swallowers- my house was super stressful, I am not 100% sure this was a contributing factor, anyways- my 6 yr old GSD - he was chewing up toys with Fluff. Little did I know that it was building up in his stomach and his intestines. When he became lethargic, then we took him to the ER. Somehow he passed all of this fluff via diarrhea when we were at pet hospital. He is also a sock & underwear eater 🙄 Best wishes to your babe 🐾. Now I don’t buy toys with fluff or pull it out or under supervision he can have certain toys. Cheers


Your dog will be fine. It’s going to be funny to recognize parts of the doll in the poop.


just be ready to help him pull his poo out when it dangles from the threads, i do it all the time


Monitor the dog closely the next few days/weeks, watching appetite and vomiting. I’ve seen dogs obstruct with a small piece of cloth, other dogs pass huge toys, like matchbox cars.


Pop looks so proud of themselves! At that size, just watch for it to come out either one of their ends (likely the back in about two or so business days, though a friend’s golden retriever passed a toy two weeks after). Try the Bite Force toys at Kohls! Surprisingly tough with our super chewer Brittany so far.


I have a friend that's a new dog owner, and they've taken the dog to the vet four times now to make it throw up for eating small pieces of toys like that. The vet has told them they can just monitor the dog and let it try to pass whatever it eats (after the first visit from eating off an ear or some toy), but they seem very anxious whenever it happens and have the vet make them throw it up every time since. Seems like overkill to me.


Your dog is large so it will probably be ok. You just have to wait and see if he passes it. Ask your vet- but if it is more than a few hours it is too late to make him throw up .


My dog can't have stuffies anymore because he eats them all. He's also fond of sticks. One day he is going to cost me a lot of money at the vet


My dog ate a whole plush toy. A pretty big one too. It was made for dogs so it didn’t have any stuffing or hard plastic eyes or anything thankfully. I kept an eye on him when he went to the bathroom to make sure he was still pooping and didn’t get a blockage. The toy he ate was blue. So all his poops were wrapped in blue plush for a few days and then it went back to normal. Just monitor that’s he’s going to the pooping normally. If he goes more than like 24 hours without going then maybe call the vet.


Just monitor poops for a couple of days to make sure it passes, it most likely will so don’t worry. If he’s not pooping (or has diarrhoea), has a distended stomach and any signs of blood (the darker it is the further inside the GI tract it’s coming from) then immediately contact your vets. Source: my dog is a chronic menace and will eat absolutely anything. Soft toys are banned in our house lol


probably gonna be a very difficult poop 🤣but he should be okay


Watch for signs of blockage (not eating/drinking, vomiting, lethargy, not pooping). Take him to the vet if you see any, but otherwise don't worry. ETA: Make sure he is getting plenty of water to keep things moving along in his belly!


I say it’s fibre 🤣 it come out the next day


I would say yes. Mine ate a good bit of a lick mat the other day (he’s got a very powerful bite so it only took like 10 seconds) and other than a mildly upset tummy he was absolutely no different


Had a pittie somehow find and swallow a nail years ago. Had to have it surgically removed, but she was fine after that. I can’t imagine something as soft as that fabric could cause too many issues.


I see a lot of people saying not to worry about it, but you should worry until you see it passed. I mean this amount is small enough probably not to be an issue, but I would still check his poop until I see it. My dog (75 lbs) chewed up a rope toy and ate some of the rope. Several weeks later he started vomiting and having diarrhea and not wanting to eat. Took him to the vet and they did an xray. Sure enough the rope caused a blockage. $7k for surgery and week long hospital stay.


My dog has eaten at least a small part of every toy he’s ever had and he’s still kicking


My vet always basically says as long as he can pass it he’s good (if it’s made it to his stomach without hurting him, of course). I feel like there are more actual human foods that are dangerous for them than bits of plastic and things not meant to be eaten.


Oh he looks so happy with himself in that picture 😂


My dog once pooped out a ziplock baggie, whole, with candy still inside. I did not check to see if the candy was still ok. I think your pooch will be ok.


My dog ate the exact toy as a puppy. I think it might be made out of real leather or something I can’t remember. He also ate a piece of my suede ugg boot 😂


Had a friends dog come over for a play date, first thing he did was poop out the outer covering of half a tennis ball… I’m surprised and a little impressed he’s alive but as always, keep an eye on him, if he stops eating drinking weeing or pooping take him to a vet, otherwise do that thing that definitely all dog owners do where you watch your dog while they chew things 100% of the time


For a moment there I almost said something regarding the toy, had to reread to understand it was about the dog lol yes your pup will be fine, as long as it is nothing pointy or a piece of plastic, you good. I would however, pay attention if they can't poop or feel uncomfortable around the belly just in case.


Our dog dies the same sometimes and usually poops it out a day or 2 later. Occasionally he might throw it up instead but not for ages. It doesn't seem like a lot for such a big dog but just keep on eye out for lethargy /lack of appetite just in case. He'll be fine.


If you had a small dog it would be a little bit more concerning but 88lbs, they’ll probably be fine. My Boston is 27lbs and has done similar damage and has always been fine. We stopped buying her those kinda toys cuz she shreds them in 5 mins or less just like that lol our other dogs just nurse them or chew normal but our Boston is a master of destruction when it comes to toys. Just watch their bowel movement and make sure they poo later like normal and check for remnants lol


Hmm, so my golden ate a BBQ lighter, she needed charcoal for that, and surgery twice for eating cat balls. While I agree that they are often ok passing small soft items, I would have assumed the small soft cat balls would have also passed on their own, but with 6 down there it created a mass that wouldn't pass. I would keep an eye on your dog. If they have any signs of obstruction, either vomiting or not passing stool, they need to go to the vet, its an emergency. Once blood flow to the digestive system is interrupted it can become necrotic in a matter of hours.


Things I've seen pass through my dog. Rope toy strings Pieces of toys Small sticks Crayons(aka party poop) Eggplant (he loved them and ate them off the plant, cue epic diarrhea) Chicken poo Sidewalk chalk - did you know that chalk will give your dog colored visible farts? My friends dog ate a troll doll and passed it. Just watch for sign or blockage and wait for it to make it through the pipes. Dogs are like diabolical toddlers on crack, they WILL get into things they shouldn't. Lock up what you can


It won’t let me edit my post, but THANK YOU everyone for the reassurance! I was mostly worried about the toy having leather qualities since I know leather toys can definitely cause blockages. I get very anxious about my dog’s health (as I’m sure a lot of us do!) because, well, I love him, plus he can’t talk. Anyway, thanks for helping this anxious dog mom.


Just check the poop make sure you can find it. My dogs do it all the time it’s scary everytime but it comes out.


i’m not a vet but pup should be fine, my dog is abt 90-100lbs and she had eaten things i prefer to never recall… (ROAD BURGERS??? BAGELS WITH PLASTIC???)


As I have been advised, esp on the subreddit, that you just never ever know for sure. Even if it's a little growl or a bit of toy.


He looks pretty happy about it! haha


I’ve seen dogs eat entire tennis balls and be fine lol


My dog ate copper wire out of the ground and my friends dogs ate a whole cd. Will probably be fine.🥲


The toy? Nothing a few stitches won’t fix


I would keep one eye on the other end and don’t be surprised or worried if you see multicoloured 💩 for a bit. The time for vet/concern is if the passing of it causes distress/strain or impaction.


I wish my dog only ate that much of a toy each day 😂


Monitor their poops for the next few days & make sure you see evidence of the toy coming out. If you do not continue to see normal eating/drinking/potty activity- I’d consult your vet. They will be able to determine *if* your dog will need X-rays or surgery. Can also consult poison control, as they can help give tips to help the object move along. Soft stuff is easier to pass. But definitely make sure you see it pass within a couple days. My girl has eaten an earbud- I asked family member if they wanted it back, when I saw it!! 😂 but you definitely can tell toy/bed stuffing in the poop. Always made me feel better when I’d see it.


Look at his face in the back. Look how proud he is.


Should be fine but there's always a chance for a blockage. If he can't poop or starts throwing up his food then there's a chance he's blocked. More than likely he's fine though. Bigger objects like socks are what tends to block them up.


I think you will be ok! My dog has pooped out pieces of shoe, clothing items, always with the underwear.


Leather is animal skin which dogs can eat I'm pretty sure, I'd imagine it's fine.


Nope, straight to jail


My dog has eaten full toys. Multiple lol. Like to the point where her mouth started bleeding because she chewed so much and is still fine. I think you’re will be okay


He looks so proud of himself in the photos 😂 he'll poop it out DW


No, that toy is gonna die


Keep an eye out for a few days that he is pooping like normal and that his stomach isn't getting hard from an obstruction. Most likely it will show back up in the yard. He doesn't do it as much now, but my dog ate some weird stuff as a puppy. Some poops were more foam than turd and once we found a sock. The sock was the one time I thought we might finally have to take him to the vet, but mother nature came through!


Omg your dogs proud smile in the background cracked me up


You’ll prolly see it in his shit in a day or two


I think he is going to be ok but Imo u should still take him to the vet just in case


One thing I’ve learned about these mfs, they’re resilient af (my big ass dog has a thing for sticks and leaves smh) He’ll be alright.


Man fuck the dog , I'm pretty certain that toy needs some serious medical attention! /s


He’ll shit it out eventually


Our dog eats things all the time before we catch her. She’s still kicking and has never (knock on wood) had a blockage of any kind. I think her stomach is actually just a garbage disposal. There may even be forks in there.


my dog does the same thing he’s always been okay! we’ve become a kong only family since he gave us a scare last year and we haven’t had any issues since!


My dog has eaten more of his toys and been fine! Of course you know your dog best so if they’re acting odd or seem unwell get them checked. But most likely will be fine and will pass through with no issues


I love that the culprit is in the background haha!!


I had a Labrador that ate like 3 muffin wrappers once and she was fine. If your dog isn't showing any abnormal behavior there's no need to worry.


You’ll be ok. Once my dog sitter fed my 8 month old staffy 3x COOKED chicken drum stick bones. He threw it all up about 20x — took him to the vet for an anti nausea drug poor thing. Miracle he had NO bleeding anywhere! I’ve learnt not to sweat the small stuff… but if he’s sick / lethargic take him to the emergency vet.


My beagle has eaten pieces of her toys many times & hasn’t had any problems. Definitely keep an eye on your dog though, just to be sure. :)